private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs _) { CheckUpdate(); ThemeManager.Theme.ChangeTheme(UserSettingStorage.Instance.Theme); InternationalizationManager.Instance.ChangeLanguage(UserSettingStorage.Instance.Language); InitProgressbarAnimation(); WindowIntelopHelper.DisableControlBox(this); var vm = (MainViewModel)DataContext; vm.TextBoxSelected += (o, e) => QueryTextBox.SelectAll(); vm.CursorMovedToEnd += (o, e) => { QueryTextBox.Focus(); QueryTextBox.CaretIndex = QueryTextBox.Text.Length; }; vm.MainWindowVisibilityChanged += (o, e) => { if (vm.MainWindowVisibility.IsVisible()) { Activate(); QueryTextBox.Focus(); } }; vm.Left = GetWindowsLeft(); vm.Top = GetWindowsTop(); vm.MainWindowVisibility = Visibility.Visible; }
//reset the load and gui of part 2 private void Reset_Part2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //reset GUI r = null; p = null; ind = null; showcatch.IsEnabled = false; showDic.IsEnabled = false; runQuery.IsEnabled = false; QueryTextBox.Clear(); isWikiExp.IsChecked = false; isSumCheck.IsChecked = false; stemmcheckBox.IsChecked = false; //Delete Last File try { if (File.Exists(Results.LastFile)) { File.Delete(Results.LastFile); } } catch (IOException) { Debug.WriteLine("CANT DELETE!!!!!"); } //Garbage Collector GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); //notification System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The Memory is clean!", "Done!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); }
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs _) { // todo is there a way to set blur only once? BlurWindowHelper.SetBlurForWindow(); WindowsInteropHelper.DisableControlBox(this); //InitProgressbarAnimation(); InitializePosition(); // since the default main window visibility is visible // so we need set focus during startup QueryTextBox.Focus(); MainViewModel.Current.PropertyChanged += (o, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == nameof(MainViewModel.MainWindowVisibility)) { if (Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { Activate(); QueryTextBox.Focus(); UpdatePosition(); if (MainViewModel.Current.LastQuerySelected) { QueryTextBox.SelectAll(); MainViewModel.Current.LastQuerySelected = false; } } } }; InitializePosition(); }
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs _) { WindowIntelopHelper.DisableControlBox(this); ThemeManager.Instance.ChangeTheme(_settings.Theme); InitializeNotifyIcon(); InitProgressbarAnimation(); _viewModel.PropertyChanged += (o, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == nameof(MainViewModel.MainWindowVisibility)) { if (_viewModel.MainWindowVisibility.IsVisible()) { Activate(); QueryTextBox.Focus(); SetWindowPosition(); _settings.ActivateTimes++; if (_viewModel.QueryTextSelected) { QueryTextBox.SelectAll(); _viewModel.QueryTextSelected = false; } } } }; // since the default main window visibility is visible // so we need set focus during startup QueryTextBox.Focus(); }
private void RegisterEvents(MainViewModel vm) { vm.TextBoxSelected += (o, e) => QueryTextBox.SelectAll(); vm.CursorMovedToEnd += (o, e) => { QueryTextBox.Focus(); QueryTextBox.CaretIndex = QueryTextBox.Text.Length; }; vm.MainWindowVisibilityChanged += (o, e) => { if (vm.MainWindowVisibility.IsVisible()) { Activate(); QueryTextBox.Focus(); Left = GetWindowsLeft(); Top = GetWindowsTop(); _settings.ActivateTimes++; } else { _settings.WindowLeft = Left; _settings.WindowTop = Top; } }; }
