public static CollisionObject FromPyCollisionObject(PyObject obj) { var frame = (string)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("frame_id"), typeof(string)); var primitives = (List <CollisionPrimitive>)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("primitives"), typeof(List <CollisionPrimitive>)); return(new CollisionObject(frame, primitives)); }
public static JointPath FromPyJointPath(PyObject obj) { var jointSet = (JointSet)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("joint_set"), typeof(JointSet)); var points = (List <JointValues>)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("points"), typeof(List <JointValues>)); return(new JointPath(jointSet, points)); }
public static JointValues FromPyJointValues(PyObject obj) { var jointSet = FromPyJointSet(obj.GetAttr("joint_set")); var values = (A <double>)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("values"), typeof(A <double>)); return(new JointValues(jointSet, values)); }
public static HttpResponseLite GetFromPythonNET(string url) { if (!PythonEngine.IsInitialized) { PythonEngine.Initialize(); } var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var result = new HttpResponseLite(); try { // var mThreadState = PythonEngine.BeginAllowThreads(); using (Py.GIL()) { dynamic cfscrape = Py.Import("cfscrape"); dynamic scraper = cfscrape.create_scraper(); PyObject response = scraper.get(url); result.StatusCode = (HttpStatusCode)response.GetAttr("status_code").As <int>(); result.Html = response.GetAttr("text").As <string>(); result.ElapsedMs = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; } PythonEngine.EndAllowThreads(mThreadState); } catch (Exception e) { result.ElapsedMs = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; result.Exception = e; } return(result); }
public static JointStates FromPyJointStates(PyObject obj) { var positions = (JointValues)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("positions"), typeof(JointValues)); var velocities = (JointValues)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("velocities"), typeof(JointValues)); var efforts = (JointValues)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("efforts"), typeof(JointValues)); return(new JointStates(positions, velocities, efforts)); }
public static JointTrajectory FromPyJointTrajectory(PyObject obj) { var jointSet = (JointSet)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("joint_set"), typeof(JointSet)); var points = (List <JointTrajectoryPoint>)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("points"), typeof(List <JointTrajectoryPoint>)); var valid = (bool)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("is_valid"), typeof(bool)); return(new JointTrajectory(jointSet, points, valid)); }
public static TimeSpan FromPyTimeDelta(PyObject obj) { var days = (int)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("days"), typeof(int)); var seconds = (int)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("seconds"), typeof(int)); var microseconds = (int)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("microseconds"), typeof(int)); return(new TimeSpan((long)days * 864000000000 + (long)seconds * 10000000 + (long)microseconds * 10)); }
public static CollisionPrimitive FromPyCollisionPrimitive(PyObject obj) { var pyKind = obj.GetAttr("kind"); var kind = (CollisionPrimitiveKind)PyConvert.ToClrObject(pyKind.GetAttr("value"), typeof(int)); var parameters = (A <double>)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("parameters"), typeof(A <double>)); var pose = (Pose)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("pose"), typeof(Pose)); return(new CollisionPrimitive(kind, parameters.ToArray(), pose)); }
public static JointTrajectoryPoint FromPyJoinTrajectoryPoint(PyObject obj) { var timeFromStart = (TimeSpan)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("time_from_start"), typeof(TimeSpan)); var positions = (JointValues)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("positions"), typeof(JointValues)); var velocities = (JointValues)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("velocities"), typeof(JointValues)); var accelerations = (JointValues)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("accelerations"), typeof(JointValues)); var efforts = (JointValues)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("efforts"), typeof(JointValues)); return(new JointTrajectoryPoint(timeFromStart, positions, velocities, accelerations, efforts)); }
public static Pose FromPyPose(PyObject obj) { var t = (A <double>)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("translation"), typeof(A <double>)); var translationVector = new Vector3((float)t[0], (float)t[1], (float)t[2]); var pyQuaternion = obj.GetAttr("quaternion"); var q = (A <double>)PyConvert.ToClrObject(pyQuaternion.GetAttr("elements"), typeof(A <double>)); var quaternion = new Quaternion((float)q[1], (float)q[2], (float)q[3], (float)q[0]); var frame = (string)PyConvert.ToClrObject(obj.GetAttr("frame_id"), typeof(string)); return(new Pose(translationVector, quaternion, frame)); }
