Exemple #1
    // summon friendly and hostile base
    public void SummonBoss()
        /*for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
         * {
         *  //create three invisible creatures to take all lane's damage
         *  SummonCreature(i, GameControl.Sides.Hostile, 0);
         * }*/

        for (int i = 0; i < PublicLevel.usingLaneNum; ++i)
            //spawn an actor through instantiate
            GameObject      newObject;
            DefaultCreature newCreature;;
            newObject = Instantiate <GameObject>(PublicLevel.GetBossPrefab());

            // pass control instances to each of the creatures
            newCreature = newObject.GetComponent <DefaultCreature>();

            // set start and end coordinates for spawning creature
            startCoord[i] -= new Vector3(0, 0, layerOffset);
            endCoord[i]   -= new Vector3(0, 0, layerOffset);
            newCreature.SetCreature(endCoord[i], startCoord[i], 0, i, GameControl.Sides.Hostile);

            newObject.tag = "Boss";

            // push creature into the list(side, lane) in combatControl
            combatControl.PushCreature(i, GameControl.Sides.Hostile, newCreature);