public static void Test() { Console.WriteLine("Testing Pyro echo server (make sure it's running, with nameserver enabled)..."); Console.WriteLine("Pyrolite version: " + Config.PYROLITE_VERSION); setConfig(); Console.WriteLine("serializer used: {0}", Config.SERIALIZER); if (Config.SERIALIZER == Config.SerializerType.serpent) { Console.WriteLine("note that for the serpent serializer, you need to have the Razorvine.Serpent assembly available."); } NameServerProxy ns = NameServerProxy.locateNS(null); dynamic p = new PyroProxy(ns.lookup("test.echoserver")); // PyroProxy p=new PyroProxy("localhost",9999,"test.echoserver"); Console.WriteLine("echo(), param=42:"); Object result = p.echo(42); Console.WriteLine("return value:"); PrettyPrint.print(result); Console.WriteLine("oneway_echo(), param=999:"); result = p.oneway_echo(999); Console.WriteLine("return value:"); PrettyPrint.print(result); // attribute access result = p.verbose; bool verbosity = (bool)result; Console.WriteLine("value of verbose attr: {0}", verbosity); p.verbose = !verbosity; result = p.getattr("verbose"); verbosity = (bool)result; Console.WriteLine("value of verbose attr after toggle: {0}", verbosity); // some more examples String s = "This string is way too long. This string is way too long. This string is way too long. This string is way too long. "; s = s + s + s + s + s; Console.WriteLine("echo param:"); PrettyPrint.print(s); result = p.echo(s); Console.WriteLine("return value:"); PrettyPrint.print(result); Console.WriteLine("dict test."); IDictionary <string, object> map = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "value", 42 }, { "message", "hello" }, { "timestamp", DateTime.Now } }; result = p.echo(map); Console.WriteLine("return value:"); PrettyPrint.print(result); Console.WriteLine("error test."); try { result = p.error(); } catch (PyroException e) { Console.WriteLine("Pyro Exception (expected)! {0}", e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Pyro Exception cause: {0}", e.InnerException); Console.WriteLine("Pyro Exception remote traceback:\n>>>\n{0}<<<", e._pyroTraceback); } Console.WriteLine("shutting down the test echo server."); p.shutdown(); }