Exemple #1
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public byte[] FillTemplate(byte[] pdf, Movie movie)
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pdf);
                using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, ms)) {
                    AcroFields form  = stamper.AcroFields;
                    BaseColor  color = WebColors.GetRGBColor(
                        "#" + movie.entry.category.color
                    PushbuttonField bt = form.GetNewPushbuttonFromField(POSTER);
                    bt.Layout           = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY;
                    bt.ProportionalIcon = true;
                    bt.Image            = Image.GetInstance(Path.Combine(IMAGE, movie.Imdb + ".jpg"));
                    bt.BackgroundColor  = color;
                    form.ReplacePushbuttonField(POSTER, bt.Field);

                    PdfContentByte           canvas = stamper.GetOverContent(1);
                    float                    size   = 12;
                    AcroFields.FieldPosition f      = form.GetFieldPositions(TEXT)[0];
                    while (AddParagraph(CreateMovieParagraph(movie, size),
                                        canvas, f, true) && size > 6)
                        size -= 0.2f;
                    AddParagraph(CreateMovieParagraph(movie, size), canvas, f, false);

                    form.SetField(YEAR, movie.Year.ToString());
                    form.SetFieldProperty(YEAR, "bgcolor", color, null);
                    form.SetField(YEAR, movie.Year.ToString());
                    stamper.FormFlattening = true;
Exemple #2
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------    
     * Manipulates a PDF file src with the file dest as result
     * @param src the original PDF
    public byte[] ManipulatePdf(byte[] src)  {
      // create a reader
      PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
      using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
        // create a stamper
        using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, ms)) {
          // Add an open action
          PdfWriter writer = stamper.Writer;
          PdfAction action = PdfAction.JavaScript(
              Path.Combine(Utility.ResourceJavaScript, "post_from_html.js")
          // create a submit button that posts data to the HTML page
          PushbuttonField button1 = new PushbuttonField(
            stamper.Writer, new Rectangle(90, 660, 160, 690), "post"
          button1.Text = "POST TO HTML";
          button1.BackgroundColor = new GrayColor(0.7f);
          button1.Visibility = PushbuttonField.VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT;
          PdfFormField submit1 = button1.Field;
          submit1.Action = PdfAction.JavaScript(
              Utility.ResourceJavaScript, "post_to_html.js"
          // add the button
          stamper.AddAnnotation(submit1, 1);
        return ms.ToArray();
Exemple #3
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void Write(Stream stream)
            using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile()) {
                NestedTables  n     = new NestedTables();
                byte[]        ntPdf = Utility.PdfBytes(n);
                Advertisement a     = new Advertisement();
                byte[]        aPdf  = a.ManipulatePdf(ntPdf);

                PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(aPdf);
                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                    using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, ms)) {
                        AcroFields      form = stamper.AcroFields;
                        PushbuttonField ad   = form.GetNewPushbuttonFromField("advertisement");
                        ad.Layout           = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY;
                        ad.ProportionalIcon = true;
                        ad.Image            = Image.GetInstance(RESOURCE);
                        form.ReplacePushbuttonField("advertisement", ad.Field);
                    zip.AddEntry(RESULT, ms.ToArray());
                zip.AddFile(RESOURCE, "");
                zip.AddEntry(Utility.ResultFileName(a.ToString() + ".pdf"), aPdf);
Exemple #4
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Manipulates a PDF file src with the file dest as result
         * @param src the original PDF
        public byte[] ManipulatePdf(byte[] src)
            // Create a reader for the original document
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            // Create a reader for the advertisement resource
            PdfReader ad = new PdfReader(RESOURCE);

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                // Create a stamper
                using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, ms))
                    // Create the advertisement annotation for the menubar
                    Rectangle       rect   = new Rectangle(400, 772, 545, 792);
                    PushbuttonField button = new PushbuttonField(
                        stamper.Writer, rect, "click"
                    button.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.RED;
                    button.BorderColor     = BaseColor.RED;
                    button.FontSize        = 10;
                    button.Text            = "Close this advertisement";
                    button.Image           = Image.GetInstance(
                        Path.Combine(Utility.ResourceImage, IMAGE)
                    button.Layout = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_LABEL_LEFT_ICON_RIGHT;
                    button.IconHorizontalAdjustment = 1;
                    PdfFormField menubar = button.Field;
                    String       js      = "var f1 = getField('click'); f1.display = display.hidden;"
                                           + "var f2 = getField('advertisement'); f2.display = display.hidden;"
                    menubar.Action = PdfAction.JavaScript(js, stamper.Writer);
                    // Add the annotation
                    stamper.AddAnnotation(menubar, 1);
                    // Create the advertisement annotation for the content
                    rect   = new Rectangle(400, 550, 545, 772);
                    button = new PushbuttonField(
                        stamper.Writer, rect, "advertisement"
                    button.BackgroundColor = BaseColor.WHITE;
                    button.BorderColor     = BaseColor.RED;
                    button.Text            = "Buy the book iText in Action 2nd edition";
                    button.Template        = stamper.GetImportedPage(ad, 1);
                    button.Layout          = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_ICON_TOP_LABEL_BOTTOM;
                    PdfFormField advertisement = button.Field;
                    advertisement.Action = new PdfAction(
                    // Add the annotation
                    stamper.AddAnnotation(advertisement, 1);
Exemple #5
 public byte[] CreateTemplate()
     using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
         using (Document document = new Document(new Rectangle(
                                                     Utilities.MillimetersToPoints(35), Utilities.MillimetersToPoints(50)
             PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, ms);
             writer.ViewerPreferences = PdfWriter.PageLayoutSinglePage;
             PushbuttonField poster = new PushbuttonField(
                 new Rectangle(
             poster.BackgroundColor = new GrayColor(0.4f);
             TextField movie = new TextField(
                 new Rectangle(
             movie.Options = TextField.MULTILINE;
             TextField screening = new TextField(
                 new Rectangle(
             screening.Alignment       = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
             screening.BackgroundColor = new GrayColor(0.4f);
             screening.TextColor       = GrayColor.GRAYWHITE;
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Manipulates a PDF file src with the file dest as result
         * @param src the original PDF
        public byte[] ManipulatePdf(byte[] src)
            // Create a reader
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
            int       n      = reader.NumberOfPages;

