Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for a query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryText">The text of the query to execute</param>
        /// <param name="connection">The information of the connection to use to execute the query</param>
        /// <param name="settings">Settings for how to execute the query, from the user</param>
        /// <param name="outputFactory">Factory for creating output files</param>
        public Query(string queryText, ConnectionInfo connection, QueryExecutionSettings settings, IFileStreamFactory outputFactory)
            // Sanity check for input
            Validate.IsNotNullOrEmptyString(nameof(queryText), queryText);
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(connection), connection);
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(settings), settings);
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(outputFactory), outputFactory);

            // Initialize the internal state
            QueryText          = queryText;
            editorConnection   = connection;
            cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            // Process the query into batches
            ParseResult parseResult = Parser.Parse(queryText, new ParseOptions
                BatchSeparator = settings.BatchSeparator
            // NOTE: We only want to process batches that have statements (ie, ignore comments and empty lines)
            var batchSelection = parseResult.Script.Batches
                                 .Where(batch => batch.Statements.Count > 0)
                                 .Select((batch, index) =>
                                         new Batch(batch.Sql,
                                                   new SelectionData(
                                                       batch.StartLocation.LineNumber - 1,
                                                       batch.StartLocation.ColumnNumber - 1,
                                                       batch.EndLocation.LineNumber - 1,
                                                       batch.EndLocation.ColumnNumber - 1),
                                                   index, outputFactory));

            Batches = batchSelection.ToArray();
Exemple #2
        private static string VerifyReadWrite <T>(int valueLength, T value,
                                                  Func <ServiceBufferFileStreamWriter, T, int> writeFunc,
                                                  Func <ServiceBufferFileStreamReader, FileStreamReadResult> readFunc,
                                                  QueryExecutionSettings overrideSettings = null)
            // Setup: Create a mock file stream
            byte[] storage = new byte[8192];
            overrideSettings = overrideSettings ?? new QueryExecutionSettings();

            // If:
            // ... I write a type T to the writer
            using (ServiceBufferFileStreamWriter writer = new ServiceBufferFileStreamWriter(new MemoryStream(storage), overrideSettings))
                int writtenBytes = writeFunc(writer, value);
                Assert.Equal(valueLength, writtenBytes);

            // ... And read the type T back
            FileStreamReadResult outValue;

            using (ServiceBufferFileStreamReader reader = new ServiceBufferFileStreamReader(new MemoryStream(storage), overrideSettings))
                outValue = readFunc(reader);

            // Then:
            Assert.Equal(value, outValue.Value.RawObject);
            Assert.Equal(valueLength, outValue.TotalLength);

Exemple #3
        public async Task CancelQueryBeforeExecutionStartedTest()
            // Setup query settings
            QueryExecutionSettings querySettings = new QueryExecutionSettings
                ExecutionPlanOptions = new ExecutionPlanOptions
                    IncludeActualExecutionPlanXml    = false,
                    IncludeEstimatedExecutionPlanXml = true

            // Create query with a failure callback function
            ConnectionInfo ci = Common.CreateTestConnectionInfo(null, false, false);

            ConnectionService.Instance.OwnerToConnectionMap[ci.OwnerUri] = ci;
            Query query = new Query(Constants.StandardQuery, ci, querySettings, MemoryFileSystem.GetFileStreamFactory());

            string errorMessage = null;

            Query.QueryAsyncErrorEventHandler failureCallback = async(q, e) =>
                errorMessage = "Error Occured";
            query.QueryFailed += failureCallback;

            await query.ExecutionTask;

            // Validate that query has not been executed but cancelled and query failed called function was called
            Assert.Equal(true, query.HasCancelled);
            Assert.Equal(false, query.HasExecuted);
            Assert.Equal("Error Occured", errorMessage);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new writer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The file wrapper to use as the underlying file stream</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The query execution settings</param>
        public ServiceBufferFileStreamWriter(Stream stream, QueryExecutionSettings settings)
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(stream), stream);
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(settings), settings);

