Exemple #1
            internal Bone(string name, int parent, ImmutableArray<int> boneControllers,
                Vector3f position, Quaternionf quaternion, Vector3f rotation, Vector3f positionScale, Vector3f rotationScale,
                Matrix4x4f poseToBone, Quaternionf alignment,
                int flags, int procType, int procIndex, int physicsBone, int surfacePropIdx, int contents)
                Name = name;
                Parent = parent;
                BoneControllers = boneControllers;

                Position = position;
                Quaternion = quaternion;
                Rotation = rotation;

                PositionScale = positionScale;
                RotationScale = rotationScale;

                PoseToBone = poseToBone;
                Alignment = alignment;
                Flags = flags;
                ProcType = procType;
                ProcIndex = procIndex;
                PhysicsBone = physicsBone;
                SurfacePropIdx = surfacePropIdx;
                Contents = contents;
Exemple #2
 public virtual void SetRotation(Quaternionf rotation)
     camera.transform.rotation = rotation;
 static string edit_quaternion(Quaternionf q)
     return("( " + q.w + ",  " + q.x + ",  " + q.y + ",  " + q.z + " )");
        static void test_func_call()

            // TVector
            Vec3f v31 = new Vec3f(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);

            put("Vec3f: square ", "14.0", v31.square());
            put("Vec3f: norm   ", "3.7416574", v31.norm());
            Vec3f v3u = v31; v3u.unitize();
            Vec3f v3r = new Vec3f(0.2672612f, 0.5345225f, 0.8017837f);

            put2("Vec3f: unitize", edit_vector(v3r), edit_vector(v3u));

            // TQuaternion
            float       pi        = 3.1415927f;
            float       rad90     = pi / 2;
            float       rad45     = pi / 4;
            float       cos45     = 0.7071069f;
            float       sqrt3     = 1.7320508f;
            float       sqrt3div3 = sqrt3 / 3;
            Quaternionf q1        = new Quaternionf(cos45, sqrt3div3, sqrt3div3, sqrt3div3);
            Quaternionf q2        = new Quaternionf(q1.W(), q1.X(), q1.Y(), q1.Z());
            Vec3f       qv1       = new Vec3f(sqrt3div3, sqrt3div3, sqrt3div3);

            put2("Quaternionf: W(),X(),Y(),Z()", edit_quaternion(q1), edit_quaternion(q2));
            put2("Quaternionf: V", edit_vector(qv1), edit_vector(q1.V()));
            put2("Quaternionf: Axis", edit_vector(qv1), edit_vector(q1.Axis()));
            put("Quaternionf: Theta", rad90.ToString(), q1.Theta());

            float half = pi / (2 * sqrt3);
            Vec3f qv2  = new Vec3f(half, half, half);

            put2("Quaternionf: RotationHalf", edit_vector(qv2), edit_vector(q1.RotationHalf()));
            put2("Quaternionf: Rotation    ", edit_vector(qv2), edit_vector(q1.Rotation()));

            float       angle = rad90;
            float       d     = sqrt3;
            float       s     = (float)Math.Sin(angle / 2) / d;
            Quaternionf qr    = new Quaternionf((float)Math.Cos(angle / 2), s, s, s);
            Quaternionf q3    = Quaternionf.Rot(angle, new Vec3f(1f, 1f, 1f));

            put2("Quaternionf: Rot", edit_quaternion(qr), edit_quaternion(q3));

            float       c1 = (float)Math.Cos(angle / 2);
            float       s1 = (float)Math.Sin(angle / 2);
            Quaternionf qs = new Quaternionf(c1, s1, 0f, 0f);
            Quaternionf q4 = Quaternionf.Rot(angle, (sbyte)'x');

            put2("Quaternionf: Rot", edit_quaternion(qs), edit_quaternion(q4));

            Vec3f       qv3 = new Vec3f(1f, 1f, 1f);
            float       c2  = (float)Math.Cos(sqrt3 / 2);
            float       s2  = (float)Math.Sin(sqrt3 / 2);
            Vec3f       qv4 = (s2 / sqrt3) * qv3;
            Quaternionf qt  = new Quaternionf(c2, qv4[0], qv4[1], qv4[2]);
            Quaternionf q5  = Quaternionf.Rot(qv3);

            put2("Quaternionf: Rot", edit_quaternion(qt), edit_quaternion(q5));

            Quaternionf qc1 = new Quaternionf(cos45, sqrt3div3, sqrt3div3, sqrt3div3);
            Quaternionf qc2 = new Quaternionf(cos45, sqrt3div3, sqrt3div3, sqrt3div3);
            Quaternionf qc  = new Quaternionf(cos45, -sqrt3div3, -sqrt3div3, -sqrt3div3);

            put2("Quaternionf: Conjugate", edit_quaternion(qc), edit_quaternion(qc1));
            put2("Quaternionf: Conjugated", edit_quaternion(qc), edit_quaternion(qc2.Conjugated()));

            float       qf1 = (float)(cos45 * cos45 + 3 * sqrt3div3 * sqrt3div3);
            Quaternionf qe  = qc2.Conjugated() / qf1;

            put2("Quaternionf: Inv", edit_quaternion(qe), edit_quaternion(qc2.Inv()));

            // TPose
            Posef       p1   = new Posef(cos45, sqrt3, sqrt3, sqrt3, 1f, 2f, 3f);
            Posef       p2   = new Posef(p1.W(), p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z(), p1.Px(), p1.Py(), p1.Pz());
            Vec3f       pv31 = new Vec3f(1f, 2f, 3f);
            Quaternionf pq1  = new Quaternionf(cos45, sqrt3, sqrt3, sqrt3);
            Quaternionf pq2  = new Quaternionf();
            Vec3f       pv32 = new Vec3f();
            Posef       pp1  = new Posef(pq2.w, pq2.x, pq2.y, pq2.z, pv32.x, pv32.y, pv32.z);
            Posef       pp2  = new Posef(pq2.w, pq2.x, pq2.y, pq2.z, 1f, 2f, 3f);

            put2("Posef: W(),X(),Y(),Z(),Px(),Py(),Pz()", edit_pose(p1), edit_pose(p2));
            put2("Posef: Pos()", edit_vector(pv31), edit_vector(p1.Pos()));
            put2("Posef: Ori()", edit_quaternion(pq1), edit_quaternion(p1.Ori()));
            put2("Posef: Unit ", edit_pose(pp1), edit_pose(Posef.Unit()));
            put2("Posef: Trn  ", edit_pose(pp2), edit_pose(Posef.Trn(1f, 2f, 3f)));
            put2("Posef: Trn  ", edit_pose(pp2), edit_pose(Posef.Trn(pv31)));
Exemple #5
        private static void GenerateEngineStruct(TypeTreeContext context, SerializableType origin, string name)
            switch (origin.Name)
            case SerializableType.Vector2Name:
                Vector2f.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.Vector2IntName:
                Vector2i.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.Vector3Name:
                Vector3f.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.Vector3IntName:
                Vector3i.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.Vector4Name:
                Vector4f.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.RectName:
                Rectf.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.BoundsName:
                AABB.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.BoundsIntName:
                AABBi.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.QuaternionName:
                Quaternionf.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.Matrix4x4Name:
                Matrix4x4f.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.ColorName:
                ColorRGBAf.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.Color32Name:
                ColorRGBA32.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.LayerMaskName:
                LayerMask.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.AnimationCurveName:
                AnimationCurveTpl <Float> .GenerateTypeTree(context, name, Float.GenerateTypeTree);


            case SerializableType.GradientName:
                Gradient.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.RectOffsetName:
                RectOffset.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.GUIStyleName:
                GUIStyle.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

            case SerializableType.PropertyNameName:
                PropertyName.GenerateTypeTree(context, name);

                throw new Exception($"Unknown engine struct {origin.Name}");
        private void AddTransformCurve(float time, TransformType transType, IReadOnlyList <float> curveValues,
                                       IReadOnlyList <float> inSlopeValues, IReadOnlyList <float> outSlopeValues, int offset, string path)
            switch (transType)
            case TransformType.Translation:
                Vector3Curve curve = new Vector3Curve(path);
                if (!m_translations.TryGetValue(curve, out List <KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> > transCurve))
                    transCurve = new List <KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> >();
                    m_translations.Add(curve, transCurve);

                float x = curveValues[offset + 0];
                float y = curveValues[offset + 1];
                float z = curveValues[offset + 2];

                float inX = inSlopeValues[0];
                float inY = inSlopeValues[1];
                float inZ = inSlopeValues[2];

                float outX = outSlopeValues[0];
                float outY = outSlopeValues[1];
                float outZ = outSlopeValues[2];

