public static bool QC_UploadAttachementToCase(string caseName)
            string caseID = string.Empty;

            MatchCollection vMatchs = Regex.Matches(caseName, @"(\d+)");

            if (vMatchs.Count >= 1)
                caseID = vMatchs[vMatchs.Count - 1].Value; //get the last one, which should be the case ID
                //error happens, no case ID found

            TestConfigFile tConfig = new TestConfigFile();
            bool           success = false;

            success = LoadConfigFile(ref tConfig, "TestUtilityConfig.xml");
            if (success)
                AutotestIntsys.QCOTAClass qcOnline = new AutotestIntsys.QCOTAClass(tConfig);
                if (qcOnline.Connect())
                    QCOperation.QCAttachment taa = new QCOperation.QCAttachment();

                    bool   upSuccess;
                    string uploadPath = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\TestData\\";

                    string iodFile = caseName + ".iod";
                    if (File.Exists(uploadPath + iodFile))
                        upSuccess = (bool)taa.UploadAttachment(qcOnline.getTDConn(), "TEST", caseID, iodFile, uploadPath);
                        if (!success)
                            //error when upload

                    string codFile = caseName + ".cod";
                    if (File.Exists(uploadPath + codFile))
                        upSuccess = (bool)taa.UploadAttachment(qcOnline.getTDConn(), "TEST", caseID, codFile, uploadPath);
                        if (!success)
                            //error when upload

                    string xodFile = caseName + ".xod";
                    if (File.Exists(uploadPath + xodFile))
                        upSuccess = (bool)taa.UploadAttachment(qcOnline.getTDConn(), "TEST", caseID, xodFile, uploadPath);
                        if (!success)
                            //error when upload


Exemple #2
        public bool Run(TDConnectionClass tdConn, TestSet RunSet, string configPath)
                //Console.WriteLine("Test run from Interface of IRunTest!");
                AutoLog.Info("[CP Run]Test run from IRunTest: " + RunSet.Name);
                //Debug.Print("PAS: Test run from Interface of IRunTest!");
                //Console.Out.WriteLine("----------[CP Run]Test run from IRunTest: " + RunSet.Name);
                TestConfigFile tConfig = new TestConfigFile();
                bool           success = false;
                //AutoLog.Info("[CP Run]Configuration file path: " + configPath);
                success = TestUtility.LoadConfigFile(ref tConfig, configPath);
                if (!success)
                    AutoLog.Info("[CP Run]Load Configuration file failed.");

                // invoke the test execution
                TSTestFactory TSTestFact = RunSet.TSTestFactory as TSTestFactory;
                List          runList    = new List();
                runList = TSTestFact.NewList("") as List;
                foreach (TSTest instance in runList)
                    //generate the run first
                    RunFactory runFact     = instance.RunFactory as RunFactory;
                    DateTime   now         = DateTime.Now;
                    Run        instanceRun = runFact.AddItem("Run_" + now.ToShortDateString() +
                                                             "_" + now.ToShortTimeString()) as Run;

                    QCOperation.QCInformation info = new QCOperation.QCInformation();
                    // string runID = instanceRun.ID as string;
                    //Initial the start status
                    info.SetTestRunStatus(tdConn, instanceRun.ID.ToString(), "Not Completed");
                    //Add the run steps
                    //info.SetTestRunStep(tdConn, runID, "Step 1", "Passed");
                    //info.SetTestRunStep(tdConn, runID, "Step 2", "Failed");
                    //Update the end status
                    //info.SetTestRunStatus(tdConn, runID, "Failed");

                    //Download test case attachments
                    string    caseID             = instance.TestId as string;
                    ArrayList attachments        = new ArrayList();
                    QCOperation.QCAttachment taa = new QCOperation.QCAttachment();
                    foreach (string downfile in tConfig.RunParameter.DownloadFile)
                        attachments.Add(taa.DownloadAttachment(tdConn, "TEST", caseID, downfile, @"C:\CSAutoTest\Temp"));

                    //When finish the test, record the summary in instance of testset
                    string instanceID     = instance.ID as string;
                    string scriptFilename = null;
                    string dataFilename   = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < attachments.Count; i++)
                        ArrayList downList = attachments[i] as ArrayList;
                        if (downList.Count > 0)
                            foreach (Object fileObj in downList)
                                string tempFilePath = fileObj as string;
                                if (tempFilePath != null && tempFilePath.EndsWith("cod"))
                                    scriptFilename = tempFilePath;
                                if (tempFilePath != null && tempFilePath.EndsWith("iod"))
                                    dataFilename = tempFilePath;
                    //AutoLog.Info("[CP Run]Config value of MacPath: " + tConfig.RunParameter.RemotePath);
                    //AutoLog.Info("[CP Run]Config value of RunMac: " + tConfig.RunParameter.RunRemote.ToString());
                    if (tConfig.RunParameter.RunRemote)
                        dataFilename = ReplaceStringInFile(dataFilename, tConfig.RunParameter.RemotePath);

