/// <summary> /// Performs the playback of actions in this module. /// </summary> /// <remarks>You should not call this method directly, instead pass the module /// instance to the <see cref="TestModuleRunner.Run(ITestModule)"/> method /// that will in turn invoke this method.</remarks> void ITestModule.Run() { Mouse.DefaultMoveTime = 300; Keyboard.DefaultKeyPressTime = 100; Delay.SpeedFactor = 1.0; // Create a vendor VENDOR ven = new VENDOR(); if (this.varItem == "") { ven.name = "Vend" + StringFunctions.RandStr("X(8)"); PayablesLedger._SA_Create(ven); PayablesLedger._SA_Close(); } else { ven.name = this.varVendor; } // Create an item ITEM item = new ITEM(); item.ItemPrices.Add(new ITEM_PRICE("Canadian Dollars")); item.ItemPrices[0].priceList = "Regular"; item.ItemPrices[0].pricePerSellingUnit = Functions.RandCashAmount(); if (this.varItem == "") { item.invOrServNumber = StringFunctions.RandStr("A(9)"); InventoryServicesLedger._SA_Create(item); InventoryServicesLedger._SA_Close(); } else { item.invOrServNumber = this.varItem; } // Create an Invoice PURCHASE_INVOICE pi = new PURCHASE_INVOICE(); pi.Vendor = ven; ROW r = new ROW(); r.Item = item; r.quantityReceived = Functions.RandCashAmount(2); r.price = Functions.RandCashAmount(); pi.GridRows.Add(r); if (this.varPInvoice == "") { pi.transNumber = StringFunctions.RandStr("9(8)"); PurchasesJournal._SA_Create(pi); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); PurchasesJournal._SA_Close(); } else { pi.transNumber = this.varPInvoice; } // Adjust the invoice pi.GridRows[0].quantityReceived = Functions.RandCashAmount(2); PurchasesJournal._SA_Create(pi, true, true); PurchasesJournal._SA_Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Performs the playback of actions in this module. /// </summary> /// <remarks>You should not call this method directly, instead pass the module /// instance to the <see cref="TestModuleRunner.Run(ITestModule)"/> method /// that will in turn invoke this method.</remarks> void ITestModule.Run() { Mouse.DefaultMoveTime = 300; Keyboard.DefaultKeyPressTime = 100; Delay.SpeedFactor = 1.0; string sT5018Summary = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Simply Accounting\2018\Data\Summary of Contract Payments.pdf";// @"C:\Users\_sabvt\Documents\Simply Accounting\DATA\Summary of Contract Payments.pdf"; string sInstallPath = Simply._SA_GetProgramPath(); string sDllPath = string.Format(@"{0}acPDFCreatorLib.Net.dll", sInstallPath); // Check Sage 50 pdf engine dll is installed before starting test case if (Functions.VerifyFileExists(sDllPath)) { // Remove existing pdf file Functions.RemoveExistingFile(sT5018Summary); // Create a T5018 vendor VENDOR tvendor = new VENDOR(); tvendor.name = StringFunctions.RandStr("A(9)"); tvendor.includeFilingT5018CheckBox = true; PayablesLedger._SA_Create(tvendor); PayablesLedger._SA_Close(); // Create an item ITEM item = new ITEM(); ITEM_PRICE itemPrice = new ITEM_PRICE(); itemPrice.currency = "Canadian Dollars"; itemPrice.priceList = "Regular"; itemPrice.pricePerSellingUnit = Functions.RandCashAmount(); item.ItemPrices.Add(itemPrice); if (this.varItem == "") { item.invOrServNumber = StringFunctions.RandStr("A(9)"); InventoryServicesLedger._SA_Create(item); InventoryServicesLedger._SA_Close(); } else { item.invOrServNumber = this.varItem; } // Create purchase invoice using T5018 vendor PURCHASE_INVOICE purInv = new PURCHASE_INVOICE(); purInv.Vendor = tvendor; purInv.transNumber = StringFunctions.RandStr("9(8)"); ROW firstRow = new ROW(); firstRow.Item.invOrServNumber = item.invOrServNumber; firstRow.quantityReceived = Functions.RandCashAmount(2); firstRow.price = Functions.RandCashAmount(); purInv.GridRows.Add(firstRow); PurchasesJournal._SA_Create(purInv); PurchasesJournal._SA_Close(); // Print T5018 summary to a file string sCraNumber = "403381601RZ0001"; Simply._Print_T5018Summary(sCraNumber); // Verify printed file if (!Functions.VerifyFileExists(sT5018Summary)) { Functions.Verify(false, true, "Printed T5018 form found"); } } else { Functions.Verify(false, true, "PDF engine dll file found"); } // Wait 5 seconds before moving on to next testcase Thread.Sleep(5000); }