protected override void MouseMoveEvent(Qyoto.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent evnt) { var app = ((QApplication)QApplication.Instance()); if (new QLineF(evnt.ScreenPos(), evnt.ButtonDownScreenPos(Qt.MouseButton.LeftButton)) .Length() < app.StartDragDistance) { return; } if (m_Grid.Model is IAvatarGridEditableModel <T> ) { QDrag drag = new QDrag(evnt.Widget()); QMimeData mime = new RosterItemMimeData <T>(this, m_Grid); drag.SetMimeData(mime); QPixmap pixmap = new QPixmap(m_Grid.IconSize, m_Grid.IconSize); pixmap.Fill(m_Grid.Palette.Color(QPalette.ColorRole.Base)); var painter = new QPainter(pixmap); Paint(painter, null, null); painter.End(); drag.SetPixmap(pixmap); drag.Exec((uint)Qt.DropAction.MoveAction | (uint)Qt.DropAction.CopyAction | (uint)Qt.DropAction.IgnoreAction); } }
protected override void MouseMoveEvent(Qyoto.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent evnt) { if (m_LeftButtonDown) { if (evnt.Pos().Y() > m_Grid.HeaderHeight) { return; } var app = ((QApplication)QApplication.Instance()); if (new QLineF(evnt.ScreenPos(), evnt.ButtonDownScreenPos(Qt.MouseButton.LeftButton)) .Length() < app.StartDragDistance) { return; } if (m_Grid.Model is IAvatarGridEditableModel <T> ) { QDrag drag = new QDrag(evnt.Widget()); drag.SetHotSpot(evnt.Pos().ToPoint()); var mime = new RosterItemGroupMimeData(this, m_Grid); drag.SetMimeData(mime); var pixmap = new QPixmap((int)BoundingRect().Width(), m_Grid.HeaderHeight); pixmap.Fill(m_Grid.Palette.Color(QPalette.ColorRole.Base)); var painter = new QPainter(pixmap); Paint(painter, null, null); painter.End(); drag.SetPixmap(pixmap); drag.Exec(); } } }
internal static QIcon ConvertToQIcon(Image image) { QImage ms = ConvertToQImage(image); QPixmap px = QPixmap.FromImage(ms); return(new QIcon(px)); }
protected override void InsertFromMimeData(Qyoto.QMimeData source) { var cursor = base.TextCursor(); if (source.HasImage()) { var image = QPixmap.FromImage((QImage)source.ImageData()); var document = base.Document(); var imageName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); document.AddResource((int)QTextDocument.ResourceType.ImageResource, new QUrl(imageName), image); cursor.InsertImage(imageName); } else if (source.HasUrls()) { var magic = new Magic(true); foreach (var url in source.Urls()) { if (url.Scheme() == "file") { string fileName = url.Path(); if (File.Exists(fileName)) { string mimeType = magic.Lookup(url.Path()); if (mimeType.StartsWith("image/")) { // FIXME: If image is over a certain size, send as file transfer rather // than encoded inline. cursor.InsertHtml(String.Format("<img src=\"{0}\" />", fileName)); } else { // FIXME: Generate and insert an image representing a file. Console.WriteLine("File Transfer: " + fileName); } } else { // FIXME: Support "sending" directories? cursor.InsertText(url.ToString()); } } else if (url.Scheme() == "http" || url.Scheme() == "https") { cursor.InsertHtml(String.Format("<a href=\"{0}\">{0}</a>", url.ToString())); } else { cursor.InsertText(url.ToString()); } } } else { base.InsertFromMimeData(source); } }
void HandleAvatarUpdated(string jid, string hash) { if (jid == m_Account.Jid.Bare) { QApplication.Invoke(delegate { QPixmap pixmap = new QPixmap(36, 36); pixmap.Fill(GlobalColor.transparent); QPainter painter = new QPainter(pixmap); Gui.DrawAvatar(painter, m_AvatarLabel.Width(), m_AvatarLabel.Height(), (QPixmap)AvatarManager.GetAvatar(hash)); painter.Dispose(); m_AvatarLabel.Pixmap = pixmap; }); } }
private void InitUI() { //StyleSheet = "QWidget { background-color : #414141 }"; QPixmap image1 = new QPixmap ("images/periya_kovil.jpeg"); QPixmap image2 = new QPixmap ("images/western_ghats.jpeg"); QLabel label1 = new QLabel (this); label1.Pixmap = image1; label1.Move (20, 20); label1.ToolTip = "தஞ்சை பெரிய கோவில் - Tanjore Temple"; QLabel label2 = new QLabel (this); label2.Pixmap = image2; label2.ToolTip = "மேற்கு தொடர்ச்சி மலை - Western Ghats"; label2.Move (320, 20); }
