/// <summary> /// This method is used to get new PQ /// </summary> public void GetNewPQ() { IsNew = true; ID = 0; SelectedSupplierID = 0; BillToAddress = string.Empty; ShipToAddress = string.Empty; // ValidForDays = 0; InvoiceNo = string.Empty; // PQDetailsEntity.Clear(); this.OurPONo = GenerateNewInvoiceNo(); TotalBeforeTax = 0; TotalTax = 0; TotalAfterTax = 0; TotalBeforeTaxStr = Convert.ToString(0); TotalTaxStr = Convert.ToString(0); TotalAfterTaxStr = Convert.ToString(0); PQErrors = string.Empty; AllFieldsEnabled = true; AllFieldsReadonly = false; this.PaymentDueDateStr = null; this.InvoiceNo = "PI-" + pqRepository.GetNewLatestInvoiceNo(); PurchaseInvoiceEntity = new PurchaseInvoiceEntity(); BEDetailsEntity.Clear(); LstSuppliers = supplierRepository.GetAllSupplier().Where(s => s.IsInActive != "Y").ToList(); Accounts = Accounts.OrderBy(x => x.AccountName).Where(x => x.IsInactive == "N").ToObservable(); //PQDetailsEntity = new ObservableCollection<DataGridViewModel>(); var row = new AccountDataGridViewModel(AccountsList.Where(x => x.IsInactive == "N").ToList()); row.TaxList = Taxes.ToList();; BEDetailsEntity.Add(row); OnPropertyChanged("BEDetailsEntity"); }
public PurchaseInvoicePandSViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator) { Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait; this.regionManager = regionManager; this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator; SaveCommand = new RelayCommand(SavePurchaseInvoice, CanSave); SupplierSelectionChangedCommand = new RelayCommand(OnSupplierChange); NewPQCommand = new RelayCommand(OnNewPQ); DuplicateCommand = new RelayCommand(OnDuplicatePQ, CanDuplicate); IncludeTaxCheckedCommand = new RelayCommand(OnIncludeTax); ExcludeTaxCheckedCommand = new RelayCommand(OnExcludeTax); DeleteCommand = new RelayCommand(OnDeletePQ, CanDeletePQ); NavigateToClientCommand = new RelayCommand(NavigatetoSupplier, CanNavigate); PaymentToSupplierCommand = new RelayCommand(OnPaymentToSupplier, CanPaymentToSupplier); PurchaseInvoiceEntity = new PurchaseInvoiceEntity(); PQDetailsEntity = new ObservableCollection <DataGridViewModel>(); int minHeight = 300; int headerRows = 369;//180+40+30+10; var height = System.Windows.SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight - headerRows - 80; bool validHeight = int.TryParse(height.ToString(), out minHeight); this.PIFormGridHeight = minHeight; #region getting Options details GetOptionsData(); #endregion AllFieldsEnabled = true; AllFieldsReadonly = false; this.InvoiceDate = DateTime.Now.Date; LoadSupplierBackground(); //ProductList = pandsRepository.GetAllPandS().OrderBy(e => e.PSName); //ProductAndServices = new ObservableCollection<PandSDetailsModel>(ProductList); ProductList = pandsRepository.GetPandSComboList(); ProductAndServices = new ObservableCollection <PandSListModel>(ProductList).OrderBy(x => x.PSName).ToObservable(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SharedValues.NewClick)) { if (SharedValues.NewClick != "New") { SupplierEnabled = false;//added on 23may2017 GetPurchaseInvoice(SharedValues.NewClick); } else if (SharedValues.NewClick == "New") { SupplierEnabled = true;//added on 23may2017 GetNewPQ(); } } Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; }