                Vector3f value    = new Vector3f(x, y, z);
                Vector3f inSlope  = new Vector3f(inX, inY, inZ);
                Vector3f outSlope = new Vector3f(outX, outY, outZ);
                KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> transKey = new KeyframeTpl <Vector3f>(time, value, inSlope, outSlope, Vector3f.DefaultWeight);

            case TransformType.Rotation:
                QuaternionCurve curve = new QuaternionCurve(path);
                if (!m_rotations.TryGetValue(curve, out List <KeyframeTpl <Quaternionf> > rotCurve))
                    rotCurve = new List <KeyframeTpl <Quaternionf> >();
                    m_rotations.Add(curve, rotCurve);

                float x = curveValues[offset + 0];
                float y = curveValues[offset + 1];
                float z = curveValues[offset + 2];
                float w = curveValues[offset + 3];

                float inX = inSlopeValues[0];
                float inY = inSlopeValues[1];
                float inZ = inSlopeValues[2];
                float inW = inSlopeValues[3];

                float outX = outSlopeValues[0];
                float outY = outSlopeValues[1];
                float outZ = outSlopeValues[2];
                float outW = outSlopeValues[3];

                Quaternionf value                = new Quaternionf(x, y, z, w);
                Quaternionf inSlope              = new Quaternionf(inX, inY, inZ, inW);
                Quaternionf outSlope             = new Quaternionf(outX, outY, outZ, outW);
                KeyframeTpl <Quaternionf> rotKey = new KeyframeTpl <Quaternionf>(time, value, inSlope, outSlope, Quaternionf.DefaultWeight);

            case TransformType.Scaling:
                Vector3Curve curve = new Vector3Curve(path);
                if (!m_scales.TryGetValue(curve, out List <KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> > scaleCurve))
                    scaleCurve = new List <KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> >();
                    m_scales.Add(curve, scaleCurve);

                float x = curveValues[offset + 0];
                float y = curveValues[offset + 1];
                float z = curveValues[offset + 2];

                float inX = inSlopeValues[0];
                float inY = inSlopeValues[1];
                float inZ = inSlopeValues[2];

                float outX = outSlopeValues[0];
                float outY = outSlopeValues[1];
                float outZ = outSlopeValues[2];

                Vector3f value    = new Vector3f(x, y, z);
                Vector3f inSlope  = new Vector3f(inX, inY, inZ);
                Vector3f outSlope = new Vector3f(outX, outY, outZ);
                KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> scaleKey = new KeyframeTpl <Vector3f>(time, value, inSlope, outSlope, Vector3f.DefaultWeight);

            case TransformType.EulerRotation:
                Vector3Curve curve = new Vector3Curve(path);
                if (!m_eulers.TryGetValue(curve, out List <KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> > eulerCurve))
                    eulerCurve = new List <KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> >();
                    m_eulers.Add(curve, eulerCurve);

                float x = curveValues[offset + 0];
                float y = curveValues[offset + 1];
                float z = curveValues[offset + 2];

                float inX = inSlopeValues[0];
                float inY = inSlopeValues[1];
                float inZ = inSlopeValues[2];

                float outX = outSlopeValues[0];
                float outY = outSlopeValues[1];
                float outZ = outSlopeValues[2];

                Vector3f value    = new Vector3f(x, y, z);
                Vector3f inSlope  = new Vector3f(inX, inY, inZ);
                Vector3f outSlope = new Vector3f(outX, outY, outZ);
                KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> eulerKey = new KeyframeTpl <Vector3f>(time, value, inSlope, outSlope, Vector3f.DefaultWeight);

                throw new NotImplementedException(transType.ToString());
Exemple #7
        public override void Generate()
            int nRings       = Curve.Length;
            int nRingSize    = (NoSharedVertices) ? Slices + 1 : Slices;
            int nCapVertices = (NoSharedVertices) ? Slices + 1 : 1;

            if (Capped == false)
                nCapVertices = 0;

            vertices = new VectorArray3d(nRingSize * nRings + 2 * nCapVertices);
            uv       = new VectorArray2f(vertices.Count);
            normals  = new VectorArray3f(vertices.Count);

            int nSpanTris = (nRings - 1) * (2 * Slices);
            int nCapTris  = (Capped) ? 2 * Slices : 0;

            triangles = new IndexArray3i(nSpanTris + nCapTris);

            float fDelta = (float)((Math.PI * 2.0) / Slices);

            Frame3f f = Axis;

            // generate tube
            for (int ri = 0; ri < nRings; ++ri)
                Vector3D v_along  = Curve[ri];
                Vector3F v_frame  = f.ToFrameP((Vector3F)v_along);
                float    uv_along = (float)ri / (float)(nRings - 1);

                // generate vertices
                int nStartR = ri * nRingSize;
                for (int j = 0; j < nRingSize; ++j)
                    float angle = (float)j * fDelta;

                    // [TODO] this is not efficient...use Matrix3f?
                    Vector3F v_rot = Quaternionf.AxisAngleR(Vector3F.AxisY, angle) * v_frame;
                    Vector3D v_new = f.FromFrameP(v_rot);
                    int      k     = nStartR + j;
                    vertices[k] = v_new;

                    float uv_around = (float)j / (float)(nRingSize);
                    uv[k] = new Vector2F(uv_along, uv_around);

                    // [TODO] proper normal
                    Vector3F n = (Vector3F)(v_new - f.Origin).Normalized;
                    normals[k] = n;

            // generate triangles
            int ti = 0;

            for (int ri = 0; ri < nRings - 1; ++ri)
                int r0 = ri * nRingSize;
                int r1 = r0 + nRingSize;
                for (int k = 0; k < nRingSize - 1; ++k)
                    triangles.Set(ti++, r0 + k, r0 + k + 1, r1 + k + 1, Clockwise);
                    triangles.Set(ti++, r0 + k, r1 + k + 1, r1 + k, Clockwise);
                if (NoSharedVertices == false)        // close disc if we went all the way
                    triangles.Set(ti++, r1 - 1, r0, r1, Clockwise);
                    triangles.Set(ti++, r1 - 1, r1, r1 + nRingSize - 1, Clockwise);

            if (Capped)
                // find avg start loop size
                Vector3D vAvgStart = Vector3D.Zero, vAvgEnd = Vector3D.Zero;
                for (int k = 0; k < Slices; ++k)
                    vAvgStart += vertices[k];
                    vAvgEnd   += vertices[(nRings - 1) * nRingSize + k];
                vAvgStart /= (double)Slices;
                vAvgEnd   /= (double)Slices;

