public void TestAlgorithmCountMult() { var proxyMethod = new ProxyMethod(new JacobiMethod()); loggingSolver = new LoggingSolver(proxyMethod, Logger); double[,] _matrix = new double[3, 3] { { 3, 1, 1 }, { 0, 5, 1 }, { 2, 0, 3 } }; IVector resultActual = new Vector(new double[] { 1, 1, 1 }); DenseMatrix denseMatrix = new DenseMatrix(_matrix); ProxyMatrix proxyMatrix = new ProxyMatrix(denseMatrix); Vector x0 = new Vector(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }); IVector b = denseMatrix.Multiply(resultActual); var result = loggingSolver.Solve(proxyMatrix, x0, b); var MultCount = proxyMethod.MultCount; _testOutputHelper.WriteLine(MultCount[0].ToString()); _testOutputHelper.WriteLine(MultCount[1].ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < resultActual.Size; i++) { Assert.Equal(result[i], resultActual[i], 8); } }
public void Proxy_methods_inherit_ispublic__name__parameters__return_type_and_custom_attributes_from_given_method() { //[SecuritySafeCritical] string Insert(int startIndex, string value) IMethod real = type.of <string>().GetMethod("Insert"); IMethod proxy = new ProxyMethod(type.of <string>(), real); Assert.AreEqual(real.IsPublic, proxy.IsPublic); Assert.AreEqual(real.Name, proxy.Name); Assert.AreEqual(real.Parameters.Count, proxy.Parameters.Count); for (int i = 0; i < real.Parameters.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(real.Parameters[i].Name, proxy.Parameters[i].Name); Assert.AreEqual(real.Parameters[i].Index, proxy.Parameters[i].Index); Assert.AreEqual(real.Parameters[i].ParameterType, proxy.Parameters[i].ParameterType); } Assert.AreEqual(real.ReturnType, proxy.ReturnType); Assert.AreEqual(real.GetCustomAttributes().Length, proxy.GetCustomAttributes().Length); for (int i = 0; i < real.GetCustomAttributes().Length; i++) { var realAttr = real.GetCustomAttributes()[i]; var proxyAttr = proxy.GetCustomAttributes()[i]; Assert.AreEqual(realAttr, proxyAttr); } }
public void Delegates_perform_action_to_the_target_obtained_via_target_delegate() { IMethod real = type.of <string>().GetMethod("Insert"); IMethod proxy = new ProxyMethod(type.of <char>(), real, (o, _) => o.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("insertt", proxy.PerformOn('t', 0, "insert")); }
public new ExecutionInfo LoadReport(string Report, string HistoryID) { ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> sql16Method = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("LoadReport3", () => LoadReport3(Report, HistoryID)); ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> katmaiMethod = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("LoadReport2", () => LoadReport2(Report, HistoryID)); ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> yukonMethod = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("LoadReport", () => base.LoadReport(Report, HistoryID)); return(ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, sql16Method, katmaiMethod, yukonMethod)); }
public new ExecutionInfo LoadDrillthroughTarget(string DrillthroughID) { ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> sql16Method = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("LoadDrillthroughTarget3", () => LoadDrillthroughTarget3(DrillthroughID)); ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> katmaiMethod = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("LoadDrillthroughTarget2", () => LoadDrillthroughTarget2(DrillthroughID)); ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> yukonMethod = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("LoadDrillthroughTarget", () => base.LoadDrillthroughTarget(DrillthroughID)); return(ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, sql16Method, katmaiMethod, yukonMethod)); }
public new ExecutionInfo SetExecutionCredentials(DataSourceCredentials[] Credentials) { ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> sql16Method = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("SetExecutionCredentials3", () => SetExecutionCredentials3(Credentials)); ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> katmaiMethod = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("SetExecutionCredentials2", () => SetExecutionCredentials2(Credentials)); ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> yukonMethod = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("SetExecutionCredentials", () => base.SetExecutionCredentials(Credentials)); return(ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, sql16Method, katmaiMethod, yukonMethod)); }
