Exemple #1
        public static void Run(
            String email,                               // authorization email
            String licenseKey,                          // authorization license key
            String openPath,                            // source PDF document
            String savePath,                            // output PDF document
            String configPath,                          // configuration file
            PdfHtmlParams htmlParams                    // html conversion params
            Pdfix pdfix = new Pdfix();

            if (pdfix == null)
                throw new Exception("Pdfix initialization fail");

            if (!pdfix.Authorize(email, licenseKey))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            PdfToHtml pdfToHtml = new PdfToHtml();

            if (pdfToHtml == null)
                throw new Exception("PdfToHtml initialization fail");

            if (!pdfToHtml.Initialize(pdfix))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            PdfDoc doc = pdfix.OpenDoc(openPath, "");

            if (doc == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            // customize conversion
            PsFileStream stm = pdfix.CreateFileStream(configPath, PsFileMode.kPsReadOnly);

            if (stm != null)
                PdfDocTemplate docTmpl = doc.GetDocTemplate();
                if (docTmpl == null)
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());
                if (!docTmpl.LoadFromStream(stm, PsDataFormat.kDataFormatJson))
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            // set html conversion params
            //htmlParams.type = PdfHtmlType.kPdfHtmlResponsive;
            //htmlParams.width = 1200;
            //htmlParams.flags |= PdfToHtml.kHtmlExportJavaScripts;
            //htmlParams.flags |= PdfToHtml.kHtmlExportFonts;
            //htmlParams.flags |= PdfToHtml.kHtmlRetainFontSize;
            //htmlParams.flags |= PdfToHtml.kHtmlRetainTextColor;
            htmlParams.flags |= PdfToHtml.kHtmlNoExternalCSS | PdfToHtml.kHtmlNoExternalJS |
                                PdfToHtml.kHtmlNoExternalIMG | PdfToHtml.kHtmlNoExternalFONT;

            PdfHtmlDoc htmlDoc = pdfToHtml.OpenHtmlDoc(doc);

            if (htmlDoc == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            if (!htmlDoc.Save(savePath, htmlParams, null, IntPtr.Zero))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

        public static void Run(
            String email,                       // authorization email
            String licenseKey,                  // authorization license key
            String openPath,                    // source PDF document
            String savePath,                    // output PDF document
            String configPath                   // configuration file
            Pdfix pdfix = new Pdfix();

            if (pdfix == null)
                throw new Exception("Pdfix initialization fail");

            if (!pdfix.Authorize(email, licenseKey))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            PdfDoc doc = pdfix.OpenDoc(openPath, "");

            if (doc == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            PsFileStream stm = pdfix.CreateFileStream(configPath, PsFileMode.kPsReadOnly);

            if (stm != null)
                PdfDocTemplate docTmpl = doc.GetDocTemplate();
                if (docTmpl == null)
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());
                docTmpl.LoadFromStream(stm, PsDataFormat.kDataFormatJson);

            // define a cancel progress callback
            PdfCancelProc cancel_callback = (data) =>
                // to cancel the process return 1
                Console.WriteLine("PdfCancelProc callback was called");

            PdfPage    page    = doc.AcquirePage(0);
            PdePageMap pageMap = page.AcquirePageMap(null, IntPtr.Zero);

            // define an event callback
            PdfEventProc event_callback = (data) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Page contents did change. Releasing pageMap...");
                if (pageMap != null)
                    pageMap = null;

            if (!pdfix.RegisterEvent(PdfEventType.kEventPageContentsDidChange, event_callback, IntPtr.Zero))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            if (!doc.AddTags(cancel_callback, IntPtr.Zero))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            if (!doc.Save(savePath, PdfSaveFlags.kSaveFull))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

        public static void Run(
            String openPath,                            // source PDF document
            String savePath,                            // output PDF document
            String configPath,                          // configuration file
            PdfHtmlParams htmlParams                    // html conversion params
            Pdfix pdfix = PdfixEngine.Instance;

