Exemple #1
        public void RepoEnsureICanAddANewBiopsy()
            ProviderUser user = new ProviderUser {
                ProviderUserId = 500

            List <Biopsy> emptyDB = new List <Biopsy>(); //This is the empty database


            int          BiopsyID           = 1;
            ProviderUser provider           = user;
            string       BioType            = "Ultrasound";
            string       BioDate            = "2/4/2015";
            string       PathClassification = "Malignant";
            string       PathType           = "IMC";
            string       PatLastName        = "Jones";
            string       PatDOB             = "12/5/1965";
            string       ProvLastName       = "Han";
            string       TechnologistName   = "Suzy";

            //Listen for any item trying to be added to the database. When you see one add it to emptyDB
            mock_set.Setup(i => i.Add(It.IsAny <Biopsy>())).Callback((Biopsy s) => emptyDB.Add(s));

            bool added = repo.AddNewBiopsy(user, BiopsyID, BioType, BioDate, PathClassification, PathType, PatLastName, PatDOB, ProvLastName, TechnologistName);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, repo.GetAllBiopsies().Count);