public new ExecutionInfo SetExecutionParameters(ParameterValue[] Parameters, string ParameterLanguage) { ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> sql16Method = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("SetExecutionParameters3", () => SetExecutionParameters3(Parameters, ParameterLanguage)); ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> katmaiMethod = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("SetExecutionParameters2", () => SetExecutionParameters2(Parameters, ParameterLanguage)); ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> yukonMethod = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("SetExecutionParameters", () => base.SetExecutionParameters(Parameters, ParameterLanguage)); return(ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, sql16Method, katmaiMethod, yukonMethod)); }
public new ExecutionInfo ResetExecution() { ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> sql16Method = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("ResetExecution3", () => ResetExecution3()); ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> katmaiMethod = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("ResetExecution2", () => ResetExecution2()); ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> yukonMethod = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("ResetExecution", () => base.ResetExecution()); return(ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, sql16Method, katmaiMethod, yukonMethod)); }
public void Delegates_perform_action_to_target() { //[SecuritySafeCritical] string Insert(int startIndex, string value) IMethod real = type.of <string>().GetMethod("Insert"); IMethod proxy = new ProxyMethod(type.of <string>(), real); Assert.AreEqual("inserttest", proxy.PerformOn("test", 0, "insert")); }
public new ExecutionInfo GetExecutionInfo() { ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> sql16Method = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("GetExecutionInfo3", () => GetExecutionInfo3()); ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> katmaiMethod = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("GetExecutionInfo2", () => GetExecutionInfo2()); ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> yukonMethod = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("GetExecutionInfo", () => base.GetExecutionInfo()); return(ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, sql16Method, katmaiMethod, yukonMethod)); }
public void Proxy_method_name_can_be_altered() { //[SecuritySafeCritical] string Insert(int startIndex, string value) IMethod real = type.of <string>().GetMethod("Insert"); IMethod proxy = new ProxyMethod(type.of <string>(), real).Name.Set("Overridden"); Assert.AreEqual("Overridden", proxy.Name); }
public new int NavigateBookmark(string BookmarkID, out string UniqueName) { string name = null; ProxyMethod <int> method = new ProxyMethod <int>("NavigateBookmark", () => base.NavigateBookmark(BookmarkID, out name)); int result = ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, method); UniqueName = name; return(result); }
public void Parent_type_is_what_is_given_as_parent_type() { var typeMock = new Mock <IType>(); var expected = typeMock.Object; IMethod real = type.of <string>().GetMethod("Insert"); IMethod proxy = new ProxyMethod(expected, real); Assert.AreSame(expected, proxy.ParentType); }
public void Target_can_be_obtained_from_an_additional_parameter() { var parameterMock = new Mock <IParameter>(); IMethod real = type.of <string>().GetMethod("Insert"); IMethod proxy = new ProxyMethod(type.of <char>(), real, (_, p) => p[0], parameterMock.Object); Assert.AreEqual("inserttest", proxy.PerformOn('t', "test", 0, "insert")); }
public void When_performing_on_real__additional_parameters_are_skipped() { var parameterMock = new Mock <IParameter>(); IMethod real = type.of <string>().GetMethod("Insert"); IMethod proxy = new ProxyMethod(type.of <char>(), real, (o, _) => o.ToString(), parameterMock.Object); Assert.AreEqual("insertt", proxy.PerformOn('t', "dummy", 0, "insert")); }
public new byte[] GetRenderResource(string Format, string DeviceInfo, out string MimeType) { string mimeType = null; ProxyMethod <byte[]> method = new ProxyMethod <byte[]>("GetRenderResource", () => base.GetRenderResource(Format, DeviceInfo, out mimeType)); byte[] result = ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, method); MimeType = mimeType; return(result); }
internal static TReturn Execute <TReturn>(RSExecutionConnection connection, ProxyMethod <TReturn> initialMethod, ProxyMethod <TReturn> retryMethod) { using (MonitoredScope.NewConcat("ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute - Method : ", initialMethod.MethodName)) { if (connection == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("connection"); } if (initialMethod == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("initialMethod"); } ProxyMethod <TReturn>[] array = (retryMethod != null && !connection.CanUseKatmaiMethods) ? new ProxyMethod <TReturn>[1] { retryMethod } : ((retryMethod != null) ? new ProxyMethod <TReturn>[2] { initialMethod, retryMethod } : new ProxyMethod <TReturn>[1] { initialMethod }); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { ProxyMethod <TReturn> proxyMethod = array[i]; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyMethod.MethodName)) { connection.SetConnectionSSLForMethod(proxyMethod.MethodName); } return(proxyMethod.Method()); } catch (FaultException e) { if (i < array.Length - 1 && connection.CheckForDownlevelRetry(e)) { connection.MarkAsFailedUsingKatmai(); continue; } connection.OnSoapException(e); throw; } catch (WebException e2) { MissingEndpointException.ThrowIfEndpointMissing(e2); throw; } catch (InvalidOperationException inner) { throw new MissingEndpointException(inner); } } throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to execute method"); } }
