public override void GetColumnsInfo(DBConnection connection, DBTableInfo tableInfo) { var query = string.Format("select * from all_tab_cols where table_name = '{0}'{1} order by column_id", tableInfo.Name, string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableInfo.Schema) ? null : $" and owner = '{tableInfo.Schema}'"); QResult list = connection.ExecuteQResult(query); int iName = list.GetIndex("column_name"); int iType = list.GetIndex("data_type"); int iPrec = list.GetIndex("data_precision"); int iScale = list.GetIndex("data_scale"); int iLeng = list.GetIndex("data_length"); int iNull = list.GetIndex("nullable"); int iDefault = list.GetIndex("data_default"); foreach (object[] item in list.Values) { tableInfo.Columns.Add(new DBColumnInfo() { Name = item[iName].ToString(), DataType = item[iType].ToString(), Precision = item[iPrec].ToString(), Scale = item[iScale].ToString(), Length = item[iLeng].ToString(), NotNull = item[iNull].Equals("N"), Default = item[iDefault].ToString(), }); } }
public void Parse(DBSchema schema, DBTable table) { QResult list = schema.Connection.ExecuteQResult(Filter); int iName = list.GetIndex(Name); int iSchema = list.GetIndex(Schema); int iTable = list.GetIndex(Table); int iColumn = list.GetIndex(Column); int iRefSchema = list.GetIndex(ReferenceSchema); int iRefTable = list.GetIndex(ReferenceTable); int iRefColumn = list.GetIndex(ReferenceColumn); foreach (object[] item in list.Values) { var name = item[iName].ToString(); var tab = table ?? schema.ParseTable(item[iTable].ToString()); var col = tab?.ParseColumn(item[iName].ToString()); var rtab = schema.ParseTable(item[iRefTable].ToString()); var rcol = rtab?.ParseColumn(item[iRefColumn].ToString()); if (col != null && rcol != null) { var reference = col.Table.Foreigns.GetByColumns(col, rcol); if (reference == null) { reference = new DBForeignKey { Column = col, Reference = rcol }; col.Table.Foreigns.Add(reference); } reference.Name = name; } } }
public void ExecuteQResult(IDbCommand command, QResult list) { list.Values.Clear(); list.Columns.Clear(); using (var reader = ExecuteQuery(command, DBExecuteType.Reader) as IDataReader) { int fCount = reader.FieldCount; for (int i = 0; i < fCount; i++) { var name = reader.GetName(i); list.Columns.Add(name, new QField { Index = i, Name = name, DataType = reader.GetFieldType(i) }); } list.OnColumnsLoaded(); while (reader.Read()) { var objects = new object[fCount]; reader.GetValues(objects); list.Values.Add(objects); } reader.Close(); list.OnLoaded(); } }
public virtual void GetColumnsInfo(DBConnection connection, DBTableInfo tableInfo) { var query = string.Format("select * from information_schema.columns where table_name='{0}'{1} order by ordinal_position", tableInfo.Name, string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableInfo.Schema) ? null : $" and table_schema = '{tableInfo.Schema}'"); QResult list = connection.ExecuteQResult(query); int iName = list.GetIndex("column_name"); int iType = list.GetIndex("data_type"); int iPrec = list.GetIndex("numeric_precision"); int iScale = list.GetIndex("numeric_scale"); int iLeng = list.GetIndex("character_maximum_length"); int iNull = list.GetIndex("is_nullable"); int iDefault = list.GetIndex("column_default"); foreach (object[] item in list.Values) { tableInfo.Columns.Add(new DBColumnInfo() { Name = item[iName].ToString(), DataType = item[iType].ToString(), Precision = item[iPrec].ToString(), Scale = item[iScale].ToString(), Length = item[iLeng].ToString(), NotNull = iNull >= 0 && item[iNull].Equals("NO"), Default = item[iDefault].ToString(), }); } }
public QResult ExecuteQResult(IDbCommand command) { var list = new QResult(); ExecuteQResult(AddCommand(command), list); return(list); }
public QResult ExecuteQResult() { var list = new QResult(); ExecuteQResult(Command, list); return(list); }
