Exemple #1
    public void Drawing()
        //Default colors
        color black = new color(0, 0, 0, ColorHandler.colorMaxValue);

        color white = new color(ColorHandler.colorMaxValue, ColorHandler.colorMaxValue, ColorHandler.colorMaxValue, ColorHandler.colorMaxValue);

        //Initialization of graphics and opening painting window
        Sdl.SDL_Event ev = new Sdl.SDL_Event();

        System.IntPtr screen = Sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode(0, 0, 0, Sdl.SDL_ANYFORMAT);
        if (screen == IntPtr.Zero)
            System.Console.WriteLine("Nem sikerult megnyitni az ablakot!\n");
        Sdl.SDL_WM_SetCaption("SDL peldaprogram", "SDL peldaprogram");

        //Sets NeightbourHandler
        NeightbourhoodFactory nfactory = new NeightbourhoodFactory();
        NeightbourHandler     nh       = nfactory.produce(mesh, neighbourhood);
        //Sets MatrixHandler and ColorHandler
        MatrixHandler game = new QuadraticMatrixHandler(random, nh, ageT);
        ColorHandler  ch   = new ColorHandler(random);

        //Gets sizes of screen
        int width  = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width;
        int height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height;

        //Calculates main datas
        int       cellSize     = 10;
        const int half         = ColorHandler.colorMaxValue / 2;
        const int state_number = 2;
        int       n            = width / cellSize;
        int       m            = height / cellSize;
        int       del          = 0;
        int       delt         = max(n, m) * 2;

        //Sets CoordinateCalculator
        CoordinateCalculatorFactory factory = new CoordinateCalculatorFactory();
        CoordinateCalculator        cc      = factory.produce(mesh);

        //Sets sizes of the matrix to fill the full monitor
        if (mesh == MeshType.PENTAGON10)
            n = n * 2;
            m = m * 2;
        else if (mesh == MeshType.PENTAGON11)
            m = m * 2;
        else if (mesh == MeshType.PENTAGON12)
            m = m * 2;
        else if (mesh == MeshType.RECTANGLE_SQUARE)
            m = m * 2;
        else if (mesh == MeshType.SQUARE_TRIANGLE1)
            m = m * 2;
        else if (mesh == MeshType.SQUARE_TRIANGLE2)
            m = m * 4;
        else if (mesh == MeshType.HEXAGON_TRIANGLE1)
            m = m * 3;
        else if (mesh == MeshType.DODECAGON_TRIANGLE)
            m = m * 3;
        else if (mesh == MeshType.HEXAGON_TRIANGLE2)
            m = m * 5;
        else if (mesh == MeshType.HEXAGON_SQUARE_TRIANGLE)
            m = m * 2;
        else if (mesh == MeshType.DODECAGON_HEXAGON_SQUARE)
            m = m * 2;

        //Generates random matrix as default
        double probability = 0.3;
        ModuloIndexableList <ModuloIndexableList <int> > cell_matrix =
            game.generate_random_matrix(n, m, probability);

        if (matrix == MatrixType.ONE_POINT)
            cell_matrix = game.generate_matrix(n, m);

        //Adds state rules in order of states
        List <List <int> > rule = new List <List <int> >();


        //Generating and setting colors
        List <color> colors = ch.generate_colors_();
        int          index1 = random.Next(0, colors.Count);
        color        c1     = colors[index1];
        Dictionary <color, List <color> > color_matrix = ch.generate_colors();
        List <color> cls    = color_matrix[c1];
        int          index2 = random.Next(0, cls.Count);
        color        col    = cls[index2];
        color        col1   = white;
        color        col2   = black;

        int wt = random.Next(0, 6);

        if (wt == 0)
            col1 = c1;
            col2 = ch.generate_dark(col);
        else if (wt == 1)
            col1 = ch.generate_light(col);
            col2 = c1;
        else if (wt == 2)
            col1 = col;
            col2 = c1;
        else if (wt == 3)
            col1 = c1;
            col2 = col;
        else if (wt == 4)
            col1 = c1;
            col2 = ch.generate_light(col);
        if (wt == 5)
            col1 = ch.generate_dark(col);
            col2 = c1;
        Sdl.SDL_WaitEvent(out ev);
        //Drawing loop
        while (ev.type != Sdl.SDL_QUIT && ev.type != Sdl.SDL_KEYDOWN)
            if (ev.type == Sdl.SDL_KEYDOWN)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Billentyű észlelve.");
            else if (ev.type == Sdl.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Egér észlelve.");

