public void initDanHao() { mixDanHao.LoadDataByWhere("main.samplestate = @samplestate and main.wllx=@wllx and main.cardid='' and main.matpk in (SELECT MATNCID FROM QC_Material WHERE WLLX = '煤') ", Xg.Lab.Sample.SampleState.组批完成, "火运"); foreach (var item in mixDanHao) { item.StoreCode = QC_Sample_Mix.ShortStoreCode(item.StoreCode); } gridControl2.DataSource = mixDanHao; }
private void printDocument2_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e) { List <ZupiData> printData = new List <ZupiData>(); foreach (var mix in hjmixs) { List <string> vehnos = new List <string>(); DbEntityTable <QC_Sample_Veh> vehs = new DbEntityTable <QC_Sample_Veh>(); vehs.LoadDataByWhere("main.Sample_Mix_ID=@Sample_Mix_ID", mix.Sample_Mix_ID); foreach (var item in vehs) { vehnos.Add(QC_Sample_Mix.ShortStoreCode(item.CardID)); } if (vehnos.Count > 0) { ZupiData zd = new ZupiData(); zd.Head = QC_Sample_Mix.ShortStoreCode(mix.CardID); zd.ZupiItems = vehnos; printData.Add(zd); ZupiData pbzd = new ZupiData(); pbzd.Head = QC_Sample_Mix.ShortStoreCode("PB" + mix.CardID.Remove(0, 2)); pbzd.ZupiItems = vehnos; printData.Add(pbzd); } } int totalPage = 1; foreach (var item in printData) { item.BeginPage = totalPage; totalPage += item.NeadPage; } int printPage = totalPage - curZupiPrintPage; foreach (var item in printData) { if (printPage >= item.BeginPage && printPage < item.EndPage) { item.Print(e.Graphics, printPage); break; } } if (curZupiPrintPage < totalPage - 1) { curZupiPrintPage++; e.HasMorePages = true; } else { curZupiPrintPage = 1; e.HasMorePages = false; } }
private void btnRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { rjmixs.LoadDataByWhere("main.SAMPLESTATE=@SAMPLESTATE and main.WLLX='熔剂'", SampleState.组批完成); comboBox1.Items.Clear(); foreach (var item in rjmixs) { comboBox1.Items.Add(QC_Sample_Mix.ShortStoreCode(item.CardID)); } zyMixSamples.LoadZyAllData(workpointCode); LabTabs(); }
private void WP_Zhiyangdan_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { zyMixSamples.LoadZyAllData(workpointCode); this.qCSampleMixZhiYangBindingSource.DataSource = zyMixSamples; this.qCSampleLabBindingSource1.DataSource = labTable; LabTabs(); rjmixs.LoadDataByWhere("main.SAMPLESTATE=@SAMPLESTATE and main.WLLX='熔剂'", SampleState.组批完成); comboBox1.Items.Clear(); foreach (var item in rjmixs) { comboBox1.Items.Add(QC_Sample_Mix.ShortStoreCode(item.CardID)); } }
private void koushuikouza_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { vehs.LoadDataByWhere("main.Sample_Mix_ID=@Sample_Mix_ID", samplemixid); mixs.LoadDataByWhere("main.Sample_Mix_ID=@Sample_Mix_ID or main.MainSampleMixId=@MainSampleMixId", samplemixid, samplemixid); foreach (var item in mixs) { item.Memo = textBox1.Text; } mixs.Save(); this.qCSampleVehBindingSource.DataSource = vehs; labelzydh.Text = QC_Sample_Mix.ShortStoreCode(zydanhao); }