                Frame3f fStart = f;
                fStart.Origin = (Vector3F)vAvgStart;
                Frame3f fEnd = f;
                fEnd.Origin = (Vector3F)vAvgEnd;

                // add endcap verts
                int nBottomC = nRings * nRingSize;
                vertices[nBottomC]  = fStart.Origin;
                uv[nBottomC]        = new Vector2F(0.5f, 0.5f);
                normals[nBottomC]   = -fStart.Z;
                startCapCenterIndex = nBottomC;

                int nTopC = nBottomC + 1;
                vertices[nTopC]   = fEnd.Origin;
                uv[nTopC]         = new Vector2F(0.5f, 0.5f);
                normals[nTopC]    = fEnd.Z;
                endCapCenterIndex = nTopC;

                if (NoSharedVertices)
                    // duplicate first loop and make a fan w/ bottom-center
                    int nExistingB = 0;
                    int nStartB    = nTopC + 1;
                    for (int k = 0; k < Slices; ++k)
                        vertices[nStartB + k] = vertices[nExistingB + k];
                        //uv[nStartB + k] = (Vector2f)Polygon.Vertices[k].Normalized;

                        float  angle = (float)k * fDelta;
                        double cosa = Math.Cos(angle), sina = Math.Sin(angle);
                        uv[nStartB + k] = new Vector2F(0.5f * (1.0f + cosa), 0.5f * (1 + sina));

                        normals[nStartB + k] = normals[nBottomC];
                    append_disc(Slices, nBottomC, nStartB, true, Clockwise, ref ti);

                    // duplicate second loop and make fan
                    int nExistingT = nRingSize * (nRings - 1);
                    int nStartT    = nStartB + Slices;
                    for (int k = 0; k < Slices; ++k)
                        vertices[nStartT + k] = vertices[nExistingT + k];
                        //uv[nStartT + k] = (Vector2f)Polygon.Vertices[k].Normalized;

                        float  angle = (float)k * fDelta;
                        double cosa = Math.Cos(angle), sina = Math.Sin(angle);
                        uv[nStartT + k] = new Vector2F(0.5f * (1.0f + cosa), 0.5f * (1 + sina));

                        normals[nStartT + k] = normals[nTopC];
                    append_disc(Slices, nTopC, nStartT, true, !Clockwise, ref ti);
                    append_disc(Slices, nBottomC, 0, true, Clockwise, ref ti);
                    append_disc(Slices, nTopC, nRingSize * (nRings - 1), true, !Clockwise, ref ti);
        public void UpdateTracking(Cockpit cockpit, fCamera camera)
            fGameObject cockpitGO = cockpit.RootGameObject;

            if (!bInitialized)
                currentFrame = cockpit.GetLevelViewFrame(CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
                currentFrame.ConstrainedAlignAxis(2, Vector3f.AxisZ, Vector3f.AxisY);
                bInitialized = true;

            Vector3f vCamFW = camera.Forward();

            vCamFW[1] = 0; vCamFW.Normalize();      // I don't think this is strictly necessary but
                                                    // better to be safe for now...
            Vector3f vCamPos = camera.GetPosition();

            //if (tracking_debug == null)
            //    tracking_debug = UnityUtil.CreatePrimitiveGO("tracking_indicator", PrimitiveType.Sphere, MaterialUtil.CreateStandardMaterial(Color.green), false);
            //tracking_debug.transform.position = vCamPos + 15.0f * vCamFW;

            //if (tracking_avg == null) {
            //    tracking_avg = UnityUtil.CreatePrimitiveGO("tracking_indicator", PrimitiveType.Sphere, MaterialUtil.CreateStandardMaterial(Color.blue), false);
            //    tracking_avg.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            //tracking_avg.transform.position = vCamPos + 10.0f * vSlowViewDirTrack;


            if (vSlowViewDirTrack == Vector3f.Zero)
                vSlowViewDirTrack = vCamFW;

            float slowTrackSpeed = 0.05f;

            vSlowViewDirTrack = VRUtil.AngleLerp(vSlowViewDirTrack, vCamFW, slowTrackSpeed);

            // head position tracking
            if (IsLocked == false)
            //Vector3 vDelta = (camera.transform.position - RootGameObject.transform.position);
            //if (vDelta.magnitude > 0.2f)
            //    RootGameObject.transform.position = camera.transform.position;
            ////else if ( vDelta.magnitude > 0.05f)
            //    RootGameObject.transform.position =
            //        (1.0f - TrackingSpeed) * RootGameObject.transform.position +
            //        (TrackingSpeed) * camera.transform.position;

            float RotationSpeed                = 200.0f;
            float WarmupTrackingAngleThresh    = 55.0f;
            float ImmediateTrackingAngleThresh = 65.0f;
            float StopTrackingAngleThresh      = 5.0f;
            float TrackingWarmupDelay          = 2.0f;
            float TrackingCooldownDelay        = 0.75f;

            //Vector3 vCockpitFW = cockpitGO.transform.forward;
            Vector3f vCockpitFW = currentFrame.Z;

            float fSlowHDeviation      = VRUtil.PlaneAngle(vCockpitFW, vSlowViewDirTrack);
            float fActualViewDeviation = VRUtil.PlaneAngle(vCockpitFW, vCamFW);

            bool bDoTrack = false;

            if (eState == TrackingState.NotTracking)
                //tracking_debug.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = MaterialUtil.CreateStandardMaterial(Color.green);
                if (fSlowHDeviation > WarmupTrackingAngleThresh)
                    stateChangeStartTime = FPlatform.RealTime();
            else if (eState == TrackingState.TrackingWarmup)
                //tracking_debug.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = MaterialUtil.CreateStandardMaterial(Color.yellow);
                if (fSlowHDeviation > ImmediateTrackingAngleThresh)
                else if (fSlowHDeviation > WarmupTrackingAngleThresh)
                    if ((FPlatform.RealTime() - stateChangeStartTime) > TrackingWarmupDelay)
            else if (eState == TrackingState.Tracking)
                bDoTrack = true;
                //tracking_debug.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = MaterialUtil.CreateStandardMaterial(Color.red);
                if (fActualViewDeviation < StopTrackingAngleThresh)
                    stateChangeStartTime = FPlatform.RealTime();
            else if (eState == TrackingState.TrackingCooldown)
                bDoTrack = true;
                //tracking_debug.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = MaterialUtil.CreateStandardMaterial(Color.gray);
                if (fActualViewDeviation < StopTrackingAngleThresh)
                    if ((FPlatform.RealTime() - stateChangeStartTime) > TrackingCooldownDelay)
                        bDoTrack = false;

            if (IsLocked)
                bDoTrack = false;

            if (bDoTrack)
                float dt     = (float)(FPlatform.RealTime() - animation_last_time);
                float fDelta = RotationSpeed * dt;

                Vector3f vCurrent = new Vector3f(vCockpitFW[0], 0, vCockpitFW[2]).Normalized;
                Vector3f vTarget  = new Vector3f(vSlowViewDirTrack[0], 0, vSlowViewDirTrack[2]).Normalized;
                //Vector3 vTarget = new Vector3(vCamFW[0], 0, vCamFW[2]).normalized;
                Vector3f c     = Vector3f.Cross(vCurrent, vTarget);
                float    a     = Vector3f.AngleD(vCurrent, vTarget);
                float    fSign = (c[1] < 0) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;

                float fRotAngle = Math.Min(a, fDelta) * fSign;

                currentFrame.Rotate(Quaternionf.AxisAngleD(Vector3f.AxisY, fRotAngle));
            animation_last_time = FPlatform.RealTime();

            if (indicator == null)
                indicator = new CockpitTrackingWidget();
                indicator.Create(this, cockpit);
                cockpit.AddUIElement(indicator, false);
            indicator.EnableIndicator = show_indicator;
 override public void BeginTransformation()
     objectFrame = target.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
     curRotation = Quaternionf.Identity;
Exemple #10
        private void AddComplexCurve(float time, BindingType bindType, IReadOnlyList <float> curveValues, int offset, string path)
            switch (bindType)
            case BindingType.Translation:
                float x = curveValues[offset + 0];
                float y = curveValues[offset + 1];
                float z = curveValues[offset + 2];

                if (!m_translations.TryGetValue(path, out Vector3Curve transCurve))
                    transCurve = new Vector3Curve(path);

