Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes a page from a survey
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view"></param>
        /// <param name="pageId"></param>
        public void RemoveSurveyPage(SurveyView view, int pageId)
            List <QuestionPartView> pages    = view.QuestionPartViews as List <QuestionPartView>;
            QuestionPartView        toDelete = null;
            int pageIndex = Int32.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < pages.Count; i++)
                if (pages[i].Order > pageIndex)
                else if (pages[i].Id == pageId)
                    toDelete  = pages[i];
                    pageIndex = toDelete.Order;

            //remove children question part views (to trigger question part deletes)
            var pageData = this._unitOfWork.QuestionPartViews.GetQuestionPartViewWithStructure(toDelete.Id);
            var childIds = pageData.QuestionPartViewChildren.Select(q => q.Id).ToList();

            childIds.ForEach(id => this.RemoveQuestionPartView(pageData, id, false));

            if (toDelete.CATIDependent != null)
                var catiView = this._unitOfWork.SurveyViews.GetSurveyViewWithPagesStructure(view.SurveyId, "CATI");
                this.RemoveSurveyPage(catiView, toDelete.CATIDependent.Id);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view"></param>
        /// <param name="part"></param>
        /// <param name="definition"></param>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        public QuestionPartView AddQuestion(SurveyView view, QuestionTypeDefinition definition, int position = -1)
            QuestionPartView qpv = new QuestionPartView();

            qpv.QuestionPart = new QuestionPart()
                QuestionType = definition.TypeName
            if (position < 0)
                ((List <QuestionPartView>)view.QuestionPartViews).Insert(position, qpv);

            //add more question part views
            if (definition.QuestionPartSlots.Count > 0)
                foreach (var slot in definition.QuestionPartSlots)
                    var questionSlot = new QuestionPartView();
                    questionSlot.ParentView   = qpv;
                    questionSlot.QuestionPart = new QuestionPart()
                        QuestionType = definition.TypeName

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reorder question within question part
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="questionPartView"></param>
        /// <param name="newOrder"></param>
        public void ReOrderQuestions(QuestionPartView questionPartView, List <QuestionPartView> newOrder)
            Dictionary <int, int> newOrderDict = newOrder.ToDictionary(r => r.Id, r => r.Order);

            foreach (var qpartView in questionPartView.QuestionPartViewChildren)
                qpartView.Order = newOrderDict[qpartView.Id];
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="qpv"></param>
 /// <param name="text"></param>
 /// <param name="language"></param>
 public void SetQuestionPartViewLabel(QuestionPartView qpv, string text, string language = null)
     qpv.Labels[language] = new QuestionPartViewLabel()
         Language         = language ?? "en",
         Value            = text,
         QuestionPartView = qpv
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddPage(int surveyId, string surveyViewName, string initialLanguage, [FromBody] SBQuestionPartViewViewModel pageInfo)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var survey = await this._unitOfWork.Surveys.GetAsync(surveyId);

                if (survey.Owner == this.User.Identity.Name || await HasModifySurveyPermissions(surveyId))
                    var surveyView = await this._unitOfWork.SurveyViews.GetSurveyViewWithPagesStructureAsync(surveyId, surveyViewName);

                    QuestionPartView newPage = Mapper.Map <QuestionPartView> (pageInfo);
                    newPage.Labels = new LabelCollection <QuestionPartViewLabel> ()
                        new QuestionPartViewLabel()
                            Language = initialLanguage,
                            Value    = pageInfo.Label.Value
                    this._surveyBuilderService.AddSurveyPage(surveyView, newPage);

                    if (surveyViewName != "CATI")
                        var catiView = await this._unitOfWork.SurveyViews.GetSurveyViewWithPagesStructureAsync(surveyId, "CATI");

                        if (catiView != null)
                            newPage.CATIDependent = new QuestionPartView {
                                Icon   = newPage.Icon,
                                Order  = newPage.Order,
                                Labels = new LabelCollection <QuestionPartViewLabel> ()
                                    new QuestionPartViewLabel()
                                        Language = initialLanguage,
                                        Value    = pageInfo.Label.Value

                            this._surveyBuilderService.AddSurveyPage(catiView, newPage.CATIDependent);

                    await this._unitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();

                    return(new OkResult());
                    return(BadRequest("Insufficient permissions."));
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a question to a page/question part
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="view"></param>
 /// <param name="newPage"></param>
 public void AddQuestionPartView(QuestionPartView ParentQuestionPartView, QuestionPartView ChildQuestionPartView)
     //update orders for existing questions
     foreach (var question in ParentQuestionPartView.QuestionPartViewChildren)
         if (question.Order >= ChildQuestionPartView.Order)
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes a question/question part from a survey
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="questionPartView"></param>
 /// <param name="childQuestionPartViewId"></param>
 public void RemoveQuestionPartView(QuestionPartView questionPartView, int childQuestionPartViewId, bool transfer)
     if (questionPartView != null)
         var childQuestions        = questionPartView.QuestionPartViewChildren.OrderBy(q => q.Order);
         QuestionPartView toDelete = null;
         int questionIndex         = Int32.MaxValue;
         foreach (var childQuestion in childQuestions)
             if (childQuestion.Order > questionIndex)
             else if (childQuestion.Id == childQuestionPartViewId)
                 toDelete      = childQuestion;
                 questionIndex = toDelete.Order;
         //delete question part if no other part and not a transfer
         if (toDelete.QuestionPart != null && !transfer)
             int priorParentViewCount = this._unitOfWork.QuestionParts.GetNumberOfParentViews(toDelete.QuestionPart.Id);
             if (priorParentViewCount == 1)
         else if (toDelete.QuestionPart == null && !transfer)
             //repeat for children (calling recursively)
             var deleteStructure = this._unitOfWork.QuestionPartViews.GetQuestionPartViewWithStructure(toDelete.Id);
             var children        = deleteStructure.QuestionPartViewChildren.ToList();
             foreach (var child in children)
                 this.RemoveQuestionPartView(toDelete, child.Id, false);
         if (toDelete.CATIDependent != null)
             this.RemoveQuestionPartView(questionPartView.CATIDependent, toDelete.CATIDependent.Id, transfer);
Exemple #8
        public void UpdateQuestionPartViewOptions(QuestionPartView qpv, bool isOptional, bool isHousehold, string repeatSourceQuestionName, string icon)
            if (qpv.IsHousehold && repeatSourceQuestionName != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Section cannot be both marked as household and repeat");
            qpv.IsHousehold = isHousehold;
            qpv.IsOptional  = isOptional;