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e) { QC_Sample_Mix mix = this.qCSampleMixBindingSource.Current as QC_Sample_Mix; if (mix == null) { MessageBox.Show("请选择任务单"); } else { string qydh = QC_Sample_Mix.ShortStoreCode(mix.CardID); string head = qydh; string body = mix.MatName; string body1 = mix.SupplierName; mix.WCDY = true; mix.Save(); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(9, 3, 112, 94); Font f1 = new System.Drawing.Font("宋体", 21, FontStyle.Bold); SizeF headSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(head, f1); Font f2 = new System.Drawing.Font("宋体", 12f, FontStyle.Bold); SizeF bodySize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(body, f2); Font f3 = new System.Drawing.Font("宋体", 12f, FontStyle.Bold); SizeF body1Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(body1, f2); float topMargin = rect.Top + (rect.Height - headSize.Height - bodySize.Height - body1Size.Height - 6) / 2; float leftMargin = rect.Left + (rect.Width - headSize.Width) / 2; e.Graphics.DrawString(head, f1, Brushes.Black, new PointF(leftMargin, topMargin)); float topMargin2 = topMargin + Math.Max(headSize.Height + 3, 12); float leftMargin2 = rect.Left; e.Graphics.DrawString(body, f2, Brushes.Black, new PointF(leftMargin2, topMargin2)); float topMargin3 = topMargin2 + Math.Max(bodySize.Height + 2, 12); float leftMargin3 = rect.Left; e.Graphics.DrawString(body1, f2, Brushes.Black, new PointF(leftMargin3, topMargin3)); } }
private void 制样_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!comboBox1.Text.StartsWith("RJ")) { MessageBox.Show("请选择正确单号"); return; } DbEntityTable <QC_Sample_Mix> mix = new DbEntityTable <QC_Sample_Mix>(); int mixid = 100000000; mix.LoadDataByWhere("main.CardID=@CardID", QC_Sample_Mix.FullStoreCode(comboBox1.Text)); if (mix.Count > 0) { mixid = mix[0].Sample_Mix_ID; } QC_SampleMix_ZhiYang zySample = QC_SampleMix_ZhiYang.GetById(mixid); if (zySample == null) { MessageBox.Show("找不到单据"); return; } if (zySample.SampleState < SampleState.组批完成) { MessageBox.Show("磁卡所对大桶还未组批完成"); return; } if (zySample.WLLX != "熔剂") { MessageBox.Show("物料不是熔剂请选择其他制样点"); return; } zySample.ZyDanHao = mix[0].CardID; zySample.SampleState = SampleState.开始制样; zySample.ZyWpCode = workpointCode; zySample.ZyRecvUser = LocalInfo.Current.user.ID; zySample.ZyRecvTime = DateTime.Now; if (zySample.SampleType == SampleType.普通样 || zySample.SampleType == SampleType.破包样) { DbEntityTable <QC_MatAllCheckItem> bjCheckItem = new DbEntityTable <QC_MatAllCheckItem>(); bjCheckItem.LoadDataByWhere("MATNCID=@MATNCID and JYLX='必检'", zySample.MatPK); foreach (var stdCheckItem in bjCheckItem) { QC_MixCheckItem ckItem = zySample.CheckItems.FirstOrDefault <QC_MixCheckItem>((ck) => ck.CheckItemNcId == stdCheckItem.CheckItemNcId); if (ckItem == null) { QC_MixCheckItem item = new QC_MixCheckItem(); item.CheckItemNcId = stdCheckItem.CheckItemNcId; item.CheckItemCode = stdCheckItem.CheckItemCode; item.CheckItemName = stdCheckItem.CheckItemName; item.CheckItemUnit = stdCheckItem.CheckItemUnit; item.CheckGroupCode = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupCode; item.CheckGroupName = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupName; item.CheckGroupType = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupType; item.CkgShortWord = stdCheckItem.CkgShortWord; item.Sample_Mix_ID = item.Sample_Mix_ID; item.CheckGroupVisIdx = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupVisIdx; item.Source = "检验标准-必检"; zySample.CheckItems.Add(item); } } DbEntityTable <QC_MatAllCheckItem> myCheckItem = new DbEntityTable <QC_MatAllCheckItem>(); myCheckItem.LoadDataByWhere("MATNCID=@MATNCID and JYLX='每月'", zySample.MatPK); DateTime yue = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1); foreach (var stdCheckItem in myCheckItem) { object cntObj = DbContext.ExecuteScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM QC_MixCheckItem mck inner join qc_sample_mix mix on mix.SAMPLE_MIX_ID=mck.SAMPLE_MIX_ID where mix.Mix_Time>=@MixTime and mix.SampleType=" + (int)SampleType.