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                    if (mesh == MeshType.SQUARE)
                        short x1 = (short)(i * cellSize + 1);
                        short y1 = (short)(j * cellSize + 1);
                        short x2 = (short)((i + 1) * cellSize);
                        short y2 = (short)((j + 1) * cellSize);

                        // drawing quadratic mesh with age
                        if (ageT)
                            List <color> cols = ch.generate_age_colors();
                            if (cell_matrix[i][j] == 0)
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.boxRGBA(screen, x1, y1, x2, y2,
                                                       (byte)(black.red), (byte)(black.green), (byte)(black.blue), (byte)(black.alpha));
                                int ix = cell_matrix[i][j] % cols.Count;
                                if (ix < 0)
                                    ix = ix + cols.Count;
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.boxRGBA(screen, x1, y1, x2, y2,
                                                       (byte)((cols[ix]).red), (byte)((cols[ix]).green), (byte)((cols[ix]).blue), (byte)(cols[ix].alpha));
                            // drawing quadratic mesh without age
                            if (cell_matrix[i][j] == 1)
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.boxRGBA(screen, x1, y1, x2, y2,
                                                       (byte)(col2.red), (byte)(col2.green), (byte)(col2.blue), (byte)(col2.alpha));
                            else if (cell_matrix[i][j] == 0)
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.boxRGBA(screen, x1, y1, x2, y2,
                                                       (byte)(col1.red), (byte)(col1.green), (byte)(col1.blue), (byte)(col1.alpha));
                        // drawing another mesh
                        List <Tuple <double, double> > points = cc.calculate_polygon_coordinates(i, j);
                        short[] vx = new short[points.Count];
                        short[] vy = new short[points.Count];
                        for (int k = 0; k < points.Count; k++)
                            double xx = points[k].Item1;
                            double yy = points[k].Item2;
                            xx = xx * cellSize;
                            yy = yy * cellSize;
                            if (mesh == MeshType.TRIANGLE)
                                //to have better rates of sides and hights
                                xx = xx * Math.Sqrt(3);
                                //to set the middle into the middle
                                xx = xx - width / 14;
                                yy = yy - height / 21;
                            else if (mesh == MeshType.HEXAGON)
                                xx = xx * 2;
                                //to set the middle into the middle
                                xx = xx - 2 * width / 9;
                                yy = yy - height / 35;
                            else if (mesh == MeshType.PENTAGON1)
                                //to set the middle into the middle
                                yy = yy - height / 3;
                            else if (mesh == MeshType.PENTAGON3)
                                //to set the middle into the middle
                                xx = xx - width / 2;
                                yy = yy - height;
                            else if (mesh == MeshType.PENTAGON11)
                                //to set the middle into the middle
                                xx = xx - 1.75 * width;
                            else if (mesh == MeshType.PENTAGON14)
                                xx = xx * 2;
                                //to set the middle into the middle
                                xx = xx - 2 * width / 9 - width / 4;
                                yy = yy - height / 35;
                                yy = 2 * yy + height / 8;
                            else if (mesh == MeshType.RECTANGLE1)
                                //to set the middle into the middle
                                //rotating by 45 degrees
                                double zz = Math.Sqrt(2) / 2 * xx + Math.Sqrt(3) / 2 * yy;
                                xx = -Math.Sqrt(3) / 2 * xx + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2 * yy + (3 / 2) * width + 2 * width / 5;
                                yy = zz - height / 2 - height / 4;
                                xx = xx + width / 12;
                            else if (mesh == MeshType.RECTANGLE2)
                                //to set the middle into the middle
                                xx = xx - width / 2;
                            else if ((mesh == MeshType.TILED_RECTANGLE1) || (mesh == MeshType.RECTANGLE_SQUARE))
                                //to set the middle into the middle
                                //rotating by 45 degrees
                                double zz = Math.Sqrt(2) / 2 * xx + Math.Sqrt(3) / 2 * yy;
                                xx = -Math.Sqrt(3) / 2 * xx + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2 * yy + (3 / 2) * width + 2 * width / 5;
                                yy = zz - height / 2 - height / 4;
                                if (mesh == MeshType.TILED_RECTANGLE1)
                                    xx = xx + width / 8;
                                    xx = xx - width / 8;
                                    yy = yy - height / 12;
                            else if ((mesh == MeshType.SQUARE_TRIANGLE1) || (mesh == MeshType.SQUARE_TRIANGLE2))
                                //to set the middle into the middle
                                yy = yy - height / 8;