public QueryEditorView() { InitializeComponent(); _suggestionView = new SuggestionView(QueryTextBox) { DefaultSelectedIndex = 0 }; ViewerForm.Theme.ApplyTo(EditorToolStrip); // initialize highlighting QueryTextBox.StyleResetDefault(); QueryTextBox.Styles[Style.Default].Font = "Consolas"; QueryTextBox.Styles[Style.Default].Size = 11; QueryTextBox.StyleClearAll(); QueryTextBox.Styles[Style.LineNumber].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0x888888); QueryTextBox.Styles[Style.LineNumber].BackColor = Color.White; QueryTextBox.Styles[Style.Sql.String].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0xa31515); QueryTextBox.Styles[Style.Sql.Word].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0x0000ff); QueryTextBox.Styles[Style.Sql.Operator].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0x444444); QueryTextBox.Styles[Style.Sql.Number].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0x09885a); QueryTextBox.Lexer = Lexer.Sql; QueryTextBox.SetKeywords(0, "select where order group by desc asc and or not union except intersect"); QueryTextBox.Margins[0].Type = MarginType.Number; QueryTextBox.Margins[0].Width = 20; QueryTextBox.ClearCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.S); QueryTextBox.ClearCmdKey(Keys.Control | Keys.O); }
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs _) { // todo is there a way to set blur only once? ThemeManager.Instance.SetBlurForWindow(); WindowsInteropHelper.DisableControlBox(this); InitProgressbarAnimation(); _viewModel.PropertyChanged += (o, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == nameof(MainViewModel.MainWindowVisibility)) { if (Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { Activate(); QueryTextBox.Focus(); SetWindowPosition(); _settings.ActivateTimes++; if (!_viewModel.LastQuerySelected) { QueryTextBox.SelectAll(); _viewModel.LastQuerySelected = true; } } } }; // since the default main window visibility is visible // so we need set focus during startup QueryTextBox.Focus(); }
/// <summary> /// event is fired when the 'UpdateButton' is clicked. /// </summary> private void UpdateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Change the text QueryTextBox.Text = "Update" + Environment.NewLine + "Set "; // Set Focus QueryTextBox.Focus(); }
/// <summary> /// Event delegate method fired when the <see cref="QueryTextBox"/> has been validated. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Sender object.</param> /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param> private void QueryTextBox_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!QueryChangedTimer.Enabled) { return; } QueryChangedTimer.Stop(); // Identify the statements that would exceed the server's max allowed packet value and highlight them for the user. string queryText = QueryTextBox.Text.Trim(); if (queryText.Length <= 0) { return; } QueryTextBox.ReadOnly = true; Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; bool statementsExceedingMaxAllowedPacketValueFound = false; bool reachedEnd = false; int statementStartPosition = 0; do { int statementEndPosition = queryText.IndexOf(";", statementStartPosition, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (statementEndPosition < 0) { reachedEnd = true; statementEndPosition = queryText.Length - 1; } // Get SQL statement string sqlStatement = queryText.Substring(statementStartPosition, statementEndPosition - statementStartPosition).Trim(); // TODO: Split statement in tokens using MySQL parser classes and paint them accordingly. // Highlight the statement if it exceeds the MySQL Servers's max allowed packet value. if (sqlStatement.ExceedsMySqlMaxAllowedPacketValue(MySqlMaxAllowedPacket)) { QueryTextBox.Select(statementStartPosition, statementEndPosition - statementStartPosition); QueryTextBox.SelectionBackColor = Color.GreenYellow; statementsExceedingMaxAllowedPacketValueFound = true; } statementStartPosition = statementEndPosition + 1; reachedEnd = reachedEnd || statementStartPosition >= queryText.Length; }while (!reachedEnd); QueryWarningPictureBox.Visible = statementsExceedingMaxAllowedPacketValueFound; QueryWarningLabel.Visible = statementsExceedingMaxAllowedPacketValueFound; QueryTextBox.ReadOnly = false; OriginalQueryButton.Enabled = !string.Equals(OriginalSqlScript, SqlScript, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); ApplyButton.Enabled = SqlScript.Trim().Length > 0; Cursor = Cursors.Default; }
private void Reset_mini() { //reset GUI QueryTextBox.Clear(); QueryTextBox.IsReadOnly = false; isWikiExp.IsChecked = false; isSumCheck.IsChecked = false; queryFile = null; }