普通样 + " and mix.SupplierCode=@SupplierCode and mix.MatPK=@MatPK and mck.CheckItemNcId=@CheckItemNcId", yue, zySample.SupplierCode, zySample.MatPK, stdCheckItem.CheckItemNcId); if (cntObj != null) { int cnt = Convert.ToInt32(cntObj); if (cnt == 0) { QC_MixCheckItem ckItem = zySample.CheckItems.FirstOrDefault <QC_MixCheckItem>((ck) => ck.CheckItemNcId == stdCheckItem.CheckItemNcId); if (ckItem == null) { QC_MixCheckItem item = new QC_MixCheckItem(); item.CheckItemNcId = stdCheckItem.CheckItemNcId; item.CheckItemCode = stdCheckItem.CheckItemCode; item.CheckItemName = stdCheckItem.CheckItemName; item.CheckItemUnit = stdCheckItem.CheckItemUnit; item.CheckGroupCode = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupCode; item.CheckGroupName = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupName; item.CheckGroupType = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupType; item.CkgShortWord = stdCheckItem.CkgShortWord; item.Sample_Mix_ID = item.Sample_Mix_ID; item.CheckGroupVisIdx = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupVisIdx; item.Source = "检验标准-每月"; zySample.CheckItems.Add(item); } } } } int wd2 = (int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek - 1; if (wd2 == -1) { wd2 = 6; } DateTime zhou1 = DateTime.Today.AddDays(0 - wd2); DbEntityTable <QC_MatAllCheckItem> meizhouCheckItem = new DbEntityTable <QC_MatAllCheckItem>(); meizhouCheckItem.LoadDataByWhere("MATNCID=@MATNCID and JYLX='每周'", zySample.MatPK); foreach (var stdCheckItem in meizhouCheckItem) { object cntObj = DbContext.ExecuteScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM QC_MixCheckItem mck inner join qc_sample_mix mix on mix.SAMPLE_MIX_ID=mck.SAMPLE_MIX_ID where mix.Mix_Time>=@MixTime and mix.SampleType=" + (int)SampleType.普通样 + " and mix.SupplierCode=@SupplierCode and mix.MatPK=@MatPK and mck.CheckItemNcId=@CheckItemNcId", zhou1, zySample.SupplierCode, zySample.MatPK, stdCheckItem.CheckItemNcId); if (cntObj != null) { int cnt = Convert.ToInt32(cntObj); if (cnt == 0) { QC_MixCheckItem ckItem = zySample.CheckItems.FirstOrDefault <QC_MixCheckItem>((ck) => ck.CheckItemNcId == stdCheckItem.CheckItemNcId); if (ckItem == null) { QC_MixCheckItem item = new QC_MixCheckItem(); item.CheckItemNcId = stdCheckItem.CheckItemNcId; item.CheckItemCode = stdCheckItem.CheckItemCode; item.CheckItemName = stdCheckItem.CheckItemName; item.CheckItemUnit = stdCheckItem.CheckItemUnit; item.CheckGroupCode = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupCode; item.CheckGroupName = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupName; item.CheckGroupType = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupType; item.CkgShortWord = stdCheckItem.CkgShortWord; item.Sample_Mix_ID = item.Sample_Mix_ID; item.CheckGroupVisIdx = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupVisIdx; item.Source = "检验标准-每周"; zySample.CheckItems.Add(item); } } } } DateTime tian1 = DateTime.Today; DbEntityTable <QC_MatAllCheckItem> meitianCheckItem = new DbEntityTable <QC_MatAllCheckItem>(); meizhouCheckItem.LoadDataByWhere("MATNCID=@MATNCID and JYLX='每天'", zySample.MatPK); foreach (var stdCheckItem in meizhouCheckItem) { object cntObj = DbContext.ExecuteScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM QC_MixCheckItem mck inner join qc_sample_mix mix on mix.SAMPLE_MIX_ID=mck.SAMPLE_MIX_ID where mix.Mix_Time>=@MixTime and mix.SampleType=" + (int)SampleType.