public void should_Evaluate_Numeric_Max_Only()
            //  <= 4

            var q3  = _form.Questions.First(x => x.Rank == 3);
            var obs = _encounter.Obses.First(x => x.QuestionId == q3.Id);

            _questionValidation = q3.Validations.First(x => x.ValidatorId.ToLower() == "Range".ToLower() && x.ValidatorTypeId.ToLower() == "Numeric".ToLower() && x.Revision == 0);

            _questionValidation.MinLimit = string.Empty;
            _questionValidation.MaxLimit = "4";
            obs.ValueNumeric             = 4;
            _responseMaxOnly             = new Response(obs.EncounterId, _encounter.ClientId, q3, obs);

            var isvalid = _questionValidation.Evaluate(_responseMaxOnly);

            Console.WriteLine($"{q3}={obs.ValueNumeric}  | {_questionValidation}");

            _responseMaxOnly.Obs.ValueNumeric = null;
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => _questionValidation.Evaluate(_responseMaxOnly));

            _responseMaxOnly.Obs.ValueNumeric = 5;
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => _questionValidation.Evaluate(_responseMaxOnly));
        public void should_Evaluate_Count_Range()
            //  1 to 4

            var q4  = _form.Questions.First(x => x.Rank == 4);
            var obs = _encounter.Obses.First(x => x.QuestionId == q4.Id);

            _questionValidation = q4.Validations.First(x => x.ValidatorId.ToLower() == "Range".ToLower() && x.ValidatorTypeId.ToLower() == "Count".ToLower() && x.Revision == 0);

            _questionValidation.MinLimit = "1";
            _questionValidation.MaxLimit = "4";
            obs.ValueMultiCoded          = $"{LiveGuid.NewGuid()},{LiveGuid.NewGuid()}";
            _responseMinMax = new Response(obs.EncounterId, _encounter.ClientId, q4, obs);

            var isvalid = _questionValidation.Evaluate(_responseMinMax);

            Console.WriteLine($"{q4}={obs.ValueMultiCoded}  | {_questionValidation}");

            _responseMinMax.Obs.ValueMultiCoded = String.Empty;
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => _questionValidation.Evaluate(_responseMinMax));

            _responseMinMax.Obs.ValueMultiCoded = null;
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => _questionValidation.Evaluate(_responseMinMax));

            _responseMinMax.Obs.ValueMultiCoded = $"{LiveGuid.NewGuid()},{LiveGuid.NewGuid()},{LiveGuid.NewGuid()},{LiveGuid.NewGuid()},{LiveGuid.NewGuid()}";
        public void SetUp()
            _liveSetting = new LiveSetting(_database.DatabasePath);
            var formRepository = new FormRepository(_liveSetting,
                                                    new QuestionRepository(_liveSetting,
                                                                           new ConceptRepository(_liveSetting, new CategoryRepository(_liveSetting))));

            _formId    = TestDataHelpers._formId;
            _form      = formRepository.GetWithQuestions(_formId, true);
            _encounter = TestHelpers.CreateTestEncountersWithObs(_form);

            _questionValidation = new QuestionValidation();

            //[ValidatorId] Required | Range
            //[ValidatorTypeId] None | Numeric | Count
        public void should_Evaluate_Required()
            var q1  = _form.Questions.OrderBy(x => x.Rank).First();
            var obs = _encounter.Obses.First(x => x.QuestionId == q1.Id);

            _questionValidation = q1.Validations.First(x => x.ValidatorId.ToLower() == "Required".ToLower() && x.Revision == 0);

            obs.ValueCoded    = Guid.NewGuid();
            _responseRequired = new Response(obs.EncounterId, _encounter.ClientId, q1, obs);

            var isvalid = _questionValidation.Evaluate(_responseRequired);

            Console.WriteLine($"{q1}={obs.ValueCoded}  | {_questionValidation}");

            _responseRequired.Obs.ValueCoded = null;
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => _questionValidation.Evaluate(_responseRequired));
Exemple #5
        public static void Initialize(IApplicationContext context)
            if (!context.EnsureCreated())
                return; //db was already created or error occurred
            var confirmed = new UserStatusType
                Name        = "Confirmed",
                Description = "The user has confirmed their email is active and is ready for opportunities.",
                CanApply    = true
            var userStatusTypes = new List <UserStatusType>
                new UserStatusType
                    Name        = "Submitted",
                    Description = "The user has signed up and needs to confirm their email is active and receiving messages from the system."
                new UserStatusType
                    Name        = "Banned",
                    Description = "The user has been banned from any opportunities."