            PdfDoc doc = pdfix.OpenDoc(openPath, "");

            if (doc == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            var html_conv = doc.CreateHtmlConversion();

            if (html_conv == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            // customize conversion
            PsFileStream stm = pdfix.CreateFileStream(configPath, PsFileMode.kPsReadOnly);

            if (stm != null)
                var doc_prelight = doc.GetTemplate();
                if (doc_prelight == null)
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());
                if (!doc_prelight.LoadFromStream(stm, PsDataFormat.kDataFormatJson))
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            // set html conversion params
            //htmlParams.type = PdfHtmlType.kPdfHtmlResponsive;
            //htmlParams.width = 1200;
            //htmlParams.flags |= Pdfix.kHtmlExportJavaScripts;
            //htmlParams.flags |= Pdfix.kHtmlExportFonts;
            //htmlParams.flags |= Pdfix.kHtmlRetainFontSize;
            //htmlParams.flags |= Pdfix.kHtmlRetainTextColor;
            htmlParams.flags |= Pdfix.kHtmlNoExternalCSS | Pdfix.kHtmlNoExternalJS |
                                Pdfix.kHtmlNoExternalIMG | Pdfix.kHtmlNoExternalFONT;
            htmlParams.image_params.format = PdfImageFormat.kImageFormatJpg;

            if (!html_conv.SetParams(htmlParams))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            if (!html_conv.Save(savePath, null, IntPtr.Zero))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

Exemple #4
        public static void Run(
            String openPath,                    // source PDF document
            String configPath
            Pdfix pdfix = PdfixEngine.Instance;

            PdfDoc doc = pdfix.OpenDoc(openPath, "");

            if (doc == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            var doc_preflight = doc.GetTemplate();

            if (doc_preflight == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            // load user-defined confguration
            PsFileStream stm = pdfix.CreateFileStream(configPath, PsFileMode.kPsReadOnly);

            if (stm != null)
                var doc_prelight = doc.GetTemplate();
                if (doc_prelight == null)
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());
                doc_prelight.LoadFromStream(stm, PsDataFormat.kDataFormatJson);

            // add reference pages to preflight
            for (var i = 0; i < doc.GetNumPages(); i++)
                if (!doc_preflight.AddPage(i, null, null))
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            // run document preflight
            if (!doc_preflight.Update(null, null))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            // save preflight to stream if needed
            var preflight_stm = pdfix.CreateMemStream();

            doc_preflight.SaveToStream(preflight_stm, PsDataFormat.kDataFormatJson, Pdfix.kSaveUncompressed);
            byte[] bytes = new byte[preflight_stm.GetSize()];
            preflight_stm.Read(0, bytes);

            // output some document preflight values from the config
            for (var i = 0; i < doc.GetNumPages(); i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Preflight results for page " + i.ToString());
                var page_preflight = doc_preflight.GetPageTemplate(i);
                if (page_preflight == null)
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

                Console.WriteLine("logical rotate: " + page_preflight.GetLogicalRotate());
                Console.WriteLine("columns: " + page_preflight.GetNumColumns());
                var header_box = page_preflight.GetHeaderBBox();
                Console.WriteLine("header bbox: " + header_box.left + ", " + header_box.bottom +
                                  ", " + header_box.right + ", " + header_box.top);
                var footer_box = page_preflight.GetFooterBBox();
                Console.WriteLine("footer bbox: " + footer_box.left + ", " + footer_box.bottom +
                                  ", " + footer_box.right + ", " + footer_box.top);

        public static void Run(
            String openPath,                            // source PDF document
            String configPath,                          // configuration file
            PdfHtmlParams htmlParams                    // html conversion params
            Pdfix pdfix = PdfixEngine.Instance;

            PdfDoc doc = pdfix.OpenDoc(openPath, "");

            if (doc == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            var html_conv = doc.CreateHtmlConversion();

            if (html_conv == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            // customize conversion
            PsFileStream stm = pdfix.CreateFileStream(configPath, PsFileMode.kPsReadOnly);

            if (stm != null)
                var doc_prelight = doc.GetTemplate();
                if (doc_prelight == null)
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());
                if (!doc_prelight.LoadFromStream(stm, PsDataFormat.kDataFormatJson))
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            //htmlParams.type = PdfHtmlType.kPdfHtmlResponsive;
            htmlParams.flags |= Pdfix.kHtmlNoExternalCSS | Pdfix.kHtmlNoExternalJS |
                                Pdfix.kHtmlNoExternalIMG | Pdfix.kHtmlNoExternalFONT;
            //htmlParams.image_params.format = PdfImageFormat.kImageFormatJpg;
            //htmlParams.image_params.quality = 80;

            if (!html_conv.SetParams(htmlParams))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            var docStm = pdfix.CreateFileStream(Utils.GetAbsolutePath("output") + "/pages.html", PsFileMode.kPsTruncate);