private void SearchPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Loaded -= SearchPage_Loaded; App.EntriesManager.Construct(); // tfw best practice :p VisualStateManager.GoToState(this, QueryState.Name, true); QueryTextBox.Focus(FocusState.Programmatic); DictsCheck(); App.DictsManager.DictDatabaseChanged += (s, f) => DictsCheck(); }
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs _) { InitializeNotifyIcon(); // todo is there a way to set blur only once? ThemeManager.Instance.SetBlurForWindow(); WindowsInteropHelper.DisableControlBox(this); InitProgressbarAnimation(); InitializePosition(); // since the default main window visibility is visible // so we need set focus during startup QueryTextBox.Focus(); _viewModel.PropertyChanged += (o, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == nameof(MainViewModel.MainWindowVisibility)) { if (Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { Activate(); QueryTextBox.Focus(); UpdatePosition(); _settings.ActivateTimes++; if (!_viewModel.LastQuerySelected) { QueryTextBox.SelectAll(); _viewModel.LastQuerySelected = true; } } return; } if (e.PropertyName == nameof(MainViewModel.ProgressBarVisibility)) { if (_viewModel.ProgressBarVisibility == Visibility.Visible) { ProgressBar.BeginStoryboard(_progressBarStoryboard); } else { _progressBarStoryboard.Stop(ProgressBar); } } }; _settings.PropertyChanged += (o, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == nameof(Settings.HideNotifyIcon)) { _notifyIcon.Visible = !_settings.HideNotifyIcon; } }; InitializePosition(); }
public MemberListBox(CompletionForm completionForm, QueryTextBox textBox, ColorTheme colorTheme) { // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer. InitializeComponent(); // TODO: Add any initialization after the InitForm call _completionForm = completionForm; _textBox = textBox; if (colorTheme != null) { ListBox.ForeColor = colorTheme.ForeColor; ListBox.BackColor = colorTheme.BackColor; } }
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs _) { // show notify icon when flowlauncher is hidden InitializeNotifyIcon(); // todo is there a way to set blur only once? ThemeManager.Instance.SetBlurForWindow(); WindowsInteropHelper.DisableControlBox(this); InitProgressbarAnimation(); InitializePosition(); // since the default main window visibility is visible // so we need set focus during startup QueryTextBox.Focus(); _viewModel.PropertyChanged += (o, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == nameof(MainViewModel.MainWindowVisibility)) { if (Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { Activate(); QueryTextBox.Focus(); UpdatePosition(); _settings.ActivateTimes++; if (!_viewModel.LastQuerySelected) { QueryTextBox.SelectAll(); _viewModel.LastQuerySelected = true; } } } }; _settings.PropertyChanged += (o, e) => { switch (e.PropertyName) { case nameof(Settings.HideNotifyIcon): _notifyIcon.Visible = !_settings.HideNotifyIcon; break; case nameof(Settings.Language): UpdateNotifyIconText(); break; } }; InitializePosition(); }
private void OnQueryVisible(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { var visible = (bool)e.NewValue; if (visible) { // the Focusable and the IsVisible both needs to be true when set focus // logical is set in xaml QueryTextBox.Focus(); if (_viewModel.QueryTextSelected) { QueryTextBox.SelectAll(); _viewModel.QueryTextSelected = false; } } }
private void OnInsertClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) { var mi = (MenuItem)sender; var parent = (MenuItem)mi.Parent; var code = $"{parent.Header}.{mi.Header}"; var length = 0; QueryTextBox.Focus(); var start = QueryTextBox.CaretIndex; if (QueryTextBox.SelectionLength > 0) { length = QueryTextBox.SelectionLength; start = QueryTextBox.SelectionStart; } var methodInfo = Type.GetType($"Couchbase.Lite.Query.{parent.Header}, Couchbase.Lite").GetMethod(mi.Header.ToString()); var isProperty = false; var arguments = Enumerable.Empty <QueryArgument>(); if (methodInfo == null) { if (Type.GetType($"Couchbase.Lite.Query.{parent.Header}, Couchbase.Lite") .GetProperty(mi.Header.ToString()) == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Unknown item, weird..."); } isProperty = true; } else { arguments = methodInfo.GetParameters() .Select(x => new QueryArgument(x.ParameterType == typeof(string), x.Name)); } var range = ((QueryViewModel)DataContext).InsertQueryText(start, length, code, isProperty, arguments); QueryTextBox.SelectionStart = range.start; QueryTextBox.SelectionLength = range.length; }
