/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        bool RegisterClientSourceTypes(ClientId clientId)
            IMessageBus messageBus = _messageBus;

            if (messageBus == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to register client source type, message bus not found.");
#if Matrix_Diagnostics
                InstanceMonitor.OperationError("Failed to register client source type, message bus not found.");

            List <string> sourceTypes = messageBus.GetClientSourceTypes(clientId);
            if (sourceTypes == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to register client source type, source type not found.");
#if Matrix_Diagnostics
                InstanceMonitor.OperationError("Failed to register client source type, source type not found.");

            foreach (Type superType in ReflectionHelper.GetKnownTypes(sourceTypes))
                if (superType.IsInterface == false ||
                    ReflectionHelper.TypeHasCustomAttribute(superType, typeof(SuperPoolInterfaceAttribute), false) == false)

                HotSwapList <ClientId> clientList = null;
                if (_clientsInterfaces.TryGetValue(superType, out clientList) == false)
                    clientList = _clientsInterfaces.GetOrAdd(superType, new HotSwapList <ClientId>());


                if (ReflectionHelper.TypeHasCustomAttribute(superType, typeof(SuperPoolInterfaceAttribute), false) == false)
                {// Register this type as well.

        /// <summary>
        /// Basic asynchronous call operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="receiverId">The value of the receiver, null means call all.</param>
        internal bool Call <InterfaceType>(SuperPoolClient sender, IEnumerable <ComponentId> receiversIds,
                                           out InterfaceType result, out SuperPoolProxyCall call)
            where InterfaceType : class
            call   = null;
            result = null;

            // SLOW.
            //if (_messageBus.ContainsClient(sender.Id) == false)
            //    SystemMonitor.OperationError("Client not a member of message bus (and super pool).");
            //    return false;

            if (typeof(InterfaceType).IsInterface == false)
                throw new Exception("Type provided not an interface.");

            // Very slow !!
            //object[] attributes = typeof(InterfaceType).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SuperPoolInterfaceAttribute), false);
            //if (attributes == null || attributes.Length == 0)
            //    SystemMonitor.Throw("Interface type [" + typeof(InterfaceType).Name + "] not marked as super pool interface.");
            //    return false;

            ProxyTypeManager typeManager = _proxyTypeManager;

            if (typeManager == null)

            if (_pendingThreadsCalls.TryGetValue(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, out call) == false)
            {// We are safe from danger of someone else already adding the value with this id,
                // since we are the only thread with this id.
                call = new SuperPoolProxyCall();
                // This is slow, but very rarely executed, since thread ids are reused.
                _pendingThreadsCalls.Add(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, call);
                // Since we reuse the call, clean it up before usage.

            call.Processed = false;
            if (receiversIds != null)
            {// Extract the Indeces from the Ids.
                List <ClientId> receiversIndeces = new List <ClientId>();
                foreach (ComponentId id in receiversIds)

                call.ReceiversIds = receiversIndeces;
                call.ReceiversIds = null;

            call.Sender = sender;

            result = (InterfaceType)typeManager.ObtainInterfaceProxy(typeof(InterfaceType));