static PythonExtension() { using (Py.GIL()) { PyObject module = Py.Import("builtins"); PyNone = module.GetAttr("None"); PyTrue = module.GetAttr("True"); PyBoolType = PyTrue.GetPythonType(); PySliceType = module.GetAttr("slice"); } }
private void ConfigureModules() { PyObject sequentialModule = PythonEngine.ModuleFromString("sequential", "from keras.models import Sequential"); PyObject layersModule = PythonEngine.ModuleFromString("layers", "from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout"); dynamic Sequential = sequentialModule.GetAttr("Sequential"); this.keras = Py.Import("keras"); this.dropout = layersModule.GetAttr("Dropout"); this.denseLayer = layersModule.GetAttr("Dense"); this.model = Sequential(); }
private static object DecodeTime(PyObject py) { var result = new TimeSpan( py.GetAttr("hour").As <int>(), py.GetAttr("minute").As <int>(), py.GetAttr("second").As <int>()); return(TimeSpan.FromTicks( result.Ticks + py.GetAttr("microsecond").As <int>() * 10)); }
/// <summary> /// Get the indicator Name. If not defined, use the class name /// </summary> /// <param name="indicator">The python implementation of <see cref="IndicatorBase{IBaseDataBar}"/></param> /// <returns>The indicator Name.</returns> private static string GetIndicatorName(PyObject indicator) { using (Py.GIL()) { var name = indicator.HasAttr("Name") ? indicator.GetAttr("Name") : indicator.GetAttr("__class__").GetAttr("__name__"); return(name.GetAndDispose <string>()); } }
public void Load() { if (Lock == null) { return; } using (Py.GIL()) { Plugin = PythonEngine.ImportModule(File); Plugin.InvokeMethod("Load"); Name = Plugin.GetAttr("Name").As <string>(); Explanation = Plugin.GetAttr("Explanation").As <string>(); } }
/// <summary> /// <see cref = "AlgorithmPythonWrapper"/> constructor. /// Creates and wraps the algorithm written in python. /// </summary> /// <param name="module">Python module with the algorithm written in Python</param> public AlgorithmPythonWrapper(PyObject module) { _algorithm = null; try { using (Py.GIL()) { if (!module.HasAttr("QCAlgorithm")) { return; } var baseClass = module.GetAttr("QCAlgorithm"); // Load module with util methods _util = ImportUtil(); var moduleName = module.Repr().Split('\'')[1]; foreach (var name in module.Dir()) { var attr = module.GetAttr(name.ToString()); if (attr.IsSubclass(baseClass) && attr.Repr().Contains(moduleName)) { attr.SetAttr("OnPythonData", _util.GetAttr("OnPythonData")); _algorithm = attr.Invoke(); // QCAlgorithm reference for LEAN internal C# calls (without going from C# to Python and back) _baseAlgorithm = (QCAlgorithm)_algorithm; // write events such that when the base handles an event it // will also invoke event handlers defined on this instance _baseAlgorithm.AlphasGenerated += AlphasGenerated; // Set pandas _baseAlgorithm.SetPandasConverter(); return; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Log.Error(e); } }
private static object DecodeDateTime(PyObject py) { var utcDelta = TimeSpan.Zero; var kind = DateTimeKind.Local; var tz = py.GetAttr("tzinfo"); if (tz.HasAttr("utcoffset")) { kind = DateTimeKind.Utc; utcDelta = py.InvokeMethod("utcoffset") .DecodeTimeDelta(); } var result = new DateTime( py.GetAttr("year").As <int>(), py.GetAttr("month").As <int>(), py.GetAttr("day").As <int>(), py.GetAttr("hour").As <int>(), py.GetAttr("minute").As <int>(), py.GetAttr("second").As <int>(), kind); return(result.AddTicks(-utcDelta.Ticks + py.GetAttr("microsecond").As <int>() * 10) .ToLocalTime()); }
private void ConfigureModules() { PyObject SequentialModule = PythonEngine.ModuleFromString("sequential", "from keras.models import Sequential"); PyObject layersModule = PythonEngine.ModuleFromString("standardLayers", "from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten"); PyObject layersCnnModule = PythonEngine.ModuleFromString("conEvoLayers", "from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D"); dynamic sequential = SequentialModule.GetAttr("Sequential"); this.model = sequential(); this.denseLayer = layersModule.GetAttr("Dense"); this.dropoutLayer = layersModule.GetAttr("Dropout"); this.flattenLayer = layersModule.GetAttr("Flatten"); this.convolutional2DLayer = layersCnnModule.GetAttr("Conv2D"); this.maxPooling2DLayer = layersCnnModule.GetAttr("MaxPooling2D"); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the python implementation of the indicator /// </summary> /// <param name="indicator">The python implementation of <see cref="IndicatorBase{IBaseDataBar}"/></param> public void SetIndicator(PyObject indicator) { using (Py.GIL()) { foreach (var attributeName in new[] { "IsReady", "Update", "Value" }) { if (!indicator.HasAttr(attributeName)) { var name = indicator.GetAttr("__class__").GetAttr("__name__"); var message = $"Indicator.{attributeName} must be implemented. " + $"Please implement this missing method in {name}"; if (attributeName == "IsReady") { message += " or use PythonIndicator as base:" + $"{Environment.NewLine}class {name}(PythonIndicator):"; } throw new NotImplementedException(message); } } } _indicator = indicator; }
public bool TryDecode <T>(PyObject pyObj, out T value) { var message = pyObj.GetAttr("args")[0].As <string>(); value = (T)(object)new ValueErrorWrapper(message); return(true); }
