Exemple #1
        public IHttpActionResult PostSync(
            [FromBody] QBDInventoryItemSyncDetails details,
            [FromUri] string productName,
            [FromUri] string majorVersion,
            [FromUri] string minorVersion,
            [FromUri] string country,
            [FromUri] string supportedQBXMLVersion,
            [FromUri] string hostname,
            [FromUri] string companyFilePath)
            var currentUser = CurrentUser();

            // Ensure that user is authorized.
            if (!currentUser.CanSyncInventoryItems)

            // Ensure that the sync is for the same company file.
            var companyFileName = Path.GetFileName(companyFilePath);
            var previous        = _context.QBDInventoryItemSyncs
                                  .Where(q => q.OrganizationId == currentUser.OrganizationId)
                                  .Where(q => q.HostCompanyFileName != companyFileName);

            if (previous.Any())
                return(BadRequest("The company file appears to be different."));

            // Attempt to sync.
            using (var transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    var sync = new QBDInventoryItemSync()
                        CreatedAt                 = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        CreatedByUserId           = currentUser.Id,
                        OrganizationId            = currentUser.OrganizationId,
                        HostProductName           = productName,
                        HostMajorVersion          = majorVersion,
                        HostMinorVersion          = minorVersion,
                        HostCountry               = country,
                        HostSupportedQBXMLVersion = supportedQBXMLVersion,
                        HostCompanyFileName       = companyFileName,
                        HostCompanyFilePath       = companyFilePath,
                        Hostname = hostname

                    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Create or update the inventory sites
                    // ----------------------------------------------------------------

                    foreach (var site in details.InventorySites)
                        // Find by list id, which is unique across inventory sites
                        var found = _context.QBDInventorySites
                                    .Where(s => s.ListId == site.ListId)

                        if (found != null)
                            // Update any changes
                            found.FullName = site.FullName;
                            // Create the inventory site
                            site.QBDInventoryItemSyncId = sync.Id;


                    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Create or update the unit of measure sets
                    // ----------------------------------------------------------------

                    foreach (var unit in details.UnitOfMeasureSets)
                        // Find by list id, which is unique across unit of measure sets
                        var found = _context.QBDUnitOfMeasureSets
                                    .Where(s => s.ListId == unit.ListId)

                        if (found != null)
                            // Update any changes
                            found.Name = unit.Name;
                            found.UnitNamesAndAbbreviations = unit.UnitNamesAndAbbreviations;
                            found.IsActive          = unit.IsActive;
                            found.UnitOfMeasureType = unit.UnitOfMeasureType;
                            // Create the unit of measure set
                            unit.QBDInventoryItemSyncId = sync.Id;


                    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Create or update the inventory items
                    // ----------------------------------------------------------------

                    foreach (var item in details.InventoryItems)
                        // Find by list id, which is unique across inventory items for the organization
                        var found = _context.QBDInventoryItems
                                    .Where(i => i.OrganizationId == currentUser.OrganizationId)
                                    .Where(i => i.ListId == item.ListId)

                        if (found != null)
                            // Update any changes.
                            found.BarCodeValue           = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.BarCodeValue) ? "" : item.BarCodeValue;
                            found.ManufacturerPartNumber = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ManufacturerPartNumber) ? "" : item.ManufacturerPartNumber;
                            found.PurchaseDescription    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PurchaseDescription) ? "" : item.PurchaseDescription;
                            found.PurchaseCost           = item.PurchaseCost;
                            found.Name                   = item.Name;
                            found.FullName               = item.FullName;
                            found.SalesDescription       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SalesDescription) ? "" : item.SalesDescription;
                            found.SalesPrice             = item.SalesPrice;
                            found.QBDCOGSAccountFullName = item.QBDCOGSAccountFullName;
                            found.QBDCOGSAccountListId   = item.QBDCOGSAccountListId;
                            found.OffsetItemFullName     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.OffsetItemFullName) ? "" : item.OffsetItemFullName;

                            // Associate the Unit of Measure Set.
                            found.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetFullName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetFullName) ? "" : item.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetFullName;
                            found.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetListId   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetListId) ? "" : item.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetListId;

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetFullName))
                                var uomsId = _context.QBDUnitOfMeasureSets
                                             .Where(u => u.ListId == found.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetListId)
                                             .Select(u => u.Id)
                                found.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetId = uomsId;
                            // Create the inventory item - massage properties if necessary.
                            item.QBDInventoryItemSyncId = sync.Id;
                            item.BarCodeValue           = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.BarCodeValue) ? "" : item.BarCodeValue;
                            item.CustomBarCodeValue     = ""; // Default to blank
                            item.ManufacturerPartNumber = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ManufacturerPartNumber) ? "" : item.ManufacturerPartNumber;
                            item.PurchaseDescription    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PurchaseDescription) ? "" : item.PurchaseDescription;
                            item.SalesDescription       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SalesDescription) ? "" : item.SalesDescription;
                            item.OrganizationId         = currentUser.OrganizationId;
                            item.OffsetItemFullName     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.OffsetItemFullName) ? "" : item.OffsetItemFullName;

                            // Associate the Unit of Measure Set.
                            item.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetFullName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetFullName) ? "" : item.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetFullName;
                            item.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetListId   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetListId) ? "" : item.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetListId;