public AvatarFileEngine(string uri) { // uri begins with "avatar:/" m_AvatarHash = uri.Substring(8); QPixmap pixmap = (QPixmap)Synapse.Xmpp.AvatarManager.GetAvatar(m_AvatarHash); // FIXME: This doesn't seem very efficient... QBuffer buffer = new QBuffer(); buffer.Open((uint)QIODevice.OpenModeFlag.WriteOnly); pixmap.Save(buffer, "PNG"); buffer.Close(); m_Buffer = new byte[buffer.Size()]; Marshal.Copy(buffer.Data().Data().ToIntPtr(), m_Buffer, 0, m_Buffer.Length); }
private void InitUI() { //StyleSheet = "QWidget { background-color : #414141 }"; QPixmap image1 = new QPixmap("images/periya_kovil.jpeg"); QPixmap image2 = new QPixmap("images/western_ghats.jpeg"); QLabel label1 = new QLabel(this); label1.Pixmap = image1; label1.Move(20, 20); label1.ToolTip = "தஞ்சை பெரிய கோவில் - Tanjore Temple"; QLabel label2 = new QLabel(this); label2.Pixmap = image2; label2.ToolTip = "மேற்கு தொடர்ச்சி மலை - Western Ghats"; label2.Move(320, 20); }
private void InitUI() { StyleSheet = "QWidget {background-color:#414141}"; QPixmap img1 = new QPixmap ("img1.jpg"); QPixmap img2 = new QPixmap ("img2.jpg"); QPixmap img3 = new QPixmap ("img3.jpg"); QLabel label1 = new QLabel (this); label1.Pixmap = img1; label1.Move (20, 20); QLabel label2 = new QLabel (this); label2.Pixmap = img2; label2.Move (40 , 160); QLabel label3 = new QLabel (this); label3.Pixmap = img3; label3.Move (170, 50); }
public override void Paint(Qyoto.QPainter painter, Qyoto.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem option, Qyoto.QWidget widget) { painter.SetRenderHint(QPainter.RenderHint.Antialiasing, true); int iconSize = m_Grid.IconSize; // Parent opacity overrides item opacity. var parentGroup = (RosterItemGroup)base.Group(); if (parentGroup == null) // This happens while the item is being removed. { return; } if (parentGroup.Opacity != 1) { painter.SetOpacity(parentGroup.Opacity); } else { painter.SetOpacity(m_Opacity); } QPixmap pixmap = (QPixmap)m_Grid.Model.GetImage(m_Item); Gui.DrawAvatar(painter, iconSize, iconSize, pixmap); if (IsHover) { // FIXME: Do something? } if (m_Grid.ListMode) { var rect = BoundingRect(); var pen = new QPen(); pen.SetBrush(m_Grid.Palette.Text()); painter.SetPen(pen); int x = iconSize + m_Grid.IconPadding; painter.DrawText(x, 0, (int)rect.Width() - x, (int)rect.Height(), (int)Qt.TextFlag.TextSingleLine, m_Grid.Model.GetName(m_Item)); } }
public static void DrawAvatar(QPainter painter, int width, int height, QPixmap avatarPixmap) { QPainterPath path = new QPainterPath(); // Draw a rect without corners. path.MoveTo(0, 1); path.LineTo(1, 1); path.LineTo(1, 0); path.LineTo(width - 1, 0); path.LineTo(width, 1); path.LineTo(width, height - 1); path.LineTo(width - 1, height - 1); path.LineTo(width - 1, height); path.LineTo(1, height); path.LineTo(1, height - 1); path.LineTo(0, height - 1); path.LineTo(0, 1); QLinearGradient g1 = new QLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, height); g1.SetColorAt(0, new QColor("#888781")); g1.SetColorAt(1, new QColor("#abaaa8")); QBrush b1 = new QBrush(g1); painter.FillPath(path, b1); painter.FillRect(1, 1, width - 2, height - 2, new QBrush(; // Darken the corners... var b2 = new QBrush(new QColor(61, 61, 61, 102)); painter.FillRect(0, 0, 3, 3, b2); painter.FillRect(width - 3, 0, 3, 3, b2); painter.FillRect(0, width - 3, 3, 3, b2); painter.FillRect(width - 3, width - 3, 3, 3, b2); painter.DrawPixmap(2, 2, width - 4, height - 4, avatarPixmap); }
public TrayIcon(QObject parent) : base(parent) { m_ShowMainWindowAction = new QAction("Show Synapse", this); m_ShowMainWindowAction.Checkable = true; QObject.Connect(m_ShowMainWindowAction, Qt.SIGNAL("triggered()"), HandleShowMainWindowActionTriggered); m_ShowDebugWindowAction = new QAction("Debug Window", this); m_ShowDebugWindowAction.Checkable = true; QObject.Connect(m_ShowDebugWindowAction, Qt.SIGNAL("triggered()"), HandleShowDebugWindowActionTriggered); m_Menu = new