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                // Create a stamper
                using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, ms))
                    // Create pushbutton 1
                    PushbuttonField saveAs = new PushbuttonField(
                        new Rectangle(636, 10, 716, 30),
                    saveAs.BorderColor = BaseColor.BLACK;
                    saveAs.Text        = "Save";
                    saveAs.TextColor   = BaseColor.RED;
                    saveAs.Layout      = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY;
                    saveAs.Rotation    = 90;
                    PdfAnnotation saveAsButton = saveAs.Field;
                    saveAsButton.Action = PdfAction.JavaScript(
                        "app.execMenuItem('SaveAs')", stamper.Writer
                    // Create pushbutton 2
                    PushbuttonField mail = new PushbuttonField(
                        new Rectangle(736, 10, 816, 30),
                    mail.BorderColor = BaseColor.BLACK;
                    mail.Text        = "Mail";
                    mail.TextColor   = BaseColor.RED;
                    mail.Layout      = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY;
                    mail.Rotation    = 90;
                    PdfAnnotation mailButton = mail.Field;
                    mailButton.Action = PdfAction.JavaScript(
                    // Add the annotations to every page of the document
                    for (int page = 1; page <= n; page++)
                        stamper.AddAnnotation(saveAsButton, page);
                        stamper.AddAnnotation(mailButton, page);
Exemple #7
        //print QRcode in button field
        private void _GenQRCode(PdfStamper stamper, string FieldName, string QrCodeContent)
            AcroFields      form      = stamper.AcroFields;
            PushbuttonField ad        = form.GetNewPushbuttonFromField(FieldName);
            BarcodeQRCode   qrcode    = new BarcodeQRCode(QrCodeContent, 2, 2, null);
            var             qrcodeImg = qrcode.GetImage();

            ad.Layout           = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY;
            ad.ProportionalIcon = true;
            ad.Image            = qrcodeImg;

            form.ReplacePushbuttonField(FieldName, ad.Field);
Exemple #8
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Manipulates a PDF file src with the file dest as result
         * @param src the original PDF
        public byte[] ManipulatePdf(byte[] src)
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, ms)) {
                    AcroFields      form = stamper.AcroFields;
                    AcroFields.Item fd   = form.GetFieldItem("married");

                    PdfDictionary dictYes =
                    PdfDictionary yesAction = dictYes.GetAsDict(PdfName.AA);
                    if (yesAction == null)
                        yesAction = new PdfDictionary();
                        new PdfName("Fo"),
                        PdfAction.JavaScript("ReadOnly = false);", stamper.Writer)
                    dictYes.Put(PdfName.AA, yesAction);

                    PdfDictionary dictNo =
                    PdfDictionary noAction = dictNo.GetAsDict(PdfName.AA);
                    if (noAction == null)
                        noAction = new PdfDictionary();
                        new PdfName("Fo"),
                        PdfAction.JavaScript("ReadOnly = true);", stamper.Writer)
                    dictNo.Put(PdfName.AA, noAction);

                    PdfWriter       writer = stamper.Writer;
                    PushbuttonField button = new PushbuttonField(
                        writer, new Rectangle(40, 690, 200, 710), "submit"
                    button.Text    = "validate and submit";
                    button.Options = PushbuttonField.VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT;
                    PdfFormField validateAndSubmit = button.Field;
                    validateAndSubmit.Action = PdfAction.JavaScript(
                        "validate();", stamper.Writer
                    stamper.AddAnnotation(validateAndSubmit, 1);
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Adds a popup.
         * @param stamper the PdfStamper to which the annotation needs to be added
         * @param rect the position of the annotation
         * @param title the annotation title
         * @param contents the annotation content
         * @param imdb the IMDB number of the movie used as name of the annotation
        public void AddPopup(PdfStamper stamper, Rectangle rect,
                             String title, String contents, String imdb)
            // Create the text annotation
            PdfAnnotation text = PdfAnnotation.CreateText(
                rect, title, contents, false, "Comment"

            text.Name  = string.Format("IMDB{0}", imdb);
            text.Flags = PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_READONLY | PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_NOVIEW;
            // Create the popup annotation
            PdfAnnotation popup = PdfAnnotation.CreatePopup(
                new Rectangle(
                    rect.Left + 10, rect.Bottom + 10,
                    rect.Left + 200, rect.Bottom + 100
                null, false