            // open file for reading/writing
            if (!stream.CanWrite || !stream.CanSeek)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Stream must be writable and seekable.");
            fileStream        = stream;
            executionSettings = settings;

            // create internal buffer
            byteBuffer = new byte[DefaultBufferLength];

            // Create internal buffers for blockcopy of contents to byte array
            // Note: We create them now to avoid the overhead of creating a new array for every write call
            shortBuffer  = new short[1];
            intBuffer    = new int[1];
            longBuffer   = new long[1];
            charBuffer   = new char[1];
            doubleBuffer = new double[1];
            floatBuffer  = new float[1];

            // Define what methods to use to write a type to the file
            writeMethods = new Dictionary <Type, Func <object, int> >
                { typeof(string), val => WriteString((string)val) },
                { typeof(short), val => WriteInt16((short)val) },
                { typeof(int), val => WriteInt32((int)val) },
                { typeof(long), val => WriteInt64((long)val) },
                { typeof(byte), val => WriteByte((byte)val) },
                { typeof(char), val => WriteChar((char)val) },
                { typeof(bool), val => WriteBoolean((bool)val) },
                { typeof(double), val => WriteDouble((double)val) },
                { typeof(float), val => WriteSingle((float)val) },
                { typeof(decimal), val => WriteDecimal((decimal)val) },
                { typeof(DateTime), val => WriteDateTime((DateTime)val) },
                { typeof(DateTimeOffset), val => WriteDateTimeOffset((DateTimeOffset)val) },
                { typeof(TimeSpan), val => WriteTimeSpan((TimeSpan)val) },
                { typeof(byte[]), val => WriteBytes((byte[])val) },
                { typeof(Guid), val => WriteGuid((Guid)val) },

                { typeof(SqlString), val => WriteNullable((SqlString)val, obj => WriteString((string)obj)) },
                { typeof(SqlInt16), val => WriteNullable((SqlInt16)val, obj => WriteInt16((short)obj)) },
                { typeof(SqlInt32), val => WriteNullable((SqlInt32)val, obj => WriteInt32((int)obj)) },
                { typeof(SqlInt64), val => WriteNullable((SqlInt64)val, obj => WriteInt64((long)obj)) },
                { typeof(SqlByte), val => WriteNullable((SqlByte)val, obj => WriteByte((byte)obj)) },
                { typeof(SqlBoolean), val => WriteNullable((SqlBoolean)val, obj => WriteBoolean((bool)obj)) },
                { typeof(SqlDouble), val => WriteNullable((SqlDouble)val, obj => WriteDouble((double)obj)) },
                { typeof(SqlSingle), val => WriteNullable((SqlSingle)val, obj => WriteSingle((float)obj)) },
                { typeof(SqlDecimal), val => WriteNullable((SqlDecimal)val, obj => WriteSqlDecimal((SqlDecimal)obj)) },
                { typeof(SqlDateTime), val => WriteNullable((SqlDateTime)val, obj => WriteDateTime((DateTime)obj)) },
                { typeof(SqlBytes), val => WriteNullable((SqlBytes)val, obj => WriteBytes((byte[])obj)) },
                { typeof(SqlBinary), val => WriteNullable((SqlBinary)val, obj => WriteBytes((byte[])obj)) },
                { typeof(SqlGuid), val => WriteNullable((SqlGuid)val, obj => WriteGuid((Guid)obj)) },
                { typeof(SqlMoney), val => WriteNullable((SqlMoney)val, obj => WriteMoney((SqlMoney)obj)) }
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for a query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryText">The text of the query to execute</param>
        /// <param name="connection">The information of the connection to use to execute the query</param>
        /// <param name="settings">Settings for how to execute the query, from the user</param>
        /// <param name="outputFactory">Factory for creating output files</param>
        public Query(
            string queryText,
            ConnectionInfo connection,
            QueryExecutionSettings settings,
            IFileStreamFactory outputFactory,
            bool getFullColumnSchema    = false,
            bool applyExecutionSettings = false)
            // Sanity check for input
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(queryText), queryText);
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(connection), connection);
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(settings), settings);
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(outputFactory), outputFactory);