                            else if ((mesh == MeshType.HEXAGON_SQUARE_TRIANGLE) || (mesh == MeshType.DODECAGON_HEXAGON_SQUARE))
                                xx = xx * 2;
                                yy = yy * 2;
                                //to set the middle into the middle
                                xx = xx - width / 2;
                                yy = yy - height / 12;
                            else if (mesh == MeshType.HEXAGON_TRIANGLE2)
                                //to set the middle into the middle
                                xx = xx - 2 * width / 3;
                                yy = yy - 3 * height;
                            int   xt = (int)xx;
                            int   yt = (int)yy;
                            short xs = (short)xt;
                            short ys = (short)yt;
                            vx[k] = xs;
                            vy[k] = ys;
                            if ((mesh == MeshType.TRIANGLE) || (mesh == MeshType.HEXAGON))
                                vx[k] = ys;
                                vy[k] = xs;
                        if (ageT)
                            // drawing mesh with age
                            List <color> cols = ch.generate_age_colors();
                            if (cell_matrix[i][j] == 0)
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.filledPolygonRGBA(screen, vx, vy, points.Count,
                                                                 (byte)(black.red), (byte)(black.green), (byte)(black.blue), (byte)(black.alpha));
                                int ix = cell_matrix[i][j] % cols.Count;
                                if (ix < 0)
                                    ix = ix + cols.Count;
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.filledPolygonRGBA(screen, vx, vy, points.Count,
                                                                 (byte)((cols[ix]).red), (byte)((cols[ix]).green), (byte)((cols[ix]).blue), (byte)(cols[ix].alpha));
                            // drawing mesh without age
                            if (cell_matrix[i][j] == 1)
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.filledPolygonRGBA(screen, vx, vy, points.Count,
                                                                 (byte)(col2.red), (byte)(col2.green), (byte)(col2.blue), (byte)(col2.alpha));
                            else if (cell_matrix[i][j] == 0)
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.filledPolygonRGBA(screen, vx, vy, points.Count,
                                                                 (byte)(col1.red), (byte)(col1.green), (byte)(col1.blue), (byte)(col1.alpha));

            if (del == delt)
                //Generates new beginning matrix with new colors
                if (matrix == MatrixType.RANDOM)
                    cell_matrix = game.generate_random_matrix(n, m, probability);
                else if (matrix == MatrixType.ONE_POINT)
                    cell_matrix = game.generate_matrix(n, m);
                    del         = 0;
                wt = random.Next(0, 6);
                if (wt == 0)
                    col1 = c1;
                    col2 = ch.generate_dark(col);
                else if (wt == 1)
                    col1 = ch.generate_light(col);
                    col2 = c1;
                else if (wt == 2)
                    col1 = col;
                    col2 = c1;
                else if (wt == 3)
                    col1 = c1;
                    col2 = col;
                else if (wt == 4)
                    col1 = c1;
                    col2 = ch.generate_light(col);
                if (wt == 5)
                    col1 = ch.generate_dark(col);
                    col2 = c1;
                cell_matrix = game.new_matrix(cell_matrix, rule);

            /* Flips drawings */
            Sdl.SDL_WaitEvent(out ev);

            del = del + 1;

        /* closing window */
Exemple #2
    public void Drawing()
        //Default colors
        color black;

        black.red   = 0;
        black.green = 0;
        black.blue  = 0;
        black.alpha = ColorHandler.colorMaxValue;

        color white;

        white.red   = ColorHandler.colorMaxValue;
        white.green = ColorHandler.colorMaxValue;
        white.blue  = ColorHandler.colorMaxValue;
        white.alpha = ColorHandler.colorMaxValue;

        //Initialization of graphics and opening painting window
        Sdl.SDL_Event ev = new Sdl.SDL_Event();

        System.IntPtr screen = Sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode(0, 0, 0, Sdl.SDL_ANYFORMAT);
        if (screen == IntPtr.Zero)
            System.Console.WriteLine("Nem sikerult megnyitni az ablakot!\n");
        Sdl.SDL_WM_SetCaption("SDL peldaprogram", "SDL peldaprogram");