            // Add the text annotation to the popup
            popup.Put(PdfName.PARENT, text.IndirectReference);
            // Declare the popup annotation as popup for the text
            text.Put(PdfName.POPUP, popup.IndirectReference);
            // Add both annotations
            stamper.AddAnnotation(text, 1);
            stamper.AddAnnotation(popup, 1);
            // Create a button field
            PushbuttonField field = new PushbuttonField(
                stamper.Writer, rect,
                string.Format("b{0}", imdb)
            PdfAnnotation widget = field.Field;
            // Show the popup onMouseEnter
            PdfAction enter = PdfAction.JavaScript(
                string.Format(JS1, imdb), stamper.Writer

            widget.SetAdditionalActions(PdfName.E, enter);
            // Hide the popup onMouseExit
            PdfAction exit = PdfAction.JavaScript(
                string.Format(JS2, imdb), stamper.Writer

            widget.SetAdditionalActions(PdfName.X, exit);
            // Add the button annotation
            stamper.AddAnnotation(widget, 1);
        //public void test()
        //    var fields = _pdfStamper.AcroFields;

        //    PushbuttonField ad = fields.GetNewPushbuttonFromField("08");
        //    ad.Layout = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY;
        //    ad.ProportionalIcon = true;
        //    //ad.Image = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(ValueType(;
        //    fields.ReplacePushbuttonField("08", ad.Field);

        //    //fields.ReplacePushbuttonField("", new PdfFormField());
        public void SetBlobField(string fieldName, object value)
            var fields = _pdfStamper.AcroFields;

            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream((byte[])value);

            System.Drawing.Image img = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(ms);

            PushbuttonField ad = fields.GetNewPushbuttonFromField(fieldName);

            ad.Layout           = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY;
            ad.ProportionalIcon = true;
            ad.Image            = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            fields.ReplacePushbuttonField(fieldName, ad.Field);
Exemple #11
        public void AddSubmitButton()
            Rectangle       rect   = new Rectangle(50, 50, 100, 10);
            PushbuttonField button = new PushbuttonField(writer, rect, "postSubmit")
                FontSize        = 8,
                BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY,
                BorderColor     = GrayColor.BLACK,
                BorderWidth     = 1f,
                BorderStyle     = PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_BEVELED,
                TextColor       = GrayColor.GREEN,
                Text            = "Submit",
                Visibility      = PushbuttonField.VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT
            PdfFormField field      = button.Field;
            String       javascript = "validate();";

            field.Action = PdfAction.JavaScript(javascript, writer);
            stamper.AddAnnotation(field, 1);
Exemple #12
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Show keys and values passed to the query string with GET
        protected void DoGet(byte[] pdf, Stream stream)
            // We get a resource from our web app
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pdf);

            // Now we create the PDF
            using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, stream)) {
                // We add a submit button to the existing form
                PushbuttonField button = new PushbuttonField(
                    stamper.Writer, new Rectangle(90, 660, 140, 690), "submit"
                button.Text            = "POST";
                button.BackgroundColor = new GrayColor(0.7f);
                button.Visibility      = PushbuttonField.VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT;
                PdfFormField submit = button.Field;
                submit.Action = PdfAction.CreateSubmitForm(
                    WebContext.Request.RawUrl, null, PdfAction.SUBMIT_HTML_FORMAT
                stamper.AddAnnotation(submit, 1);
        private static byte[] AddSubmitButton(byte[] pdfFile)
            var pr  = new PdfReader(pdfFile);
            var ims = new MemoryStream();
            var ps  = new PdfStamper(pr, ims);

            string url = AppSettings.URLForFormSubmission();

            PushbuttonField button2 = new PushbuttonField(ps.Writer, new Rectangle(100, 1000, 150, 1030), "Submit");

            button2.BackgroundColor = new GrayColor(0.7f);
            button2.Text            = "Submit";
            button2.Visibility      = PushbuttonField.VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT;

            PdfFormField submit2 = button2.Field;

            submit2.Action = PdfAction.CreateSubmitForm(url, null, PdfAction.SUBMIT_PDF);
            ps.AddAnnotation(submit2, 1);

Exemple #14
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Show keys and values passed to the query string with GET
        protected void DoGet(byte[] pdf, Stream stream)
            // We get a resource from our web app
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pdf);

            // Now we create the PDF
            using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, stream)) {
                // We add a submit button to the existing form
                PushbuttonField button = new PushbuttonField(
                    stamper.Writer, new Rectangle(90, 660, 140, 690), "submit"
                button.Text            = "POST";
                button.BackgroundColor = new GrayColor(0.7f);
                button.Visibility      = PushbuttonField.VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT;
                PdfFormField submit = button.Field;
                submit.Action = PdfAction.CreateSubmitForm(
                    WebContext.Request.RawUrl, null, 0
                stamper.AddAnnotation(submit, 1);
                // We add an extra field that can be used to upload a file
                TextField file = new TextField(
                    stamper.Writer, new Rectangle(160, 660, 470, 690), "image"
                file.Options         = TextField.FILE_SELECTION;
                file.BackgroundColor = new GrayColor(0.9f);
                PdfFormField upload = file.GetTextField();
                                                + "this.getField('submit').setFocus();",
                stamper.AddAnnotation(upload, 1);
Exemple #15
        private byte[] BindDataToPDFTemplate(List <customerinformationforpdf> listdata, PdfReader readPath, List <fn_getClientResourceData_Result> pdfHeaderData, IList <LogoDetails> LogoData)
            byte[] bytes;
            using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream())
                using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(readPath, memStream, '\0', true))
                    var form      = stamper.AcroFields;
                    var fieldKeys = form.Fields.Keys;