                Vector3f trans     = new Vector3f(x, y, z);
                Vector3f defWeight = new Vector3f(1.0f / 3.0f);
                KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> transKey = new KeyframeTpl <Vector3f>(time, trans, defWeight);
                m_translations[path] = transCurve;

            case BindingType.Rotation:
                float x = curveValues[offset + 0];
                float y = curveValues[offset + 1];
                float z = curveValues[offset + 2];
                float w = curveValues[offset + 3];

                if (!m_rotations.TryGetValue(path, out QuaternionCurve rotCurve))
                    rotCurve = new QuaternionCurve(path);

                Quaternionf rot                  = new Quaternionf(x, y, z, w);
                Quaternionf defWeight            = new Quaternionf(1.0f / 3.0f);
                KeyframeTpl <Quaternionf> rotKey = new KeyframeTpl <Quaternionf>(time, rot, defWeight);
                m_rotations[path] = rotCurve;

            case BindingType.Scaling:
                float x = curveValues[offset + 0];
                float y = curveValues[offset + 1];
                float z = curveValues[offset + 2];

                if (!m_scales.TryGetValue(path, out Vector3Curve scaleCurve))
                    scaleCurve = new Vector3Curve(path);

                Vector3f scale     = new Vector3f(x, y, z);
                Vector3f defWeight = new Vector3f(1.0f / 3.0f);
                KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> scaleKey = new KeyframeTpl <Vector3f>(time, scale, defWeight);
                m_scales[path] = scaleCurve;

            case BindingType.EulerRotation:
                float x = curveValues[offset + 0];
                float y = curveValues[offset + 1];
                float z = curveValues[offset + 2];

                if (!m_eulers.TryGetValue(path, out Vector3Curve eulerCurve))
                    eulerCurve = new Vector3Curve(path);

                Vector3f euler     = new Vector3f(x, y, z);
                Vector3f defWeight = new Vector3f(1.0f / 3.0f);
                KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> eulerKey = new KeyframeTpl <Vector3f>(time, euler, defWeight);
                m_eulers[path] = eulerCurve;

            case BindingType.Floats:
                float value = curveValues[offset];

                if (!m_floats.TryGetValue(path, out FloatCurve floatCurve))
                    floatCurve = new FloatCurve(path);

                Float @float    = new Float(value);
                Float defWeight = new Float(1.0f / 3.0f);
                KeyframeTpl <Float> floatKey = new KeyframeTpl <Float>(time, @float, defWeight);
                m_floats[path] = floatCurve;

                throw new NotImplementedException(bindType.ToString());
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Solve for Translate/Rotate update, based on current From and To
        /// Note: From and To are invalidated, will need to be re-computed after calling this
        /// </summary>
        void update_transformation()
            int N = From.Length;

            // normalize weights
            double wSum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
                wSum += Weights[i];

            double wSumInv = 1.0 / wSum;

            // compute means
            Vector3D MeanX = Vector3D.Zero;
            Vector3D MeanY = Vector3D.Zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
                MeanX += (Weights[i] * wSumInv) * From[i];
                MeanY += (Weights[i] * wSumInv) * To[i];

            // subtract means
            for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
                From[i] -= MeanX;
                To[i]   -= MeanY;

            // construct matrix 3x3 Matrix  From*Transpose(To)
            // (vectors are columns)
            double[] M = new double[9];
            for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
                int r = 3 * k;
                for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
                    double lhs = (Weights[i] * wSumInv) * From[i][k];
                    M[r + 0] += lhs * To[i].x;
                    M[r + 1] += lhs * To[i].y;
                    M[r + 2] += lhs * To[i].z;

            // compute SVD of M
            SingularValueDecomposition svd = new SingularValueDecomposition(3, 3, 100);
            uint ok = svd.Solve(M, -1);     // sort in decreasing order, like Eigen

            Debug.Assert(ok < 9999999);
            double[] U = new double[9], V = new double[9], Tmp = new double[9];;

            // this is our rotation update
            double[] RotUpdate = new double[9];

            // U*V gives us desired rotation
            double detU = NGonsCore.geometry3Sharp.math.MatrixUtil.Determinant3x3(U);
            double detV = NGonsCore.geometry3Sharp.math.MatrixUtil.Determinant3x3(V);

            if (detU * detV < 0)
                double[] S = NGonsCore.geometry3Sharp.math.MatrixUtil.MakeDiagonal3x3(1, 1, -1);
                NGonsCore.geometry3Sharp.math.MatrixUtil.Multiply3x3(V, S, Tmp);
                NGonsCore.geometry3Sharp.math.MatrixUtil.Multiply3x3(Tmp, U, RotUpdate);
                NGonsCore.geometry3Sharp.math.MatrixUtil.Multiply3x3(V, U, RotUpdate);

            // convert matrix to quaternion
            Matrix3f    RotUpdateM = new Matrix3f(RotUpdate);
            Quaternionf RotUpdateQ = new Quaternionf(RotUpdateM);

            // [TODO] is this right? We are solving for a translation and
            //  rotation of the current From points, but when we fold these
            //  into Translation & Rotation variables, we have essentially
            //  changed the order of operations...

            // figure out translation update
            Vector3D TransUpdate = MeanY - RotUpdateQ * MeanX;

            Translation += TransUpdate;

            // and rotation
            Rotation = RotUpdateQ * Rotation;

            // above was ported from this code...still not supporting weights though.
            // need to figure out exactly what this code does (like, what does
            // transpose() do to a vector??)

            //            /// Normalize weight vector
            //Eigen::VectorXd w_normalized = w/w.sum();
            ///// De-mean
            //Eigen::Vector3d X_mean, Y_mean;
            //for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
            //    X_mean(i) = (X.row(i).array()*w_normalized.transpose().array()).sum();
            //    Y_mean(i) = (Y.row(i).array()*w_normalized.transpose().array()).sum();

            //Eigen::Matrix3d sigma = X * w_normalized.asDiagonal() * Y.transpose();
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts an ovrQuatf to a SharpDX Quaternion.
 /// </summary>
 public static Quaternion ToQuaternion(Quaternionf ovrQuatf)
     return(new Quaternion(ovrQuatf.X, ovrQuatf.Y, ovrQuatf.Z, ovrQuatf.W));
        public                      Quaternionf[] Unpack()
            int bitIndex  = 0;
            int byteIndex = 0;

            Quaternionf[] buffer = new Quaternionf[NumItems];
            for (int i = 0; i < NumItems; i++)
                int flags     = 0;
                int bitOffset = 0;
                while (bitOffset < 3)
                    flags |= Data[byteIndex] >> bitIndex << bitOffset;
                    int read = Math.Min(3 - bitOffset, 8 - bitIndex);
                    bitIndex  += read;
                    bitOffset += read;
                    if (bitIndex == 8)
                        bitIndex = 0;
                flags &= 7;

                float       sum        = 0;
                Quaternionf quaternion = new Quaternionf();
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    if ((flags & 3) != j)
                        int   bitSize      = ((flags & 3) + 1) % 4 == j ? 9 : 10;
                        float halfMaxValue = 0.5f * ((1 << bitSize) - 1);