public void FillTable(OpenXmlElement element, QResult query) { var row = FindParent <Word.TableRow>(element); var orow = (Word.TableRow)row.Clone(); var prg = FindParent <Word.Paragraph>(element); var hCell = FindParent <Word.TableCell>(element); var hList = row.Descendants <Word.TableCell>().ToList(); var hIndex = hList.IndexOf(hCell); //element.Remove(); Word.TableRow prow = null; foreach (object[] data in query.Values) { var cell = row.GetFirstChild <Word.TableCell>(); while (hList.IndexOf(cell) != hIndex) { cell = cell.NextSibling <Word.TableCell>(); } foreach (object value in data) { if (cell != null) { var paragraph = cell.Descendants <Word.Paragraph>().FirstOrDefault(); if (paragraph == null) { paragraph = (Word.Paragraph)prg.Clone(); cell.Append(paragraph); } Word.Run run = paragraph.Descendants <Word.Run>().FirstOrDefault(); if (run != null) { ReplaceString(run, value.ToString()); } else { ReplaceString(paragraph, value.ToString()); } cell = cell.NextSibling <Word.TableCell>(); } } if (row.Parent == null) { prow.InsertAfterSelf <Word.TableRow>(row); } prow = row; row = (Word.TableRow)orow.Clone(); hList = row.Descendants <Word.TableCell>().ToList(); } }
public void SetCommand(IDbCommand command, DBSchema schema, string name) { if (Query == null) { Query = new QResult() { Name = name } } ; Query.Name = name; this.schema = schema; this.command = command; }
public void FillTable(OpenXmlElement element, QResult query) { var row = FindParent <Word.TableRow>(element); var prg = row.Descendants <Word.Paragraph>().FirstOrDefault(); //element.Remove(); Word.TableRow prow = null; foreach (object[] data in query.Values) { Word.TableCell cell = row.GetFirstChild <Word.TableCell>(); foreach (object value in data) { if (cell != null) { var paragraph = cell.Descendants <Word.Paragraph>().FirstOrDefault(); if (paragraph == null) { paragraph = (Word.Paragraph)prg.Clone(); cell.Append(paragraph); } Word.Run run = paragraph.Descendants <Word.Run>().FirstOrDefault(); if (run != null) { ReplaceString(run, value.ToString()); } else { Word.Text text = new Word.Text() { Text = value.ToString(), Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; run = new Word.Run(); run.Append(text); paragraph.Append(run); } cell = cell.NextSibling <Word.TableCell>(); } } if (row.Parent == null) { prow.InsertAfterSelf <Word.TableRow>(row); } prow = row; row = (Word.TableRow)row.Clone(); } }
public async Task <IEnumerable <Pos> > List(int CompanyId) { IEnumerable <Pos> list; IQueryable <Pos> QList; IQueryable <Pos> QResult; try { QList = _dbContex.Pos.AsQueryable(); QResult = QList.Where(x => x.CompanyId == CompanyId); return(await QResult.ToListAsync()); } catch (Exception e) { throw; } }
public override IEnumerable <DBTableInfo> GetTablesInfo(DBConnection connection, string schemaName, string tableName = null) { var filter = schemaName != null ? $" where owner = '{schemaName.ToUpper()}'{(tableName != null ? $" and table_name = '{tableName.ToUpper()}'" : null)}" : null; QResult list = connection.ExecuteQResult($"select * from all_tables{filter}"); int iSchema = list.GetIndex("owner"); int iName = list.GetIndex("table_name"); foreach (object[] item in list.Values) { var table = new DBTableInfo() { Schema = item[iSchema].ToString(), Name = item[iName].ToString(), }; GetColumnsInfo(connection, table); yield return(table); } }