private void OnOpenClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var dialog = new VistaFolderBrowserDialog(); var result = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (result == true) { try { DataContext = new QueryViewModel(dialog.SelectedPath); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error opening database"); return; } ((QueryViewModel)DataContext).Error += ShowError; QueryTextBox.Focus(); ((QueryViewModel)DataContext).QueryText = "QueryBuilder.Select()"; QueryTextBox.SelectionStart = ((QueryViewModel)DataContext).QueryText.IndexOf('(') + 1; if (InsertMenu.Items.Count == 0) { PopulateInsertMenu(); } } }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); QueryTextBox.Focus(); //TODO:ssdsf }
private void OnMainWindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) => QueryTextBox.Focus();
/// <summary> /// 初始化控件 /// </summary> public void CreateControls() { Paramater _para = new Paramater(); ParamProcess _paraProcess = new ParamProcess(); propertyPanel.Controls.Clear(); bool dtbegin = true; Control ctrl = new Control(); int y_local = 9; for (int i = 0; i < _paralist.Count; i++) { Paramater config = new Paramater(); config = _paralist[i]; #region 设置控件和列样式 if (config.PARAMETER == "V_CURREMPLOYEEID") { ctrl = new TextBox(); ctrl.Enabled = false; ctrl.Text = _employyid.ToString(); } else if (config.PARAMETER == "V_CURRDEPTID") { ctrl = new TextBox(); ctrl.Enabled = false; ctrl.Text = _deptid.ToString(); } else if (config.UIC_TYPE == 4) { #region quertytext GWI.HIS.Windows.Controls.QueryTextBox txtDepartment = new QueryTextBox(); txtDepartment.AllowSelectedNullRow = false; txtDepartment.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; txtDepartment.DisplayField = "name"; txtDepartment.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(120, 12); txtDepartment.MatchMode = GWI.HIS.Windows.Controls.MatchModes.ByAnyString; txtDepartment.MemberField = "id"; txtDepartment.MemberValue = null; txtDepartment.Name = "txtDepartment"; txtDepartment.NextControl = null; txtDepartment.NextControlByEnter = false; txtDepartment.OffsetX = 0; txtDepartment.OffsetY = 0; txtDepartment.QueryFields = new string[] { "PY_CODE" }; txtDepartment.SelectedValue = null; txtDepartment.SelectionCardAlternatingRowBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.WhiteSmoke; txtDepartment.SelectionCardBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; txtDepartment.SelectionCardColumnHeaderHeight = 20; GWI.HIS.Windows.Controls.SelectionCardColumn selectionCardColumn1 = new GWI.HIS.Windows.Controls.SelectionCardColumn(); GWI.HIS.Windows.Controls.SelectionCardColumn selectionCardColumn2 = new GWI.HIS.Windows.Controls.SelectionCardColumn(); GWI.HIS.Windows.Controls.SelectionCardColumn selectionCardColumn3 = new GWI.HIS.Windows.Controls.SelectionCardColumn(); GWI.HIS.Windows.Controls.SelectionCardColumn selectionCardColumn4 = new GWI.HIS.Windows.Controls.SelectionCardColumn(); selectionCardColumn1.AutoFill = true; selectionCardColumn1.DataBindField = "name"; selectionCardColumn1.HeaderText = "名称"; selectionCardColumn1.IsNameField = false; selectionCardColumn1.IsSeachColumn = true; selectionCardColumn1.TextAlign = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewContentAlignment.NotSet; selectionCardColumn1.Visiable = true; selectionCardColumn1.Width = 75; selectionCardColumn2.AutoFill = false; selectionCardColumn2.DataBindField = "PY_CODE"; selectionCardColumn2.HeaderText = "拼音码"; selectionCardColumn2.IsNameField = false; selectionCardColumn2.IsSeachColumn = true; selectionCardColumn2.TextAlign = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewContentAlignment.NotSet; selectionCardColumn2.Visiable = false; selectionCardColumn2.Width = 75; selectionCardColumn3.AutoFill = false; selectionCardColumn3.DataBindField = "id"; selectionCardColumn3.HeaderText = "id"; selectionCardColumn3.IsNameField = false; selectionCardColumn3.IsSeachColumn = false; selectionCardColumn3.TextAlign = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewContentAlignment.NotSet; selectionCardColumn3.Visiable = false; selectionCardColumn3.Width = 75; DataTable dtSource = new DataTable(); if (config.FOREIGNER_FILTER_SQL != "") { dtSource = _para.GetDataSource(config.FOREIGNER_FILTER_SQL); } else { if (config.ENUMEID != -1) { dtSource = _para.GetDataSource(_paraProcess.GetEnumSql(config.ENUMEID).REMARK); } } if (dtSource.Columns.Contains("备注")) { selectionCardColumn1.AutoFill = false; selectionCardColumn4.AutoFill = true; selectionCardColumn4.DataBindField = "备注"; selectionCardColumn4.HeaderText = "备注"; selectionCardColumn4.IsNameField = false; selectionCardColumn4.IsSeachColumn = false; selectionCardColumn4.TextAlign = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewContentAlignment.NotSet; selectionCardColumn4.Visiable = true; selectionCardColumn4.Width = 200; txtDepartment.SelectionCardColumns = new GWI.HIS.Windows.Controls.SelectionCardColumn[] { selectionCardColumn1, selectionCardColumn2, selectionCardColumn3, selectionCardColumn4 }; txtDepartment.SelectionCardWidth = 350; } else { txtDepartment.SelectionCardColumns = new GWI.HIS.Windows.Controls.SelectionCardColumn[] { selectionCardColumn1, selectionCardColumn2, selectionCardColumn3 }; txtDepartment.SelectionCardWidth = 150; } txtDepartment.SelectionCardFont = null; txtDepartment.SelectionCardHeight = 200; txtDepartment.SelectionCardInfoLabelBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Empty; txtDepartment.SelectionCardRowHeaderWidth = 35; txtDepartment.SelectionCardRowHeight = 23; txtDepartment.SelectionCardSelectedRowBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; txtDepartment.SelectionCardType = GWI.HIS.Windows.Controls.SelectionCardTypes.List; // txtDepartment.SelectionCardWidth = 225; txtDepartment.ShowRowNumber = true; txtDepartment.ShowSelectionCardAfterEnter = true; txtDepartment.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(123, 21); txtDepartment.TabIndex = 0; txtDepartment.TextFormat = GWI.HIS.Windows.Controls.TextFormatStyle.AnyString; txtDepartment.Visible = true; #endregion if (config.FOREIGNER_FILTER_SQL != "") { txtDepartment.SetSelectionCardDataSource(dtSource); } else { if (config.ENUMEID != -1) { txtDepartment.SetSelectionCardDataSource(dtSource); } } txtDepartment.DisplayField = "name"; txtDepartment.MemberField = "id"; txtDepartment.MemberValue = -1; ctrl = txtDepartment; } else if (config.UIC_TYPE == 2) { #region checkbox ctrl = new CheckBox(); ((CheckBox)ctrl).Text = config.PARAMETER_CN; ((CheckBox)ctrl).AutoSize = true; #endregion } else if (config.UIC_TYPE == 1) { #region combobox ctrl = new ComboBox(); if (config.FOREIGNER_FILTER_SQL != "") { ((ComboBox)ctrl).DataSource = _para.GetDataSource(config.FOREIGNER_FILTER_SQL); } else { if (config.ENUMEID != -1) { string sql = _paraProcess.GetEnumSql(config.ENUMEID).REMARK; if (sql != null && sql != "") { ((ComboBox)ctrl).DataSource = _para.GetDataSource(sql); } else { ((ComboBox)ctrl).DataSource = _paraProcess.GetEnumOrders(config.ENUMEID); } } } ((ComboBox)ctrl).DisplayMember = "name"; ((ComboBox)ctrl).ValueMember = "id"; ((ComboBox)ctrl).MaxDropDownItems = 25; ((ComboBox)ctrl).DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; #endregion } else if (config.UIC_TYPE == 0) { #region textbox ctrl = new TextBox(); ((TextBox)ctrl).MaxLength = config.DATALENGTH; #endregion } else if (config.UIC_TYPE == 3) { #region datetimepicker DateTimePicker dtpicter = new DateTimePicker(); dtpicter.CustomFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; dtpicter.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom; if (dtbegin) { dtpicter.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00"); dtbegin = false; } else { dtpicter.