public void Declaring_type_is_always_the_given_parent_type() { var typeMock = new Mock <IType>(); var expected = typeMock.Object; IMethod real = type.of <string>().GetMethod("Insert"); IMethod proxy = new ProxyMethod(expected, real); Assert.AreSame(expected, proxy.GetDeclaringType(false)); Assert.AreSame(expected, proxy.GetDeclaringType(true)); }
public new void LogonUser(string userName, string password, string authority) { ProxyMethod <int> method = new ProxyMethod <int>(null, delegate { base.LogonUser(userName, password, authority); return(0); }); ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, method); }
public new void Logoff() { ProxyMethod <int> method = new ProxyMethod <int>("Logoff", delegate { base.Logoff(); return(0); }); ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, method); }
public new void DeliverReportItem(string Format, string DeviceInfo, ExtensionSettings ExtensionSettings, string Description, string EventType, string MatchData) { ProxyMethod <int> method = new ProxyMethod <int>("DeliverReportItem", delegate { base.DeliverReportItem(Format, DeviceInfo, ExtensionSettings, Description, EventType, MatchData); return(0); }); ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, method); }
public new byte[] RenderStream(string Format, string StreamID, string DeviceInfo, out string Encoding, out string MimeType) { string enc = null; string mime = null; ProxyMethod <byte[]> method = new ProxyMethod <byte[]>("RenderStream", () => base.RenderStream(Format, StreamID, DeviceInfo, out enc, out mime)); byte[] result = ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, method); Encoding = enc; MimeType = mime; return(result); }
public new ExecutionInfo LoadReportDefinition(byte[] Definition, out Warning[] warnings) { Warning[] w = null; ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> sql16Method = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("LoadReportDefinition3", () => LoadReportDefinition3(Definition, out w)); ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> katmaiMethod = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("LoadReportDefinition2", () => LoadReportDefinition2(Definition, out w)); ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo> yukonMethod = new ProxyMethod <ExecutionInfo>("LoadReportDefinition", () => base.LoadReportDefinition(Definition, out w)); ExecutionInfo result = ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, sql16Method, katmaiMethod, yukonMethod); warnings = w; return(result); }
public new int Sort(string SortItem, SortDirectionEnum Direction, bool Clear, out string ReportItem, out int NumPages) { string rptItem = null; int nPages = 0; ProxyMethod <int> method = new ProxyMethod <int>("Sort", () => base.Sort(SortItem, Direction, Clear, out rptItem, out nPages)); int result = ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, method); ReportItem = rptItem; NumPages = nPages; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Used on methods to instrut that a certain set of parameter data /// should not throw a specified exception. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <typeparam name="N"></typeparam> /// <param name="obj"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static T NotRaise <T, N>(this T obj, N value) { ProxyTrace trace = GetTrace(); ProxyMethod methodCall = trace.MethodCalls.Last(); if (methodCall.Ex == null) { return(obj); } throw new CSpecException(ExceptionMessages.Key + " @not_raise"); }
public InterfaceBuilder(Type tInterface) { this.tInterface = tInterface; methods = tInterface.getMethodsWithoutProperties().ToArray(); Type[] tDelegates = NativeDelegates.buildDelegates(tInterface); Debug.Assert(methods.Length == tDelegates.Length); prefabs = new iMethodPrefab[methods.Length]; var conventions = tInterface.GetCustomAttribute <CustomConventionsAttribute>(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { MethodInfo mi = methods[i]; // Check if any C# arguments need custom marshallers bool anyCustom = mi.GetParameters().Any(Marshallers.hasCustomMarshaller); // If the method has [RetValIndex], it also counts. if (mi.hasRetValIndex()) { anyCustom = true; } if (anyCustom) { try { prefabs[i] = new CustomMarshallerMethod(mi, tDelegates[i], i, conventions); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SerializationException($"Error building custom callable proxy method {tInterface.FullName}.{mi.Name}", ex); } } else { try { prefabs[i] = new ProxyMethod(mi, tDelegates[i]); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SerializationException($"Error building callable proxy method {tInterface.FullName}.{mi.Name}", ex); } } } }
