protected override bool OnSettingServer() { //amIntegrated and amMixed not supported yet Config.AuthenticationMethod = tagAuthenticationMethod.amOwn; PushManager.AddAChatGroup(1, "R&D Department"); PushManager.AddAChatGroup(2, "Sales Department"); PushManager.AddAChatGroup(3, "Management Department"); PushManager.AddAChatGroup(7, "HR Department"); //load socketpro async sqlite server plugin located at the directory ../socketpro/bin IntPtr p = CSocketProServer.DllManager.AddALibrary("ssqlite"); if (p.ToInt64() != 0) { //monitoring sakila.db table events (DELETE, INSERT and UPDATE) for tables actor, language, category, country and film_actor SetSqliteDBGlobalConnectionString(";sakila.db.language;sakila.db.category;;sakila.db.film_actor"); } //load socketpro async queue server plugin located at the directory ../socketpro/bin p = CSocketProServer.DllManager.AddALibrary("uasyncqueue", 24 * 1024); //24 * 1024 batch dequeuing size in bytes //load SocketPro file streaming server plugin located at the directory ../socketpro/bin p = CSocketProServer.DllManager.AddALibrary("ustreamfile"); if (p.ToInt64() != 0) { SetRootDirectory("C:\\boost_1_60_0\\stage\\lib64"); } return(true); //true -- ok; false -- no listening server }
protected override bool OnSettingServer() { //amIntegrated and amMixed not supported yet Config.AuthenticationMethod = tagAuthenticationMethod.amOwn; PushManager.AddAChatGroup(1, "R&D Department"); PushManager.AddAChatGroup(2, "Sales Department"); PushManager.AddAChatGroup(3, "Management Department"); PushManager.AddAChatGroup(7, "HR Department"); PushManager.AddAChatGroup(SocketProAdapter.UDB.DB_CONSTS.CACHE_UPDATE_CHAT_GROUP_ID, "Subscribe/publish for front clients"); //load socketpro async sqlite library located at the directory ../bin/free_services/sqlite IntPtr p = CSocketProServer.DllManager.AddALibrary("ssqlite"); if (p.ToInt64() != 0) { //monitoring sakila.db table events (DELETE, INSERT and UPDATE) for tables actor, language, category, country and film_actor SQLite_SetSPluginGlobalOptions("{\"monitored_tables\":\";sakila.db.language;sakila.db.category;;sakila.db.film_actor\"}"); } //load socketPro asynchronous persistent message queue library at the directory ../bin/free_services/queue p = CSocketProServer.DllManager.AddALibrary("uasyncqueue", 24 * 1024); //24 * 1024 batch dequeuing size in bytes //load socketPro file streaming library at the directory ../bin/free_services/file p = CSocketProServer.DllManager.AddALibrary("ustreamfile"); //load MySQL/MariaDB socketPro server plugin library at the directory ../bin/free_services/mm_middle p = CSocketProServer.DllManager.AddALibrary("smysql"); //load ODBC socketPro server plugin library at the directory ../bin/win or ../bin/linux p = CSocketProServer.DllManager.AddALibrary("sodbc"); bool ok = CSocketProServer.Router.SetRouting(piConst.sidPi, piConst.sidPiWorker); return(true); //true -- ok; false -- no listening server }
protected override bool OnSettingServer() { //amIntegrated and amMixed not supported yet Config.AuthenticationMethod = tagAuthenticationMethod.amOwn; PushManager.AddAChatGroup(1, "R&D Department"); PushManager.AddAChatGroup(2, "Sales Department"); PushManager.AddAChatGroup(3, "Management Department"); return(true); //true -- ok; false -- no listening server }
public override bool Run(uint port, uint maxBacklog, bool v6Supported) { #if PLUGIN_DEV #else if (SQLConfig.HttpWebSocket) { m_http.AddMe(BaseServiceID.sidHTTP); } string[] vService = SQLConfig.Services.Split(';'); foreach (string s in vService) { if (s.Length > 0) { DllManager.AddALibrary(s); } } #endif PushManager.AddAChatGroup(DB_CONSTS.STREAMING_SQL_CHAT_GROUP_ID, "Subscribe/publish for MS SQL SERVER Table events, DELETE, INSERT and UPDATE"); return(base.Run(port, maxBacklog, v6Supported)); }
protected override bool OnSettingServer() { //amIntegrated and amMixed not supported yet Config.AuthenticationMethod = tagAuthenticationMethod.amOwn; PushManager.AddAChatGroup(1, "R&D Department"); PushManager.AddAChatGroup(2, "Sales Department"); PushManager.AddAChatGroup(3, "Management Department"); PushManager.AddAChatGroup(7, "HR Department"); //load socketpro async sqlite and queue server libraries located at the directory ../socketpro/bin IntPtr p = CSocketProServer.DllManager.AddALibrary("ssqlite", ENABLE_GLOBAL_SQLITE_UPDATE_HOOK); if (p.ToInt64() != 0) { SetSqliteDBGlobalConnectionString("usqlite.db"); } p = CSocketProServer.DllManager.AddALibrary("uasyncqueue", 24 * 1024); //24 * 1024 batch dequeuing size in bytes return(true); //true -- ok; false -- no listening server }
public override bool Run(uint port, uint maxBacklog, bool v6Supported) { IntPtr p = CSocketProServer.DllManager.AddALibrary("sodbc"); if (p.ToInt64() == 0) { UConfig.LogMsg("Cannot load SocketPro ODBC plugin!", "CSqlPlugin::Run", 38); //line 38 UConfig.UpdateLog(); return(false); } ConfigServices(); PushManager.AddAChatGroup(SocketProAdapter.UDB.DB_CONSTS.STREAMING_SQL_CHAT_GROUP_ID, "Subscribe/publish for MS SQL SERVER Table events, DELETE, INSERT and UPDATE"); bool ok = base.Run(port, maxBacklog, v6Supported); if (!ok) { string errMsg = string.Format("Starting listening socket failed (errCode={0}; errMsg={1})", CSocketProServer.LastSocketError, CSocketProServer.ErrorMessage); UConfig.LogMsg(errMsg, "CSqlPlugin::Run", 48); //line 48 UConfig.UpdateLog(); } return(ok); }
void SetChatGroups() { PushManager.AddAChatGroup(DB_CONSTS.STREAMING_SQL_CHAT_GROUP_ID, "Subscribe/publish for front clients"); PushManager.AddAChatGroup(DB_CONSTS.CACHE_UPDATE_CHAT_GROUP_ID, "Cache update notification from middle tier to front"); }