        //Sets NeightbourHandler
        NeightbourHandler nh = new QuadraticConwayNeightbourHandler();

        if (mesh == MeshType.SQUARE)
            if (neighbourhood == NeighbourhoodType.ULAM)
                nh = new QuadraticUlamNeightbourHandler();
            else if (neighbourhood == NeighbourhoodType.KNIGHT)
                nh = new QuadraticKnightNeightbourHandler();
        else if (mesh == MeshType.TRIANGLE)
            if (neighbourhood == NeighbourhoodType.ULAM)
                nh = new TriangleUlamNeightbourHandler();
            else if (neighbourhood == NeighbourhoodType.CONWAY)
                nh = new TriangleConwayNeightbourHandler();
            else if (neighbourhood == NeighbourhoodType.KNIGHT)
                nh = new TriangleKnightNeightbourHandler();
        else if (mesh == MeshType.HEXAGON)
            if (neighbourhood == NeighbourhoodType.ULAM)
                nh = new HexagonUlamNeightbourHandler();
            else if (neighbourhood == NeighbourhoodType.CONWAY)
                nh = new HexagonConwayNeightbourHandler();
            else if (neighbourhood == NeighbourhoodType.KNIGHT)
                nh = new HexagonKnightNeightbourHandler();

        //Sets MatrixHandler and ColorHandler
        MatrixHandler game = new QuadraticMatrixHandler(random, nh, ageT);
        ColorHandler  ch   = new ColorHandler(random);

        //Gets sizes of screen
        int width  = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width;
        int height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height;

        //Calculates main datas
        int       cellSize     = 10;
        const int half         = ColorHandler.colorMaxValue / 2;
        const int state_number = 2;
        // Itt rajzolj
        int n    = width / cellSize;
        int m    = height / cellSize;
        int del  = 0;
        int delt = max(n, m) * 2;

        //Generates random matrix as default
        double probability = 0.3;
        ModuloIndexableList <ModuloIndexableList <int> > cell_matrix =
            game.generate_random_matrix(n, m, probability);

        if (matrix == MatrixType.ONE_POINT)
            cell_matrix = game.generate_matrix(n, m);

        //Adds state rules in order of states
        List <List <int> > rule = new List <List <int> >();


        //Generating and setting colors
        List <color> colors = ch.generate_colors_();
        int          index1 = random.Next(0, colors.Count);
        color        c1     = colors[index1];
        Dictionary <color, List <color> > color_matrix = ch.generate_colors();
        List <color> cls    = color_matrix[c1];
        int          index2 = random.Next(0, cls.Count);
        color        col    = cls[index2];
        color        col1   = white;
        color        col2   = black;

        int wt = random.Next(0, 6);

        if (wt == 0)
            col1 = c1;
            col2 = ch.generate_dark(col);
        else if (wt == 1)
            col1 = ch.generate_light(col);
            col2 = c1;
        else if (wt == 2)
            col1 = col;
            col2 = c1;
        else if (wt == 3)
            col1 = c1;
            col2 = col;
        else if (wt == 4)
            col1 = c1;
            col2 = ch.generate_light(col);
        if (wt == 5)
            col1 = ch.generate_dark(col);
            col2 = c1;
        Sdl.SDL_WaitEvent(out ev);
        //Drawing loop
        while (ev.type != Sdl.SDL_QUIT && ev.type != Sdl.SDL_KEYDOWN)
            if (ev.type == Sdl.SDL_KEYDOWN)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Billentyű észlelve.");
            else if (ev.type == Sdl.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Egér észlelve.");

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                    if (mesh == MeshType.SQUARE)
                        short x1 = (short)(i * cellSize + 1);
                        short y1 = (short)(j * cellSize + 1);
                        short x2 = (short)((i + 1) * cellSize);
                        short y2 = (short)((j + 1) * cellSize);

