private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) { var bs = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <BulletScript>(); if (bs != null) { float dt = 0, dr = 0; if (GameState.Instance.Player.Armor > 0) { dt = HasArmorDT; dr = HasArmorDR; GameState.Instance.Player.Armor -= bs.Damage + bs.DamagePierce; } float bulletDamage = DamageUtil.CalculateDamage(bs.Damage, bs.DamagePierce, dt, dr); GameState.Instance.Player.Health -= bulletDamage; //gameUI.GetComponent<HealthUI>().LoseHealth(); if (GameState.Instance.Player.Health <= 0) { Debug.Log("Game Over"); MessageInterface.PushToBus(new PlayerDeathMessage()); //gameOverScene.SetActive(true); //TODO make this signal a gamecontroller, preferably using messaging, because I mean DAMN } Destroy(collision.gameObject); } }
private void HandleInteraction() { //get thing, probe and display tooltip, check use bool haveTarget = false; int layerMask = LayerMask.GetMask("Default", "ActorHitbox", "Actor"); Debug.DrawRay(CameraRoot.position, CameraRoot.transform.forward * MaxProbeDist); //raycast all, go through the hits ignoring hits to self RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(CameraRoot.transform.position, CameraRoot.transform.forward, MaxProbeDist * 2, layerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide); if (hits != null && hits.Length > 0) { //GameObject nearestObject = null; InteractableComponent nearestInteractable = null; float nearestDist = float.MaxValue; foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits) { //skip if it's further than nearestDist (occluded) or flatdist is further than MaxProbeDist (too far away) if (hit.distance > nearestDist) { continue; } float fDist = VectorUtils.GetFlatVectorToTarget(transform.position, hit.point).magnitude; if (fDist > MaxProbeDist) { continue; } //nearestObject = hit.collider.gameObject; //if there's a PlayerController attached, we've hit ourselves if (hit.collider.GetComponent <PlayerController>() != null) { continue; } //TODO pull a similar trick to see if we're pointing at an Actor? //get the interactable component and hitbox component; if it doesn't have either then it's an obstacle InteractableComponent ic = hit.collider.GetComponent <InteractableComponent>(); IHitboxComponent ahc = hit.collider.GetComponent <IHitboxComponent>(); if (ic == null && ahc == null) { //we null out our hit first since it's occluded by this one nearestInteractable = null; nearestDist = hit.distance; continue; } //it's just us lol if (ahc != null && ahc.ParentController is PlayerController) { continue; } //we have an interactablecomponent and we're not occluded if (ic != null) { nearestInteractable = ic; nearestDist = hit.distance; continue; } //if it doesn't meet any of those criteria then it's an occluder nearestInteractable = null; nearestDist = hit.distance; } //if(nearestObject != null) // Debug.Log("Nearest: " +; if (nearestInteractable != null && nearestInteractable.enabled) { //Debug.Log("Detected: " + nearestInteractable.Tooltip); //HUDScript.SetTargetMessage(nearestInteractable.Tooltip); nearestInteractable.OnLook(this.gameObject); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nearestInteractable.Tooltip)) { MessageInterface.PushToBus(new QdmsKeyValueMessage("PlayerHasTarget", "Target", nearestInteractable.Tooltip)); HadTargetLastFrame = true; haveTarget = true; } //actual use if (MappedInput.GetButtonDown(DefaultControls.Use) && !GameState.Instance.PlayerFlags.Contains(PlayerFlags.NoInteract)) { nearestInteractable.OnActivate(this.gameObject); } } } if (!haveTarget && HadTargetLastFrame) { MessageInterface.PushToBus(new QdmsFlagMessage("PlayerClearTarget")); //should probably not do this constantly } HadTargetLastFrame = haveTarget; }