                    if (scriptFilename != null)
                        PAS.AutoTest.ScriptRunner.ScriptRunner  sr = new PAS.AutoTest.ScriptRunner.ScriptRunner();
                        PAS.AutoTest.ScriptRunner.ExecuteResult er;
                        //Debug.Print("PAS: Script file name: {0}", scriptFilename);
                        //Debug.Print("PAS: Data file name: {0}", dataFilename);
                        //Console.Out.WriteLine("----------[CP Run]Script file name: " + scriptFilename);
                        AutoLog.Info("[CP Run]Script file name: " + scriptFilename);
                        AutoLog.Info("[CP Run]Data file name: " + dataFilename);
                        if (dataFilename != null)
                            er = sr.Run(scriptFilename, dataFilename, 1200);
                            er = sr.Run(scriptFilename, string.Empty, 1200);
                        switch (er.Result)
                        case PAS.AutoTest.TestData.TestResult.Done:
                            info.SetTestRunStatus(tdConn, instanceRun.ID.ToString(), "Passed");

                        case PAS.AutoTest.TestData.TestResult.Pass:
                            info.SetTestRunStatus(tdConn, instanceRun.ID.ToString(), "Passed");

                        case PAS.AutoTest.TestData.TestResult.Fail:
                            info.SetTestRunStatus(tdConn, instanceRun.ID.ToString(), "Failed");

                        case PAS.AutoTest.TestData.TestResult.Incomplete:
                            info.SetTestRunStatus(tdConn, instanceRun.ID.ToString(), "Not Completed");

                        case PAS.AutoTest.TestData.TestResult.Warning:
                            info.SetTestRunStatus(tdConn, instanceRun.ID.ToString(), "N/A");
                        if (er.Result != PAS.AutoTest.TestData.TestResult.Incomplete)
                            info.SetTestInstanceSummary(tdConn, instanceID, tConfig.RunParameter.NumOfPassed, er.Output.Summary.Passed.ToString());
                            info.SetTestInstanceSummary(tdConn, instanceID, tConfig.RunParameter.NumOfTotal, er.Output.Summary.TotalRun.ToString());

                            string fileLog = ".log";
                            fileLog = "TEST_" + caseID + "_" + now.ToShortDateString() + "_" + now.ToShortTimeString() + ".log";
                            fileLog = ConvertChar(fileLog);
                            er.Output.ConvertToXml(".\\Temp\\" + fileLog);
                            bool uploadSuccess = false;
                            uploadSuccess = taa.UploadAttachment(tdConn, "RUN", instanceRun.ID.ToString(), fileLog, GetCurrentRunDir() + "\\Temp\\");
                            if (uploadSuccess)
                                //Debug.Print("PAS: Upload test log sucess!");
                                //Console.Out.WriteLine("----------[CP Run]Upload test log sucess!");
                                AutoLog.Info("[CP Run]Upload test log success!");
                                //Debug.Print("PAS: Upload test log fail!");
                                //Console.Out.WriteLine("----------[CP Run]Upload test log fail!");
                                AutoLog.Info("[CP Run]Upload test log fail!");
                            //Console.Out.WriteLine("----------[CP Run]Case run status is incomplete!");
                            AutoLog.Info("[CP Run]Case run status is incomplete!");
            catch (Exception e)
                //Debug.Print("PAS: Run test case error!");
                //Console.Out.WriteLine("PAS: Run test case error!");
                AutoLog.Info("[CP Run]Run test case exception: " + e.Message);

        public bool Run(TDConnectionClass tdConn, TestSet RunSet, string configPath)
              //Console.WriteLine("Test run from Interface of IRunTest!");
              Debug.Print("PAS: Test run from Interface of IRunTest!");
              TestConfigFile tConfig = new TestConfigFile();
              TestUtility.LoadConfigFile(ref tConfig, configPath);

              // invoke the test execution
              TSTestFactory TSTestFact = RunSet.TSTestFactory as TSTestFactory;
              List runList = new List();
              runList = TSTestFact.NewList("") as List;
              foreach (TSTest instance in runList)
            //generate the run first
            RunFactory runFact = instance.RunFactory as RunFactory;
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            Run instanceRun = runFact.AddItem("Run_" + now.ToShortDateString() +
                                        "_" + now.ToShortTimeString()) as Run;

            QCOperation.QCInformation info = new QCOperation.QCInformation();
            // string runID = instanceRun.ID as string;
            //Initial the start status
            info.SetTestRunStatus(tdConn, instanceRun.ID.ToString(), "Not Completed");
            //Add the run steps
            //info.SetTestRunStep(tdConn, runID, "Step 1", "Passed");
            //info.SetTestRunStep(tdConn, runID, "Step 2", "Failed");
            //Update the end status
            //info.SetTestRunStatus(tdConn, runID, "Failed");

            //Download test case attachments
            string caseID = instance.TestId as string;
            ArrayList attachments = new ArrayList();
            QCOperation.QCAttachment taa = new QCOperation.QCAttachment();
            foreach (string downfile in tConfig.RunParameter.DownloadFile)
              attachments.Add(taa.DownloadAttachment(tdConn, "TEST", caseID, downfile, @"C:\CSAutoTest\Temp"));