普通样 + " and mix.SupplierCode=@SupplierCode and mix.MatPK=@MatPK and mck.CheckItemNcId=@CheckItemNcId", tian1, zySample.SupplierCode, zySample.MatPK, stdCheckItem.CheckItemNcId); if (cntObj != null) { int cnt = Convert.ToInt32(cntObj); if (cnt == 0) { QC_MixCheckItem ckItem = zySample.CheckItems.FirstOrDefault <QC_MixCheckItem>((ck) => ck.CheckItemNcId == stdCheckItem.CheckItemNcId); if (ckItem == null) { QC_MixCheckItem item = new QC_MixCheckItem(); item.CheckItemNcId = stdCheckItem.CheckItemNcId; item.CheckItemCode = stdCheckItem.CheckItemCode; item.CheckItemName = stdCheckItem.CheckItemName; item.CheckItemUnit = stdCheckItem.CheckItemUnit; item.CheckGroupCode = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupCode; item.CheckGroupName = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupName; item.CheckGroupType = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupType; item.CkgShortWord = stdCheckItem.CkgShortWord; item.Sample_Mix_ID = item.Sample_Mix_ID; item.CheckGroupVisIdx = stdCheckItem.CheckGroupVisIdx; item.Source = "检验标准-每天"; zySample.CheckItems.Add(item); } } } } } else if (zySample.SampleType == SampleType.校验样) { //加载校验样项目 QC_MixCheckItem_Table table = new QC_MixCheckItem_Table(); table.LoadDataByWhere("main.SAMPLE_VEH_ID=(select SAMPLE_VEH_ID from QC_Sample_Veh veh where veh.SAMPLE_MIX_ID=@SAMPLE_MIX_ID)", zySample.Sample_Mix_ID); foreach (var item in table) { item.Sample_Mix_ID = zySample.Sample_Mix_ID; item.Source = "校验样"; zySample.CheckItems.Add(item); } //DbContext.ExeSql("update t1 set t1.SAMPLE_MIX_ID =(select SAMPLE_MIX_ID from QC_Sample_Veh t2 where t2.SAMPLE_VEH_ID=t1.SAMPLE_VEH_ID) from QC_MIXCHECKITEM t1 where ISnull(t1.SAMPLE_VEH_ID,0)>0 and ISnull(t1.SAMPLE_MIX_ID,0)<=0"); } //生成样品分类 foreach (var item in zySample.CheckItems) { QC_MixCheckGroup mixCG = zySample.CheckGroups.FirstOrDefault <QC_MixCheckGroup>((mcg) => mcg.CheckGroupCode == item.CheckGroupCode); if (mixCG == null) { mixCG = new QC_MixCheckGroup(); mixCG.CheckGroupCode = item.CheckGroupCode; mixCG.CheckGroupName = item.CheckGroupName; mixCG.CheckGroupType = item.CheckGroupType; mixCG.CkgShortWord = item.CkgShortWord; mixCG.VisIdx = item.CheckGroupVisIdx; mixCG.StoreCode = zySample.ZyDanHao + item.CkgShortWord; mixCG.MatPK = zySample.MatPK; mixCG.SupplierCode = zySample.SupplierCode; mixCG.Sample_TBZD = zySample.Sample_TBZD; mixCG.Sample_Mix_ID = zySample.Sample_Mix_ID; mixCG.ZySample = zySample; zySample.CheckGroups.Add(mixCG); } mixCG.MixCheckItem.Add(item); } //加载物料设置样品分类 DbEntityTable <QC_MatCheckGroup> MatCheckGroup = new DbEntityTable <QC_MatCheckGroup>(); MatCheckGroup.LoadDataByWhere("MatNcId=@MatNcId", zySample.MatPK); for (int i = 0; i < MatCheckGroup.Count; i++) { QC_MixCheckGroup item = new QC_MixCheckGroup(); item.CheckGroupCode = MatCheckGroup[i].CheckGroupCode; item.CheckGroupName = MatCheckGroup[i].CheckGroupName; item.CheckGroupType = MatCheckGroup[i].CheckGroupType; item.CkgShortWord = MatCheckGroup[i].ShortWord; item.VisIdx = MatCheckGroup[i].CheckGroupVisIdx; item.StoreCode = zySample.ZyDanHao + MatCheckGroup[i].ShortWord; item.MatPK = zySample.MatPK; item.SupplierCode = zySample.SupplierCode; item.Sample_TBZD = zySample.Sample_TBZD; item.Sample_Mix_ID = zySample.Sample_Mix_ID; item.ZySample = zySample; zySample.CheckGroups.Add(item); } zySample.CheckGroups.Sort((tx, ty) => tx.VisIdx.CompareTo(ty.VisIdx)); foreach (var item in zySample.CheckGroups) { item.MatPK = zySample.MatPK; item.SupplierCode = zySample.SupplierCode; item.Sample_TBZD = zySample.Sample_TBZD; item.ZySample = zySample; item.Billtype = "未绑定样品扣"; item.LabState = "制样"; } zySample.SaveCheckGroups = true; zySample.SaveCheckItems = true; zySample.Save(); //生成Lab foreach (var ckg in zySample.CheckGroups) { if (!ckg.CheckGroupName.Contains("角质层") && (ckg.CheckGroupType == "立刻检验" || ckg.CheckGroupType == "后续检验")) { QC_Sample_Lab lb = new QC_Sample_Lab(); lb.MixCheckGroup.Add(ckg); lb.StoreCode = ckg.StoreCode; lb.WpCode = workpointCode; lb.Billtype = "未绑定样品扣"; lb.LabState = "制样"; lb.WLLX = zySample.WLLX; lb.CheckGroupCode = ckg.CheckGroupCode; lb.CheckGroupName = ckg.CheckGroupName; lb.CheckGroupType = ckg.CheckGroupType; lb.Sample_Mix_ID = ckg.Sample_Mix_ID; foreach (var ck in ckg.MixCheckItem) { QC_Sample_Value qcVal = new QC_Sample_Value(); qcVal.CheckItemNcId = ck.CheckItemNcId; qcVal.CheckItemCode = ck.CheckItemCode; qcVal.CheckItemName = ck.CheckItemName; qcVal.ActualVal = ck.ActualVal; lb.CheckVals.Add(qcVal); } lb.SaveCheckVals = true; zyMixSamples.LabTable.Add(lb); } } zyMixSamples.LabTable.Save(); zyMixSamples.Add(zySample); //lblRecvDanHao.Text = zySample.ZyShortDanHao; this.gridView1.FocusedRowHandle = this.gridView1.GetRowHandle(zyMixSamples.Count - 1); LabTabs(); rjmixs.LoadDataByWhere("main.SAMPLESTATE=@SAMPLESTATE and main.WLLX='熔剂'", SampleState.组批完成); comboBox1.Items.Clear(); foreach (var item in rjmixs) { comboBox1.Items.Add(QC_Sample_Mix.ShortStoreCode(item.CardID)); } this.printDocument1.Print(); }
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e) { if (this.curLab != null) { string head = QC_Sample_Mix.ShortStoreCode(this.curLab.JyCode); StringBuilder dyxm = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in this.curLab.CheckVals) { if (dyxm.Length > 0) { dyxm.Append(","); } dyxm.Append(item.CheckItemName); } dyxm.Append("(" + this.curLab.MatName + ")"); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(9, 3, 112, 94); Font f2 = new System.Drawing.Font("宋体", 10.5f); SizeF bodySize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(dyxm.ToString(), f2); List <string> temp = new List <string>(); StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < dyxm.Length; i++) { if (line.Length < 10) { line.Append(dyxm[i]); } else { SizeF lineSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(line.ToString(), f2); if (lineSize.Width < rect.Width - 8) { line.Append(dyxm[i]); continue; } temp.Add(line.ToString()); line = new StringBuilder(); } } if (line.Length > 0) { temp.Add(line.ToString()); } int totalPages = 1; if (temp.Count > 3) { totalPages = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((temp.Count - 3) / 5.0)) + 1; } int printPage = totalPages - curPrintPage + 1; if (printPage <= 0) { e.HasMorePages = false; curPrintPage = 1; } else if (printPage == 1) { Font f1 = new System.Drawing.Font("宋体", 