protected void PrepareQuestion(QuestionData.question q) { HideAllChoices(); activeQuestion = q; question.text = q.content; additionalInfo.text = ""; //foreach (QuestionData.answer answer in q.answers) for (int i = 0; i < q.answers.Count; i++) { QuestionData.answer answer = q.answers[i]; if (i < choices.Length) { UIButton choice = choices[i]; ChangeButtonColor(choice, Color.white); UILabel label = choice.transform.FindChild("Label").GetComponent <UILabel>(); if (label != null) { label.text = answer.text; } choice.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } _enableTimer = true; }
protected void OnCategoryContinue() { var btn = UIHelper.GetSelectedButton(chooseCategoryButtons); var pillarType = GetPillarTypeFromColorString(btn.tagText.ToLower()); QuestionData.question q = qaController.GetNextQuestion(null, pillarType, true); ShowQuestionsPanel(q); }
public void ShowQuestionsPanel(QuestionData.question q) { SetButtonEnabled(true); MainGameController.ShowHud(false); UINavigationController.PushBackground("/MainBackground"); UINavigationController.PushController(questionDialog); PrepareQuestion(q); }
void Convert(TextAsset csv, string targetFile, string section) { QuestionData qData = new QuestionData(); if (System.IO.File.Exists(XmlManager.XmlPath + targetFile)) { qData = QuestionData.LoadAsInstance(XmlManager.XmlPath + targetFile); if (qData == null) { Debug.Log(string.Format("Target File {0} is exist, but it's content is null", targetFile)); qData = new QuestionData(); } } StringReader reader = new StringReader(csv.text); using (CsvReader csvReader = new CsvReader(reader, false)) { int fieldCount = csvReader.FieldCount; Debug.Log(fieldCount); while (csvReader.ReadNextRecord()) { string colorCode = csvReader[0]; // Color Code pass check if ((colorCode != "B" && colorCode != "G" && colorCode != "R" && colorCode != "Y" && colorCode != "P" && colorCode != "O") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(colorCode)) { continue; } // Get the question content var qcontent = csvReader[2]; QuestionData.question question = new QuestionData.question(); question.content = qcontent.Trim(); question.section = section; question.type = GetColorNameFromCode(colorCode); qData.questions.Add(question); } } QuestionData.Save(targetFile, qData); //Debug.Log("Converted " + count); }
private void StartElement(ref QuestionData qData, XmlReader xml) { switch (xml.Name) { case "question": q = new QuestionData.question(); break; case "answers": break; case "answer": answer = new QuestionData.answer(); answer.option = xml.GetAttribute(0); break; } }
private void FixTypeBasedOnSection(ref QuestionData.question q) { /* * blue= quran * green= hadith * yellow=islamic history * orange=islamic science * pink= general knowledge * purble=prophets*/ if (q.section.ToLower() == "quran") { q.type = "blue"; } if (q.section.ToLower() == "hadith") { q.type = "green"; } if (q.section.ToLower() == "islamic science") { q.type = "orange"; } if (q.section.ToLower() == "islamic history") { q.type = "yellow"; } if (q.section.ToLower() == "general knowledge") { q.type = "red"; } if (q.section.ToLower().Contains("prophets")) { q.type = "purple"; } }
public void ShowQuestion(Node node) { QuestionData.question q = GetNextQuestion(node); ShowQuestionsPanel(q); }
protected IEnumerator ValidateChoice(int choice) { _enableTimer = false; _counterTime = 0; bool isCorrect = false; SetButtonEnabled(false); List <int> corrects = new List <int>(); for (int index = 0; index < activeQuestion.answers.Count; index++) { QuestionData.answer answer = activeQuestion.answers[index]; if (answer.correct) { corrects.Add(index); } if (index == choice && answer.correct && !isCorrect) { isCorrect = true; } } if (choice < 0) { isCorrect = false; } if (isCorrect == false && choice >= 0) { UIButton button = choices[choice]; ChangeButtonColor(button,; } for (int cIndex = 0; cIndex < corrects.Count; cIndex++) { int correctIndex = corrects[cIndex]; ChangeButtonColor(choices[correctIndex],; } float waitTime = 3; if (activeQuestion != null) { additionalInfo.text =; if ( != "") { waitTime = 6; } } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitTime)); activeQuestion = null; UINavigationController.DismissAllControllers(); UINavigationController.DismissBackground("/MainBackground"); if (OnChoiceSelected != null) { OnChoiceSelected(isCorrect); } //GameBoard.EndTurn(isCorrect); }
private QuestionData.question GetNextQuestion(Node node, GameData.PillarType defaultPillar, bool useDefaultPillar) { QuestionData.question result = null; // First get the pillar color code from the node that being selected by the player GameData.PillarType qtype; if (node != null) { qtype = GameData.GetColorTypeFromNodeType(node.nodeType); } else { qtype = defaultPillar; } if (useDefaultPillar) { qtype = defaultPillar; } // Create temp question list to fetch on List <QuestionData.question> questions = new List <QuestionData.question>(); // Find on which colors are we about to take the question list from if (questionsMap.ContainsKey(qtype)) { questions = questionsMap[qtype]; } else // We are having QuestionType == Random here { // If we don't have the pillar color mapped on the questionsMap, just random the section int index = Random.Range(0, questionsMap.Keys.Count - 1); // Search our random key to get the list of the questions int i = 0; foreach (var qsValues in questionsMap.Keys) { if (index == i) { questions = questionsMap[qsValues]; break; } i++; } } bool found = false; // We loop until we found the question that not being used yet, it's very dangerous, might end up infinite loop // TODO: DON'T USE LOOP while (!found) { int qRandomNo = Random.Range(0, questions.Count - 1); var que = questions[qRandomNo]; if (usedQuestions.Contains(que) == false) { result = que; usedQuestions.Add(que); found = true; } } if (result == null) { usedQuestions.Clear(); result = QuestionData.current.questions[0]; } return(result); }