Exemple #1
        void InitializeObjectsSender(GameObject level, UpdateManager updateManager)
            // enable all the local players and their serializers on the sending side

            foreach (LocalPlayerController localPlayer in level.GetComponentsInChildren <LocalPlayerController>())
                localPlayer.enabled = true;
                PlayerSerializer localSerializer = localPlayer.GetComponent <PlayerSerializer> ();

                localSerializer.enabled       = true;
                localSerializer.updateManager = updateManager;

            // on the sender side, keys, key blocks and pressure playes should
            // all respond to collisions, not remote updates!

            foreach (KeyController key in level.GetComponentsInChildren <KeyController>())
                key.enabled = true;

            foreach (PressurePlateController plate in level.GetComponentsInChildren <PressurePlateController>())
                plate.enabled = true;

            foreach (KeyBlockController block in level.GetComponentsInChildren <KeyBlockController>())
                block.enabled = true;

            // all of these obstacles need to be set up to notify the
            // update manager when something changes!

            foreach (BoolObstacleSerializer obstacle in level.GetComponentsInChildren <BoolObstacleSerializer>())
                obstacle.enabled = true;

                obstacle.updateManager = updateManager;

            // as for push blocks, we'll need to enable their
            // normal controllers to, so that they can be pushed around
            // and we'll also set them up to

            foreach (PushBlockController pbc in level.GetComponentsInChildren <PushBlockController>())
                pbc.enabled = true;

                PushBlockSerializer pbs = pbc.GetComponent <PushBlockSerializer> ();
                pbs.enabled       = true;
                pbs.updateManager = updateManager;
Exemple #2
        void InitializeObjectsReceiver(GameObject level, UpdateManager updateManager)
            // enable all the local players and their serializers on the sending side

            foreach (LocalPlayerController remotePlayer in level.GetComponentsInChildren <LocalPlayerController>())
                remotePlayer.GetComponent <LerpingPhysicsController>().enabled = true;

                // enable the serialisers! and link them to update manager

                PlayerSerializer remoteSerializer = remotePlayer.GetComponent <PlayerSerializer> ();

                remoteSerializer.enabled = true;
                updateManager.Subscribe(remoteSerializer, UpdateManager.Channel.PLAYER);

            // on the receiver side, there's no need to control keys and stuff via
            // collisions! they should just respond to network updates through their
            // serializer

            foreach (BoolObstacleSerializer obstacle in level.GetComponentsInChildren <BoolObstacleSerializer>())
                obstacle.enabled = true;

                updateManager.Subscribe(obstacle, UpdateManager.Channel.OBSTACLE);

            // push blocks are also meant to subscribe to notifications from the
            // network, and should be remote controllable

            foreach (PushBlockController pbc in level.GetComponentsInChildren <PushBlockController>())
                LerpingPhysicsController rpc = pbc.GetComponent <LerpingPhysicsController> ();
                rpc.enabled = true;

                PushBlockSerializer pbs = pbc.GetComponent <PushBlockSerializer> ();
                pbs.enabled = true;

                updateManager.Subscribe(pbs, UpdateManager.Channel.PUSHBLOCK);