            // Initialize the internal state
            QueryText          = queryText;
            editorConnection   = connection;
            cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            // Process the query into batches
            BatchParserWrapper        parser     = new BatchParserWrapper();
            ExecutionEngineConditions conditions = null;

            if (settings.IsSqlCmdMode)
                conditions = new ExecutionEngineConditions()
                    IsSqlCmd = settings.IsSqlCmdMode
            List <BatchDefinition> parserResult = parser.GetBatches(queryText, conditions);

            var batchSelection = parserResult
                                 .Select((batchDefinition, index) =>
                                         new Batch(batchDefinition.BatchText,
                                                   new SelectionData(
                                                       batchDefinition.StartLine - 1,
                                                       batchDefinition.StartColumn - 1,
                                                       batchDefinition.EndLine - 1,
                                                       batchDefinition.EndColumn - 1),
                                                   index, outputFactory,

            Batches = batchSelection.ToArray();

            // Create our batch lists
            BeforeBatches = new List <Batch>();
            AfterBatches  = new List <Batch>();

            if (applyExecutionSettings)
                ApplyExecutionSettings(connection, settings, outputFactory);
Exemple #6
        public static Query CreateAndExecuteQuery(string queryText, ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, IFileStreamFactory fileStreamFactory, bool IsSqlCmd = false)
            var settings = new QueryExecutionSettings()
                IsSqlCmdMode = IsSqlCmd
            Query query = new Query(queryText, connectionInfo, settings, fileStreamFactory);

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new ServiceBufferFileStreamReader and initializes its state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The filestream to read from</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The query execution settings</param>
        public ServiceBufferFileStreamReader(Stream stream, QueryExecutionSettings settings)
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(stream), stream);
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(settings), settings);

            // Open file for reading/writing
            if (!stream.CanRead || !stream.CanSeek)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Stream must be readable and seekable");
            fileStream = stream;

            executionSettings = settings;

            // Create internal buffer
            buffer = new byte[DefaultBufferSize];

            // Create the methods that will be used to read back
            readMethods = new Dictionary <Type, ReadMethod>
                { typeof(string), (o, id, col) => ReadString(o, id) },
                { typeof(short), (o, id, col) => ReadInt16(o, id) },
                { typeof(int), (o, id, col) => ReadInt32(o, id) },
                { typeof(long), (o, id, col) => ReadInt64(o, id) },
                { typeof(byte), (o, id, col) => ReadByte(o, id) },
                { typeof(char), (o, id, col) => ReadChar(o, id) },
                { typeof(bool), (o, id, col) => ReadBoolean(o, id) },
                { typeof(double), (o, id, col) => ReadDouble(o, id) },
                { typeof(float), (o, id, col) => ReadSingle(o, id) },
                { typeof(decimal), (o, id, col) => ReadDecimal(o, id) },
                { typeof(DateTime), ReadDateTime },
                { typeof(DateTimeOffset), (o, id, col) => ReadDateTimeOffset(o, id) },
                { typeof(TimeSpan), (o, id, col) => ReadTimeSpan(o, id) },
                { typeof(byte[]), (o, id, col) => ReadBytes(o, id) },
                { typeof(Guid), (o, id, col) => ReadGuid(o, id) },