                    //Page 1 of PDF
                    foreach (string fieldKey in fieldKeys)
                        if (fieldKey == "currentAddress_1")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine01")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);
                        if (fieldKey == "currentAddress_2")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine02")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);

                        if (fieldKey == "telephone_1")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine03")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);
                        if (fieldKey == "fax_1")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine04")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);
                        if (fieldKey == "websiteUrl_1")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine05")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);
                        if (fieldKey == "workOrderNumber_1")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].WorkOrderNumber);
                        if (fieldKey == "currentDate_1")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")));
                        if (fieldKey == "csr_1")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].FirstName + " " + listdata[0].LastName);
                        if (fieldKey == "to")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].VendorName);
                        if (fieldKey == "clientName")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].ClientName);
                        if (fieldKey == "serviceCall_1")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].WorkOrderNumber);
                        if (fieldKey == "workOrderNumber_2")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].CustomerRefNumber);
                        if (fieldKey == "amount_1")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, Convert.ToString("$" + listdata[0].NTE));
                        if (fieldKey == "store_name")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].CustomerName);
                        if (fieldKey == "storeAddress_1")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].Address01);
                        if (fieldKey == "storeAddress_2")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].City + " " + listdata[0].State + " " + listdata[0].Zip01);
                        if (fieldKey == "siteinfo")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, "siteinfo");
                        if (fieldKey == "telephone_2")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].Telephone);
                        if (fieldKey == "contact")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, "contact");
                        if (fieldKey == "currentDate_3")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].DateArriveFrom.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));
                        if (fieldKey == "currentTime_2")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].TimeArriveFrom);
                        if (fieldKey == "currentDate_4")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].DateArriveTo.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));
                        if (fieldKey == "currentTime_3")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, Convert.ToString(listdata[0].TimeArriveTo));
                        if (fieldKey == "description")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].Description);
                        if (fieldKey == "IVRNumber_1")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].IVRNumber);
                        if (fieldKey == "IVRNumber_2")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].IVRNumber);
                        // Page 2 of PDF

                        if (fieldKey == "currentAddress_3")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine01")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);
                        if (fieldKey == "currentAddress_4")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine02")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);

                        if (fieldKey == "telephone_3")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine03")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);
                        if (fieldKey == "fax_2")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine04")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);
                        if (fieldKey == "websiteUrl_2")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine05")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);
                        if (fieldKey == "serviceCall_2")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].WorkOrderNumber);
                        if (fieldKey == "clientName_2")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].ClientName);
                        if (fieldKey == "storeName_2")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].CustomerName);
                        if (fieldKey == "storeAddress_3")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].Address01 + " " + listdata[0].City + " " + listdata[0].State + " " + listdata[0].Zip01);
                        if (fieldKey == "workOrderNumber_3")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].CustomerRefNumber);
                        if (fieldKey == "telephone_4")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].Telephone);
                        if (fieldKey == "clientName_4")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].ClientName);
                        if (fieldKey == "clientName_3")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].ClientName);

                        if (fieldKey == "telephone_5")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine03")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);

                    PushbuttonField ad = form.GetNewPushbuttonFromField("SubmitButton1");
                    ad.Layout           = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY;
                    ad.ProportionalIcon = true;
                    ad.Image            = Image.GetInstance(LogoData[0].Logo);
                    form.ReplacePushbuttonField("SubmitButton1", ad.Field);

                    PushbuttonField ad2 = form.GetNewPushbuttonFromField("SubmitButton2");
                    ad2.Layout           = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY;
                    ad2.ProportionalIcon = true;
                    ad2.Image            = Image.GetInstance(LogoData[0].Logo);
                    form.ReplacePushbuttonField("SubmitButton2", ad2.Field);

                    // "Flatten" the form so it wont be editable/usable anymore
                    stamper.FormFlattening   = false;
                    form.GenerateAppearances = false;
                    // You can also specify fields to be flattened, which
                    // leaves the rest of the form still be editable/usable

                bytes = memStream.ToArray();
Exemple #16
        public TestCreatePDF()
            filenameBlank = filename.Replace(".", "_Blank.");

            FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(filenameBlank, System.IO.FileMode.Create);

            writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, fs);
            cb = writer.DirectContent;
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(50, 700, 300, 600)
                BorderWidth = .25f,
                Border      = 255


            //Add text
            Font   font3  = new Font(FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 1000, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK));
            Chunk  chunk  = new Chunk("Roopesh", new Font(FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 10, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLUE)));
            Phrase phrase = new Phrase(chunk);

            ColumnText ctext = new ColumnText(cb);

            ctext.SetSimpleColumn(rect.Left + 5, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom);



            //Add TextBox
            rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top - 100, rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 100);
            TextField tf = new TextField(writer, rect, "text1")
                Alignment   = Element.ALIGN_LEFT | Element.ALIGN_TOP,
                BorderColor = BaseColor.BLACK,
                BorderStyle = PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_SOLID,
                Text        = "TextField"

            stamper.AddAnnotation(tf.GetTextField(), 1);