public byte[] Render(string Format, string DeviceInfo, PageCountMode PaginationMode, out string Extension, out string MimeType, out string Encoding, out Warning[] Warnings, out string[] StreamIds) { string ext = null; string mime = null; string enc = null; Warning[] w = null; string[] sids = null; ProxyMethod <byte[]> initialMethod = new ProxyMethod <byte[]>("Render2", () => Render2(Format, DeviceInfo, PaginationMode, out ext, out mime, out enc, out w, out sids)); ProxyMethod <byte[]> retryMethod = new ProxyMethod <byte[]>("Render", () => base.Render(Format, DeviceInfo, out ext, out mime, out enc, out w, out sids)); byte[] result = ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, initialMethod, retryMethod); Extension = ext; MimeType = mime; Encoding = enc; Warnings = w; StreamIds = sids; return(result); }
public void Additional_parameter_shifts_index_of_the_real_parameters() { var parameterMock = new Mock <IParameter>(); parameterMock.Setup(o => o.Name).Returns("additional"); parameterMock.Setup(o => o.ParameterType).Returns(type.of <string>()); IMethod real = type.of <string>().GetMethod("Insert"); IMethod proxy = new ProxyMethod(type.of <char>(), real, (o, _) => o.ToString(), parameterMock.Object); Assert.AreEqual(real.Parameters.Count + 1, proxy.Parameters.Count); Assert.AreEqual("additional", proxy.Parameters[0].Name); Assert.AreEqual(0, proxy.Parameters[0].Index); Assert.AreEqual(type.of <string>(), proxy.Parameters[0].ParameterType); for (int i = 0; i < real.Parameters.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(real.Parameters[i].Name, proxy.Parameters[i + 1].Name); Assert.AreEqual(real.Parameters[i].Index + 1, proxy.Parameters[i + 1].Index); Assert.AreEqual(real.Parameters[i].ParameterType, proxy.Parameters[i + 1].ParameterType); } }
public InterfaceBuilder(Type tInterface) { this.tInterface = tInterface; methods = tInterface.GetMethods(); Type[] tDelegates = NativeDelegates.buildDelegates(tInterface); Debug.Assert(methods.Length == tDelegates.Length); prefabs = new iMethodPrefab[methods.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { MethodInfo mi = methods[i]; bool anyCustom = mi.GetParameters().Any(Marshallers.hasCustomMarshaller); if (anyCustom) { prefabs[i] = new CustomMarshallerMethod(mi, tDelegates[i], i); } else { prefabs[i] = new ProxyMethod(mi, tDelegates[i]); } } }
public int Sort(string SortItem, SortDirectionEnum Direction, bool Clear, PageCountMode PaginationMode, out string ReportItem, out ExecutionInfo ExecutionInfo, out int NumPages) { string rptItem = null; int nPages = 0; ExecutionInfo2 execInfo = null; ProxyMethod <int> initialMethod = new ProxyMethod <int>("Sort2", delegate { int result2 = Sort2(SortItem, Direction, Clear, PaginationMode, out rptItem, out execInfo); if (execInfo != null) { nPages = execInfo.NumPages; } return(result2); }); ProxyMethod <int> retryMethod = new ProxyMethod <int>("Sort", () => base.Sort(SortItem, Direction, Clear, out rptItem, out nPages)); int result = ProxyMethodInvocation.Execute(this, initialMethod, retryMethod); ExecutionInfo = execInfo; NumPages = nPages; ReportItem = rptItem; return(result); }
private static void CreateMethod(CompilerClassLoader loader, TypeBuilder tb, ProxyMethod pm) { MethodBuilder mb =, tb,, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.Final); List<string> exceptions = new List<string>(); foreach (TypeWrapper tw in pm.exceptions) { exceptions.Add(tw.Name); } AttributeHelper.SetThrowsAttribute(mb, exceptions.ToArray()); CodeEmitter ilgen = CodeEmitter.Create(mb); ilgen.BeginExceptionBlock(); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); invocationHandlerField.EmitGet(ilgen); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldsfld, pm.fb); TypeWrapper[] parameters =; if (parameters.Length == 0) { ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull); } else { ilgen.Emit_Ldc_I4(parameters.Length); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, Types.Object); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); ilgen.Emit_Ldc_I4(i); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, (short)i); if (parameters[i].IsNonPrimitiveValueType) { parameters[i].EmitBox(ilgen); } else if (parameters[i].IsPrimitive) { Boxer.EmitBox(ilgen, parameters[i]); } ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_Ref); } } invokeMethod.EmitCallvirt(ilgen); TypeWrapper returnType =; CodeEmitterLocal returnValue = null; if (returnType != PrimitiveTypeWrapper.VOID) { returnValue = ilgen.DeclareLocal(returnType.TypeAsSignatureType); if (returnType.IsNonPrimitiveValueType) { returnType.EmitUnbox(ilgen); } else if (returnType.IsPrimitive) { Boxer.EmitUnbox(ilgen, returnType); } else if (returnType != { ilgen.EmitCastclass(returnType.TypeAsSignatureType); } ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, returnValue); } CodeEmitterLabel returnLabel = ilgen.DefineLabel(); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Leave, returnLabel); // TODO consider using a filter here (but we would need to add filter support to CodeEmitter) ilgen.BeginCatchBlock(Types.Exception); ilgen.Emit_Ldc_I4(0); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, ByteCodeHelperMethods.mapException.MakeGenericMethod(Types.Exception)); CodeEmitterLocal exception = ilgen.DeclareLocal(Types.Exception); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, exception); CodeEmitterLabel rethrow = ilgen.DefineLabel(); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, exception); errorClass.EmitInstanceOf(null, ilgen); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue, rethrow); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, exception); runtimeExceptionClass.EmitInstanceOf(null, ilgen); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue, rethrow); foreach (TypeWrapper tw in pm.exceptions) { ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, exception); tw.EmitInstanceOf(null, ilgen); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue, rethrow); } ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, exception); undeclaredThrowableExceptionConstructor.EmitNewobj(ilgen); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Throw); ilgen.MarkLabel(rethrow); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Rethrow); ilgen.EndExceptionBlock(); ilgen.MarkLabel(returnLabel); if (returnValue != null) { ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, returnValue); } ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); ilgen.DoEmit(); }
/// <summary> /// Create a proxy method implementing the abstractMethod and which calls the implementingMethod. /// This is needed when the implementingMethod is supposed to be used for the implementation /// of the abstractMethod, but cannot be because it lives in another assembly or isn't virtual /// or the abstractMethod has an out-of-band contract and the implementingMethod must have /// an identical type signature (i.e., no optional type modifiers for the non-null types). /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type containing the implementingMethod and to which the /// proxy will be added as a member.</param> /// <param name="abstractMethod">The abstract method that the proxy is an implementation of.</param> /// <param name="implementingMethod">The implementing method that is supposed to implement /// the abstractMethod, but is unable to for various reasons.</param> /// <returns>The newly created proxy method.</returns> private Method CreateProxy(TypeNode type, Method abstractMethod, Method implementingMethod) { ParameterList parameters = abstractMethod.Parameters; if (parameters == null) parameters = new ParameterList(0); else parameters = parameters.Clone(); int m = parameters.Count; ExpressionList arguments = new ExpressionList(m); for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { Parameter p = (Parameter)parameters[j].Clone(); parameters[j] = p; if (this.typeSystem.IsNonNullType(p.Type)) { arguments.Add(this.typeSystem.ExplicitNonNullCoercion(p, p.Type)); } else { arguments.Add(p); } p.Type = TypeNode.DeepStripModifiers(p.Type, (abstractMethod.Template!=null)?abstractMethod.Template.Parameters[j].Type:null, SystemTypes.NonNullType); } This ThisParameter = new This(this.currentType); StatementList statements = new StatementList(2); NodeType typeOfCall = type.IsValueType ? NodeType.Call : NodeType.Callvirt; MethodCall mCall = new MethodCall(new MemberBinding(ThisParameter, implementingMethod), arguments, typeOfCall, implementingMethod.ReturnType); if (implementingMethod.ReturnType != SystemTypes.Void) { statements.Add(new Return(mCall)); } else { statements.Add(new ExpressionStatement(mCall)); statements.Add(new Return()); } TypeNode returnType = TypeNode.DeepStripModifiers(abstractMethod.ReturnType, (abstractMethod.Template != null) ? abstractMethod.Template.ReturnType : null, SystemTypes.NonNullType); ProxyMethod proxy = new ProxyMethod(type, null, new Identifier(abstractMethod.DeclaringType.Name + "." + abstractMethod.Name, implementingMethod.Name.SourceContext), parameters, returnType, new Block(statements)); proxy.ProxyFor = implementingMethod; proxy.ThisParameter = ThisParameter; proxy.CallingConvention = CallingConventionFlags.HasThis; proxy.Flags = MethodFlags.CompilerControlled | MethodFlags.HideBySig | MethodFlags.NewSlot | MethodFlags.Virtual | MethodFlags.Final; proxy.ImplementedInterfaceMethods = new MethodList(abstractMethod); type.Members.Add(proxy); return proxy; }