                        // drawing quadratic mesh with age
                        if (ageT)
                            List <color> cols = ch.generate_age_colors();
                            if (cell_matrix[i][j] == 0)
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.boxRGBA(screen, x1, y1, x2, y2,
                                                       (byte)(black.red), (byte)(black.green), (byte)(black.blue), (byte)(black.alpha));
                                int ix = cell_matrix[i][j] % cols.Count;
                                if (ix < 0)
                                    ix = ix + cols.Count;
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.boxRGBA(screen, x1, y1, x2, y2,
                                                       (byte)((cols[ix]).red), (byte)((cols[ix]).green), (byte)((cols[ix]).blue), (byte)(cols[ix].alpha));
                            // drawing quadratic mesh without age
                            if (cell_matrix[i][j] == 1)
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.boxRGBA(screen, x1, y1, x2, y2,
                                                       (byte)(col2.red), (byte)(col2.green), (byte)(col2.blue), (byte)(col2.alpha));
                            else if (cell_matrix[i][j] == 0)
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.boxRGBA(screen, x1, y1, x2, y2,
                                                       (byte)(col1.red), (byte)(col1.green), (byte)(col1.blue), (byte)(col1.alpha));
                        // drawing another mesh
                        List <Tuple <double, double> > points = new List <Tuple <double, double> >();
                        if (mesh == MeshType.TRIANGLE)
                            points = calculate_triangle_coordinates(i, j);
                        else if (mesh == MeshType.HEXAGON)
                            points = calculate_hexagon_coordinates(i, j);
                        short[] vx = new short[points.Count];
                        short[] vy = new short[points.Count];
                        for (int k = 0; k < points.Count; k++)
                            double xx = points[k].Item1;
                            double yy = points[k].Item2;
                            xx = xx * cellSize;
                            if (mesh == MeshType.TRIANGLE)
                                //to have better rates of sides and hights
                                xx = xx * Math.Sqrt(3);
                                //to set the middle into the middle
                                xx = xx + 10 * (1 - Math.Sqrt(3)) * cellSize;
                                yy = yy + 5 * (1 - Math.Sqrt(3)) * cellSize;
                            else if (mesh == MeshType.HEXAGON)
                                //to set the middle into the middle
                                xx = xx + 30 * (1 - Math.Sqrt(3)) * cellSize;
                                yy = yy + 3 * (1 - Math.Sqrt(3)) * cellSize;
                            yy = yy * cellSize;
                            int   xt = (int)xx;
                            int   yt = (int)yy;
                            short xs = (short)xt;
                            short ys = (short)yt;
                            vx[k] = xs;
                            vy[k] = ys;
                            if ((mesh == MeshType.TRIANGLE) || (mesh == MeshType.HEXAGON))
                                vx[k] = ys;
                                vy[k] = xs;
                        if (ageT)
                            // drawing mesh with age
                            List <color> cols = ch.generate_age_colors();
                            if (cell_matrix[i][j] == 0)
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.filledPolygonRGBA(screen, vx, vy, points.Count,
                                                                 (byte)(black.red), (byte)(black.green), (byte)(black.blue), (byte)(black.alpha));
                                int ix = cell_matrix[i][j] % cols.Count;
                                if (ix < 0)
                                    ix = ix + cols.Count;
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.filledPolygonRGBA(screen, vx, vy, points.Count,
                                                                 (byte)((cols[ix]).red), (byte)((cols[ix]).green), (byte)((cols[ix]).blue), (byte)(cols[ix].alpha));
                            // drawing mesh without age
                            if (cell_matrix[i][j] == 1)
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.filledPolygonRGBA(screen, vx, vy, points.Count,
                                                                 (byte)(col2.red), (byte)(col2.green), (byte)(col2.blue), (byte)(col2.alpha));
                            else if (cell_matrix[i][j] == 0)
                                Tao.Sdl.SdlGfx.filledPolygonRGBA(screen, vx, vy, points.Count,
                                                                 (byte)(col1.red), (byte)(col1.green), (byte)(col1.blue), (byte)(col1.alpha));

            if (del == delt)
                if (matrix == MatrixType.RANDOM)
                    cell_matrix = game.generate_random_matrix(n, m, probability);
                else if (matrix == MatrixType.ONE_POINT)
                    cell_matrix = game.generate_matrix(n, m);
                    del         = 0;
                wt = random.Next(0, 6);
                if (wt == 0)
                    col1 = c1;
                    col2 = ch.generate_dark(col);
                else if (wt == 1)
                    col1 = ch.generate_light(col);
                    col2 = c1;
                else if (wt == 2)
                    col1 = col;
                    col2 = c1;
                else if (wt == 3)
                    col1 = c1;
                    col2 = col;
                else if (wt == 4)
                    col1 = c1;
                    col2 = ch.generate_light(col);
                if (wt == 5)
                    col1 = ch.generate_dark(col);
                    col2 = c1;
                cell_matrix = game.new_matrix(cell_matrix, rule);

            /* Flips drawings */
            Sdl.SDL_WaitEvent(out ev);

            del = del + 1;

        /* closing window */