                        int value = 0;
                        bitOffset = 0;
                        while (bitOffset < bitSize)
                            value |= Data[byteIndex] >> bitIndex << bitOffset;
                            int num = Math.Min(bitSize - bitOffset, 8 - bitIndex);
                            bitIndex  += num;
                            bitOffset += num;
                            if (bitIndex == 8)
                                bitIndex = 0;
                        value &= (1 << bitSize) - 1;
                        // final value's range is [-1.0f : 1.0f]
                        quaternion[j] = value / halfMaxValue - 1.0f;
                        sum          += quaternion[j] * quaternion[j];

                int lastComponent = flags & 3;
                quaternion[lastComponent] = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f - sum);
                if ((flags & 4) != 0)
                    quaternion[lastComponent] = -quaternion[lastComponent];
                buffer[i] = quaternion;
Exemple #14
        public static void SwapUpDirection(FScene scene, List <PrintMeshSO> objects)
            AxisAlignedBox3f sceneBounds  = AxisAlignedBox3f.Empty;
            Vector3f         sharedOrigin = Vector3f.Zero;

            foreach (var meshSO in objects)
                sharedOrigin += meshSO.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords).Origin;
            sharedOrigin /= objects.Count;

            foreach (var so in objects)
                Frame3f     curF = so.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                UpDirection from = so.UpDirection;
                UpDirection to   = (from == UpDirection.YUp) ? UpDirection.ZUp : UpDirection.YUp;

                Quaternionf rotate = Quaternionf.AxisAngleD(Vector3f.AxisX, (to == UpDirection.YUp) ? -90 : 90);
                Frame3f     newF   = curF;
                newF.RotateAround(sharedOrigin, rotate);
                TransformSOChange upChange = new TransformSOChange(so, newF, CoordSpace.SceneCoords)
                    OnApplyF  = (x) => { so.UpDirection = to; },
                    OnRevertF = (x) => { so.UpDirection = from; }
                scene.History.PushChange(upChange, false);

            AxisAlignedBox3f newSceneBounds = AxisAlignedBox3f.Empty;

            foreach (var meshSO in objects)

            Vector3f startBase = sceneBounds.Center; startBase.y = 0;
            Vector3f newBase   = newSceneBounds.Center; newBase.y = newSceneBounds.Min.y;

            Vector3f df = startBase - newBase;

            foreach (var so in objects)
                Frame3f           curF         = so.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                Frame3f           newF         = curF.Translated(df);
                TransformSOChange centerChange = new TransformSOChange(so, newF, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                scene.History.PushChange(centerChange, false);

            // reposition pivots at base of
            List <Frame3f> setF = new List <Frame3f>();

            foreach (var so in objects)
                Frame3f  objF   = so.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.ObjectCoords);
                Vector3f center = so.GetBoundingBox(CoordSpace.SceneCoords).Center;
                center.y = 0;
                Frame3f sceneF = new Frame3f(center);
            for (int k = 0; k < objects.Count; ++k)
                RepositionPivotChangeOp change = new RepositionPivotChangeOp(setF[k], objects[k], CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                scene.History.PushChange(change, false);
        public static void test_basic_generators()
            TrivialDiscGenerator disc_gen = new TrivialDiscGenerator();

            WriteGeneratedMesh(disc_gen, "meshgen_Disc.obj");

            TrivialRectGenerator rect_gen = new TrivialRectGenerator();

            WriteGeneratedMesh(rect_gen, "meshgen_Rect.obj");

            GriddedRectGenerator gridrect_gen = new GriddedRectGenerator();

            WriteGeneratedMesh(gridrect_gen, "meshgen_GriddedRect.obj");

            PuncturedDiscGenerator punc_disc_gen = new PuncturedDiscGenerator();

            WriteGeneratedMesh(punc_disc_gen, "meshgen_PuncturedDisc.obj");

            TrivialBox3Generator box_gen = new TrivialBox3Generator();
            Frame3f f = Frame3f.Identity;

            f.Rotate(Quaternionf.AxisAngleD(Vector3f.AxisY, 45.0f));
            f.Rotate(Quaternionf.AxisAngleD(Vector3f.AxisZ, 45.0f));
            box_gen.Box = new Box3d(f.Origin, f.X, f.Y, f.Z, new Vector3d(3, 2, 1));
            WriteGeneratedMesh(box_gen, "meshgen_TrivialBox_shared.obj");
            box_gen.NoSharedVertices = true;
            WriteGeneratedMesh(box_gen, "meshgen_TrivialBox_noshared.obj");

            RoundRectGenerator roundrect_gen = new RoundRectGenerator();

            roundrect_gen.Width = 2;
            WriteGeneratedMesh(roundrect_gen, "meshgen_RoundRect.obj");

            GridBox3Generator gridbox_gen = new GridBox3Generator();

            WriteGeneratedMesh(gridbox_gen, "meshgen_GridBox_shared.obj");
            gridbox_gen.NoSharedVertices = true;
            WriteGeneratedMesh(gridbox_gen, "meshgen_GridBox_noshared.obj");

            Sphere3Generator_NormalizedCube normcube_gen = new Sphere3Generator_NormalizedCube();

            WriteGeneratedMesh(normcube_gen, "meshgen_Sphere_NormalizedCube_shared.obj");
            normcube_gen.NoSharedVertices = true;
            normcube_gen.Box = new Box3d(new Frame3f(Vector3f.One, Vector3f.One), Vector3d.One * 1.3);
            WriteGeneratedMesh(normcube_gen, "meshgen_Sphere_NormalizedCube_noshared.obj");

            TubeGenerator tube_gen = new TubeGenerator()
                Vertices = new List <Vector3d>()
                    Vector3d.Zero, Vector3d.AxisX, 2 * Vector3d.AxisX, 3 * Vector3d.AxisX
                Polygon = Polygon2d.MakeCircle(1, 16)

            WriteGeneratedMesh(tube_gen, "meshgen_TubeGenerator.obj");

            tube_gen.CapCenter = Vector2d.One;
            WriteGeneratedMesh(tube_gen, "meshgen_TubeGenerator_shifted.obj");
Exemple #16
            public void update(Frame3f handF, SnapSet snap)
                curHandF = handF;

                // [RMS] this function updates the position of object based on hand frame
                //  Not clear how this should work, there are lots of options...

