Exemple #1
 public Point(Vector2S v, QuaternionS rotation)
     this.position   = new Vector2S();
     this.position.x = (float)Math.Round(v.x, Decimals);
     this.position.y = (float)Math.Round(v.y, Decimals);
     this.rotation   = rotation;
Exemple #2
 public TransformS(Transform t)
     if (t == null)
     pos = t.position; rot = t.rotation; scale = t.localScale;
        private static void ComputeLocalTranform(Animation anim)
            // Validate input
            if (anim.frameList.Count < 2)
                Debug.LogError("The Animation does not have enough Frames to compute velocities");
                throw new Exception("The Animation does not have enough Frames to compute velocities");

            // Find local Positions
            foreach (Frame frame in anim.frameList)
                // (TODO FINAL): set it to root and not hips
                // Root's Position and Rotation
                Vector3S    rootP = frame.boneDataDict[Bone.Type.hips].position;
                QuaternionS rootQ = frame.boneDataDict[Bone.Type.hips].rotation;

                // For every bone of the Animation
                foreach (Bone.Type bt in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Bone.Type)))
                    // Local position considers root as 0 and root's up as up
                    frame.boneDataDict[bt].SetLocalPosition(rootP, rootQ);

            // Find local Velocity
            foreach (Bone.Type bt in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Bone.Type)))
                // Find the position of the first frame
                Vector3S lastLocalPosition = anim.frameList[0].boneDataDict[bt].localPosition;

                // Compute the velocities of all the Frames but the first
                for (int i = 1; i < anim.frameList.Count; i++)
                    lastLocalPosition = anim.frameList[i].boneDataDict[bt].localPosition;

                // Set the velocity of the first Frame equal to the one in the second
                lastLocalPosition = anim.frameList[1].boneDataDict[bt].localPosition;
Exemple #4
        public Snippet GetLocalSnippet(
            int presentFrame)
            // Validate input
            if (presentFrame < SalamanderController.FeaturePastPoints - 1 || presentFrame > points.Count - SalamanderController.FeaturePoints)
                Debug.LogError("Attempt to create a Snippet the exceedes the past or the future limit");
                throw new Exception("Attempt to create a Snippet the exceedes the past or the future limit");

            // Find present position and rotation
            Vector2S    presentPosition = points[presentFrame].position;
            QuaternionS presentRotation = this.points[presentFrame].rotation;

            // Build the new Snippet
            Snippet snippet = new Snippet();

            for (int i = 0; i < SalamanderController.SnippetSize; i++)
                // Compute the position of the points relative to the present position and rotation
                // Create a Point at the current position
                int     addingFrame     = presentFrame - SalamanderController.FeaturePastPoints + 1 + i;
                Vector3 localPosition3D = new Vector3(this.points[addingFrame].position.x, 0, this.points[addingFrame].position.y);

                // Move it to the root
                localPosition3D.x -= presentPosition.x;
                localPosition3D.z -= presentPosition.y;

                // Rotate it to face upwards
                localPosition3D = Quaternion.Inverse((Quaternion)presentRotation) * localPosition3D;

                // Compute the new rotation
                QuaternionS localRotation = this.points[addingFrame].rotation * presentRotation;

                // Store the relative point to the snippet
                snippet.points[i] = new Point(localPosition3D.GetXZVector2(), localRotation);

Exemple #5
            public static Point getMedianPoint(List <Vector2S> positions)
                Vector2S    position = new Vector2S(0f, 0f);
                QuaternionS rotation;

                // Position
                foreach (Vector2S currentPosition in positions)
                    position += currentPosition;

                position /= positions.Count;

                // Rotation
                Vector2S displacement2D = (positions[positions.Count - 1] - positions[0]);

                rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(
                    new Vector3(displacement2D.x, 0, displacement2D.y),

                return(new Point(position, rotation));
Exemple #6
 public TransformS(Vector3 v, Quaternion q)
     pos = v; rot = q; scale = Vector3.one;
Exemple #7
 public BoneStateSample(Transform obj)
     pos = new Vector3S(obj.localPosition);
     rot = new QuaternionS(obj.localRotation);
     scale = new Vector3S(obj.localScale);
Exemple #8
 public BoneStateSample(Vector3 p,Quaternion r , Vector3 s)
     pos = new Vector3S(p);
     rot = new QuaternionS(r);
     scale = new Vector3S(s);
 public void SetLocalPosition(Vector3S originPosition, QuaternionS originRotation)
     this.localPosition = originRotation * (Vector3)(this.position - originPosition);
 public Data(Vector3S position, QuaternionS rotation)
     this.position = position;
     this.rotation = rotation;