public static async Task <DuplicateSlugReport> CreateReportAsync(
            DuplicateSlugInfo info,
            PublishedEntityFinder finder)
            if (info == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(info));

            if (finder == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(finder));

            var publishedEntityIdentifier = await finder

                       identifier =>
                Func <EntityIdentifier, ForgeEntity> projector = x =>
                                                                 new ForgeEntity(x.EntityId, x.TranslationId, x == identifier);
                return ToReport(info, projector);
                       () =>
                Func <EntityIdentifier, ForgeEntity> projector = x =>
                                                                 new ForgeEntity(x.EntityId, x.TranslationId, false);
                return ToReport(info, projector);
        private static async Task <IEnumerable <DuplicateSlugReport> > CreateDuplicateSlugReportsAsync(
            IEnumerable <DuplicateSlugInfo> infos,
            PublishedEntityFinder finder)
            var results = new List <DuplicateSlugReport>();
            var batches = infos.SplitInBatches(BatchSize).ToArray();

                "Querying distribution database. Number of batches to be processed is {NumBatches}",

            for (var index = 0; index < batches.Length; index++)
                if (index == 0 || (index + 1) % 10 == 0 || index == batches.Length - 1)
                    Log.Information("Processing batch number {BatchNumber}  (this could take a long time)", index + 1);
                    Log.Debug("Processing batch number {BatchNumber}  (this could take a long time)", index + 1);

                var batch   = batches[index];
                var reports = await ProcessBatchAsync(batch, finder).ConfigureAwait(false);


            Log.Debug("Completed processing of batches. Duplicate slug reports created.");

        private static async Task <IEnumerable <DuplicateSlugReport> > ProcessBatchAsync(
            IEnumerable <DuplicateSlugInfo> batch,
            PublishedEntityFinder finder)
            var tasks = batch
                        .Select(async info => await CreateReportAsync(info, finder).ConfigureAwait(false));

            var reports = await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);

        public static PublishedEntityFinder CreatePublishedEntityFinder(
            IMongoDatabase distributionDatabase,
            ApplicationConfiguration configuration)
            if (distributionDatabase == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(distributionDatabase));

            var entityCodeToDistributionCodeMap = CreateEntityCodeToDistributionCodeMap(configuration);

            var factory               = new DistributionCollectionFactory(distributionDatabase, entityCodeToDistributionCodeMap);
            var cachedFactory         = new CachedDistributionCollectionFactory(factory);
            var publishedEntityFinder = new PublishedEntityFinder(cachedFactory);