                // [1] scaled relative motion of hand inherited by object  (lags ray though)
                //Vector3 dt = startHandF.ToFrameP(handF.Origin);
                //dt *= 10.0f;
                //Frame3 fNew = new Frame3(startObjFW);
                //fNew.Origin += dt;

                // [2] object stays on ray, inherits a bit of xform
                //   - resulting orientation is weird. works well for rotate in-place around ray,
                //     but up/down/left/right tilts are impossible w/o moving object
                Frame3f fNew = handF.FromFrame(this.startObjRelF);

                if (RotationSpeed != 1.0f)
                    fNew.Rotation = Quaternionf.Slerp(startObjFW.Rotation, fNew.Rotation, RotationSpeed);
                if (TranslationSpeed != 1.0f)
                    fNew.Origin = Vector3f.Lerp(startObjFW.Origin, fNew.Origin, TranslationSpeed);

                // [3] object stays on ray but no rotation
                //   - weird if you rotate left/right, because distance stays same but it
                //     keeps pointing in same direction
                //   - we have gizmo for this kind of translation.
                //Frame3 fNew = handF.FromFrame(this.startObjRelF);
                //fNew.Rotation = startObjFW.Rotation;

                // [4] object stays in place, rotate by hand rotation
                //   - pretty hard to control, but would be good for approx orienting...
                //   - definitely needs damping!!
                //Frame3 fNew = startObjFW;
                //Quaternion relative = handF.Rotation * Quaternion.Inverse(startHandF.Rotation);
                //fNew.Rotation = relative * fNew.Rotation;

                // apply stick rotation  DOESN"T WORK
                //Quaternion stickY = Quaternion.AngleAxis(stickDelta[1], startHandF.X);
                //fNew.Rotation = fNew.Rotation * stickY;

                // shift in/out along hand-ray by Z
                fNew.Origin += 0.1f * stickDelta[1] * handF.Z * cockpit.Scene.GetSceneScale();

                curHandTargetF = fNew;
                curUseTargetF  = new Frame3f(curHandTargetF);

                if (snap != null)
                    if (snapSolver == null)
                        snapSolver = new DynamicSnapSolver(grabbedSO);
                    snapSolver.SnapOrientation =
                        (cockpit.Context.TransformManager.ActiveFrameType == FrameType.LocalFrame);
                    curUseTargetF = snapSolver.UpdateSnapW(curUseTargetF, snap);

                // update so
                grabbedSO.SetLocalFrame(curUseTargetF, CoordSpace.WorldCoords);
        private void AddComplexCurve(float time, BindingType bindType, IReadOnlyList <float> curveValues,
                                     IReadOnlyList <float> inSlopeValues, IReadOnlyList <float> outSlopeValues, int offset, string path)
            switch (bindType)
            case BindingType.Translation:
                if (!m_translations.TryGetValue(path, out List <KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> > transCurve))
                    transCurve = new List <KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> >();
                    m_translations.Add(path, transCurve);

                float x = curveValues[offset + 0];
                float y = curveValues[offset + 1];
                float z = curveValues[offset + 2];

                float inX = inSlopeValues[0];
                float inY = inSlopeValues[1];
                float inZ = inSlopeValues[2];

                float outX = outSlopeValues[0];
                float outY = outSlopeValues[1];
                float outZ = outSlopeValues[2];

                Vector3f value     = new Vector3f(x, y, z);
                Vector3f inSlope   = new Vector3f(inX, inY, inZ);
                Vector3f outSlope  = new Vector3f(outX, outY, outZ);
                Vector3f defWeight = new Vector3f(1.0f / 3.0f);
                KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> transKey = new KeyframeTpl <Vector3f>(time, value, inSlope, outSlope, defWeight);
                m_translations[path] = transCurve;

            case BindingType.Rotation:
                if (!m_rotations.TryGetValue(path, out List <KeyframeTpl <Quaternionf> > rotCurve))
                    rotCurve = new List <KeyframeTpl <Quaternionf> >();
                    m_rotations.Add(path, rotCurve);

                float x = curveValues[offset + 0];
                float y = curveValues[offset + 1];
                float z = curveValues[offset + 2];
                float w = curveValues[offset + 3];

                float inX = 0;                                //inSlopeValues[0];
                float inY = 0;                                //inSlopeValues[1];
                float inZ = 0;                                //inSlopeValues[2];
                float inW = 0;                                //inSlopeValues[3];

                float outX = 0;                               //outSlopeValues[0];
                float outY = 0;                               //outSlopeValues[1];
                float outZ = 0;                               //outSlopeValues[2];
                float outW = 0;                               //outSlopeValues[3];

                Quaternionf value                = new Quaternionf(x, y, z, w);
                Quaternionf inSlope              = new Quaternionf(inX, inY, inZ, inW);
                Quaternionf outSlope             = new Quaternionf(outX, outY, outZ, outW);
                Quaternionf defWeight            = new Quaternionf(1.0f / 3.0f);
                KeyframeTpl <Quaternionf> rotKey = new KeyframeTpl <Quaternionf>(time, value, inSlope, outSlope, defWeight);
                m_rotations[path] = rotCurve;

            case BindingType.Scaling:
                if (!m_scales.TryGetValue(path, out List <KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> > scaleCurve))
                    scaleCurve = new List <KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> >();
                    m_scales.Add(path, scaleCurve);

                float x = curveValues[offset + 0];
                float y = curveValues[offset + 1];
                float z = curveValues[offset + 2];

                float inX = inSlopeValues[0];
                float inY = inSlopeValues[1];
                float inZ = inSlopeValues[2];

                float outX = outSlopeValues[0];
                float outY = outSlopeValues[1];
                float outZ = outSlopeValues[2];

                Vector3f value     = new Vector3f(x, y, z);
                Vector3f inSlope   = new Vector3f(inX, inY, inZ);
                Vector3f outSlope  = new Vector3f(outX, outY, outZ);
                Vector3f defWeight = new Vector3f(1.0f / 3.0f);
                KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> scaleKey = new KeyframeTpl <Vector3f>(time, value, inSlope, outSlope, defWeight);
                m_scales[path] = scaleCurve;

            case BindingType.EulerRotation:
                if (!m_eulers.TryGetValue(path, out List <KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> > eulerCurve))
                    eulerCurve = new List <KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> >();
                    m_eulers.Add(path, eulerCurve);

                float x = curveValues[offset + 0];
                float y = curveValues[offset + 1];
                float z = curveValues[offset + 2];

                float inX = inSlopeValues[0];
                float inY = inSlopeValues[1];
                float inZ = inSlopeValues[2];

                float outX = outSlopeValues[0];
                float outY = outSlopeValues[1];
                float outZ = outSlopeValues[2];

                Vector3f value     = new Vector3f(x, y, z);
                Vector3f inSlope   = new Vector3f(inX, inY, inZ);
                Vector3f outSlope  = new Vector3f(outX, outY, outZ);
                Vector3f defWeight = new Vector3f(1.0f / 3.0f);
                KeyframeTpl <Vector3f> eulerKey = new KeyframeTpl <Vector3f>(time, value, inSlope, outSlope, defWeight);
                m_eulers[path] = eulerCurve;

            case BindingType.Floats:
                if (!m_floats.TryGetValue(path, out List <KeyframeTpl <Float> > floatCurve))
                    floatCurve = new List <KeyframeTpl <Float> >();
                    m_floats.Add(path, floatCurve);

                float x    = curveValues[offset];
                float inX  = inSlopeValues[0];
                float outX = outSlopeValues[0];

                Float value     = new Float(x);
                Float inSlope   = new Float(inX);
                Float outSlope  = new Float(outX);
                Float defWeight = new Float(1.0f / 3.0f);
                KeyframeTpl <Float> floatKey = new KeyframeTpl <Float>(time, value, inSlope, outSlope, defWeight);
                m_floats[path] = floatCurve;

                throw new NotImplementedException(bindType.ToString());
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the action we give to the trim-scan tool, to run on accept
        /// </summary>
        public static void CropScanFromSelection(DMeshSO so, MeshFaceSelection selection, object tool)
            DMesh3 beforeMesh = new DMesh3(so.Mesh);
            DMesh3 mesh       = so.Mesh;