            //add user
            var robsmitha = new User
                GitHubLogin      = "******",
                UserStatusTypeID = confirmed.ID


            //add company
            var gitCandidates = new Company
                GitHubLogin = "******"


            #region Response types
            var textResponse = new ResponseType
                Name        = "TextResponse",
                Description = "A write in response question that renders a text input field.",
                Input       = "text"
            var numberResponse = new ResponseType
                Name        = "NumberResponse",
                Description = "A write in response question that renders a number input field.",
                Input       = "number"
            var yesNo = new ResponseType
                Name        = "YesNo",
                Description = "A yes/no question that renders two yes/mp radio buttons.",
                Input       = "radio"

            #region Validation rules
            var isRequired = new ValidationRule
                Name        = "Is Required",
                Description = "The field in requierd",
                Key         = "isRequired"
            var minLength = new ValidationRule
                Name        = "Minimum Length",
                Description = "The field has a minimum length",
                Key         = "minLength"
            var maxLength = new ValidationRule
                Name        = "Maximum Length",
                Description = "The field has a maximum length",
                Key         = "maxLength"

            #region Yes/No test question
            var yesNoQ = new Question
                Label          = "Are you authorized to work in the U.S.?",
                CompanyID      = gitCandidates.ID,
                ResponseTypeID = yesNo.ID
            var yesNoQYes = new QuestionResponse
                Answer       = "Yes",
                QuestionID   = yesNoQ.ID,
                DisplayOrder = 1
            var yesNoQNo = new QuestionResponse
                Answer       = "No",
                QuestionID   = yesNoQ.ID,
                DisplayOrder = 2

            var yesNoQValidationIsRequired = new QuestionValidation
                QuestionID       = yesNoQ.ID,
                ValidationRuleID = isRequired.ID,

            #region Write in test question
            var numberResponseQ = new Question
                Label          = "How many years have you professionaly developed software?",
                CompanyID      = gitCandidates.ID,
                ResponseTypeID = numberResponse.ID,
                Placeholder    = "Years of experience",
                Minimum        = 0,
                Maximum        = 99

            var numberResponseQValidationIsRequired = new QuestionValidation
                QuestionID          = numberResponseQ.ID,
                ValidationRuleID    = isRequired.ID,
                ValidationRuleValue = "true"
            var numberResponseQValidationMaxLength = new QuestionValidation
                QuestionID          = numberResponseQ.ID,
                ValidationRuleID    = maxLength.ID,
                ValidationRuleValue = "2"


            #region Add jobs
            var jobApplicationStatusTypes = new List <JobApplicationStatusType>
                new JobApplicationStatusType
                    Name                = "Submitted",
                    Description         = "The application has been submitted.",
                    IsActiveApplication = true
                new JobApplicationStatusType
                    Name                = "Under Review",
                    Description         = "The application is under review.",
                    IsActiveApplication = true
                new JobApplicationStatusType
                    Name                = "Under Consideration",
                    Description         = "The application is under review by the company.",
                    IsActiveApplication = true
                new JobApplicationStatusType
                    Name                = "Scheduling Interview",
                    Description         = "The an interview is being schedules.",
                    IsActiveApplication = true
                new JobApplicationStatusType
                    Name        = "No Longer Under Consideration",
                    Description = "The application is no longer being reviewed."
                new JobApplicationStatusType
                    Name        = "Withdrawn",
                    Description = "The application has been withdrawn by the user."

            var intern = new SeniorityLevel
                Name        = "Intern",
                Description = "Internship level"
            var entry = new SeniorityLevel
                Name        = "Entry",
                Description = "Entry level"
            var midLvl = new SeniorityLevel
                Name        = "Mid-level",
                Description = "Middle level"
            var seniorLvl = new SeniorityLevel
                Name        = "Senior",
                Description = "Senior level"
            var lead = new SeniorityLevel
                Name        = "Lead",
                Description = "Senior level"
            var architect = new SeniorityLevel
                Name        = "Architect",
                Description = "Architect level"
            context.SeniorityLevels.AddRange(new [] { intern, entry, midLvl, seniorLvl, lead, architect });
            var fullTime = new JobType
                Name        = "Full-time",
                Description = "Full-time"
            var partTime = new JobType
                Name        = "Part-time",
                Description = "Part-time"
            var contract = new JobType
                Name        = "Contract",
                Description = "Contract"
            context.JobTypes.AddRange(new[] { fullTime, partTime, contract });

