public List <Order> QueryOrder(string condition, QueryPageInfo page) { var sql = "SELECT * FROM CPOrder where 1=1 {0} order by StartTime "; var sqlCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CPOrder where 1=1 {0}"; var sqlSplit = "limit {0} offset {0}*{1}"; sql = string.Format(sql, condition); sqlCount = string.Format(sqlCount, condition); page.RecordTotal = Convert.ToInt32(_db.ExecuteScalar(sqlCount)); sqlSplit = string.Format(sqlSplit, page.PageSize, page.PageIndex - 1); sql += sqlSplit; List <Order> list = new List <Order>(); using (var rdr = _db.ExecuteReader(sql)) { if (rdr == null) { return(list); } while (rdr.Read()) { var runner = ReaderToRunner(rdr); list.Add(runner); } } return(list); }
public static string GetFirstPartPagination(QueryPageInfo queryPageInfo) { if (queryPageInfo == null) { return(FirstPart); } string sTop = string.Format("TOP {0} ", queryPageInfo.PageSize); string sOut = string.Format( FirstPartInternal, MyConstants.PrimaryKeyTableName, string.Format(MySqlStatments.SelectIntoPrimaryTable, sTop)); return(sOut); }
/// <summary> /// Prepares an Instance level command when using pagination. /// Pagination returns results in one or more pages of data, where the user specifies the page size. /// The pagination feature is not implemented in this sample data access agent /// </summary> /// <param name="command">IDbCommand that is created</param> /// <param name="matchingParamsCollection">Contains the query parameters that are used to generate the WHERE statement</param> /// <param name="queryPageInfo"></param> protected override void PrepareInstancePageQueryCommand ( IDbCommand command, Collection <CatalogElement[]> matchingParamsCollection, QueryPageInfo queryPageInfo ) { command.CommandText = "exec sp_executeSQL @CMD"; string cmdText = GetInstanceCommandText(matchingParamsCollection, queryPageInfo); command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CMD", cmdText)); command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; }
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { People p = new People(); = "1"; p.Name = "哈哈"; p.Phone = 110; p.Money = 1000000M; _PeopleDAL.Update(p); QueryPageInfo<People> queryinfo = new QueryPageInfo<People>(); queryinfo.Skip = 0; queryinfo.Take = 5; queryinfo.ReturnFields = "id,Name"; // queryinfo.Querys = new TermQuery(new Term("id","1")); queryinfo.Querys = new MatchAllDocsQuery(); _PeopleDAL.QueryList(queryinfo); Response.Write(queryinfo.Total); Response.Write(jss.Serialize(queryinfo.Data.Select(s => new { id =, name = s.Name }))); _PeopleDAL.Dispose(); }
public AeInfoExtended[] GetAeTitles(AeInfoExtended searchParams, QueryPageInfo queryPageInfo) { DbCommand dbCommand; IDataReader reader; List <AeInfoExtended> aetitles; dbCommand = DatabaseProvider.DbProviderFactory.CreateCommand(); aetitles = new List <AeInfoExtended>(); InitializeGetAeTitlesCommand(dbCommand, searchParams, queryPageInfo); using (reader = DatabaseProvider.ExecuteReader(dbCommand)) { while (reader.Read()) { aetitles.Add(GetClientInformation(reader)); } } return(aetitles.ToArray()); }
protected override void InitializeGetAeTitlesCommand(DbCommand command, AeInfoExtended searchParams, QueryPageInfo queryPageInfo) { command.CommandText = @"SELECT * " + @"FROM [AeInfo] " + GenerateWhereStatement(searchParams); if (queryPageInfo.PagingType != QueryPageInfoEnum.None) { string paging = command.CommandText += @" ORDER BY [AETitle] " + @" OFFSET @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1) ROWS " + @" FETCH NEXT @PageSize ROWS ONLY"; DbParameter p0 = command.CreateParameter(); p0.ParameterName = "@PageNumber"; p0.Value = queryPageInfo.PageNumber; command.Parameters.Add(p0); DbParameter p1 = command.CreateParameter(); p1.ParameterName = "@PageSize"; p1.Value = queryPageInfo.PageSize; command.Parameters.Add(p1); } }