            //When finish the test, record the summary in instance of testset
            string instanceID = instance.ID as string;
            string scriptFilename = null;
            string dataFilename = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < attachments.Count; i++)
              ArrayList downList = attachments[i] as ArrayList;
              if (downList.Count > 0)
            foreach (Object fileObj in downList)
              string tempFilePath = fileObj as string;
              if (tempFilePath != null && tempFilePath.EndsWith("cod"))
                scriptFilename = tempFilePath;
              if (tempFilePath != null && tempFilePath.EndsWith("iod"))
                dataFilename = tempFilePath;
            if (scriptFilename != null)
              PAS.AutoTest.ScriptRunner.ScriptRunner sr = new PAS.AutoTest.ScriptRunner.ScriptRunner();
              PAS.AutoTest.ScriptRunner.ExecuteResult er;
            Debug.Print("PAS: Script file name: {0}", scriptFilename);
            Debug.Print("PAS: Data file name: {0}", dataFilename);
              if (dataFilename != null)
            { er = sr.Run(scriptFilename, dataFilename, 1200); }
            { er = sr.Run(scriptFilename, string.Empty, 1200); }
            switch (er.Result)
              case PAS.AutoTest.TestData.TestResult.Done:
                info.SetTestRunStatus(tdConn, instanceRun.ID.ToString(), "Passed");
            case PAS.AutoTest.TestData.TestResult.Pass:
              info.SetTestRunStatus(tdConn, instanceRun.ID.ToString(), "Passed");
            case PAS.AutoTest.TestData.TestResult.Fail:
              info.SetTestRunStatus(tdConn, instanceRun.ID.ToString(), "Failed");
              case PAS.AutoTest.TestData.TestResult.Incomplete:
              info.SetTestRunStatus(tdConn, instanceRun.ID.ToString(), "Not Completed");
              case PAS.AutoTest.TestData.TestResult.Warning:
                info.SetTestRunStatus(tdConn, instanceRun.ID.ToString(), "N/A");

            if (er.Result != PAS.AutoTest.TestData.TestResult.Incomplete)
              info.SetTestInstanceSummary(tdConn, instanceID, tConfig.RunParameter.NumOfPassed, er.Output.Summary.Passed.ToString());
              info.SetTestInstanceSummary(tdConn, instanceID, tConfig.RunParameter.NumOfTotal, er.Output.Summary.TotalRun.ToString());

              string fileLog = ".log";
              fileLog = "TEST_" + caseID + "_" + now.ToShortDateString() + "_" + now.ToShortTimeString() + ".log";
              fileLog = ConvertChar(fileLog);
              er.Output.ConvertToXml(".\\Temp\\" + fileLog);
              bool uploadSuccess = false;
              uploadSuccess = taa.UploadAttachment(tdConn, "RUN", instanceRun.ID.ToString(), fileLog, GetCurrentRunDir() + "\\Temp\\");
              if (uploadSuccess)
            Debug.Print("PAS: Upload test log sucess!");
            Debug.Print("PAS: Upload test log fail!");
            Debug.Print("PAS: Run test case error!");

              return true;
        public static bool QC_UploadAttachementToCase(string caseName)
            string caseID = string.Empty;

            MatchCollection vMatchs = Regex.Matches(caseName, @"(\d+)");
            if (vMatchs.Count >= 1)
                caseID = vMatchs[vMatchs.Count - 1].Value; //get the last one, which should be the case ID
                //error happens, no case ID found
                return false;

            TestConfigFile tConfig = new TestConfigFile();
            bool success = false;
            success = LoadConfigFile(ref tConfig, "TestUtilityConfig.xml");
            if (success)
                AutotestIntsys.QCOTAClass qcOnline = new AutotestIntsys.QCOTAClass(tConfig);
                if (qcOnline.Connect())
                    QCOperation.QCAttachment taa = new QCOperation.QCAttachment();

                    bool upSuccess;
                    string uploadPath = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\TestData\\";

                    string iodFile = caseName + ".iod";
                    if (File.Exists(uploadPath + iodFile))
                        upSuccess = (bool)taa.UploadAttachment(qcOnline.getTDConn(), "TEST", caseID, iodFile, uploadPath);
                        if (!success)
                            //error when upload
                            return false;

                    string codFile = caseName + ".cod";
                    if (File.Exists(uploadPath + codFile))
                        upSuccess = (bool)taa.UploadAttachment(qcOnline.getTDConn(), "TEST", caseID, codFile, uploadPath);
                        if (!success)
                            //error when upload
                            return false;

                    string xodFile = caseName + ".xod";
                    if (File.Exists(uploadPath + xodFile))
                        upSuccess = (bool)taa.UploadAttachment(qcOnline.getTDConn(), "TEST", caseID, xodFile, uploadPath);
                        if (!success)
                            //error when upload
                            return false;


                return true;
                return false;