public static PyObject _load_clr_module(PyObject spec) { using var modname = spec.GetAttr("name"); string name = modname.As <string?>() ?? throw new ArgumentException("name must not be None"); var mod = ImportHook.Import(name); return(mod); }
private PyList GetSysPaths() { // set sys paths PyObject sys = PythonEngine.ImportModule("sys"); PyObject sysPathsObj = sys.GetAttr("path"); return(PyList.AsList(sysPathsObj)); }
/// <summary> /// This method calls back into the CPython runtime - tests /// call this from Python to check that we don't hang on /// nested transitions from managed to Python code and back. /// </summary> public static string CallEchoString(string arg) { using (Py.GIL()) { if (module == null) { module = PyModule.FromString("tt", testmod); } PyObject func = module.GetAttr("echostring"); var parg = new PyString(arg); PyObject temp = func.Invoke(parg); var result = (string)temp.AsManagedObject(typeof(string)); func.Dispose(); parg.Dispose(); temp.Dispose(); return(result); } }
public static IEnumerable <PyType> GetDecorators(PyObject func) { while (func.HasAttr("__func__")) { yield return(func.GetPythonType() as PyType); func = func.GetAttr("__func__"); } }
/// <summary> /// <see cref = "AlgorithmPythonWrapper"/> constructor. /// Creates and wraps the algorithm written in python. /// </summary> /// <param name="module">Python module with the algorithm written in Python</param> public AlgorithmPythonWrapper(PyObject module) { _algorithm = null; try { using (Py.GIL()) { if (!module.HasAttr("QCAlgorithm")) { return; } var baseClass = module.GetAttr("QCAlgorithm"); // Load module with util methods var onPythonData = Py.Import("AlgorithmPythonUtil").GetAttr("OnPythonData"); var moduleName = module.Repr().Split('\'')[1]; foreach (var name in module.Dir()) { var attr = module.GetAttr(name.ToString()); if (attr.IsSubclass(baseClass) && attr.Repr().Contains(moduleName)) { attr.SetAttr("OnPythonData", onPythonData); _pyAlgorithm = attr.Invoke(); _algorithm = Impromptu.ActLike <IAlgorithm>(_pyAlgorithm); // QCAlgorithm reference for LEAN internal C# calls (without going from C# to Python and back) _baseAlgorithm = _algorithm.UndoActLike(); return; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Log.Error(e); } }
// This method calls back into the CPython runtime - tests // call this from Python to check that we don't hang on // nested transitions from managed to Python code and back. public static string CallEchoString(string arg) { IntPtr gs = PythonEngine.AcquireLock(); if (module == null) { module = PythonEngine.ModuleFromString("tt", testmod); } PyObject func = module.GetAttr("echostring"); PyString parg = new PyString(arg); PyObject temp = func.Invoke(parg); string result = (string)temp.AsManagedObject(typeof(String)); func.Dispose(); parg.Dispose(); temp.Dispose(); PythonEngine.ReleaseLock(gs); return(result); }
// from static void Shuffle <T1, T2>(ndarray <T1> array1, ndarray <T2> array2) { using var _ = Py.GIL(); var random = numPy.GetAttr("random"); var randomState = random.InvokeMethod("get_state"); random.InvokeMethod("shuffle", array1.PythonObject); random.InvokeMethod("set_state", randomState); random.InvokeMethod("shuffle", array2.PythonObject); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the type nam eof a Python object as a string. /// </summary> /// <param name="handle">Handle to the Pyhton object.</param> /// <returns>Name of the Python object.</returns> private static string GetPythonTypeName(IntPtr handle) { using (var excType = new PyObject(handle)) { using (var typeName = excType.GetAttr("__name__")) { return(typeName.ToString()); } } }
public static PySignature GetSignature(PyScope scope, string functionName) { var s = new PySignature(); PyObject fn = scope.Get(functionName); var inspect = Py.Import("inspect"); var signature = inspect.InvokeMethod("signature", fn); var parameters = signature.GetAttr("parameters"); var keys = parameters.InvokeMethod("keys"); var argumentNames = new List <string>(); foreach (var key in keys.OfType <PyObject>()) { var p = parameters[key]; var name = p.GetAttr("name").As <string>(); argumentNames.Add(name); } PyDict annotations = new PyDict(fn.GetAttr("__annotations__")); foreach (var argumentName in argumentNames) { Type type; if (annotations.HasKey(argumentName)) { var pyType = annotations.GetItem(argumentName); type = ToClrType(pyType); } else { type = typeof(object); } s.Arguments.Add(new PyArgument { Name = argumentName, Type = type }); } Type returnType; if (annotations.HasKey("return")) { var returnPyType = annotations.GetItem("return"); returnType = ToClrType(returnPyType); } else { returnType = typeof(object); } s.ReturnType = returnType; return(s); }
public void InheritedFromInheritedClassIsSelf() { using var scope = Py.CreateScope(); scope.Exec($"from {typeof(Inherited).Namespace} import {nameof(Inherited)}"); scope.Exec($"class B({nameof(Inherited)}): pass"); PyObject b = scope.Eval("B"); PyObject bInstance = b.Invoke(); PyObject bInstanceClass = bInstance.GetAttr("__class__"); Assert.IsTrue(PythonReferenceComparer.Instance.Equals(b, bInstanceClass)); }