protected abstract void InitializeGetAeTitlesCommand(DbCommand dbCommand, AeInfoExtended searchParams, QueryPageInfo queryPageInfo);
private string GetInstanceCommandText(Collection <CatalogElement[]> matchingParamsCollection, QueryPageInfo queryPageInfo) { try { string sOrderByField = "SOPInstanceUID"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(500); string s; // Skip the pagination for now! queryPageInfo = null; if (queryPageInfo != null) { string sTemp = MyConstants.SelectCommandText.GetFirstPartPagination(queryPageInfo); sb.Append(sTemp); string originalTableQuery = MyConstants.SelectCommandText.FromClause.Image; originalTableQuery += InjectJoinForInstanceQuery(); sb.Append(originalTableQuery); string sWhere = SqlProviderUtilities.GenerateWherePaginationStatement(matchingParamsCollection, "Instance", "SOPInstanceUID", sOrderByField, queryPageInfo, originalTableQuery); sb.Append(sWhere); } else { s = MyConstants.SelectCommandText.FirstPart; sb.Append(s); s = MyConstants.SelectCommandText.FromClause.Image; sb.Append(s); s = SqlProviderUtilities.GenerateWhereStatement(matchingParamsCollection); sb.Append(s); } s = MyConstants.SelectCommandText.MIDDLE_PART; sb.Append(s); s = MyConstants.SelectCommandText.SelectStatements.PatientEntity; sb.Append(s); s = MyConstants.SelectCommandText.SelectStatements.StudyEntity; sb.Append(s); s = MyConstants.SelectCommandText.SelectStatements.SeriesEntity; sb.Append(s); s = MyConstants.SelectCommandText.SelectStatements.InstanceEntity; sb.Append(s); s = MyConstants.SelectCommandText.LAST_PART; sb.Append(s); return(sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception exception) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(exception.Message); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false); throw; } }
private async void QueryData() { this.TCDataHistoryCollection.Clear(); this.Records.Clear(); this.Unknowns.Clear(); await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { QueryPageInfo page = new QueryPageInfo(); page.PageIndex = 1; page.PageSize = 20; var list = SqliteHelper.Instance.QueryOrder("", page); foreach (var item in list) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { this.TCDataHistoryCollection.Add(item); }); } }); this.Records.Add(new DataRecord { Time = "12:22:00", Input = "220", X = "℃", Voltage = "23", Ammeter = "34" }); this.Unknowns.Add(new RecordStatus { Index = 1, Status = "未连接" }); this.Unknowns.Add(new RecordStatus { Index = 2, Status = "未连接" }); this.Unknowns.Add(new RecordStatus { Index = 3, Status = "未连接" }); this.Unknowns.Add(new RecordStatus { Index = 4, Status = "未连接" }); this.Unknowns.Add(new RecordStatus { Index = 5, Status = "未连接" }); var line1 = new LineSeries(); line1.Values = new ChartValues <double>(); line1.Values.Add(4.0); line1.Values.Add(15.0); line1.Values.Add(23.0); line1.Values.Add(5.0); line1.Values.Add(7.0); line1.Values.Add(9.0); line1.Values.Add(12.0); VSeries.Add(line1); VLables.Add("1.0"); VLables.Add("2.0"); VLables.Add("3.0"); VLables.Add("4.0"); VLables.Add("5.0"); VLables.Add("6.0"); VLables.Add("7.0"); VLables.Add("8.0"); var line2 = new LineSeries(); line2.Values = new ChartValues <double>(); line2.Values.Add(12.0); line2.Values.Add(8.0); line2.Values.Add(2.0); line2.Values.Add(10.0); line2.Values.Add(4.0); line2.Values.Add(9.0); line2.Values.Add(5.0); ASeries.Add(line2); ALables.Add("1.0"); ALables.Add("2.0"); ALables.Add("3.0"); ALables.Add("4.0"); ALables.Add("5.0"); ALables.Add("6.0"); ALables.Add("7.0"); ALables.Add("8.0"); }