                { typeof(SqlString), (o, id, col) => ReadString(o, id) },
                { typeof(SqlInt16), (o, id, col) => ReadInt16(o, id) },
                { typeof(SqlInt32), (o, id, col) => ReadInt32(o, id) },
                { typeof(SqlInt64), (o, id, col) => ReadInt64(o, id) },
                { typeof(SqlByte), (o, id, col) => ReadByte(o, id) },
                { typeof(SqlBoolean), (o, id, col) => ReadBoolean(o, id) },
                { typeof(SqlDouble), (o, id, col) => ReadDouble(o, id) },
                { typeof(SqlSingle), (o, id, col) => ReadSingle(o, id) },
                { typeof(SqlDecimal), (o, id, col) => ReadSqlDecimal(o, id) },
                { typeof(SqlDateTime), ReadDateTime },
                { typeof(SqlBytes), (o, id, col) => ReadBytes(o, id) },
                { typeof(SqlBinary), (o, id, col) => ReadBytes(o, id) },
                { typeof(SqlGuid), (o, id, col) => ReadGuid(o, id) },
                { typeof(SqlMoney), (o, id, col) => ReadMoney(o, id) },
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for a query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryText">The text of the query to execute</param>
        /// <param name="connection">The information of the connection to use to execute the query</param>
        /// <param name="settings">Settings for how to execute the query, from the user</param>
        /// <param name="outputFactory">Factory for creating output files</param>
        public Query(string queryText, ConnectionInfo connection, QueryExecutionSettings settings, IFileStreamFactory outputFactory, bool getFullColumnSchema = false)
            // Sanity check for input
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(queryText), queryText);
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(connection), connection);
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(settings), settings);
            Validate.IsNotNull(nameof(outputFactory), outputFactory);

            // Initialize the internal state
            QueryText          = queryText;
            editorConnection   = connection;
            cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            // Process the query into batches
            BatchParserWrapper     parser       = new BatchParserWrapper();
            List <BatchDefinition> parserResult = parser.GetBatches(queryText);

            var batchSelection = parserResult
                                 .Select((batchDefinition, index) =>
                                         new Batch(batchDefinition.BatchText,
                                                   new SelectionData(
                                                       batchDefinition.StartLine - 1,
                                                       batchDefinition.StartColumn - 1,
                                                       batchDefinition.EndLine - 1,
                                                       batchDefinition.EndColumn - 1),
                                                   index, outputFactory,

            Batches = batchSelection.ToArray();

            // Create our batch lists
            BeforeBatches = new List <Batch>();
            AfterBatches  = new List <Batch>();

            if (DoesSupportExecutionPlan(connection))
                // Checking settings for execution plan options
                if (settings.ExecutionPlanOptions.IncludeEstimatedExecutionPlanXml)
                    // Enable set showplan xml
                    AddBatch(string.Format(SetShowPlanXml, On), BeforeBatches, outputFactory);
                    AddBatch(string.Format(SetShowPlanXml, Off), AfterBatches, outputFactory);
                else if (settings.ExecutionPlanOptions.IncludeActualExecutionPlanXml)
                    AddBatch(string.Format(SetStatisticsXml, On), BeforeBatches, outputFactory);
                    AddBatch(string.Format(SetStatisticsXml, Off), AfterBatches, outputFactory);
Exemple #9
        public void When_query_endpoint_is_not_found_then_should_throw()
            using (var client = _fixture.CreateHttpClient())
                var settings = new QueryExecutionSettings(
                    path: "notfoundpath");

                Func <Task <TestQueryResponse> > act = () => client.ExecuteQuery <TestQuery, TestQueryResponse>(new TestQuery(), Guid.NewGuid(), settings);

                act.ShouldThrow <InvalidOperationException>();
Exemple #10
        public static Query GetBasicExecutedQuery(QueryExecutionSettings querySettings)
            ConnectionInfo ci = CreateTestConnectionInfo(StandardTestDataSet, false);

            // Query won't be able to request a new query DbConnection unless the ConnectionService has a
            // ConnectionInfo with the same URI as the query, so we will manually set it
            ConnectionService.Instance.OwnerToConnectionMap[ci.OwnerUri] = ci;

