Exemple #1
    public void FlipViaRotate(Gesture gesture)
        if (gesture.pickedObject.tag == "PuppetBaseObject")            // select intended target - this needs to be consistent
        //float currentXScale =

        //float currentXRotation = puppetBaseController.transform.localRotation.x;
        //float currentYRotation = puppetBaseController.transform.localRotation.y;
        //float currentZRotation = puppetBaseController.transform.localRotation.z;

        //iTween.ScaleTo(puppetBaseController,iTween.Hash("name", "flipX", "x", -currentXScale, "y", currentYScale, "z", currentZScale, "time", flipSpeed, "EaseType", "EaseInQuad"));

            iTween.RotateTo(puppetRoot, iTween.Hash(
                                "rotation", new Vector3(0f, yRot, 0f),
                                "time", .5f,
                                "onstart", "toggleIsKinematic",
                                "onstarttarget", gameObject,
                                "oncompletetarget", gameObject,
                                "oncomplete", "toggleIsKinematic"

            flipCount = flipCount + 1;
            if (flipCount % 2 != 0)
                Debug.Log("Puppet is rotated - we better invert some of the controls");
                twister = puppetBaseObject.GetComponent <QuickTwist>();
                twister.inverseAxisValue = true;
                yRot = 0f;
                twister = puppetBaseObject.GetComponent <QuickTwist>();
                twister.inverseAxisValue = false;
                yRot = 180f;
            //transform.localScale = new Vector3( -transform.localScale.x,  transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z);

            // notes local transform the root means there is an ofset if the heirarchy has moved away from the root. Instead - restructure the
            // heirarchy and use local transform on the base controller...

            Debug.Log("You're rotating the Puppet");

            //Rigidbody2D myRigidbody;
            //myRigidbody  = puppetBaseObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
            // pinching in space
            //Debug.Log("Picked Object:"+gesture.pickedObject.name+" on layer "+gesture.pickedObject.layer);
Exemple #2
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        QuickTwist t = (QuickTwist)target;


        t.quickActionName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Quick name", t.quickActionName);


        t.isGestureOnMe    = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Gesture over me", t.isGestureOnMe);
        t.enablePickOverUI = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Allow over UI Element", t.enablePickOverUI);


        t.actionTriggering  = (QuickTwist.ActionTiggering)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Triggering", t.actionTriggering);
        t.rotationDirection = (QuickTwist.ActionRotationDirection)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Twist direction", t.rotationDirection);

        if (t.actionTriggering == QuickTwist.ActionTiggering.InProgress)
            t.enableSimpleAction = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Enable simple action", t.enableSimpleAction);
            if (t.enableSimpleAction)
                t.directAction     = (QuickSwipe.DirectAction)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Action", t.directAction);
                t.axesAction       = (QuickSwipe.AffectedAxesAction)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Affected axes", t.axesAction);
                t.sensibility      = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Sensibility", t.sensibility);
                t.inverseAxisValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Inverse axis", t.inverseAxisValue);


        SerializedProperty twistAction = serializedObject.FindProperty("onTwistAction");

        EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(twistAction, true, null);

        if (GUI.changed)
                        #if UNITY_5_5 || UNITY_5_6
Exemple #3
    //public float speed;

    public void FlipViaScale(Gesture gesture)
        // improvement: dynamically parent all non-controller children
        // to controller 1 on flipviascale...

        //float originalPuppetRootXPosition = puppetRoot.transform.position.x;
        //float originalpuppetBaseXObject = puppetBaseObject.transform.position.x;
        //if (gesture.pickedObject.tag == "PuppetBaseObject" ) { // select intended target - this needs to be consistent
        // commented out due to remote workings - clicking on controller to flip BEWARE weirdness
        //float currentXScale =

        float currentXScale = puppetBaseController.transform.localScale.x;
        float currentYScale = puppetBaseController.transform.localScale.y;
        float currentZScale = puppetBaseController.transform.localScale.z;

        // the reparenting is in response to a varied heirarchy in
        // PuppetRoot_Wayang_Spring_Network_MT- Less Heirarchy
        // the arrangement gives additional physical simulation
        // but items need to be dynamicially reparent prior to 'flipping' via scale

        //LeanTween.scaleX(puppetBaseController, -currentXScale, flipSpeed);

        //LeanTween.scaleX(puppetBaseController, -currentXScale, flipSpeed).setOnStart( ()=>{ ReparentObjects(); }).setOnComplete( ()=> {UnparentObjects();});;
        if (flipX == true && flipY == false)
            //Debug.Log("You're flipping the Puppet on X");
            iTween.ScaleTo(puppetBaseController, iTween.Hash(
                               "name", "flipX",
                               "x", -currentXScale,
                               "y", currentYScale,
                               "z", currentZScale,
                               "time", flipSpeed,
                               "EaseType", "EaseInQuad",
                               "oncomplete", "UnparentObjects",
                               "onstart", "ReparentObjects",
                               "onstarttarget", gameObject,
                               "oncompletetarget", gameObject

        if (flipY == true && flipX == false)
            //Debug.Log("You're flipping the Puppet on Y");
            iTween.ScaleTo(puppetBaseController, iTween.Hash(
                               "name", "flipY",
                               "x", currentXScale,
                               "y", -currentYScale,
                               "z", currentZScale,
                               "time", flipSpeed,
                               "EaseType", "EaseInQuad",
                               "oncomplete", "UnparentObjects",
                               "onstart", "ReparentObjects",
                               "onstarttarget", gameObject,
                               "oncompletetarget", gameObject

        if (flipY == true && flipX == true)
            //Debug.Log("You're flipping the Puppet on XY");
            iTween.ScaleTo(puppetBaseController, iTween.Hash(
                               "name", "flipXY",
                               "x", -currentXScale,
                               "y", -currentYScale,
                               "z", currentZScale,
                               "time", flipSpeed,
                               "EaseType", "EaseInQuad",
                               "oncomplete", "UnparentObjects",
                               "onstart", "ReparentObjects",
                               "onstarttarget", gameObject,
                               "oncompletetarget", gameObject

        flipCount = flipCount + 1;
        if (flipCount % 2 != 0)
            //Debug.Log("Puppet is flipped - we better invert some of the controls");
            twister = puppetBaseObject.GetComponent <QuickTwist>();
            twister.inverseAxisValue = true;
            twister = puppetBaseObject.GetComponent <QuickTwist>();
            twister.inverseAxisValue = false;
        //transform.localScale = new Vector3( -transform.localScale.x,  transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z);

        // notes local transform the root means there is an ofset if the heirarchy has moved away from the root. Instead - restructure the
        // heirarchy and use local transform on the base controller...

        //Debug.Log("You're flipping the Puppet");

        //Rigidbody2D myRigidbody;
        //myRigidbody  = puppetBaseObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();