            var postHTML  = "<h4 id=&quot;summary&quot;>Job Summary</h4> <p>We develop a .NET software application implements a Domain Driven Design (DDD) pattern to help solve enterprise level problems.</p><p>We're looking for talented engineers to join our team.</p><strong>If this job sounds like you apply today!</strong>";
            var fullstack = new Job
                Name             = "Full Stack Engineer",
                Description      = "A .NET MVC frontend and MSSQL backend",
                CompanyID        = gitCandidates.ID,
                UserID           = robsmitha.ID,
                PostAt           = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5),
                PostHTML         = postHTML,
                AllowRemote      = false,
                TeamSize         = "10-50 People",
                MinSalary        = 90000,
                MaxSalary        = 120000,
                Travel           = "No",
                SeniorityLevelID = midLvl.ID,
                JobTypeID        = fullTime.ID,
            var frontend = new Job
                Name             = "Front End Engineer",
                Description      = "A frontend in ReactJS with Bootstrap4.",
                CompanyID        = gitCandidates.ID,
                PostAt           = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2),
                UserID           = robsmitha.ID,
                PostHTML         = postHTML,
                AllowRemote      = true,
                TeamSize         = "1-10 People",
                MinSalary        = 70000,
                MaxSalary        = 86000,
                Travel           = "No",
                SeniorityLevelID = entry.ID,
                JobTypeID        = partTime.ID,
            var senior = new Job
                Name             = "Senior Software Architect",
                Description      = "Senior Architect Angular frontend and CockroachDB backend",
                CompanyID        = gitCandidates.ID,
                PostAt           = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-4),
                UserID           = robsmitha.ID,
                PostHTML         = postHTML,
                AllowRemote      = false,
                TeamSize         = "50-100 People",
                MinSalary        = 75000,
                MaxSalary        = 96000,
                Travel           = "No",
                SeniorityLevelID = seniorLvl.ID,
                JobTypeID        = fullTime.ID,
            var cloud = new Job
                Name             = "Cloud Engineer",
                Description      = "Create and manage CI/CD pipelines and infrastructure.",
                CompanyID        = gitCandidates.ID,
                PostAt           = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-8),
                UserID           = robsmitha.ID,
                PostHTML         = postHTML,
                AllowRemote      = false,
                TeamSize         = "50-100 People",
                MinSalary        = 65000,
                MaxSalary        = 86000,
                Travel           = "No",
                SeniorityLevelID = lead.ID,
                JobTypeID        = fullTime.ID,
            var jobs = new List <Job>
                fullstack, frontend, senior, cloud

            var frontendLocations = new List <JobLocation>
                new JobLocation
                    City = "Tampa",
                    StateAbbreviation = "FL",
                    Latitude          = 27.950575,
                    Longitude         = -82.457176,
                    JobID             = frontend.ID
                new JobLocation
                    City = "Tallahassee",
                    StateAbbreviation = "FL",
                    Latitude          = 30.455000,
                    Longitude         = -84.253334,
                    JobID             = frontend.ID

            var cloudLocations = new List <JobLocation>
                new JobLocation
                    City = "Tallahassee",
                    StateAbbreviation = "FL",
                    Latitude          = 30.455000,
                    Longitude         = -84.253334,
                    JobID             = cloud.ID
                new JobLocation
                    City = "New York",
                    StateAbbreviation = "NY",
                    Latitude          = 40.712776,
                    Longitude         = -74.005974,
                    JobID             = cloud.ID

            var jobLocations = new List <JobLocation>
                new JobLocation
                    City = "Beverly Hills",
                    StateAbbreviation = "CA",
                    Latitude          = 34.077200,
                    Longitude         = -118.422450,
                    JobID             = fullstack.ID
                new JobLocation
                    City = "Redmond",
                    StateAbbreviation = "WA",
                    Latitude          = 47.751076,
                    Longitude         = -120.740135,
                    JobID             = senior.ID