            Query query = new Query(StandardQuery, ci, querySettings, GetFileStreamFactory(new Dictionary <string, byte[]>()));

        private async Task <Query> CreateAndActivateNewQuery(ExecuteRequestParamsBase executeParams, Func <Task> successAction, Func <string, Task> failureAction)
                // Attempt to get the connection for the editor
                ConnectionInfo connectionInfo;
                if (!ConnectionService.TryFindConnection(executeParams.OwnerUri, out connectionInfo))
                    await failureAction(SR.QueryServiceQueryInvalidOwnerUri);


                // Attempt to clean out any old query on the owner URI
                Query oldQuery;
                if (ActiveQueries.TryGetValue(executeParams.OwnerUri, out oldQuery) && oldQuery.HasExecuted)
                    ActiveQueries.TryRemove(executeParams.OwnerUri, out oldQuery);

                // Retrieve the current settings for executing the query with
                QueryExecutionSettings querySettings = Settings.QueryExecutionSettings;

                // Apply execution parameter settings
                querySettings.ExecutionPlanOptions = executeParams.ExecutionPlanOptions;

                // If we can't add the query now, it's assumed the query is in progress
                Query newQuery = new Query(GetSqlText(executeParams), connectionInfo, querySettings, BufferFileFactory);
                if (!ActiveQueries.TryAdd(executeParams.OwnerUri, newQuery))
                    await failureAction(SR.QueryServiceQueryInProgress);


                // Successfully created query
                await successAction();

            catch (Exception e)
                await failureAction(e.Message);

Exemple #12
        private Query CreateQuery(ExecuteRequestParamsBase executeParams, ConnectionInfo connInfo)
            // Attempt to get the connection for the editor
            ConnectionInfo connectionInfo;

            if (connInfo != null)
                connectionInfo = connInfo;
            else if (!ConnectionService.TryFindConnection(executeParams.OwnerUri, out connectionInfo))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(executeParams.OwnerUri), SR.QueryServiceQueryInvalidOwnerUri);

            // Attempt to clean out any old query on the owner URI
            Query oldQuery;

            // DevNote:
            //    if any oldQuery exists on the executeParams.OwnerUri but it has not yet executed,
            //    then shouldn't we cancel and clean out that query since we are about to create a new query object on the current OwnerUri.
            if (ActiveQueries.TryGetValue(executeParams.OwnerUri, out oldQuery) && (oldQuery.HasExecuted || oldQuery.HasCancelled))
                ActiveQueries.TryRemove(executeParams.OwnerUri, out oldQuery);

            // Retrieve the current settings for executing the query with
            QueryExecutionSettings settings = Settings.QueryExecutionSettings;

            // Apply execution parameter settings
            settings.ExecutionPlanOptions = executeParams.ExecutionPlanOptions;

            // If we can't add the query now, it's assumed the query is in progress
            Query newQuery = new Query(GetSqlText(executeParams), connectionInfo, settings, BufferFileFactory, executeParams.GetFullColumnSchema);

            if (!ActiveQueries.TryAdd(executeParams.OwnerUri, newQuery))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.QueryServiceQueryInProgress);

            Logger.Write(TraceEventType.Information, $"Query object for URI:'{executeParams.OwnerUri}' created");
        [InlineData(2)]   // Invalid batch, too high
        public async Task QueryExecutionPlanInvalidParamsTest(int batchIndex)
            // Setup query settings
            QueryExecutionSettings querySettings = new QueryExecutionSettings
                ExecutionPlanOptions = new ExecutionPlanOptions
                    IncludeActualExecutionPlanXml    = false,
                    IncludeEstimatedExecutionPlanXml = true

            // If I have an executed query
            Query q = Common.GetBasicExecutedQuery(querySettings);

