public void ShootBomb(Vector2 dir, Vector2 spawn_pos)
        if (Arcane.singleton.SafeTake(ap_cost))
            GameObject obj = PoolManager.Spawn(bomb, spawn_pos, Quaternion.identity);
            SpawnMuzzleFlash(redFlash, spawn_pos, QuickMaths.VectorToAngle(dir.x, dir.y));
            obj.GetComponent <BombController>().damage = Random.Range(MinDmg(), MaxDmg() + 1);
            //obj.GetComponent<MissileController>().damage = Random.Range(MinDmg(), MaxDmg() + 1);
            ActionCamera.singleton.StartShake(.05f, .065f);

            switch (rune1)
            case Rune.Tremendous:
                obj.AddComponent <Tremendous>();

            case Rune.Bounce:
                obj.AddComponent <Bounce>();

            case Rune.Gas:
                obj.AddComponent <Gas>();

            switch (rune2)
            case Rune.Tremendous:
                obj.AddComponent <Tremendous>();

            case Rune.Bounce:
                obj.AddComponent <Bounce>();

            case Rune.Gas:
                obj.AddComponent <Gas>();

            if (rune1 == Rune.Tremendous || rune2 == Rune.Tremendous)
                obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f);
                for (int i = 0; i < obj.transform.childCount; i++)
                    obj.transform.GetChild(i).localScale = new Vector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f);
                obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f);
                for (int i = 0; i < obj.transform.childCount; i++)
                    obj.transform.GetChild(i).localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);

            obj.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(dir * speed);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get diffuse color and specular for the hit point with a specific light
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="light"></param>
        /// <param name="ray"></param>
        /// <param name="hit"></param>
        /// <param name="specular"></param>
        /// <param name="debug"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected Vector3 illuminateBy(Vector3 ppos, Light light, Ray ray, RayHit hit, ref Vector3 specular, bool debug)
            // Calclulate if we are within light range
            var   light_vec = ppos - hit.Position;
            float dist_sq   = Vector3.Dot(light_vec, light_vec);
            float intens_sq = light.LightCache.IntensitySq;

            if (dist_sq >= intens_sq * Constants.LIGHT_DECAY)

            // Create a shadow ray
            var dist = (float)Math.Sqrt(dist_sq);

            light_vec = light_vec / dist;
            var shadow_ray = new Ray(hit.Position + (light_vec * Constants.EPSILON), light_vec);

            var tmp = RayHit.Default();

            foreach (var o in World.Objects)
                if (o.Intersect(shadow_ray, ref tmp) && tmp.T < dist)
                    if (debug)
                        DebugData.ShadowRaysOccluded.Add(new Tuple <Ray, RayHit>(shadow_ray, tmp));
                    return(new Vector3());

            // Diffuse
            var materialColor = hit.Obj.Material.Texture == null
                ? hit.Obj.Material.Diffuse
                : hit.Obj.Material.Texture.GetColor(hit.Obj.GetUV(hit));
            var color = materialColor * Math.Max(0.0f, Vector3.Dot(hit.Normal, light_vec));

            // Inverse square law
            var light_powah = light.Intensity / (Constants.PI4 * dist_sq);

            light_powah *= light.AngleEnergy(light_vec.Normalized());

            // Specular will be used separately
            if (hit.Obj.Material.IsGlossy)
                var hardness = Math.Max(.0f, Vector3.Dot(-ray.Direction, QuickMaths.Reflect(-light_vec, hit.Normal)));
                specular += light.Colour * light_powah * hit.Obj.Material.Specular *
                            (float)Math.Pow(hardness, hit.Obj.Material.Shinyness);

            if (debug)
                DebugData.ShadowRays.Add(new Tuple <Ray, Vector3>(shadow_ray, ppos));
            return(light.Colour * color * light_powah);
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts joystick vector to rotation and updates the rotation of rotation_joint
    /// </summary>

    void RotatePlayerAim()
        Vector2 mouseDir = (Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) - rotation_joint.transform.position).normalized;

        float angle = QuickMaths.VectorToAngle(mouseDir.x, mouseDir.y);

        rotation_joint.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(rotation_joint.transform.localEulerAngles.x,
                                                                angle - 90);
Exemple #4
    Vector2 ShootDir()
        Vector2 mouseDir = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
        Vector2 shootDir = (mouseDir - (Vector2)spawn_point.position).normalized;

        float angle = QuickMaths.VectorToAngle(shootDir.x, shootDir.y);

        angle    = angle + Random.Range(-5f, 5f);
        shootDir = QuickMaths.AngleToVector(angle).normalized;

Exemple #5
        public void CameraRotate(Vector3 Angles)
            Angles.X %= 360;
            Angles.Y %= 360;
            Angles.Z %= 360;
            Angles.X  = QuickMaths.DegreeToRadian(Angles.X);
            Angles.Y  = QuickMaths.DegreeToRadian(Angles.Y);
            Angles.Z  = QuickMaths.DegreeToRadian(Angles.Z);
            rot       = Angles;
            Quaternion quaternion = new Quaternion(rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z);

    public void ShootMissile(Vector2 dir, Vector2 spawn_pos)
        if (Arcane.singleton.SafeTake(ApCost()))
            GameObject obj = PoolManager.Spawn(missile, spawn_pos, Quaternion.identity);
            obj.GetComponent <MissileController>().damage = Random.Range(min_dmg, max_dmg + 1);
            ActionCamera.singleton.StartShake(.05f, .04f);

            if (rune1 == Rune.BitterCold || rune2 == Rune.BitterCold)
                SpawnMuzzleFlash(missleBlueFlash, spawn_pos, QuickMaths.VectorToAngle(dir.x, dir.y));
                SpawnMuzzleFlash(missleRedFlash, spawn_pos, QuickMaths.VectorToAngle(dir.x, dir.y));