20, FontStyle.Bold); SizeF headSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(head, f1); float leftMargin = rect.Left + (rect.Width - headSize.Width) / 2; float height = headSize.Height; for (int i = 0; i < 3 && i < temp.Count; i++) { height += bodySize.Height + 2; } float topMargin = rect.Top + (rect.Height - height) / 2; e.Graphics.DrawString(head, f1, Brushes.Black, new PointF(leftMargin, topMargin)); topMargin += headSize.Height; int row = 0; for (; row < 3 && row < temp.Count; row++) { e.Graphics.DrawString(temp[row], f2, Brushes.Black, new PointF(4, topMargin)); topMargin += bodySize.Height + 2; } e.HasMorePages = false; curPrintPage = 1; } else { int p = printPage; int i = 3 + (p - 2) * 5; int endi = i + 5; int row = i; float height = 0; for (; i < endi && i < temp.Count; i++) { height += bodySize.Height + 2; } float topMargin = rect.Top + (rect.Height - height) / 2; for (; row < endi && row < temp.Count; row++) { e.Graphics.DrawString(temp[row], f2, Brushes.Black, new PointF(4, topMargin)); topMargin += bodySize.Height + 2; } e.HasMorePages = true; curPrintPage++; } } }
private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e) { List <ZupiData> printData = new List <ZupiData>(); foreach (var mix in printbill) { List <string> vehnos = new List <string>(); DbEntityTable <QC_Sample_Veh> vehs = new DbEntityTable <QC_Sample_Veh>(); vehs.LoadDataByWhere("main.Sample_Mix_ID=@Sample_Mix_ID order by begintime", mix.Sample_Mix_ID); //vehnos.Add(mix.SupplierName); vehnos.Add(mix.MatName); //if (mix.SampleType == SampleType.人工取样) //{ // vehnos.Add("人取"+"共" + vehs.Count+"车"); //} //else if (mix.SampleType == SampleType.机器取样) //{ // vehnos.Add("机取" + "共" + vehs.Count + "车"); //} //else if (mix.SampleType == SampleType.抽查样) //{ // vehnos.Add("抽查" + "共" + vehs.Count + "车"); //} if (vehs.Count > 0) { if (mix.SampleType == SampleType.人工取样) { vehnos.Add("人取" + "共" + vehs.Count + "车"); } else if (mix.SampleType == SampleType.机器取样) { vehnos.Add("机取" + "共" + vehs.Count + "车"); } else if (mix.SampleType == SampleType.抽查样) { vehnos.Add("抽查" + "共" + vehs.Count + "车"); } } else { if (mix.SampleType == SampleType.人工取样) { vehnos.Add("人取"); } else if (mix.SampleType == SampleType.机器取样) { vehnos.Add("机取"); } else if (mix.SampleType == SampleType.抽查样) { vehnos.Add("抽查"); } } if (vehs.Count > 0) { vehnos.Add(vehs[0].VehNo + "->" + vehs[vehs.Count - 1].VehNo); } //if (vehs.Count >0) //{ // vehnos.Add("共" + vehs.Count+"车"); //} //foreach (var item in vehs) //{ // vehnos.Add(item.VehNo); //} if (vehnos.Count > 0) { //ZupiData zd = new ZupiData(); //zd.Head = QC_Sample_Mix.ShortStoreCode(mix.CardID); //zd.ZupiItems = vehnos; //printData.Add(zd); ZupiData pbzd = new ZupiData(); //编号 //pbzd.Head = QC_Sample_Mix.ShortStoreCode("HY" + mix.CardID.Remove(0, 2)); pbzd.Head = QC_Sample_Mix.ShortStoreCode(mix.StoreCode); pbzd.ZupiItems = vehnos; printData.Add(pbzd); } } int totalPage = 1; foreach (var item in printData) { item.BeginPage = totalPage; totalPage += item.NeadPage; } int printPage = totalPage - curZupiPrintPage; foreach (var item in printData) { if (printPage >= item.BeginPage && printPage < item.EndPage) { item.Print(e.Graphics, printPage); break; } } if (curZupiPrintPage < totalPage - 1) { curZupiPrintPage++; e.HasMorePages = true; } else { curZupiPrintPage = 1; e.HasMorePages = false; } }