QMenu(); m_Menu.AddAction(m_ShowMainWindowAction); m_Menu.AddAction(m_ShowDebugWindowAction); m_Menu.AddSeparator(); m_Menu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.NewMessageAction); m_Menu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.JoinConferenceAction); m_Menu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.ShowBrowserAction); m_Menu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.EditProfileAction); m_Menu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.ChangeStatusAction); m_Menu.AddSeparator(); m_Menu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.ShowPreferencesAction); m_Menu.AddSeparator(); m_Menu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.AboutAction); m_Menu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.SendFeedbackAction); m_Menu.AddSeparator(); m_Menu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.QuitAction); QObject.Connect(m_Menu, Qt.SIGNAL("aboutToShow()"), HandleMenuAboutToShow); QPixmap pixmap = new QPixmap("resource:/octy-22.png"); QIcon icon = new QIcon(pixmap); m_Icon = new QSystemTrayIcon(icon); m_Icon.SetContextMenu(m_Menu); QObject.Connect <QSystemTrayIcon.ActivationReason>(m_Icon, Qt.SIGNAL("activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)"), HandleTrayActivated); }
public CoverageView(QWidget parent, String fileName) : base(parent) { SetRootIsDecorated(true); AddColumn("Classes"); AddColumn("Lines Hit"); AddColumn("Lines Missed"); AddColumn("Coverage"); sourceViews = new Hashtable(); // TODO: Why the cast ? SetColumnAlignment(1, (int)Qt.AlignmentFlags.AlignCenter); SetColumnAlignment(2, (int)Qt.AlignmentFlags.AlignCenter); SetColumnAlignment(3, (int)Qt.AlignmentFlags.AlignCenter); QObject.Connect(this, SIGNAL("doubleClicked(QListViewItem)"), this, SLOT("OnDoubleClick(QListViewItem)")); QObject.Connect(this,SIGNAL("expanded(QListViewItem)"), this,SLOT("OnExpanded(QListViewItem)")); // TODO: This is not supported by current Qt# try { QObject.Connect(this,SIGNAL("contextMenuRequested(QListViewItem,QPoint,int)"), this,SLOT("OnContextMenu(QListViewItem, QPoint, Int32)")); } catch (Exception) { } QPixmap namespaceOpenPixmap = new QPixmap(namespace_open_xpm); QPixmap namespaceClosedPixmap = new QPixmap(namespace_closed_xpm); QPixmap classPixmap = new QPixmap(class_xpm); model = new CoverageModel(); foreach (string filter in DEFAULT_FILTERS) { model.AddFilter(filter); } model.ReadFromFile(fileName); QListViewItem rootItem = new TreeItem(this,"PROJECT",model); rootItem.SetOpen(true); Hashtable classes2 = model.Classes; namespaces = new Hashtable(); foreach (string name in classes2.Keys) { ClassCoverageItem klass = (ClassCoverageItem)classes2 [name]; if (klass.filtered) { continue; } string namespace2 = klass.name_space; NamespaceItem nsItem = (NamespaceItem)namespaces [namespace2]; if (nsItem == null) { // Create namespaces String nsPrefix = ""; QListViewItem parentItem = rootItem; foreach (String nsPart in namespace2.Split('.')) { if (nsPrefix == "") { nsPrefix = nsPart; } else { nsPrefix = nsPrefix + "." + nsPart; } NamespaceCoverageItem nsModel = (NamespaceCoverageItem)model.Namespaces [nsPrefix]; if (nsModel.filtered) { break; } nsItem = (NamespaceItem)namespaces [nsPrefix]; if (nsItem == null) { nsItem = new NamespaceItem(parentItem,nsPrefix, nsModel); nsItem.SetOpen(true); nsItem.SetPixmap(0,namespaceOpenPixmap); namespaces [nsPrefix] = nsItem; } parentItem = nsItem; } } if (nsItem != null) { ClassItem classItem = new ClassItem(nsItem,,klass); classItem.SetPixmap(0,classPixmap); if (klass.ChildCount > 0) { classItem.SetExpandable(true); } } } }
public MainWindow() { SetupUi(); base.WindowFlags = (uint)Qt.WindowType.FramelessWindowHint; closeButton.icon = new QIcon(new QPixmap("resource:/stock-close_12.png")); menuButton.icon = new QIcon(new QPixmap("resource:/menu-icon.png")); // FIXME: Add a global "Application Icon" somewhere that contains multiple sizes. QPixmap pixmap = new QPixmap("resource:/octy-22.png"); base.WindowIcon = new QIcon(pixmap); m_NoAccountsStyleSheet = Util.ReadResource("mainwindow-noaccounts.qss"); m_StyleSheet = Util.ReadResource("mainwindow.qss"); containerWidget.SetStyleSheet(m_StyleSheet); QVBoxLayout layout = new QVBoxLayout(); layout.SetContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); contentWidget.SetLayout(layout); m_RosterWidget = new RosterWidget(contentWidget); contentWidget.Layout().AddWidget(m_RosterWidget); m_NoAccountsWidget = new NoAccountsWidget(contentWidget); contentWidget.Layout().AddWidget(m_NoAccountsWidget); // This makes the shortcut work. base.