public virtual IEnumerable <DBTableInfo> GetTablesInfo(DBConnection connection, string schemaName = null, string tableName = null) { var tableFilter = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName) ? $" and table_name = '{tableName}'" : string.Empty; var schemaFilter = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaName) ? $" where table_schema = '{schemaName}'{tableFilter}" : string.Empty; QResult list = connection.ExecuteQResult($"select * from information_schema.tables{schemaFilter} order by table_name"); int iSchema = list.GetIndex("table_schema"); int iName = list.GetIndex("table_name"); int iIndex = list.GetIndex("table_type"); foreach (object[] item in list.Values) { var table = new DBTableInfo() { Schema = item[iSchema].ToString(), Name = item[iName].ToString(), View = item[iIndex].ToString().IndexOf("view", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0, }; GetColumnsInfo(connection, table); GetConstraintInfo(connection, table); yield return(table); } }
public IActionResult Index(ShellGameModel model) { Debug.WriteLine("Preparing to Compute Quantum Results using selected Shell #" + model.ShellSelected + "..."); model.ComputedShell = "0"; model.QASM = ""; model.ExecutionResults = ""; string token = "INSERTYOURTOKENHERE"; //Build the processor QProcessor qp = new QProcessor(token); //login QResult result = qp.Login(); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Login result. Success={0} Message={1}", result.Success.ToString(), result.Message)); if (result.Success) { int shell = 0; Int32.TryParse(model.ShellSelected, out shell); //build the QASM code QCode code = new QCode(shell); = string.Format("ExperimentID {0} with Shell at {1} ", System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), shell.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("Code:" + Environment.NewLine + code.qasm); //execute the code result = qp.ExecuteCode(code); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Code Executed Success={0}, Data={1}", result.Success.ToString(), result.Message)); //parse the result and output the location of the coin QExecutionOutput x = qp.GetOutputFromMessageData(result.Message); string labels =[0]; switch (labels) { case "00000": Debug.WriteLine("The coin was under Shell #1"); model.ComputedShell = "1"; break; case "00100": Debug.WriteLine("The coin was under Shell #2"); model.ComputedShell = "2"; break; case "00010": Debug.WriteLine("The coin was under Shell #3"); model.ComputedShell = "3"; break; case "00110": Debug.WriteLine("The coin was under Shell #4"); model.ComputedShell = "4"; break; default: Debug.WriteLine("Something broke!"); model.ComputedShell = "0"; break; } model.QASM = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x.code, Formatting.Indented); model.ExecutionResults = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x.result, Formatting.Indented); //now cleanup and delete the results QResult deleteResult = qp.DeleteExperiment(x.code.idCode); } return(View(model)); }
private void ParseWorksheetPart(ExecuteArgs param, Dictionary <string, DefinedName> cacheNames, StringKeyList sharedStrings, Stream worksheetPart, WorksheetPart newWorksheetPart) { var inserts = new List <CellRange>(); using (var reader = OpenXmlReader.Create(worksheetPart)) using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(newWorksheetPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create) , new XmlWriterSettings { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, CloseOutput = true })) { int ind, dif = 0; writer.WriteStartDocument(true); while (reader.Read()) { //remove protection //if (reader.ElementType == typeof(Excel.SheetProtection)) //{ // reader.LoadCurrentElement(); // continue; //} if (reader.ElementType == typeof(Excel.Row)) { var row = (Excel.Row)reader.LoadCurrentElement(); var rowIndex = (int)row.RowIndex.Value; ind = rowIndex + dif; UpdateRowIndex(row, ind); QResult query = null; foreach (Excel.Cell ocell in row.Descendants <Excel.Cell>()) { object rz = null; if (cacheNames.TryGetValue(ocell.CellReference.Value, out var defName)) { rz = defName.CacheValue ?? param.GetValue(defName.Code); } else { string value = ReadCell(ocell, sharedStrings); rz = ReplaceExcelString(param, value); } if (rz != null) { query = rz as QResult; if (query != null) { var sref = CellReference.Parse(ocell.CellReference); var insert = new CellRange(sref, sref); Excel.Row tableRow = null; foreach (object[] dataRow in query.Values) { if (tableRow == null) { tableRow = row; } else if (defName != null && defName.Range.End.Row > sref.Row) { if (reader.Read() && reader.ElementType == typeof(Excel.Row)) { tableRow = (Excel.Row)reader.LoadCurrentElement(); UpdateRowIndex(tableRow, (int)tableRow.RowIndex.Value + dif); insert.Start.Row++; insert.End.Row++; } else { } } else { tableRow = CloneRow(tableRow, sref.Row);// GetRow(sd, srow, excelRow == null, cell.Parent as Excel.Row); insert.End.Row++; } int col = sref.Col; foreach (object itemValue in dataRow) { GetCell(tableRow, itemValue, col, sref.Row, 0, sharedStrings); col++; } sref.Row++; WriteElement(writer, tableRow); } if (insert.Rows > 0) { inserts.Add(insert); dif += insert.Rows; } break; } else { WriteCell(ocell, rz, sharedStrings); } } } if (query == null) { WriteElement(writer, row); } } else if (reader.ElementType == typeof(Excel.MergeCell)) { var merge = reader.LoadCurrentElement() as Excel.MergeCell; var range = CellRange.Parse(merge.Reference); foreach (var insert in inserts) { if (insert.Start.Row < range.Start.Row) { range.Start.Row += insert.Rows; range.End.Row += insert.Rows; } } merge.Reference = range.ToString(); WriteElement(writer, merge); } else if (reader.ElementType == typeof(Excel.DataValidation)) { var validation = (Excel.DataValidation)reader.LoadCurrentElement(); if (validation.SequenceOfReferences.HasValue) { var newlist = new List <StringValue>(); foreach (var item in validation.SequenceOfReferences.Items) { var range = CellRange.Parse(item); foreach (var insert in inserts) { if (insert.Start.Row <= range.End.Row && insert.End.Row > range.End.Row) { range.End.Row = insert.End.Row; newlist.Add(range.ToString()); continue; } } newlist.Add(item); } validation.SequenceOfReferences = new ListValue <StringValue>(newlist); } WriteElement(writer, validation); } else if (reader.ElementType == typeof(Excel.OddFooter) || reader.ElementType == typeof(Excel.EvenFooter) || reader.ElementType == typeof(Excel.FirstFooter)) { var footer = reader.LoadCurrentElement() as OpenXmlLeafTextElement; var str = ReplaceExcelString(param, footer.Text) as string; if (str != null) { footer.Text = str; } WriteElement(writer, footer); } else if (reader.IsStartElement) { WriteStartElement(writer, reader); } else if (reader.IsEndElement) { writer.WriteEndElement(); } } writer.WriteEndDocument(); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); //newWorksheetPart.FeedData(temp); } }
public static QResult GetPatientFullInfo(Guid _pkey) { GuruETCEntities _etc = new GuruETCEntities(); long? ParentId = _etc.PatientProfiles.Where(d => d.UserGuid == _pkey).Select(d => d.Id).FirstOrDefault(); long? DoctorId = _etc.PatientProfiles.Where(d => d.UserGuid == _pkey).Select(d => d.DoctorId).FirstOrDefault(); QResult _result = new QResult(); long? ExamId = _etc.PatientExams.Where(d => d.PatientId == ParentId && d.DoctorId == DoctorId).Max(d => d.ExamId); PatientResultQuestion _pResult = _etc.PatientResultQuestions.Where(d => d.ExamId == ExamId).FirstOrDefault(); if (_pResult != null) { //Calculation for Periodental - HEALTH HX LINKED QUESTIONS DateTime? _pDOB = _etc.PatientProfiles.Where(d => d.Id == _pResult.PatientId).Select(d => d.DOB).FirstOrDefault(); int Patient_age = (DateTime.Now.Year - _pDOB.Value.Year); string[] perioGeneralRAC = { "8.1" }; string[] perioTobaccoRAC = { "2", "7" }; string[] perioEndocrineRAC = { "4" }; string[] perioDentalRAC = { "1.2", "12", "15", "21" }; string[] hx_general = _pResult.hx_general.Split('|'); string[] hx_tobacco = _pResult.hx_tobacco_alcohol.Split('|'); string[] hx_endro = _pResult.hx_medical_endocrine_disorders.Split('|'); string[] hx_dental = _pResult.hx_dental.Split('|'); string[] hx_nutrition = _pResult.hx_nutrition_activity.Split('|'); string[] hx_ent = _pResult.hx_medical_ent.Split('|'); string[] hx_sleep = _pResult.hx_medical_sleep.Split('|'); string[] hx_cancer = _pResult.hx_medical_cancer.Split('|'); string[] hx_other = _pResult.hx_medical_other_diseases.Split('|'); int perioRAC_Count = hx_general.Intersect(perioGeneralRAC).Count() + hx_tobacco.Intersect(perioTobaccoRAC).Count() + hx_endro.Intersect(perioEndocrineRAC).Count() + hx_dental.Intersect(perioDentalRAC).Count(); _result.periodental = (27.2 + (27.2 * perioRAC_Count)) + "px"; //Calculation for DIABETES - HEALTH HX LINKED QUESTIONS string[] diabetesGeneralRAC = { "8.3" }; string[] diabetesVitalsRAC = { "2" }; string[] diabetesNutritionRAC = { "7" }; int diabetesRAC_Count = hx_general.Intersect(diabetesGeneralRAC).Count() + hx_tobacco.Intersect(diabetesVitalsRAC).Count() + hx_nutrition.Intersect(diabetesNutritionRAC).Count(); if (Patient_age > 45) diabetesRAC_Count++; _result.diabetic = (49 + (49 * diabetesRAC_Count)) + "px"; //Calculation for SLEEP - HEALTH HX LINKED QUESTIONS string[] sleepEntRAC = { "6" }; string[] sleepSleepRAC = { "1", "2", "3", "5", "6" }; int sleepRAC_Count = hx_ent.Intersect(sleepEntRAC).Count() + hx_sleep.Intersect(sleepSleepRAC).Count(); _result.sleepApnea = (35 + (35 * sleepRAC_Count)) + "px"; //Calculation for TMD - HEALTH HX LINKED QUESTIONS string[] tmdEntRAC = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "8" }; string[] tmdDentalRAC = { "19" }; int tmdRAC_Count = hx_ent.Intersect(tmdEntRAC).Count() + hx_dental.Intersect(tmdDentalRAC).Count(); _result.tmd = (30.6 + (30.6 * tmdRAC_Count)) + "px"; //Calculation for CARIES - HEALTH HX LINKED QUESTIONS string[] cariesGeneralRAC = { "9.1", "9.2" }; string[] cariesNutritionRAC = { "4", "5", "13" }; string[] cariesCancerRAC = { "2" }; string[] cariesOtherDiseasesRAC = { "9", "10", "24" }; string[] cariesDentalRAC = { "1.2", "2.2", "3", "7", "13", "19", "20" }; int cariesRAC_Count = hx_general.Intersect(cariesGeneralRAC).Count() + hx_nutrition.Intersect(cariesNutritionRAC).Count() + hx_cancer.Intersect(cariesCancerRAC).Count() + hx_other.Intersect(cariesOtherDiseasesRAC).Count() + hx_dental.Intersect(cariesDentalRAC).Count(); _result.caries = (15.3 + (15.3 * cariesRAC_Count)) + "px"; //Calculation for ORAL CANCER - HEALTH HX LINKED QUESTIONS string[] oralCancerGeneralRAC = { "8.5" }; string[] oralCancerNutritionRAC = { "1.2", "1.3" }; string[] oralCancerTobaccoRAC = { "1.1", "1.2", "4.1", "4.2", "4.3", "4.4", "3" }; string[] oralCancerCancerRAC = { "1", "3", "4", "5" }; string[] oralCancerEntRAC = { "11", "12", "14", "15", "16", "17", "19", "20", "18" }; int oralCancerRAC_Count = hx_general.Intersect(oralCancerGeneralRAC).Count() + hx_nutrition.Intersect(oralCancerNutritionRAC).Count() + hx_tobacco.Intersect(oralCancerTobaccoRAC).Count() + hx_cancer.Intersect(oralCancerCancerRAC).Count() + hx_ent.Intersect(oralCancerEntRAC).Count(); if (Patient_age > 40) { oralCancerRAC_Count++; } _result.oralCancer = oralCancerRAC_Count.ToString(); } return _result; }