            //Add Radio
            rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top - 100, rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 25);
            PdfFormField group = PdfFormField.CreateRadioButton(writer, true);

            group.FieldName = "grp1";
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                Rectangle       radioRect  = new Rectangle(rect.Left + i * 25, rect.Top, rect.Left + (i + 1) * 25, rect.Bottom);
                RadioCheckField radioField = new RadioCheckField(writer, radioRect, "chk" + i.ToString(), i.ToString())
                    BorderColor = GrayColor.BLACK,
                    CheckType   = RadioCheckField.TYPE_CIRCLE,
                    BorderStyle = PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_SOLID
            //group.SetAdditionalActions(PdfName.E, PdfAction.JavaScript("app.alert(validate);",writer));
            stamper.AddAnnotation(group, 1);

            //Add submit button
            rect = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top - 100, rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 25);
            PushbuttonField button = new PushbuttonField(writer, rect, "postSubmit")
                FontSize        = 8,
                BackgroundColor = BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY,
                BorderColor     = GrayColor.BLACK,
                BorderWidth     = 1f,
                BorderStyle     = PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_BEVELED,
                TextColor       = GrayColor.GREEN,
                Text            = "Submit",
                Visibility      = PushbuttonField.VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT
            PdfFormField field      = button.Field;
            String       javascript = "validate();";

            field.Action = PdfAction.JavaScript(javascript, writer);

            //field.Action = PdfAction.CreateSubmitForm( @"*****@*****.**", null, PdfAction.SUBMIT_HTML_FORMAT | PdfAction.SUBMIT_INCLUDE_NO_VALUE_FIELDS);
            stamper.AddAnnotation(field, 1);
            PdfAcroForm f = new PdfAcroForm(writer);

            //Add common Javascript code
            writer.AddJavaScript("var requiredFields = ['text1', 'grp1'];");
            string validateFunction = "function validate () { " +
                                      " for (i=0; i<requiredFields.length; i++) {" +
                                      " var grp = this.getField(requiredFields[i]);  if (!grp || grp.value === null || grp.value == ''|| grp.value=='Off') { " +
                                      " app.alert('please select this '+ requiredFields[i]); return false; }}" +
                                      "return true}";


            //Close all the streams
Exemple #17
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void Write(Stream stream)
            using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
                MovieAds movieAds = new MovieAds();
                byte[]   pdf      = movieAds.CreateTemplate();
                zip.AddEntry(TEMPLATE, pdf);

                using (MemoryStream msDoc = new MemoryStream())
                    using (Document document = new Document())
                        using (PdfSmartCopy copy = new PdfSmartCopy(document, msDoc))
                            PdfReader    reader;
                            PdfStamper   stamper = null;
                            AcroFields   form    = null;
                            int          count   = 0;
                            MemoryStream ms      = null;
                            using (ms)
                                foreach (Movie movie in PojoFactory.GetMovies())
                                    if (count == 0)
                                        ms      = new MemoryStream();
                                        reader  = new PdfReader(RESOURCE);
                                        stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, ms);
                                        stamper.FormFlattening = true;
                                        form = stamper.AcroFields;
                                    PdfReader ad = new PdfReader(
                                        movieAds.FillTemplate(pdf, movie)
                                    PdfImportedPage page = stamper.GetImportedPage(ad, 1);
                                    PushbuttonField bt   = form.GetNewPushbuttonFromField(
                                        "movie_" + count
                                    bt.Layout           = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY;
                                    bt.ProportionalIcon = true;
                                    bt.Template         = page;
                                    form.ReplacePushbuttonField("movie_" + count, bt.Field);
                                    if (count == 16)
                                        reader = new PdfReader(ms.ToArray());
                                        copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader, 1));
                                        count = 0;
                                if (count > 0)
                                    reader = new PdfReader(ms.ToArray());
                                    copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader, 1));
                    zip.AddEntry(RESULT, msDoc.ToArray());

                zip.AddFile(RESOURCE, "");
Exemple #18
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Creates a PDF document.
        public byte[] CreatePdf()
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                using (Document document = new Document()) {
                    PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, ms);
                    PdfFormField personal = PdfFormField.CreateEmpty(writer);
                    personal.FieldName = "personal";
                    PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3);
                    PdfPCell  cell;

                    table.AddCell("Your name:");
                    cell         = new PdfPCell();
                    cell.Colspan = 2;
                    TextField field = new TextField(writer, new Rectangle(0, 0), "name");
                    field.FontSize = 12;
                    cell.CellEvent = new ChildFieldEvent(
                        personal, field.GetTextField(), 1
                    field.FontSize = 12;
                    cell.CellEvent = new ChildFieldEvent(
                        personal, field.GetTextField(), 1
                    cell           = new PdfPCell();
                    field          = new TextField(writer, new Rectangle(0, 0), "password");
                    field.Options  = TextField.PASSWORD;
                    field.FontSize = 12;
                    cell.CellEvent = new ChildFieldEvent(
                        personal, field.GetTextField(), 1
                    table.AddCell("Your motivation:");
                    cell             = new PdfPCell();
                    cell.Colspan     = 2;
                    cell.FixedHeight = 60;
                    field            = new TextField(writer, new Rectangle(0, 0), "reason");
                    field.Options    = TextField.MULTILINE;
                    field.FontSize   = 12;
                    cell.CellEvent   = new ChildFieldEvent(
                        personal, field.GetTextField(), 1

