Exemple #1
        internal PurchaseClass UpdatePurchase(PurchaseClass purchase)
            string crypto = purchase.Crypto;

            if (purchase.Current <= 0 || (DateTime.Now - purchase.LastUpdate).TotalSeconds > 20)
                purchase.Current = Math.Round(App.GetCurrentPrice(crypto, "defaultMarket"), 4);

            curr           = purchase.Current;
            purchase.Worth = Math.Round(curr * purchase.CryptoQty, 2);

            // If the user has also filled the invested quantity, we can calculate everything else
            if (purchase.InvestedQty > 0)
                double priceBought = (1 / purchase.CryptoQty) * purchase.InvestedQty;
                priceBought = Math.Round(priceBought, 4);

                double earningz = Math.Round((curr - priceBought) * purchase.CryptoQty, 4);
                purchase.arrow    = earningz < 0 ? "▼" : "▲";
                purchase.BoughtAt = priceBought;
                purchase.Delta    = Math.Round(curr / priceBought, 2) * 100;
                if (purchase.Delta > 100)
                    purchase.Delta -= 100;
                purchase.Profit   = Math.Round(Math.Abs(earningz), 2);
                purchase.ProfitFG = (earningz < 0) ? (SolidColorBrush)App.Current.Resources["pastelRed"] : (SolidColorBrush)App.Current.Resources["pastelGreen"];

Exemple #2
        public ActionResult Purchase()
            decimal sum      = 0;
            int     userId   = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Email == User.Identity.Name).Id;
            var     userCart = db.UserCarts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == userId && x.Result == null);

            if (userCart != null)
                var cart = userCart.UserCartProducts.Select(x => new Cart()
                    ProductId = x.ProductId,
                    Price     = x.Product.Price,
                    Qty       = x.Qty
                foreach (var item in cart)
                    sum += item.Qty * db.Products.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == item.ProductId).Price;

            PurchaseClass pc = new PurchaseClass()
                UserID      = userId,
                FirstName   = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId).FirstName,
                LastName    = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId).LastName,
                City        = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId).City,
                PostalCode  = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId).PostalCode,
                Street      = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId).Street,
                Appartments = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == userId).Appartment,
                TotalAmount = sum