            // [RMS] if we are using the two-point tool, then we can use the user input points to
            // try to figure out an up axis, by assuming the first point is on the base of the scan. Steps are:
            //   1) guess a midpoint. Currently centroid of upper-half of geodesic selection.
            //   2) construct up axis as (midpoint-basepoint). this axis to Y-up.
            Vector3f upAxisS = Vector3f.AxisY;
            TwoPointFaceSelectionTool ptool = tool as TwoPointFaceSelectionTool;

            if (ptool != null)
                var        cache     = ptool.SelectionCache;
                Interval1d range     = new Interval1d(cache.CurrentScalarThreshold / 2, cache.CurrentScalarThreshold);
                List <int> triangles = new List <int>(selection.Count);
                cache.FindTrianglesInScalarInterval(range, triangles);
                Vector3d c        = MeshMeasurements.Centroid(triangles, mesh.GetTriCentroid);
                Vector3d cS       = SceneTransforms.ObjectToSceneP(so, c);
                Vector3d basePosS = ptool.SourcePositionS.Origin;
                upAxisS = (Vector3f)(cS - basePosS).Normalized;

            // crop scan and fill top hole
            List <int> borderTris = selection.FindBorderTris();
            MeshEditor editor     = new MeshEditor(mesh);

            editor.RemoveTriangles((tid) => { return(selection.IsSelected(tid) == false); }, true);
            if (OGActions.FillHoleInScan)
                SmoothedHoleFill fill = new SmoothedHoleFill(mesh)
                    TargetEdgeLength = 2.5f,
                    SmoothAlpha      = 0.5f,
                    BorderHintTris   = borderTris,
                    OffsetDirection  = SceneTransforms.SceneToObjectN(so, upAxisS),
                    OffsetDistance   = (ptool != null) ? 25.0 : 0.0

            DMesh3 afterMesh = new DMesh3(so.Mesh);

            so.GetScene().History.PushChange(new ReplaceEntireMeshChange(so, beforeMesh, afterMesh), true);
            mesh = so.Mesh;

            // Now we auto-align the scan so it points upwards, and then
            // recenter pivot and shift to above ground plane
            if (ptool != null)
                Vector3d    basePosS = ptool.SourcePositionS.Origin;
                Quaternionf alignUp  = Quaternionf.FromTo(upAxisS, Vector3f.AxisY);

                // rotate part so that axis points up
                Frame3f           curF          = so.GetLocalFrame(CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                Frame3f           newF          = curF.Rotated(alignUp);
                TransformSOChange alignUpChange = new TransformSOChange(so, curF, newF, CoordSpace.SceneCoords);
                basePosS = newF.FromFrameP(curF.ToFrameP(basePosS));   // map to new frame
                so.GetScene().History.PushChange(alignUpChange, false);

                // recenter pivot at bbox center
                // [RMS] previously was using vertex centroid, but this is then affected by mesh density
                //   (maybe tri centroid? but bbox makes more sense...and below we assume box center)
                Vector3d centerL   = mesh.CachedBounds.Center;
                Vector3d centerO   = newF.FromFrameP(centerL);
                Frame3f  newPivotO = new Frame3f(centerO);
                so.GetScene().History.PushChange(new RepositionPivotChangeOp(newPivotO, so), false);

                // position above ground plane
                AxisAlignedBox3d bounds     = so.Mesh.CachedBounds;
                float            h          = (float)bounds.Height;
                Vector3f         o          = newPivotO.Origin;
                Vector3f         translateO = new Vector3f(-o.x, h * 0.5f - o.y + BaseHeightAboveGroundPlaneMM, -o.z);
                //Vector3f translateO = new Vector3f(0, h * 0.5f - o.y + BaseHeightAboveGroundPlaneMM, 0);
                so.GetScene().History.PushChange(new TransformSOChange(so, newPivotO, CoordSpace.ObjectCoords), false);

                // save base point in frame of scan
                basePosS += translateO;
                Vector3d basePosL = SceneTransforms.SceneToObjectP(so, basePosS);
                OG.Scan.UserBasePoint = basePosL;

Exemple #19
 public virtual void SetLocalRotation(Quaternionf rotation)
     go.transform.localRotation = rotation;
Exemple #20
        // Use this for initialization
        public void Initialize(FContext controller)
            this.controller = controller;

            // find main camera
            GameObject[] mainCameras = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MainCamera");
            if (mainCameras.Length == 0)
                throw new MissingComponentException("CameraTracking.Initialize: could not find camera with tag MainCamera");
            var mainCameraObj = mainCameras[0];

            if (mainCameras.Length > 1)
                DebugUtil.Log(2, "CameraTracking.Initialize: there are multiple objects with tag MainCamera. Using the one named " + mainCameraObj.GetName());
            mainCamera = new fCamera(mainCameraObj.GetComponent <Camera> () as Camera);

            // on Vive the MainCamera will have some child cameras that are a problem,
            // so get rid of them
            if (gs.VRPlatform.CurrentVRDevice == gs.VRPlatform.Device.HTCVive)
                List <GameObject> children = new List <GameObject>(mainCameraObj.Children());
                foreach (var child in children)

            List <Camera> newCameras = new List <Camera>();

            Vector3f    mainPos = mainCamera.GetPosition();
            Quaternionf mainRot = mainCamera.GetRotation();

            // create camera for 3D widgets layer
            widgetCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot));

            // create camera for HUD layer
            hudCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot));

            // create camera for UI
            uiCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot));
            ((Camera)uiCamera).orthographic     = true;
            ((Camera)uiCamera).orthographicSize = 0.5f;

            // create camera for cursor
            cursorCamera = new fCamera(Camera.Instantiate((Camera)mainCamera, mainPos, mainRot));

            // configure these cameras
            //   - must disable audio listener if it exists
            //   - do depth clear so we can draw on top of other layers
            foreach (Camera cam in newCameras)
                AudioListener listener = cam.GetComponent <AudioListener>();
                if (listener != null)
                    listener.enabled = false;

                cam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Depth;

                cam.tag = "Untagged";

            // set up camera masks

            // this camera only renders 3DWidgetOverlay layer, and mainCam does not!
            int nWidgetLayer = FPlatform.WidgetOverlayLayer;
            int nHUDLayer    = FPlatform.HUDLayer;
            int nUILayer     = FPlatform.UILayer;
            int nCursorLayer = FPlatform.CursorLayer;

            ((Camera)widgetCamera).cullingMask = (1 << nWidgetLayer);
            ((Camera)hudCamera).cullingMask    = (1 << nHUDLayer);
            ((Camera)uiCamera).cullingMask     = (1 << nUILayer);
            ((Camera)cursorCamera).cullingMask = (1 << nCursorLayer);

            ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nWidgetLayer);
            ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nHUDLayer);
            ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nUILayer);
            ((Camera)mainCamera).cullingMask &= ~(1 << nCursorLayer);

            // attach camera animation object to main camera
            CameraAnimator anim = mainCamera.AddComponent <CameraAnimator>();

            anim.UseCamera = mainCamera;
            anim.UseScene  = this.controller.Scene;

            // add target point to camera
            CameraTarget target = mainCamera.AddComponent <CameraTarget>();

            target.TargetPoint = new Vector3f(0.0f, mainCamera.GetPosition().y, 0.0f);
            target.context     = this.controller;

            // add camera manipulator to camera
            // TODO: this does not need to be a monobehavior...
            var manipulator = mainCamera.AddComponent <CameraManipulator>();

            manipulator.Camera = mainCamera;

            // initialize FPlatform
            FPlatform.MainCamera    = mainCamera;
            FPlatform.WidgetCamera  = widgetCamera;
            FPlatform.HUDCamera     = hudCamera;
            FPlatform.OrthoUICamera = uiCamera;
            FPlatform.CursorCamera  = cursorCamera;
Exemple #21
        static void test_operator()