            if (repeatSourceQuestionName != null)
                int sourceQuestionId = int.Parse(repeatSourceQuestionName.Split('~').Last());
                qpv.RepeatSource = this._unitOfWork.QuestionParts.Get(sourceQuestionId);
                qpv.RepeatSource = null;
            qpv.Icon = icon;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a question part to the specified SurveyView - this creates a new QuestionPartView from the part
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view"></param>
        /// <param name="part"></param>
        /// <param name="position">0-index order, position of the qustion</param>
        /// <returns>A reference to the created QuestionPartView</returns>
        public QuestionPartView AddQuestionPart(SurveyView view, QuestionPart part, QuestionTypeDefinition definition,
                                                int position = -1)
            QuestionPartView questionPartView = new QuestionPartView
                QuestionPart = part

            if (position >= 0)
                questionPartView.Order = position;
                (view.QuestionPartViews as List <QuestionPartView>)?.Insert(position, questionPartView);
                (view.QuestionPartViews as List <QuestionPartView>)?.Add(questionPartView);
                questionPartView.Order = view.QuestionPartViews.Count - 1;

Exemple #10
        public void DuplicateSurveyViewStructure(SurveyView sourceView, SurveyView targetView, string language)
            bool structureExists            = true;
            bool structureAndLanguageExists = false;

            //deal with base labels (welcome, t&c, thank you)

            if (targetView.WelcomePageLabels == null)
                structureExists = false;
                targetView.WelcomePageLabels        = new LabelCollection <WelcomePageLabel>();
                targetView.TermsAndConditionsLabels = new LabelCollection <TermsAndConditionsPageLabel>();
                targetView.ThankYouPageLabels       = new LabelCollection <ThankYouPageLabel>();
            else if (targetView.WelcomePageLabels[language] != null)
                structureAndLanguageExists = true;

            if (!structureAndLanguageExists)
                targetView.WelcomePageLabels[language] = new WelcomePageLabel {
                    Value = null
                targetView.TermsAndConditionsLabels[language] = new TermsAndConditionsPageLabel {
                    Value = null
                targetView.ThankYouPageLabels[language] = new ThankYouPageLabel {
                    Value = null

                // if structure exists, just create new labels under the language

                if (structureExists)
                    foreach (var sourcePage in sourceView.QuestionPartViews)
                        var page = sourcePage.CATIDependent;
                        page.Labels[language] = new QuestionPartViewLabel {
                            Value = sourcePage.Labels[language].Value
                        foreach (var question in page.QuestionPartViewChildren)
                            question.Labels[language] = new QuestionPartViewLabel {
                                Value = null

                            foreach (var subQuestion in question.QuestionPartViewChildren)
                                subQuestion.Labels[language] = new QuestionPartViewLabel {
                                    Value = null
                    foreach (var page in sourceView.QuestionPartViews)
                        QuestionPartView targetPage = new QuestionPartView
                            Order = page.Order,
                            Icon  = page.Icon
                        page.CATIDependent = targetPage;
                        targetPage.Labels[language] = new QuestionPartViewLabel {
                            Value = page.Labels[language].Value
                        foreach (var question in page.QuestionPartViewChildren)
                            QuestionPartView targetQuestion = new QuestionPartView
                                Order        = question.Order,
                                IsOptional   = question.IsOptional,
                                IsHousehold  = question.IsHousehold,
                                RepeatSource = question.RepeatSource,
                                QuestionPart = question.QuestionPart
                            question.CATIDependent = targetQuestion;
                            targetQuestion.Labels[language] = new QuestionPartViewLabel {
                                Value = null
                            foreach (var subQuestion in question.QuestionPartViewChildren)
                                QuestionPartView targetSubQuestion = new QuestionPartView
                                    Order        = subQuestion.Order,
                                    IsOptional   = subQuestion.IsOptional,
                                    RepeatSource = subQuestion.RepeatSource,
                                    QuestionPart = subQuestion.QuestionPart
                                subQuestion.CATIDependent = targetSubQuestion;
                                targetSubQuestion.Labels[language] = new QuestionPartViewLabel {
                                    Value = null
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a page to a survey
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="view"></param>
 /// <param name="newPage"></param>
 public void AddSurveyPage(SurveyView view, QuestionPartView newPage)
     newPage.Order = view.QuestionPartViews.Count - 1;