            switch (rune1)
            case Rune.BitterCold:
                obj.AddComponent <BitterCold>();

            case Rune.Nirvana:
                obj.AddComponent <Nirvana>();

            case Rune.Split:
                obj.AddComponent <Split>();

            switch (rune2)
            case Rune.BitterCold:
                obj.AddComponent <BitterCold>();

            case Rune.Nirvana:
                obj.AddComponent <Nirvana>();

            case Rune.Split:
                obj.AddComponent <Split>();

            obj.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(dir * speed);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Traces the ray if its inside an object which means its probably in refraction loop
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray"></param>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <param name="debug"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected Vector3 traceRayInside(Ray ray, Primitive obj, bool debug)
            if (ray.isOutside())
                return(TraceRay(ray, debug));                 // Should not happen anyway
            Vector3 ret             = Vector3.Zero;
            float   multiplier      = 1;
            float   absorb_distance = 0;

            // Do the refraction loop. Aka refract, reflect, repeat
            RayHit hit = RayHit.Default();

            while (ray.Depth < Settings.MaxDepth - 1 && multiplier > Constants.EPSILON)
                if (!obj.Intersect(ray, ref hit))
                    return(ret);                              // Should not happen either
                if (debug)
                    DebugData.RefractRays.Add(new Tuple <Ray, RayHit>(ray, hit));

                // Beer absorption
                absorb_distance += hit.T;
                var absorb = QuickMaths.Exp(-obj.Material.Absorb * absorb_distance);

                // Fresnel
                var reflect_multiplier = QuickMaths.Fresnel(obj.Material.RefractionIndex, Constants.LIGHT_IOR, ray.Direction, hit.Normal);
                var refract_multiplier = 1f - reflect_multiplier;

                // refract if its worth
                if (refract_multiplier > Constants.EPSILON)
                    ret += TraceRay(RayTrans.Refract(ray, hit), debug) * refract_multiplier * multiplier * absorb;

                ray         = RayTrans.Reflect(ray, hit);
                multiplier *= reflect_multiplier;

Exemple #8
        static void CoffeeTest()
            //MrCoffee lifesaver = new  MrCoffee();
            CoffeeMaker lifesaver = new CoffeeMaker();


            QuickMath qm = new QuickMath(5, 6);

            int x = new QuickMath(6, 7).Add();

            x = QuickMaths.add(5, 6);

            //int k = lifesaver.AddGrains(4000000);
 public void ReloadProjections(float asp)
     projection = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(QuickMaths.DegreeToRadian(_FOV), asp, .1f, renderDistance);
     ortho      = Matrix4.CreateOrthographic(10f, 10f, 100f, -100f);
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Trace the ray and go around the world in 80ns. Or more :S
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray"></param>
        /// <param name="debug"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Vector3 TraceRay(Ray ray, bool debug = false)
            Vector3 ret = Vector3.Zero;

            if (ray.Depth > Settings.MaxDepth)

            // Check for intersections
            RayHit hit = intersect(ray);

            if (hit.Obj == null)
                return(World.Environent == null ? Vector3.Zero : World.Environent.GetColor(ray));
            if (debug)
                DebugData.PrimaryRays.Add(new Tuple <Ray, RayHit>(ray, hit));

            // Calculate color and specular highlights. Pure mirrors dont have diffuse
            Vector3 specular = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 color    = Vector3.Zero;

            if (!hit.Obj.Material.IsMirror)
                color += illuminate(ray, hit, ref specular, debug);
                color += World.Environent.AmbientLight;

            // Different materials are handled differently. Would be cool to move that into material
            if (hit.Obj.Material.IsMirror)
                ret = TraceRay(RayTrans.Reflect(ray, hit), debug);
            else if (hit.Obj.Material.IsDielectic)
                var   n1 = ray.isOutside() ? Constants.LIGHT_IOR : hit.Obj.Material.RefractionIndex; // TODO: shorten this shizzle into a func
                var   n2 = ray.isOutside() ? hit.Obj.Material.RefractionIndex : Constants.LIGHT_IOR;
                float reflect_multiplier = QuickMaths.Fresnel(n1, n2, hit.Normal, ray.Direction);
                reflect_multiplier = hit.Obj.Material.Reflectivity + (1f - hit.Obj.Material.Reflectivity) * reflect_multiplier;
                float transmission_multiplier = 1 - reflect_multiplier;

                // Reflect if its worth it
                if (reflect_multiplier > Constants.EPSILON)
                    Ray  reflRay     = RayTrans.Reflect(ray, hit);
                    uint takeSamples = 0;
                    if (hit.Obj.Material.Roughness > 0.001f && ray.Refldepth <= 1)
                        takeSamples = Settings.MaxReflectionSamples;
                        takeSamples = 1;
                    //Take many samples for rough reflections
                    for (int i = 0; i < takeSamples; i++)
                        Ray localRay = reflRay;
                        localRay.Direction = RRandom.RandomChange(reflRay.Direction, hit.Obj.Material.Roughness);
                        ret += reflect_multiplier * TraceRay(localRay, debug);
                    ret /= takeSamples;
                if (transmission_multiplier > Constants.EPSILON)
                    if (hit.Obj.Material.IsRefractive)
                        var tmp_ray = RayTrans.Refract(ray, hit);
                        if (!float.IsNaN(tmp_ray.Direction.X)) // Happens rarely
                            ret += transmission_multiplier * traceRayInside(tmp_ray, hit.Obj, debug);
                        ret += transmission_multiplier * color;
                // Standard diffuse
                ret = color;

            return(ret + specular);