            // prepare head
            docStm.Write(0, System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("<html>\n<head>\n<title>PDFix sample</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n"));
            docStm.Write(docStm.GetSize(), System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("<script>\n"));
            docStm.Write(docStm.GetSize(), System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("\n</script>\n<style>\n"));
            docStm.Write(docStm.GetSize(), System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("\n</style>\n"));

            // convert pages
            for (int i = 0; i < doc.GetNumPages(); i++)
                if (!html_conv.AddPage(i, null, IntPtr.Zero))
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            if (!html_conv.SaveToStream(docStm, null, IntPtr.Zero))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            docStm.Write(docStm.GetSize(), System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("</body>\n</html>"));

Exemple #6
        public static void Run(
            String email,                               // authorization email
            String licenseKey,                          // authorization license key
            String openPath,                            // source PDF document
            String savePath,                            // output folder for HTML content
            String configPath,                          // configuration file
            PdfHtmlParams htmlParams                    // html conversion params
            Pdfix pdfix = new Pdfix();

            if (pdfix == null)
                throw new Exception("Pdfix initialization fail");

            if (!pdfix.Authorize(email, licenseKey))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            PdfToHtml pdfToHtml = new PdfToHtml();

            if (pdfToHtml == null)
                throw new Exception("PdfToHtml initialization fail");

            if (!pdfToHtml.Initialize(pdfix))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            PdfDoc doc = pdfix.OpenDoc(openPath, "");

            if (doc == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            // customize conversion
            PsFileStream stm = pdfix.CreateFileStream(configPath, PsFileMode.kPsReadOnly);

            if (stm != null)
                PdfDocTemplate docTmpl = doc.GetDocTemplate();
                if (docTmpl == null)
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());
                if (!docTmpl.LoadFromStream(stm, PsDataFormat.kDataFormatJson))
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            // set html conversion params
            //htmlParams.type = PdfHtmlType.kPdfHtmlResponsive;
            //htmlParams.width = 1200;
            //htmlParams.flags |= PdfToHtml.kHtmlExportJavaScripts;
            //htmlParams.flags |= PdfToHtml.kHtmlExportFonts;
            //htmlParams.flags |= PdfToHtml.kHtmlRetainFontSize;
            //htmlParams.flags |= PdfToHtml.kHtmlRetainTextColor;
            htmlParams.flags |= PdfToHtml.kHtmlNoExternalCSS | PdfToHtml.kHtmlNoExternalJS |
                                PdfToHtml.kHtmlNoExternalIMG | PdfToHtml.kHtmlNoExternalFONT;

            PdfHtmlDoc htmlDoc = pdfToHtml.OpenHtmlDoc(doc);

            if (htmlDoc == null)
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            // save common js and css for all pages
            PsStream docCss = pdfix.CreateFileStream(savePath + "/document.css",

            if (!pdfToHtml.SaveCSS(docCss))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            PsStream docJs = pdfix.CreateFileStream(savePath + "/document.js",

            if (!pdfToHtml.SaveJavaScript(docJs))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            PsStream docStm = pdfix.CreateFileStream(savePath + "/document.html",

            if (!htmlDoc.SaveDocHtml(docStm, htmlParams, null, IntPtr.Zero))
                throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());

            for (int i = 0; i < doc.GetNumPages(); i++)
                string   pageFile = savePath + "/document_page" + i + ".html";
                PsStream pageStm  = pdfix.CreateFileStream(pageFile, PsFileMode.kPsTruncate);
                if (!htmlDoc.SavePageHtml(pageStm, htmlParams, i, null, IntPtr.Zero))
                    throw new Exception(pdfix.GetError());