                    PushbuttonField button1 = new PushbuttonField(
                        writer, new Rectangle(90, 660, 140, 690), "post");
                    button1.Text            = "POST";
                    button1.BackgroundColor = new GrayColor(0.7f);
                    button1.Visibility      = PushbuttonField.VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT;
                    PdfFormField submit1 = button1.Field;
                    submit1.Action = PdfAction.CreateSubmitForm(
                        "/book/request", null,
                        PdfAction.SUBMIT_HTML_FORMAT | PdfAction.SUBMIT_COORDINATES
Exemple #19
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Creates a PDF document.
        public byte[] CreatePdf()
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                using (Document document = new Document()) {
                    PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, ms);
                    jsString = File.ReadAllText(
                        Path.Combine(Utility.ResourceJavaScript, RESOURCE)

                    PdfContentByte canvas = writer.DirectContent;
                    Font           font   = new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 18);
                    Rectangle      rect;
                    PdfFormField   field;
                    PdfFormField   radiogroup = PdfFormField.CreateRadioButton(writer, true);
                    radiogroup.FieldName = "language";
                    RadioCheckField radio;
                    for (int i = 0; i < LANGUAGES.Length; i++)
                        rect                  = new Rectangle(40, 806 - i * 40, 60, 788 - i * 40);
                        radio                 = new RadioCheckField(writer, rect, null, LANGUAGES[i]);
                        radio.BorderColor     = GrayColor.GRAYBLACK;
                        radio.BackgroundColor = GrayColor.GRAYWHITE;
                        radio.CheckType       = RadioCheckField.TYPE_CIRCLE;
                        field                 = radio.RadioField;
                            canvas, Element.ALIGN_LEFT,
                            new Phrase(LANGUAGES[i], font), 70, 790 - i * 40, 0

                    PdfAppearance[] onOff = new PdfAppearance[2];
                    onOff[0] = canvas.CreateAppearance(20, 20);
                    onOff[0].Rectangle(1, 1, 18, 18);
                    onOff[1] = canvas.CreateAppearance(20, 20);
                    onOff[1].SetRGBColorFill(255, 128, 128);
                    onOff[1].Rectangle(1, 1, 18, 18);
                    onOff[1].MoveTo(1, 1);
                    onOff[1].LineTo(19, 19);
                    onOff[1].MoveTo(1, 19);
                    onOff[1].LineTo(19, 1);
                    RadioCheckField checkbox;
                    for (int i = 0; i < LANGUAGES.Length; i++)
                        rect     = new Rectangle(180, 806 - i * 40, 200, 788 - i * 40);
                        checkbox = new RadioCheckField(writer, rect, LANGUAGES[i], "on");
                        // checkbox.CheckType = RadioCheckField.TYPE_CHECK;
                        field = checkbox.CheckField;
                            PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "Off", onOff[0]
                            PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "On", onOff[1]
                            canvas, Element.ALIGN_LEFT,
                            new Phrase(LANGUAGES[i], font), 210,
                            790 - i * 40, 0
                    rect = new Rectangle(300, 806, 370, 788);
                    PushbuttonField button = new PushbuttonField(writer, rect, "Buttons");
                    button.BackgroundColor          = new GrayColor(0.75f);
                    button.BorderColor              = GrayColor.GRAYBLACK;
                    button.BorderWidth              = 1;
                    button.BorderStyle              = PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_BEVELED;
                    button.TextColor                = GrayColor.GRAYBLACK;
                    button.FontSize                 = 12;
                    button.Text                     = "Push me";
                    button.Layout                   = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_ICON_LEFT_LABEL_RIGHT;
                    button.ScaleIcon                = PushbuttonField.SCALE_ICON_ALWAYS;
                    button.ProportionalIcon         = true;
                    button.IconHorizontalAdjustment = 0;
                    button.Image                    = Image.GetInstance(
                        Path.Combine(Utility.ResourceImage, IMAGE)
                    field        = button.Field;
                    field.Action = PdfAction.JavaScript("this.showButtonState()", writer);
Exemple #20
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Manipulates a PDF file src with the file dest as result
         * @param src the original PDF
        // public byte[] ManipulatePdf(byte[] src) {
        public void ManipulatePdf(byte[] src, Stream stream)
            string BaseUrl = Utility.GetServerBaseUrl();
            // create a reader
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);