/// <summary> /// This method is used to get new PQ /// </summary> public void GetNewPQ() { VisibilityForImage = Visibility.Collapsed; IsNew = true; ID = 0; SelectedSupplierID = 0; BillToAddress = string.Empty; ShipToAddress = string.Empty; // ValidForDays = 0; InvoiceNo = GenerateNewInvoiceNo(); TermsAndConditions = TandC; TotalBeforeTax = 0; TotalTax = 0; TotalAfterTax = 0; TotalBeforeTaxStr = Convert.ToString(0); TotalTaxStr = Convert.ToString(0); TotalAfterTaxStr = Convert.ToString(0); PQErrors = string.Empty; AllFieldsEnabled = true; AllFieldsReadonly = false; SupplierEnabled = true;// added on 23 may 2017 this.PaymentDueDate = null; this.OurPONo = string.Empty; PurchaseInvoiceEntity = new PurchaseInvoiceEntity(); PQDetailsEntity.Clear(); LstSuppliers = supplierRepository.GetAllSupplier().Where(s => s.IsInActive != "Y").ToList(); ProductAndServices = ProductAndServices.OrderBy(x => x.PSName).Where(x => x.IsInActive == "N").ToObservable(); // PQDetailsEntity = new ObservableCollection<DataGridViewModel>(); var row = new DataGridViewModel(ProductList.Where(x => x.IsInActive == "N").ToList()); //row.PQQty = 1; //row.PQDiscount = 0; //row.GSTRate = TaxRate; //row.GSTRateStr = Convert.ToString(TaxRate) + "%"; PQDetailsEntity.Add(row); OnPropertyChanged("PQDetailsEntity"); var lstOptions = pandsRepository.GetOptionDetails(); bool?tax = lstOptions.ShowAmountIncGST; if (tax == true) { ExcludingTax = false; IncludingTax = true; } else { IncludingTax = false; ExcludingTax = true; } }
public PurchaseInvoiceForm GetDataIntoModel() { PurchaseInvoiceForm PQForm = new PurchaseInvoiceForm(); PQForm.InvoiceDetails = new List <PurchaseInvoiceDetailEntity>(); PurchaseInvoiceEntity model = new PurchaseInvoiceEntity(); model.InvoiceNo = this.InvoiceNo; model.InvoiceDate = this.InvoiceDate; model.TotalBeforeTax = this.TotalBeforeTax; model.TotalTax = this.TotalTax; model.TotalAfterTax = this.TotalAfterTax; model.PaymentDueDate = this.PaymentDueDate; model.OurPONo = this.OurPONo; model.SupplierID = this.SelectedSupplierID; model.TermsAndConditions = this.TermsAndConditions; if (ExcludingTax == true) { model.ExcIncGST = false; } else { model.ExcIncGST = true; } PQForm.Invoice = model; foreach (var item in PQDetailsEntity) { PurchaseInvoiceDetailEntity pqEntity = new PurchaseInvoiceDetailEntity(); pqEntity.PINo = Convert.ToString(item.SelectedPSID); pqEntity.PandSCode = item.PandSCode; pqEntity.PandSName = item.PandSName; pqEntity.PIQty = item.PQQty; pqEntity.PIPrice = item.PQPrice; pqEntity.PIDiscount = item.PQDiscount; pqEntity.GSTRate = item.GSTRate; pqEntity.GSTRateStr = Convert.ToString(item.GSTRate) + "%"; pqEntity.PIAmount = item.PQAmount; if (item.SelectedPSID != null && Convert.ToInt32(item.SelectedPSID) > 0) { PQForm.InvoiceDetails.Add(pqEntity); } } return(PQForm); }
/// <summary> /// 设置发票核销 /// </summary> protected virtual void SetInvoices(bool isStatus) { InvokeItemLoader("InvoiceinItems"); if (InvoiceinItems == null) { return; } foreach (var invoiceinItem in InvoiceinItems) { var invoice = new PurchaseInvoiceEntity { Purchase = invoiceinItem.Purchase, Amount = isStatus?invoiceinItem.Amount:0 - invoiceinItem.Amount, Number = InvoiceNumber, Remark = "", SaveType = SaveType.Add }; PurchaseInvoices.Add(invoice); } }
public PurchaseInvoiceForm GetDataIntoModel() { try { OptionsEntity oData = new OptionsEntity(); oData = customerRepository.GetOptionSettings(); PurchaseInvoiceForm PQForm = new PurchaseInvoiceForm(); PQForm.BEInvoiceDetails = new List <PurchaseInvoiceBEDetailsEntity>(); PurchaseInvoiceEntity model = new PurchaseInvoiceEntity(); // model.InvoiceNo = this.InvoiceNo; model.InvoiceDate = DateTime.ParseExact(this.InvoiceDateStr, oData.DateFormat, null); model.TotalBeforeTax = this.TotalBeforeTax; model.TotalTax = this.TotalTax; model.TotalAfterTax = this.TotalAfterTax; model.PaymentDueDate = DateTime.ParseExact(this.PaymentDueDateStr, oData.DateFormat, null); model.OurPONo = this.OurPONo; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(InvoiceNo)) { model.InvoiceNo = this.InvoiceNo; } else { model.InvoiceNo = this.OurPONo; this.InvoiceNo = this.OurPONo; } model.SupplierID = this.SelectedSupplierID; model.TermsAndConditions = this.TermsAndConditions; if (ExcludingTax == true) { model.ExcIncGST = false; } else { model.ExcIncGST = true; } PQForm.Invoice = model; foreach (var item in BEDetailsEntity) { PurchaseInvoiceBEDetailsEntity pqEntity = new PurchaseInvoiceBEDetailsEntity(); pqEntity.SelectedAccountId = item.SelectedAccountId; if (item.SelectedAccountId != null) { var acc = Accounts.Where(e => e.AccountID == item.SelectedAccountId).SingleOrDefault(); if (acc != null) { pqEntity.AccountName = acc.AccountName; } } pqEntity.Description = item.Description; pqEntity.SelectedTaxID = item.SelectedTaxID; if (item.SelectedTaxID != null) { var tax = Taxes.Where(e => e.TaxID == item.SelectedTaxID).SingleOrDefault(); if (tax != null) { pqEntity.GSTCode = tax.TaxCode; pqEntity.GSTRate = tax.TaxRate; } } pqEntity.PQAmountStr = item.PQAmountStr; pqEntity.PQAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(item.PQAmountStr); //pqEntity.TaxList = item.TaxList; pqEntity.PIType = "BE"; //pqEntity.Amount= item.PQAmountStr; //pqEntity.AmountBeforeTax= Convert.ToDecimal(item.PQAmountStr); //pqEntity.TaxAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(item.PQAmountStr) * pqEntity.GSTRate; //pqEntity.AmountAfterTax = pqEntity.AmountBeforeTax + pqEntity.TaxAmount; if (item.SelectedAccountId != null && Convert.ToInt32(item.SelectedAccountId) > 0) { PQForm.BEInvoiceDetails.Add(pqEntity); } } return(PQForm); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public PurchaseInvoiceBEViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator) { Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait; this.regionManager = regionManager; this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator; SaveCommand = new RelayCommand(SavePurchaseInvoice, CanSave); SupplierSelectionChangedCommand = new RelayCommand(OnSupplierChange); NewPQCommand = new RelayCommand(OnNewPQ); DuplicateCommand = new RelayCommand(OnDuplicatePQ, CanDuplicate); IncludeTaxCheckedCommand = new RelayCommand(OnIncludeTax); ExcludeTaxCheckedCommand = new RelayCommand(OnExcludeTax); //DeleteCommand = new RelayCommand(OnDeletePQ, CanDeletePQ); NavigateToClientCommand = new RelayCommand(NavigatetoSupplier, CanNavigate); PaymentToSupplierCommand = new RelayCommand(OnPaymentToSupplier, CanPaymentToSupplier); NavigateToPICommand = new RelayCommand(OnNavigateToPI); PurchaseInvoiceEntity = new PurchaseInvoiceEntity(); BEDetailsEntity = new ObservableCollection <AccountDataGridViewModel>(); CloseCommand = new DelegateCommand(Close); AccountsList = rmRepository.GetAccountDetails(); //change in accounts type show var linkedAcnts = rmRepository.GetAccountDetails().Where(t => t.AccountType == Convert.ToByte(Account_TypeCode.UserCreatedExpenses) || t.AccountType == Convert.ToByte(Account_TypeCode.UserCreatedAsset) || t.AccountType == Convert.ToByte(Account_TypeCode.UserCreatedCost)).ToList(); //change account type show by 24th defects list Accounts = new ObservableCollection <AccountsEntity>(linkedAcnts).OrderBy(x => x.AccountName).ToObservable(); TaxList = customerRepository.GetTaxCodeAndRatesList(); Taxes = new ObservableCollection <TaxModel>(TaxList).OrderBy(x => x.TaxName).ToObservable(); #region getting Options details GetOptionsData(); #endregion AllFieldsEnabled = true; AllFieldsReadonly = false; this.InvoiceDate = DateTime.Now.Date; int minHeight = 300; int headerRows = 369;//180+40+30+10; var height = System.Windows.SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight - headerRows - 80; bool validHeight = int.TryParse(height.ToString(), out minHeight); this.PIFormGridHeight = minHeight; LoadSupplierBackground(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SharedValues.NewClick)) { if (SharedValues.NewClick != "New") { MustCompare = false; GetPurchaseInvoice(SharedValues.NewClick); } else if (SharedValues.NewClick == "New") { MustCompare = true; GetNewPQ(); } } Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; }