            foreach (var job in jobs)
                context.JobApplicationQuestions.AddRange(new[] {
                    new JobApplicationQuestion
                        JobID        = job.ID,
                        QuestionID   = yesNoQ.ID,
                        DisplayOrder = 1,
                    new JobApplicationQuestion
                        JobID        = job.ID,
                        QuestionID   = numberResponseQ.ID,
                        DisplayOrder = 2
                context.JobBenefits.AddRange(new[] {
                    new JobBenefit
                        JobID       = job.ID,
                        Name        = "Exciting open source projects",
                        Description = "We don’t work on dull and boring projects. Ever."
                    new JobBenefit
                        JobID       = job.ID,
                        Name        = "Flexible working hours",
                        Description = "Possibility for remote work, home office, and flexible hours during the day."
                    new JobBenefit
                        JobID       = job.ID,
                        Name        = "Learning and development",
                        Description = "Subsidized conferences, classes, and events."
                    new JobBenefit
                        JobID       = job.ID,
                        Name        = "Health & vision insurance",
                        Description = "Health and vision insurance."
                context.JobRequirements.AddRange(new[] {
                    new JobRequirement
                        JobID       = job.ID,
                        Name        = "Programming experience",
                        Description = "We are looking for people who are familiar with or want to learn .NET quickly'",
                    new JobRequirement
                        JobID       = job.ID,
                        Name        = "Flexibility",
                        Description = "A quick learner who can and wants to switch between programming languages depending on project requirements."
                    new JobRequirement
                        JobID       = job.ID,
                        Name        = "Problem solver",
                        Description = "We appreciate people who work smart – and hard."
                context.JobResponsibilities.AddRange(new[] {
                    new JobResponsibility
                        JobID       = job.ID,
                        Name        = "Design and build",
                        Description = "Design and implement new features and enhance existing functionalities according to business specifications.",
                    new JobResponsibility
                        JobID       = job.ID,
                        Name        = "Ownership",
                        Description = "Participate in the whole sprint process for product development."
                    new JobResponsibility
                        JobID       = job.ID,
                        Name        = "Coding standards",
                        Description = "Ensure that your code meets software development and quality standards and fits into the continuous release process."
                context.JobMethods.AddRange(new[] {
                    new JobMethod
                        JobID       = job.ID,
                        Name        = "Agile software development",
                        Description = "We are agile software developers.",
                    new JobMethod
                        JobID       = job.ID,
                        Name        = "SCRUM lifecycles",
                        Description = "We iterate SCRUM lifecycles to develop our software."
                    new JobMethod
                        JobID       = job.ID,
                        Name        = "CI/CD",
                        Description = "Continuous integration and deployment."

            var cSharp = new Skill
                Name        = "C#",
                Description = "C# progamming language"
            var javaScript = new Skill
                Name        = "JavaScript",
                Description = "JavaScript progamming language"
            var sfrontend = new Skill
                Name        = "Frontend",
                Description = "Frontend development"
            var sbackend = new Skill
                Name        = "Backend",
                Description = "Backend development"
            var html = new Skill
                Name        = "HTML",
                Description = "HTML"
            var css = new Skill
                Name        = "CSS",
                Description = "CSS"
            context.Skills.AddRange(new List <Skill>

            context.JobSkills.AddRange(new []
                new JobSkill
                    JobID   = frontend.ID,
                    SkillID = html.ID
                new JobSkill
                    JobID   = frontend.ID,
                    SkillID = css.ID
                new JobSkill
                    JobID   = frontend.ID,
                    SkillID = sfrontend.ID
                //sr developer
                new JobSkill
                    JobID   = senior.ID,
                    SkillID = sbackend.ID
                new JobSkill
                    JobID   = senior.ID,
                    SkillID = cSharp.ID
                new JobSkill
                    JobID   = senior.ID,
                    SkillID = javaScript.ID
                new JobSkill
                    JobID   = cloud.ID,
                    SkillID = sbackend.ID
                new JobSkill
                    JobID   = cloud.ID,
                    SkillID = cSharp.ID
                //full stack
                new JobSkill
                    JobID   = fullstack.ID,
                    SkillID = html.ID
                new JobSkill
                    JobID   = fullstack.ID,
                    SkillID = css.ID
                new JobSkill
                    JobID   = fullstack.ID,
                    SkillID = sfrontend.ID
                new JobSkill
                    JobID   = fullstack.ID,
                    SkillID = sbackend.ID
                new JobSkill
                    JobID   = fullstack.ID,
                    SkillID = cSharp.ID
                new JobSkill
                    JobID   = fullstack.ID,
                    SkillID = javaScript.ID