            // create a stamper
            using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, stream)) {
                // create a submit button that posts the form as an HTML query string
                PushbuttonField button1 = new PushbuttonField(
                    stamper.Writer, new Rectangle(90, 660, 140, 690), "post"
                button1.Text            = "POST";
                button1.BackgroundColor = new GrayColor(0.7f);
                button1.Visibility      = PushbuttonField.VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT;
                PdfFormField submit1    = button1.Field;
                string       submit_url = new Uri(
                    new Uri(BaseUrl),
                        Chapters.QS_CHAPTER, Chapters.QS_CLASS
                submit1.Action = PdfAction.CreateSubmitForm(
                    submit_url, null,
                    PdfAction.SUBMIT_HTML_FORMAT | PdfAction.SUBMIT_COORDINATES
                // add the button
                stamper.AddAnnotation(submit1, 1);
                // create a submit button that posts the form as FDF
                PushbuttonField button2 = new PushbuttonField(
                    stamper.Writer, new Rectangle(200, 660, 250, 690), "FDF"
                button2.BackgroundColor = new GrayColor(0.7f);
                button2.Text            = "FDF";
                button2.Visibility      = PushbuttonField.VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT;
                PdfFormField submit2 = button2.Field;
                submit2.Action = PdfAction.CreateSubmitForm(
                    submit_url, null, PdfAction.SUBMIT_EXCL_F_KEY
                // add the button
                stamper.AddAnnotation(submit2, 1);
                // create a submit button that posts the form as XFDF
                PushbuttonField button3 = new PushbuttonField(
                    stamper.Writer, new Rectangle(310, 660, 360, 690), "XFDF"
                button3.BackgroundColor = new GrayColor(0.7f);
                button3.Text            = "XFDF";
                button3.Visibility      = PushbuttonField.VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT;
                PdfFormField submit3 = button3.Field;
                submit3.Action = PdfAction.CreateSubmitForm(
                    submit_url, null, PdfAction.SUBMIT_XFDF
                // add the button
                stamper.AddAnnotation(submit3, 1);
                // create a reset button
                PushbuttonField button4 = new PushbuttonField(
                    stamper.Writer, new Rectangle(420, 660, 470, 690), "reset"
                button4.BackgroundColor = new GrayColor(0.7f);
                button4.Text            = "RESET";
                button4.Visibility      = PushbuttonField.VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT;
                PdfFormField reset = button4.Field;
                reset.Action = PdfAction.CreateResetForm(null, 0);
                // add the button
                stamper.AddAnnotation(reset, 1);
Exemple #21
        private byte[] BindDataToQuotePDFTemplate(IList <customerinformationforpdf> listdata, PdfReader readPath, List <fn_getClientResourceData_Result> pdfHeaderData, List <AttachmentTypeData> WOInvoiceData, List <ServiceInvoice> item2, string InvoiceNumber, DateTime DateOfInvoice, IList <LogoDetails> LogoData)
            byte[] bytes;
            using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream())
                using (PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(readPath, memStream, '\0', true))
                    var form      = stamper.AcroFields;
                    var fieldKeys = form.Fields.Keys;

                    foreach (string fieldKey in fieldKeys)
                        if (fieldKey == "address_1")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine01")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);
                        if (fieldKey == "stateName_1")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine02")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);

                        if (fieldKey == "telephone_1")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine03")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);
                        if (fieldKey == "fax_1")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine04")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);
                        if (fieldKey == "siteAddress_1")
                            foreach (fn_getClientResourceData_Result item in pdfHeaderData)
                                if (item.Name == "WOHeaderLine05")
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, item.Value);
                        //Data for the Table in PDF Template

                        //Data to bind Activity Column Data
                        if (fieldKey == "Material_Activity")
                            foreach (ServiceInvoice i in item2)
                                if (i.Name == "MATERIALS" && i.SNotes != null)
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, i.SNotes + " " + i.Name);
                        if (fieldKey == "Trip_Activity")
                            foreach (ServiceInvoice i in item2)
                                if (i.Name == "TRIP" && i.SNotes != null)
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, i.SNotes + " " + i.Name);
                        if (fieldKey == "Labour_Activity")
                            foreach (ServiceInvoice i in item2)
                                if (i.Name == "Labor" && i.SNotes != null)
                                    form.SetField(fieldKey, i.SNotes + " " + i.Name);

                        //Data to bind Amount Column
                        if (fieldKey == "Material_Amount")
                            foreach (ServiceInvoice i in item2)
                                if (i.Name == "MATERIALS")
                                    if (i.STotal != 0)
                                        form.SetField(fieldKey, "$" + Convert.ToString(string.Format("{0:0.00}", i.SAmount)));
                        if (fieldKey == "Trip_Amount")
                            foreach (ServiceInvoice i in item2)
                                if (i.Name == "TRIP")
                                    if (i.STotal != 0)
                                        form.SetField(fieldKey, "$" + Convert.ToString(string.Format("{0:0.00}", i.SAmount)));
                        if (fieldKey == "Labour_Amount")
                            foreach (ServiceInvoice i in item2)
                                if (i.Name == "Labor")
                                    if (i.STotal != 0)
                                        form.SetField(fieldKey, "$" + Convert.ToString(string.Format("{0:0.00}", i.SAmount)));

                        // Data to bind Estimated Tax Column
                        if (fieldKey == "Material_ESTax")
                            foreach (ServiceInvoice i in item2)
                                if (i.Name == "MATERIALS")
                                    if (i.STotal != 0)
                                        form.SetField(fieldKey, "$" + Convert.ToString(string.Format("{0:0.00}", i.STax)));
                        if (fieldKey == "Trip_ESTax")
                            foreach (ServiceInvoice i in item2)
                                if (i.Name == "TRIP")
                                    if (i.STotal != 0)
                                        form.SetField(fieldKey, "$" + Convert.ToString(string.Format("{0:0.00}", i.STax)));
                        if (fieldKey == "Labour_ESTax")
                            foreach (ServiceInvoice i in item2)
                                if (i.Name == "Labor")
                                    if (i.STotal != 0)
                                        form.SetField(fieldKey, "$" + Convert.ToString(string.Format("{0:0.00}", i.STax)));

