public void ProcessContent(IContentPersister persister)
            using (var db = new GameDatabaseContext())
                var repo = new QuestRepository(db);
                var items = repo.GetAll();

                foreach (var item in items)

                    // Save out properties we want to a new object and then persist
                    dynamic persistable = new ExpandoObject();

                    Console.WriteLine("Processing quest with ID {0}", item.Id);

           = item.Id;
           = item.Name;
                    persistable.description = item.Description;

                    persister.Persist(persistable, "\\quests\\{0}.json".FormatWith(item.Id));


Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the content.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadContent()
            string          questRepositoryPath = Path.Combine(ApplicationPaths.EntitiesDirectory, "quests.xml");
            QuestRepository questRepository     = new QuestRepository(questRepositoryPath);

            quests = questRepository.GetAll().ToDomainModels().ToList();
        public void ImportFromQuestListXML()
            ISessionFactory fac     = RomViewContainer.Container.GetInstance <ISessionFactory>();
            ISession        session = fac.OpenSession();
            ITransaction    tx      = session.BeginTransaction();

            //LazySessionContext.Bind(new Lazy<ISession>(() => session), fac);
                IRepository <QuestDefinition> rep  = RomViewContainer.Container.GetInstance <IRepository <QuestDefinition> >();
                IQuestRepository        repository = new QuestRepository(rep);
                IList <QuestDefinition> items      = repository.GetAll();

                string filename = "Data\\questlist.xml";
                if (!File.Exists(filename))
                    throw new Exception("File missing");

                list data = new list();
                data = list.LoadFromFile(filename);

                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                XmlNodeList quests = doc.SelectNodes("//romquest");

                foreach (XmlNode romquest in quests)
                    int    id   = Convert.ToInt32(romquest.Attributes["id"].Value);
                    string name = romquest.Attributes["name"].Value;

                    QuestDefinition quest = items.FirstOrDefault(definition => definition.RomId == id);
                    if (quest == null)
                        quest = new QuestDefinition()
                            RomId = id, Name = name
                        quest.RomId = id;
                        quest.Name  = name;

Exemple #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            /* ISce
             * for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
             * {
             *   string scenario = $"Super uber scenario {i}";
             *   for (int j = 0; j < 50 ; ++j)
             *   {
             *       string quest = $"Rescure world {j}";
             *   }
             * }
            SessionBornEntities context   = new SessionBornEntities();
            MotorollaService    motorolla = new MotorollaService();

            Common.Transactions.StandardTransactionScopeProvider scopeProvider = new Common.Transactions.StandardTransactionScopeProvider();
            ScenarioRepository scenarioRepo = new ScenarioRepository(context);
            QuestRepository    questRepo    = new QuestRepository(context);
            QuestService       questService = new QuestService(questRepo, motorolla, scopeProvider);

            IEnumerable <Quest>    ciastko = questRepo.GetAll();
            IEnumerable <Scenario> ciacho  = scenarioRepo.GetAll();

            foreach (Scenario s in ciacho)
                Console.WriteLine($"{s.ID} : {s.Name}");
            foreach (Quest q in ciastko)
                if (q.ScenarioID != 1)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{q.ID} : {q.Name} : {q.Description} + {q.ScenarioID}");

            //Tuple<decimal, decimal> latlong = getPoints();
            //questService.CreateQuest("Kolokwium 1", "1sze Kolokwium z Unixów", 1, 2, new DateTime(2018, 01, 11), 300, latlong.Item1, latlong.Item2);
            //questService.CreateQuest("Kolokwium 2", "2gie Kolokwium z Unixów", 1, 2, new DateTime(2018, 03, 14), 300, latlong.Item1, latlong.Item2);
            //latlong = getPoints();
            //questService.CreateQuest("Wykład", "Wykład z Unixów", 3, 2, new DateTime(2018, 02, 14), 20, latlong.Item1, latlong.Item2);
            //questService.CreateQuest("Pytania", "Pytania z próbnego egzaminu z zeszłego roku", 1, 2, new DateTime(2018, 05, 14), 200);
            //latlong = getPoints();
            //questService.CreateQuest("Kolokwium 1", "Kolokwium z Liczb Zespolonych", 1, 3, new DateTime(2018, 2, 5), 300, latlong.Item1, latlong.Item2);
            //questService.CreateQuest("Kolokwium 2", "Kolokwium z Dekompozycji Jordana", 1, 3, new DateTime(2018, 3, 7), 300, latlong.Item1, latlong.Item2);
            //latlong = getPoints();
            //questService.CreateQuest("Wykład", "Wykład z Algebry", 3, 3, new DateTime(2018, 3, 14), 20, latlong.Item1, latlong.Item2);
            //questService.CreateQuest("Pytania", "Pytania zdobyte od starszej grupy", 1, 3, new DateTime(2018, 6, 14), 200);
            //latlong = getPoints();
            //questService.CreateQuest("Egzamin", "Ekstremalnie trudny egzamin z algebry", 2, 3, new DateTime(2018, 6, 15), 600);
            //latlong = getPoints();
            //questService.CreateQuest("Kolokwium 1", "Kolokwium z Szybkiej Transformaty Fouriera", 1, 5, new DateTime(2018, 4, 5), 300, latlong.Item1, latlong.Item2);
            //questService.CreateQuest("Kolokwium 2", "Kolokwium z Przestrzeni Hilberta", 1, 5, new DateTime(2018, 05, 7), 300, latlong.Item1, latlong.Item2);
            //latlong = getPoints();
            //questService.CreateQuest("Wykład", "Wykład z obowiązkową obecnością z Matematyki", 3, 3, new DateTime(2018, 05, 14), 100, latlong.Item1, latlong.Item2);
            //questService.CreateQuest("Pytania", "Pytania zdobyte od starszej grupy", 1, 5, new DateTime(2018, 05, 14), 200);
            //latlong = getPoints();
            //questService.CreateQuest("Egzamin", "Prosty egzamin z matematyki", 2, 5, new DateTime(2018, 05, 14), 600);


            Tuple <decimal, decimal> getPoints()
                decimal latmin   = new decimal(50.030331);
                decimal latmax   = new decimal(50.08103);
                decimal longimin = new decimal(19.831237);
                decimal longimax = new decimal(19.881936);
                Random  rnd      = new Random();
                decimal lati     = NextDecimal(rnd, latmin, latmax);
                decimal longi    = NextDecimal(rnd, longimin, longimax);

                return(new Tuple <decimal, decimal>(lati, longi));