            // TVector
            Vec3f v3a = new Vec3f(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f);
            Vec3f v3b = new Vec3f(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f);
            Vec3f v3c = new Vec3f(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f);    // v3c == v3a
            Vec3f v3d;

            put("vector unary  -", "(-0.1, -0.2, -0.3)", -v3a);
            put("vector binary +", "( 0.5,  0.7,  0.9)", v3a + v3b);
            put("vector binary -", "(-0.3, -0.3, -0.3)", v3a - v3b);
            put("vector binary *", "( 0.2,  0.4,  0.6)", v3a * 2);
            put("vector binary *", "( 0.8,  1.0,  1.2)", 2 * v3b);
            put("vector binary /", "( 0.05, 0.10,  0.15)", v3a / 2);
            put("vector binary *", "  0.32", v3a * v3b);
            put("vector binary %", "(-0.03, 0.06, -0.03)", v3a % v3b);
            put("vector binary ^", "(-0.03, 0.06, -0.03)", v3a ^ v3b);
            v3d = v3a; v3d += v3b; put("vector binary +=", "( 0.5,  0.7,  0.9)", v3d);
            v3d = v3a; v3d -= v3b; put("vector binary -=", "(-0.3, -0.3, -0.3)", v3d);
            v3d = v3a; v3d *= 2;   put("vector binary *=", "( 0.2,  0.4,  0.6)", v3d);
            v3d = v3a; v3d /= 2;   put("vector binary /=", "(0.05, 0.10, 0.15)", v3d);
            put("vector binary ==", "True ", v3a == v3c);
            put("vector binary ==", "False", v3a == v3b);
            put("vector binary !=", "True ", v3a != v3b);
            put("vector binary !=", "False", v3a != v3c);

            // TMatrix
            Matrix3f m3a = new Matrix3f(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.9f);
            Matrix3f m3b = new Matrix3f(1.1f, 1.2f, 1.3f, 1.4f, 1.5f, 1.6f, 1.7f, 1.8f, 1.9f);
            Matrix3f m3c = new Matrix3f(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.9f);  // m3c == m3a
            Matrix3f m3d;
            Matrix3f m3r = new Matrix3f(-0.1f, -0.2f, -0.3f, -0.4f, -0.5f, -0.6f, -0.7f, -0.8f, -0.9f);
            Matrix3f m3s = new Matrix3f(1.2f, 1.4f, 1.6f, 1.8f, 2.0f, 2.2f, 2.4f, 2.6f, 2.8f);
            Matrix3f m3t = new Matrix3f(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
            Matrix3f m3u = new Matrix3f(0.2f, 0.4f, 0.6f, 0.8f, 1.0f, 1.2f, 1.4f, 1.6f, 1.8f);

            put2("matrix unary  -", edit_matrix(m3r), edit_matrix(-m3a));
            put2("matrix binary +", edit_matrix(m3s), edit_matrix(m3a + m3b));
            put2("matrix binary -", edit_matrix(m3t), edit_matrix(m3a - m3b));
            put2("matrix binary *", edit_matrix(m3u), edit_matrix(m3a * 2));
            put2("matrix binary *", edit_matrix(m3u), edit_matrix(2 * m3a));
            put2("matrix binary *", new Vec3d(0.14, 0.32, 0.50), (m3a * v3a));
            put2("matrix binary *", new Vec3d(2.16, 2.31, 2.46), (v3b * m3b));
            m3d = m3a; m3d += m3b; put2("matrix binary +=", edit_matrix(m3s), edit_matrix(m3d));
            m3d = m3a; m3d -= m3b; put2("matrix binary +=", edit_matrix(m3t), edit_matrix(m3d));
            m3d = m3a; m3d *= 2;   put2("matrix binary +=", edit_matrix(m3u), edit_matrix(m3d));

            // TQuaternion
            Quaternionf q1  = new Quaternionf(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);
            Quaternionf q2  = new Quaternionf(5.0f, 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f);
            Vec3f       qv1 = new Vec3f(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
            Matrix3f    qm1 = new Matrix3f(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f, 9.0f);
            Quaternionf qr  = new Quaternionf(-60.0f, 12.0f, 30.0f, 24.0f);
            Vec3f       qvs = new Vec3f(54f, 60f, 78f);
            Matrix3f    qmt = new Matrix3f(150f, 156f, 162f, 120f, 150f, 180, 150f, 192f, 234f);

            put2("quaternion binary *", edit_quaternion(qr), edit_quaternion(q1 * q2));
            put2("quaternion binary *", edit_vector(qvs), edit_vector(q1 * qv1));
            put2("quaternion binary *", edit_matrix(qmt), edit_matrix(q1 * qm1));

            // TPose
            Posef pp1 = new Posef(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f, 7.0f);
            Posef pp2 = new Posef(7.0f, 6.0f, 5.0f, 4.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f);
            Vec3f pv1 = new Vec3f(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
            Posef pr1 = new Posef(-36.0f, 12.0f, 42.0f, 24.0f, -25.0f, 66.0f, 97.0f);

            put2("pose binary *", edit_pose(pr1), edit_pose(pp1 * pp2));
            put2("pose binary *", "(59, 66, 85)", (pp1 * pv1));

            // indexing
            Vec3f v31 = new Vec3f(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f);
            Vec3f v32 = new Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            Vec3f v3e = v31 + v32;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                v31[i] += v32[i];
            put("indexing []", edit_vector(v3e), edit_vector(v31));

            Matrix3f m31 = new Matrix3f(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.9f);
            Matrix3f m32 = new Matrix3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f);
            Matrix3f m3e = m31 + m32;

            put("indexing [] ref", "(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)", edit_vector(m31[0]));
            put("            ref", "(0.4, 0.5, 0.6)", edit_vector(m31[1]));
            put("            ref", "(0.7, 0.8, 0.9)", edit_vector(m31[2]));
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                m31[i] += v32;
            for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++)
                m31[i] += v32;
            for (int i = 2; i < 3; i++)
                m31[i] += v32;
            put2("indexing [] set", edit_matrix(m3e), edit_matrix(m31));
Exemple #22
        ImmutableArray<Bone> LoadBones(Ibasa.IO.BinaryReader reader, int count)
            long offset = reader.BaseStream.Position;

            Bone[] bones = new Bone[count];
            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                reader.BaseStream.Position = offset;

                long nameOffset = offset + reader.ReadInt32();
                int parent = reader.ReadInt32();
                ImmutableArray<int> boneControllers = new ImmutableArray<int>(new int[] {

                Vector3f position = new Vector3f(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());
                Quaternionf quaternion = new Quaternionf(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());
                Vector3f rotation = new Vector3f(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());

                Vector3f positionScale = new Vector3f(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());
                Vector3f rotationScale = new Vector3f(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());

                Matrix4x4f poseToBone = new Matrix4x4f(
                    reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(),
                    reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(),
                    reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(),
                    0, 0, 0, 1);
                Quaternionf alignment = new Quaternionf(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());
                int flags = reader.ReadInt32();
                int procType = reader.ReadInt32();
                int procIndex = reader.ReadInt32();
                int physicsBone = reader.ReadInt32();
                int surfacePropIdx = reader.ReadInt32();
                int contents = reader.ReadInt32();

                reader.Seek(8 * 4, SeekOrigin.Current); //skip 8 ints

                offset = reader.BaseStream.Position;

                reader.BaseStream.Position = nameOffset;
                string name = LoadString(reader);

                bones[i] = new Bone(name, parent, boneControllers, position, quaternion, rotation,
                    positionScale, rotationScale, poseToBone, alignment, flags,
                    procType, procIndex, physicsBone, surfacePropIdx, contents);
            return new ImmutableArray<Bone>(bones);