                        // Data to bind Total column data
                        if (fieldKey == "Material_Total")
                            foreach (ServiceInvoice i in item2)
                                if (i.Name == "MATERIALS")
                                    if (i.STotal != 0)
                                        form.SetField(fieldKey, "$" + Convert.ToString(string.Format("{0:0.00}", i.STotal)));
                        if (fieldKey == "Trip_Total")
                            foreach (ServiceInvoice i in item2)
                                if (i.Name == "TRIP")
                                    if (i.STotal != 0)
                                        form.SetField(fieldKey, "$" + Convert.ToString(string.Format("{0:0.00}", i.STotal)));
                        if (fieldKey == "Labour_Total")
                            foreach (ServiceInvoice i in item2)
                                if (i.Name == "Labor")
                                    if (i.STotal != 0)
                                        form.SetField(fieldKey, "$" + Convert.ToString(string.Format("{0:0.00}", i.STotal)));
                        ////End of table data

                        if (fieldKey == "description")
                            foreach (ServiceInvoice i in item2)
                                form.SetField(fieldKey, i.Description);
                        if (fieldKey == "HeaderForQuote&Invoice")
                            foreach (ServiceInvoice i in item2)
                                form.SetField(fieldKey, i.ModalStatus);
                        if (fieldKey == "total_2")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, "$" + Convert.ToString(string.Format("{0:0.00}", item2[0]._TotalAmountAfterTaxForAllTypes)));
                        if (fieldKey == "serviceCall_1")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, InvoiceNumber);
                        if (fieldKey == "date_1")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, DateOfInvoice.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));
                        if (fieldKey == "billTo")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].CustomerName);
                        if (fieldKey == "poNumber_1")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].CustomerRefNumber);
                        if (fieldKey == "address_2")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].Address01 + listdata[0].Address02);
                        if (fieldKey == "address_3")
                            form.SetField(fieldKey, listdata[0].City + " " + listdata[0].State + " " + listdata[0].Zip01 + " " + listdata[0].Zip02);

                        PushbuttonField ad = form.GetNewPushbuttonFromField("submitButton_1");
                        ad.Layout           = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY;
                        ad.ProportionalIcon = true;
                        ad.Image            = Image.GetInstance(LogoData[0].Logo);
                        form.ReplacePushbuttonField("submitButton_1", ad.Field);

                    // "Flatten" the form so it wont be editable/usable anymore
                    stamper.FormFlattening   = false;
                    form.GenerateAppearances = false;

                    // You can also specify fields to be flattened, which
                    // leaves the rest of the form still be editable/usable

                //UOWWorkOrder wo = new UOWWorkOrder();
                //wo.ConvertByteToMemory(memStream, listdata);
                bytes = memStream.ToArray();
Exemple #22
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void Write(Stream stream)
            // step 1
            using (Document document = new Document()) {
                // step 2
                PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);
                // step 3
                // step 4

                // we prepare a RichMediaAnnotation
                RichMediaAnnotation richMedia = new RichMediaAnnotation(
                    writer, new Rectangle(36, 560, 561, 760)
                // we embed the swf file
                PdfFileSpecification fs = PdfFileSpecification.FileEmbedded(
                    writer, RESOURCE, "FestivalCalendar2.swf", null
                // we declare the swf file as an asset
                PdfIndirectReference asset = richMedia.AddAsset(
                    "FestivalCalendar2.swf", fs
                // we create a configuration
                RichMediaConfiguration configuration = new RichMediaConfiguration(
                RichMediaInstance instance = new RichMediaInstance(PdfName.FLASH);
                instance.Asset = asset;
                // we add the configuration to the annotation
                PdfIndirectReference configurationRef = richMedia.AddConfiguration(
                // activation of the rich media
                RichMediaActivation activation = new RichMediaActivation();
                activation.Configuration = configurationRef;
                richMedia.Activation     = activation;
                // we add the annotation
                PdfAnnotation richMediaAnnotation = richMedia.CreateAnnotation();
                richMediaAnnotation.Flags = PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_PRINT;

                String[] days = new String[] {
                    "2011-10-12", "2011-10-13", "2011-10-14", "2011-10-15",
                    "2011-10-16", "2011-10-17", "2011-10-18", "2011-10-19"
                for (int i = 0; i < days.Length; i++)
                    Rectangle       rect   = new Rectangle(36 + (65 * i), 765, 100 + (65 * i), 780);
                    PushbuttonField button = new PushbuttonField(writer, rect, "button" + i);
                    button.BackgroundColor          = new GrayColor(0.75f);
                    button.BorderStyle              = PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_BEVELED;
                    button.TextColor                = GrayColor.GRAYBLACK;
                    button.FontSize                 = 12;
                    button.Text                     = days[i];
                    button.Layout                   = PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_ICON_LEFT_LABEL_RIGHT;
                    button.ScaleIcon                = PushbuttonField.SCALE_ICON_ALWAYS;
                    button.ProportionalIcon         = true;
                    button.IconHorizontalAdjustment = 0;
                    PdfFormField     field   = button.Field;
                    RichMediaCommand command = new RichMediaCommand(
                        new PdfString("getDateInfo")
                    command.Arguments = new PdfString(days[i]);
                    RichMediaExecuteAction action = new RichMediaExecuteAction(
                        richMediaAnnotation.IndirectReference, command
                    field.Action = action;
                TextField text = new TextField(
                    writer, new Rectangle(36, 785, 559, 806), "date"
                text.Options = TextField.READ_ONLY;