public static QResult GetPatientFullInfo(Guid _pkey) { GuruETCEntities _etc = new GuruETCEntities(); long? ParentId = _etc.PatientProfiles.Where(d => d.UserGuid == _pkey).Select(d => d.Id).FirstOrDefault(); long? DoctorId = _etc.PatientProfiles.Where(d => d.UserGuid == _pkey).Select(d => d.DoctorId).FirstOrDefault(); QResult _result = new QResult(); long? ExamId = _etc.PatientExams.Where(d => d.PatientId == ParentId && d.DoctorId == DoctorId).Max(d => d.ExamId); PatientResultQuestion _pResult = _etc.PatientResultQuestions.Where(d => d.ExamId == ExamId).FirstOrDefault(); if (_pResult != null) { //Calculation for Periodental - HEALTH HX LINKED QUESTIONS DateTime?_pDOB = _etc.PatientProfiles.Where(d => d.Id == _pResult.PatientId).Select(d => d.DOB).FirstOrDefault(); int Patient_age = (DateTime.Now.Year - _pDOB.Value.Year); string[] perioGeneralRAC = { "8.1" }; string[] perioTobaccoRAC = { "2", "7" }; string[] perioEndocrineRAC = { "4" }; string[] perioDentalRAC = { "1.2", "12", "15", "21" }; string[] hx_general = _pResult.hx_general.Split('|'); string[] hx_tobacco = _pResult.hx_tobacco_alcohol.Split('|'); string[] hx_endro = _pResult.hx_medical_endocrine_disorders.Split('|'); string[] hx_dental = _pResult.hx_dental.Split('|'); string[] hx_nutrition = _pResult.hx_nutrition_activity.Split('|'); string[] hx_ent = _pResult.hx_medical_ent.Split('|'); string[] hx_sleep = _pResult.hx_medical_sleep.Split('|'); string[] hx_cancer = _pResult.hx_medical_cancer.Split('|'); string[] hx_other = _pResult.hx_medical_other_diseases.Split('|'); int perioRAC_Count = hx_general.Intersect(perioGeneralRAC).Count() + hx_tobacco.Intersect(perioTobaccoRAC).Count() + hx_endro.Intersect(perioEndocrineRAC).Count() + hx_dental.Intersect(perioDentalRAC).Count(); _result.periodental = (27.2 + (27.2 * perioRAC_Count)) + "px"; //Calculation for DIABETES - HEALTH HX LINKED QUESTIONS string[] diabetesGeneralRAC = { "8.3" }; string[] diabetesVitalsRAC = { "2" }; string[] diabetesNutritionRAC = { "7" }; int diabetesRAC_Count = hx_general.Intersect(diabetesGeneralRAC).Count() + hx_tobacco.Intersect(diabetesVitalsRAC).Count() + hx_nutrition.Intersect(diabetesNutritionRAC).Count(); if (Patient_age > 45) { diabetesRAC_Count++; } _result.diabetic = (49 + (49 * diabetesRAC_Count)) + "px"; //Calculation for SLEEP - HEALTH HX LINKED QUESTIONS string[] sleepEntRAC = { "6" }; string[] sleepSleepRAC = { "1", "2", "3", "5", "6" }; int sleepRAC_Count = hx_ent.Intersect(sleepEntRAC).Count() + hx_sleep.Intersect(sleepSleepRAC).Count(); _result.sleepApnea = (35 + (35 * sleepRAC_Count)) + "px"; //Calculation for TMD - HEALTH HX LINKED QUESTIONS string[] tmdEntRAC = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "8" }; string[] tmdDentalRAC = { "19" }; int tmdRAC_Count = hx_ent.Intersect(tmdEntRAC).Count() + hx_dental.Intersect(tmdDentalRAC).Count(); _result.tmd = (30.6 + (30.6 * tmdRAC_Count)) + "px"; //Calculation for CARIES - HEALTH HX LINKED QUESTIONS string[] cariesGeneralRAC = { "9.1", "9.2" }; string[] cariesNutritionRAC = { "4", "5", "13" }; string[] cariesCancerRAC = { "2" }; string[] cariesOtherDiseasesRAC = { "9", "10", "24" }; string[] cariesDentalRAC = { "1.2", "2.2", "3", "7", "13", "19", "20" }; int cariesRAC_Count = hx_general.Intersect(cariesGeneralRAC).Count() + hx_nutrition.Intersect(cariesNutritionRAC).Count() + hx_cancer.Intersect(cariesCancerRAC).Count() + hx_other.Intersect(cariesOtherDiseasesRAC).Count() + hx_dental.Intersect(cariesDentalRAC).Count(); _result.caries = (15.3 + (15.3 * cariesRAC_Count)) + "px"; //Calculation for ORAL CANCER - HEALTH HX LINKED QUESTIONS string[] oralCancerGeneralRAC = { "8.5" }; string[] oralCancerNutritionRAC = { "1.2", "1.3" }; string[] oralCancerTobaccoRAC = { "1.1", "1.2", "4.1", "4.2", "4.3", "4.4", "3" }; string[] oralCancerCancerRAC = { "1", "3", "4", "5" }; string[] oralCancerEntRAC = { "11", "12", "14", "15", "16", "17", "19", "20", "18" }; int oralCancerRAC_Count = hx_general.Intersect(oralCancerGeneralRAC).Count() + hx_nutrition.Intersect(oralCancerNutritionRAC).Count() + hx_tobacco.Intersect(oralCancerTobaccoRAC).Count() + hx_cancer.Intersect(oralCancerCancerRAC).Count() + hx_ent.Intersect(oralCancerEntRAC).Count(); if (Patient_age > 40) { oralCancerRAC_Count++; } _result.oralCancer = oralCancerRAC_Count.ToString(); } return(_result); }