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 23:59:59"); } ctrl = dtpicter; #endregion } else { } #endregion #region 创建控件和列 // 定义标签 Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.Text = config.PARAMETER_CN != "" ? config.PARAMETER_CN : config.PARAMETER; lbl.AutoSize = true; int lblWidth = 0; int lblHeight = 0; using (System.Drawing.Graphics g = propertyPanel.CreateGraphics()) { System.Drawing.SizeF size = g.MeasureString(lbl.Text, propertyPanel.Font); lblWidth = Convert.ToInt32(size.Width); lblHeight = Convert.ToInt32(size.Height); } //定义控件 ctrl.Name = config.PARAMETER; ctrl.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(140, 21); ctrl.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(117, y_local); ctrl.Tag = config; if (config.UIC_TYPE != 2) { lbl.Left = ctrl.Left - lblWidth - 4; lbl.Top = ctrl.Top + (21 - lblHeight); propertyPanel.Controls.Add(lbl); } if (_paralist[i].PARAMETER_TYPE == "OUT") { ctrl.Visible = false; lbl.Visible = false; } propertyPanel.Controls.Add(ctrl); y_local += 27; #endregion } }
private void ClearAllButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { QueryTextBox.Clear(); dataGridView1.DataSource = ""; dataGridView1.Refresh(); }
public void ClearEditBox() { QueryTextBox.Clear(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); QueryTextBox.AppendText(""); }
public DataTable GetSchemaTable() { PropertyDataCollection properties = null; if (_firstObject == null) { var moveNext = _enumerator.MoveNext(); _firstRead = true; if (moveNext) { _firstObject = _enumerator.Current; properties = _firstObject.Properties; } else { var query = _command.CommandText; var index = 0; var fromFound = false; string className = null; while (true) { var wordStart = QueryTextBox.NextWordStart(query, index); var wordEnd = QueryTextBox.WordEnd(query, wordStart); var word = query.Substring(wordStart, wordEnd - wordStart + 1); if (fromFound) { className = word; break; } else { if (word.ToLower() == "from") { fromFound = true; } index = wordEnd + 1; } } query = $"SELECT * FROM meta_class WHERE __this ISA '{className}'"; var objectQuery = new ObjectQuery(query); var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(_command.Connection.Scope, objectQuery); var objects = searcher.Get(); var enumerator2 = objects.GetEnumerator(); enumerator2.MoveNext(); properties = enumerator2.Current.Properties; } } var schemaTable = new DataTable(); schemaTable.Columns.Add("ColumnName", typeof(string)); schemaTable.Columns.Add("ColumnSize", typeof(int)); schemaTable.Columns.Add("DataType", typeof(Type)); schemaTable.Columns.Add("ProviderType", typeof(int)); schemaTable.Columns.Add("ProviderTypeStr", typeof(string)); schemaTable.Columns.Add("NumericPrecision", typeof(int)); schemaTable.Columns.Add("NumericScale", typeof(int)); schemaTable.Columns.Add("IsArray", typeof(bool)); var values = new object[8]; foreach (var propertyData in properties) { var cimType = propertyData.Type; Type dataType; int size; switch (cimType) { case CimType.Boolean: dataType = typeof(bool); size = 1; break; case CimType.DateTime: dataType = typeof(DateTime); size = 8; break; case CimType.UInt8: dataType = typeof(byte); size = 1; break; case CimType.UInt16: dataType = typeof(ushort); size = 2; break; case CimType.UInt32: dataType = typeof(uint); size = 4; break; case CimType.UInt64: dataType = typeof(ulong); size = 8; break; case CimType.String: dataType = typeof(string); size = 0; break; default: dataType = typeof(object); size = 0; break; } int providerType; string providerTypeStr; if (propertyData.IsArray) { providerType = (int)cimType | 0x1000; var typeName = dataType.FullName + "[]"; dataType = Type.GetType(typeName); providerTypeStr = cimType.ToString() + "[]"; } else { providerType = (int)cimType; providerTypeStr = cimType.ToString(); } values[0] = propertyData.Name; values[1] = size; values[2] = dataType; values[3] = providerType; values[4] = providerTypeStr; values[7] = propertyData.IsArray; schemaTable.Rows.Add(values); } FieldCount = schemaTable.Rows.Count; return(schemaTable); }