            // ... And I ask for a subset with an invalid result set index
            // Then:
            // ... It should throw an exception
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => q.GetExecutionPlan(batchIndex, 0));
Exemple #14
        private Query CreateQuery(ExecuteRequestParamsBase executeParams, ConnectionInfo connInfo)
            // Attempt to get the connection for the editor
            ConnectionInfo connectionInfo;

            if (connInfo != null)
                connectionInfo = connInfo;
            else if (!ConnectionService.TryFindConnection(executeParams.OwnerUri, out connectionInfo))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(executeParams.OwnerUri), SR.QueryServiceQueryInvalidOwnerUri);

            // Attempt to clean out any old query on the owner URI
            Query oldQuery;

            if (ActiveQueries.TryGetValue(executeParams.OwnerUri, out oldQuery) && oldQuery.HasExecuted)
                ActiveQueries.TryRemove(executeParams.OwnerUri, out oldQuery);

            // Retrieve the current settings for executing the query with
            QueryExecutionSettings settings = Settings.QueryExecutionSettings;

            // Apply execution parameter settings
            settings.ExecutionPlanOptions = executeParams.ExecutionPlanOptions;

            // If we can't add the query now, it's assumed the query is in progress
            Query newQuery = new Query(GetSqlText(executeParams), connectionInfo, settings, BufferFileFactory, executeParams.GetFullColumnSchema);

            if (!ActiveQueries.TryAdd(executeParams.OwnerUri, newQuery))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.QueryServiceQueryInProgress);

Exemple #15
 public ContrivedMiddleware()
     _queryExecutionSettings = new QueryExecutionSettings("vendor");
 public QuerySettingsHelper(QueryExecutionSettings settings)
     this.settings = settings;
        private async Task <Query> CreateAndActivateNewQuery(QueryExecuteParams executeParams, RequestContext <QueryExecuteResult> requestContext)
                // Attempt to get the connection for the editor
                ConnectionInfo connectionInfo;
                if (!ConnectionService.TryFindConnection(executeParams.OwnerUri, out connectionInfo))
                    await requestContext.SendError(SR.QueryServiceQueryInvalidOwnerUri);


                // Attempt to clean out any old query on the owner URI
                Query oldQuery;
                if (ActiveQueries.TryGetValue(executeParams.OwnerUri, out oldQuery) && oldQuery.HasExecuted)
                    ActiveQueries.TryRemove(executeParams.OwnerUri, out oldQuery);

                // Retrieve the current settings for executing the query with
                QueryExecutionSettings settings = WorkspaceService.CurrentSettings.QueryExecutionSettings;

                // Get query text from the workspace.
                ScriptFile queryFile = WorkspaceService.Workspace.GetFile(executeParams.OwnerUri);

                string queryText;

                if (executeParams.QuerySelection != null)
                    string[] queryTextArray = queryFile.GetLinesInRange(
                        new BufferRange(
                            new BufferPosition(
                                executeParams.QuerySelection.StartLine + 1,
                                executeParams.QuerySelection.StartColumn + 1
                            new BufferPosition(
                                executeParams.QuerySelection.EndLine + 1,
                                executeParams.QuerySelection.EndColumn + 1
                    queryText = queryTextArray.Aggregate((a, b) => a + '\r' + '\n' + b);
                    queryText = queryFile.Contents;

                // If we can't add the query now, it's assumed the query is in progress
                Query newQuery = new Query(queryText, connectionInfo, settings, BufferFileFactory);
                if (!ActiveQueries.TryAdd(executeParams.OwnerUri, newQuery))
                    await requestContext.SendError(SR.QueryServiceQueryInProgress);


            catch (Exception e)
                await requestContext.SendError(e.Message);

            // Any other exceptions will fall through here and be collected at the end
Exemple #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the current settings with the new settings
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newSettings">The new settings</param>
 public void Update(QueryExecutionSettings newSettings)
     BatchSeparator = newSettings.BatchSeparator;
Exemple #19
        private void ApplyExecutionSettings(
            ConnectionInfo connection,
            QueryExecutionSettings settings,
            IFileStreamFactory outputFactory)
            outputFactory.QueryExecutionSettings = settings;
            QuerySettingsHelper helper = new QuerySettingsHelper(settings);

