public void AddShieldPoints(int _shieldPoints) { AudioManager.PlayShieldUpSound(); // If re-adding the shield. if (Shield <= 0) { mPlayerData.Shield = 0; mPlayerData.Shield += _shieldPoints; PlayerInfoManager.Instance.UpdateShield(mPlayerData.Shield); // Show shield bubble and start the animation. mShieldBubbleTransform.localScale =; mShieldBubbleSpriteRen.enabled = true; ScaleToAction shieldScaleUp = new ScaleToAction(mShieldBubbleTransform, Graph.InverseExponential,, 1.0f); ActionHandler.RunAction(shieldScaleUp); } // Else just adding on top of the shield. else { PulseAction pulse = new PulseAction( mShieldBubbleTransform, 1, Graph.Exponential, Graph.InverseExponential, 0.25f, 0.35f,, * 1.2f); ActionHandler.RunAction(pulse); mPlayerData.Shield += _shieldPoints; PlayerInfoManager.Instance.UpdateShield(mPlayerData.Shield); } }
private void Setup() { mScoreText = transform.FindChild("ScoreText").GetComponent <Text>(); mPulse = null; mScoreText.text = GameManager.Instance.Score.ToString("N0"); }
public void UpdateScore(int _score) { mScoreText.text = _score.ToString("N0"); // Pulse attention! if (mPulse == null) { mPulse = new PulseAction( mScoreText.transform, 1, Graph.Linear, Graph.InverseExponential, 0.08f, 0.15f,, * 1.5f); } mPulse.StopAction(true); ActionHandler.RunAction(mPulse); }
private void SetupTitleWithLogo() { sbLoadedGame = true; mSplashPanelCG.alpha = 1.0f; // Logo Animation DelayAction prePulseDelay = new DelayAction(1.5f); PulseAction clickPulse = new PulseAction( mLogoTransform, 1, Graph.Exponential, 0.25f,, * 0.8f); clickPulse.OnActionStart += () => { AudioManager.PlayPenClickSound(); }; DelayAction postPulseDelay = new DelayAction(0.25f); MoveByAction anticipateLeft = new MoveByAction(mLogoTransform, Graph.InverseExponential, Vector3.left * (100) * (Screen.height / 1920.0f), 0.5f); ScaleToAction anticipateSquash = new ScaleToAction(mLogoTransform, Graph.InverseExponential, new Vector3(0.75f, 1.25f, 1.25f), 0.5f); ActionParallel anticipateParallel = new ActionParallel(anticipateLeft, anticipateSquash); DelayAction postAnticipateDelay = new DelayAction(0.1f); MoveByAction zoomRight = new MoveByAction(mLogoTransform, Graph.InverseExponential, Vector3.right * (1024 + 400) * (Screen.height / 1920.0f), 0.3f); ScaleToAction scaleDown = new ScaleToAction(mLogoTransform, Graph.InverseExponential, new Vector3(1.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f), 0.5f); ActionParallel zoomRightParallel = new ActionParallel(zoomRight, scaleDown); DelayAction preFadeDelay = new DelayAction(0.2f); CanvasGroupAlphaFadeToAction fadeCGAway = new CanvasGroupAlphaFadeToAction(mSplashPanelCG, 0.0f, 1.5f); fadeCGAway.OnActionFinish += () => { mSplashPanelCG.blocksRaycasts = false; }; // Tap to Start text. DelayAction TurnOn = new DelayAction(0.5f); TurnOn.OnActionFinish += () => { mTapToStartText.enabled = true; if (mStartButton.interactable == false) { mStartButton.interactable = true; } }; DelayAction TurnOff = new DelayAction(1.0f); TurnOff.OnActionFinish += () => { mTapToStartText.enabled = false; }; ActionSequence tapTextFlashSeq = new ActionSequence(TurnOn, TurnOff); ActionRepeatForever repeatFlash = new ActionRepeatForever(tapTextFlashSeq); ActionSequence splashSeq = new ActionSequence( prePulseDelay, clickPulse, postPulseDelay, anticipateParallel, postAnticipateDelay, zoomRightParallel, preFadeDelay, fadeCGAway, repeatFlash ); ActionHandler.RunAction(splashSeq); // Card Animations. // Card is already spinning in the background. // 0 to 90, snap -90, -90 to 0 mSpiningCard.localEulerAngles =; // Timing here doesn't matter. Is used to sync. 0.5f just nice to have card back show when canvas fades. RotateByAction initSpin = new RotateByAction(mSpiningCard, Graph.Linear, Vector3.up * 90.0f, 0.5f); initSpin.OnActionFinish += () => { mCardSpriteRen.transform.localScale -= Vector3.right * 2.0f; mCardSpriteRen.sprite = mCardSprites[Random.Range(0, mCardSprites.Length)]; }; RotateByAction spinA = new RotateByAction(mSpiningCard, Graph.Linear, Vector3.up * 180.0f, 3.0f); spinA.OnActionFinish += () => { mCardSpriteRen.transform.localScale += Vector3.right * 2.0f; mCardSpriteRen.sprite = mSpriteCardBack; }; RotateByAction spinB = new RotateByAction(mSpiningCard, Graph.Linear, Vector3.up * 180.0f, 3.0f); spinB.OnActionFinish += () => { mCardSpriteRen.transform.localScale -= Vector3.right * 2.0f; mCardSpriteRen.sprite = mCardSprites[Random.Range(0, mCardSprites.Length)]; }; ActionSequence cardSpinSeq = new ActionSequence(spinA, spinB); ActionHandler.RunAction(new ActionSequence(initSpin, new ActionRepeatForever(cardSpinSeq))); }