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetFullName))
                                var uomsId = _context.QBDUnitOfMeasureSets
                                             .Where(u => u.ListId == item.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetListId)
                                             .Select(u => u.Id)
                                item.QBDUnitOfMeasureSetId = uomsId;




                catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
                    string message = "";

                    foreach (var eve in ex.EntityValidationErrors)
                        foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
                            message += string.Format("{0} has error '{1}'; ", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage);


                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)

                catch (DbUpdateException ex)

Exemple #2
        public void Prepare()
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------
                // Scaffold an organization.
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------

                var organization = new Organization()
                    CreatedAt             = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Name                  = "Test Organization",
                    Code                  = "1234",
                    StripeCustomerId      = "BLANK",
                    StripeSubscriptionId  = "BLANK",
                    SortCustomersByColumn = "Number",
                    SortProjectsByColumn  = "Number",
                    SortTasksByColumn     = "Number",
                    ShowCustomerNumber    = true,
                    ShowProjectNumber     = true,
                    ShowTaskNumber        = true

                // ----------------------------------------------------------------
                // Scaffold a user.
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------

                var user = new User()
                    CreatedAt           = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    EmailAddress        = "*****@*****.**",
                    Name                = "Test User A",
                    OrganizationId      = organization.Id,
                    IsDeleted           = false,
                    IsActive            = true,
                    Pin                 = "0000",
                    Role                = "Standard",
                    TimeZone            = "America/New_York",
                    AllowedPhoneNumbers = "*",
                    UsesTouchToneClock  = true,
                    CanCreateUsers      = true,
                    CanDeleteUsers      = true,
                    CanModifyUsers      = true,
                    CanViewUsers        = true,
                    CanCreateCustomers  = true,
                    CanDeleteCustomers  = true,
                    CanModifyCustomers  = true,
                    CanViewCustomers    = true,
                    CanCreateProjects   = true,
                    CanDeleteProjects   = true,
                    CanModifyProjects   = true,
                    CanViewProjects     = true,
                    CanCreateTasks      = true,
                    CanDeleteTasks      = true,
                    CanModifyTasks      = true,
                    CanViewTasks        = true,
                    CanCreateRates      = true,
                    CanDeleteRates      = true,
                    CanModifyRates      = true,
                    CanViewRates        = true,
                    CanCreateLocks      = true,
                    CanUndoLocks        = true,
                    CanViewLocks        = true,
                    CanCreatePunches    = true,
                    CanDeletePunches    = true,
                    CanModifyPunches    = true,
                    CanViewPunches      = true

                // ----------------------------------------------------------------
                // Scaffold a customer.
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------

                var customer = new Customer()
                    CreatedAt      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Number         = "1000",
                    Name           = "General Electric",
                    OrganizationId = organization.Id

                // ----------------------------------------------------------------
                // Scaffold a project.
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------

                var customerId = _context.Customers
                                 .Where(c => c.Name == "General Electric")
                                 .Select(c => c.Id)
                var project = new Job()
                    CreatedAt             = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Number                = "1000",
                    Name                  = "Install Motor",
                    QuickBooksCustomerJob = "",
                    QuickBooksClass       = "",
                    CustomerId            = customerId,
                    Status                = "Open"

                // ----------------------------------------------------------------
                // Scaffold a task.
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------

                var jobId = _context.Jobs
                            .Where(j => j.Name == "Install Motor")
                            .Select(j => j.Id)
                var task = new Task()
                    CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Number    = "1000",
                    Name      = "Installation",
                    JobId     = jobId

                // ----------------------------------------------------------------
                // Scaffold a punch.
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------

                var punch = new Punch()
                    CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    TaskId    = task.Id,
                    InAt      = new DateTime(2022, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0),
                    OutAt     = new DateTime(2022, 1, 1, 17, 0, 0),
                    Guid      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    UserId    = user.Id

                // ----------------------------------------------------------------
                // Scaffold an inventory item sync.
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------

                var inventoryItemSync = new QBDInventoryItemSync()
                    OrganizationId            = organization.Id,
                    CreatedAt                 = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    CreatedByUserId           = user.Id,
                    Hostname                  = "HOSTNAME-01",
                    HostCompanyFileName       = "COMPANY FILE NAME",
                    HostCompanyFilePath       = "PATH TO FILE",
                    HostCountry               = "US",
                    HostMajorVersion          = "1",
                    HostMinorVersion          = "0",
                    HostProductName           = "PRODUCT NAME",
                    HostSupportedQBXMLVersion = "12"

                // ----------------------------------------------------------------
                // Scaffold an inventory item.
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------

                var inventoryItem = new QBDInventoryItem()
                    ListId                 = "019F79CACE27HDKDUD32",
                    Name                   = "25-ft 12/2 Solid NM",
                    FullName               = "25-ft 12/2 Solid NM",
                    PurchaseCost           = 38.49m,
                    PurchaseDescription    = "Romex SIMpull 25-ft 12/2 Solid Non-Metallic Wire (By-the-Roll)",
                    SalesPrice             = 48.11m,
                    SalesDescription       = "Romex SIMpull 25-ft 12/2 Solid Non-Metallic Wire (By-the-Roll)",
                    BarCodeValue           = "70012",
                    CustomBarCodeValue     = "70012",
                    OrganizationId         = organization.Id,
                    ManufacturerPartNumber = "28828221",
                    QBDInventoryItemSyncId = inventoryItemSync.Id
            catch (DbUpdateException ex)
            catch (Exception ex)