            // set query execution plan options
            if (DoesSupportExecutionPlan(connection))
                // Checking settings for execution plan options
                if (settings.ExecutionPlanOptions.IncludeEstimatedExecutionPlanXml)
                    // Enable set showplan xml
                    AddBatch(string.Format(SetShowPlanXml, On), BeforeBatches, outputFactory);
                    AddBatch(string.Format(SetShowPlanXml, Off), AfterBatches, outputFactory);
                else if (settings.ExecutionPlanOptions.IncludeActualExecutionPlanXml)
                    AddBatch(string.Format(SetStatisticsXml, On), BeforeBatches, outputFactory);
                    AddBatch(string.Format(SetStatisticsXml, Off), AfterBatches, outputFactory);

            StringBuilder builderBefore = new StringBuilder(512);
            StringBuilder builderAfter  = new StringBuilder(512);

            if (!connection.IsSqlDW)
                // "set noexec off" should be the very first command, cause everything after
                // corresponding "set noexec on" is not executed until "set noexec off"
                // is encounted
                if (!settings.NoExec)
                    builderBefore.AppendFormat("{0} ", helper.SetNoExecString);

                if (settings.StatisticsIO)
                    builderBefore.AppendFormat("{0} ", helper.GetSetStatisticsIOString(true));
                    builderAfter.AppendFormat("{0} ", helper.GetSetStatisticsIOString(false));

                if (settings.StatisticsTime)
                    builderBefore.AppendFormat("{0} ", helper.GetSetStatisticsTimeString(true));
                    builderAfter.AppendFormat("{0} ", helper.GetSetStatisticsTimeString(false));

            if (settings.ParseOnly)
                builderBefore.AppendFormat("{0} ", helper.GetSetParseOnlyString(true));
                builderAfter.AppendFormat("{0} ", helper.GetSetParseOnlyString(false));

            // append first part of exec options
            builderBefore.AppendFormat("{0} {1} {2}",
                                       helper.SetRowCountString, helper.SetTextSizeString, helper.SetNoCountString);

            if (!connection.IsSqlDW)
                // append second part of exec options
                builderBefore.AppendFormat(" {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}",
                                           // We treat XACT_ABORT special in that we don't add anything if the option
                                           // isn't checked. This is because we don't want to be overwriting the server
                                           // if it has a default of ON since that's something people would specifically
                                           // set and having a client change it could be dangerous (the reverse is much
                                           // less risky)

                                           // The full fix would probably be to make the options tri-state instead of
                                           // just on/off, where the default is to use the servers default. Until that
                                           // happens though this is the best solution we came up with. See TFS#7937925

                                           // Note that users can always specifically add SET XACT_ABORT OFF to their
                                           // queries if they do truly want to set it off. We just don't want  to
                                           // do it silently (since the default is going to be off)
                                           settings.XactAbortOn ? helper.SetXactAbortString : string.Empty);

                // append Ansi options
                builderBefore.AppendFormat(" {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}",
                                           helper.SetAnsiNullsString, helper.SetAnsiNullDefaultString, helper.SetAnsiPaddingString,
                                           helper.SetAnsiWarningsString, helper.SetCursorCloseOnCommitString,
                                           helper.SetImplicitTransactionString, helper.SetQuotedIdentifierString);

                // "set noexec on" should be the very last command, cause everything after it is not
                // being executed unitl "set noexec off" is encounered
                if (settings.NoExec)
                    builderBefore.AppendFormat("{0} ", helper.SetNoExecString);

            // add connection option statements before query execution
            if (builderBefore.Length > 0)
                AddBatch(builderBefore.ToString(), BeforeBatches, outputFactory);

            // add connection option statements after query execution
            if (builderAfter.Length > 0)
                AddBatch(builderAfter.ToString(), AfterBatches, outputFactory);