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.QuitAction); m_MainMenu = new QMenu(this); m_MainMenu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.NewMessageAction); m_MainMenu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.JoinConferenceAction); m_MainMenu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.ShowBrowserAction); m_MainMenu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.EditProfileAction); m_MainMenu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.ChangeStatusAction); m_MainMenu.AddSeparator(); m_MainMenu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.ShowPreferencesAction); m_MainMenu.AddSeparator(); m_MainMenu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.AboutAction); m_MainMenu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.SendFeedbackAction); m_MainMenu.AddSeparator(); m_MainMenu.AddAction(Gui.GlobalActions.QuitAction); Gui.CenterWidgetOnScreen(this); headerLabel.InstallEventFilter(new WindowMover(this)); AccountService accountService = ServiceManager.Get <AccountService>(); accountService.AccountAdded += AddAccount; accountService.AccountRemoved += RemoveAccount; foreach (Account account in accountService.Accounts) { AddAccount(account); } var settingsService = ServiceManager.Get <SettingsService>(); if (settingsService.Has("MainWindowGeometry")) { var geometry = settingsService.Get <byte[]>("MainWindowGeometry"); base.RestoreGeometry(QByteArrayConverter.FromArray(geometry)); } }
public ImagesWithAbsolutePositionDemo() { sky1_icon = media.MediaGfxHelper.Sky1Pixmap; sky2_icon = media.MediaGfxHelper.Sky2Pixmap; pancake_icon = media.MediaGfxHelper.PancakePixmap; }
public CoverageView(QWidget parent, String fileName) : base(parent) { SetRootIsDecorated (true); AddColumn ("Classes"); AddColumn ("Lines Hit"); AddColumn ("Lines Missed"); AddColumn ("Coverage"); sourceViews = new Hashtable (); // TODO: Why the cast ? SetColumnAlignment (1, (int)Qt.AlignmentFlags.AlignCenter); SetColumnAlignment (2, (int)Qt.AlignmentFlags.AlignCenter); SetColumnAlignment (3, (int)Qt.AlignmentFlags.AlignCenter); QObject.Connect (this, SIGNAL ("doubleClicked(QListViewItem)"), this, SLOT ("OnDoubleClick(QListViewItem)")); QObject.Connect (this, SIGNAL ("expanded(QListViewItem)"), this, SLOT ("OnExpanded(QListViewItem)")); // TODO: This is not supported by current Qt# try { QObject.Connect (this, SIGNAL ("contextMenuRequested(QListViewItem,QPoint,int)"), this, SLOT ("OnContextMenu(QListViewItem, QPoint, Int32)")); } catch (Exception) { } QPixmap namespaceOpenPixmap = new QPixmap (namespace_open_xpm); QPixmap namespaceClosedPixmap = new QPixmap (namespace_closed_xpm); QPixmap classPixmap = new QPixmap (class_xpm); model = new CoverageModel (); foreach (string filter in DEFAULT_FILTERS) { model.AddFilter (filter); } model.ReadFromFile (fileName); QListViewItem rootItem = new TreeItem (this, "PROJECT", model); rootItem.SetOpen (true); Hashtable classes2 = model.Classes; namespaces = new Hashtable (); foreach (string name in classes2.Keys) { ClassCoverageItem klass = (ClassCoverageItem)classes2 [name]; if (klass.filtered) continue; string namespace2 = klass.name_space; NamespaceItem nsItem = (NamespaceItem)namespaces [namespace2]; if (nsItem == null) { // Create namespaces String nsPrefix = ""; QListViewItem parentItem = rootItem; foreach (String nsPart in namespace2.Split ('.')) { if (nsPrefix == "") nsPrefix = nsPart; else nsPrefix = nsPrefix + "." + nsPart; NamespaceCoverageItem nsModel = (NamespaceCoverageItem)model.Namespaces [nsPrefix]; if (nsModel.filtered) break; nsItem = (NamespaceItem)namespaces [nsPrefix]; if (nsItem == null) { nsItem = new NamespaceItem (parentItem, nsPrefix, nsModel); nsItem.SetOpen (true); nsItem.SetPixmap (0, namespaceOpenPixmap); namespaces [nsPrefix] = nsItem; } parentItem = nsItem; } } if (nsItem != null) { ClassItem classItem = new ClassItem (nsItem,, klass); classItem.SetPixmap (0, classPixmap); if (klass.ChildCount > 0) classItem.SetExpandable (true); } } }