/// <summary>
        /// Implementation of the test itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the test passes, false otherwise.</returns>
        public override async Task <bool> RunAsync()
            IPAddress ServerIp    = (IPAddress)ArgumentValues["Server IP"];
            int       PrimaryPort = (int)ArgumentValues["primary Port"];
            int       CanPort     = (int)ArgumentValues["CAN Port"];

            log.Trace("(ServerIp:'{0}',PrimaryPort:{1},CanPort:{2})", ServerIp, PrimaryPort, CanPort);

            bool res = false;

            Passed = false;

            ProtocolClient client = new ProtocolClient();

                MessageBuilder mb = client.MessageBuilder;

                // Step 1
                log.Trace("Step 1");
                // Get port list.
                await client.ConnectAsync(ServerIp, PrimaryPort, false);

                Dictionary <ServerRoleType, uint> rolePorts = new Dictionary <ServerRoleType, uint>();
                bool listPortsOk = await client.ListServerPorts(rolePorts);


                await client.ConnectAsync(ServerIp, (int)rolePorts[ServerRoleType.ClNonCustomer], true);

                bool hostingOk = await client.EstablishHostingAsync("Test");


                await client.ConnectAsync(ServerIp, (int)rolePorts[ServerRoleType.ClCustomer], true);

                bool checkInOk = await client.CheckInAsync();

                bool step1Ok = listPortsOk && hostingOk && checkInOk;
                log.Trace("Step 1: {0}", step1Ok ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");

                // Step 2
                log.Trace("Step 2");
                byte[]             serverId   = Crypto.Sha256(client.ServerKey);
                List <CanKeyValue> clientData = new List <CanKeyValue>()
                    new CanKeyValue()
                        Key = "key1", StringValue = "value 1"
                    new CanKeyValue()
                        Key = "key2", Uint32Value = 2
                    new CanKeyValue()
                        Key = "key3", BoolValue = true
                    new CanKeyValue()
                        Key = "key4", BinaryValue = ProtocolHelper.ByteArrayToByteString(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 })

                CanIdentityData identityData1 = new CanIdentityData()
                    HostingServerId = ProtocolHelper.ByteArrayToByteString(serverId)

                Message requestMessage = mb.CreateCanStoreDataRequest(identityData1);
                await client.SendMessageAsync(requestMessage);

                Message responseMessage = await client.ReceiveMessageAsync();

                bool idOk           = responseMessage.Id == requestMessage.Id;
                bool statusOk       = responseMessage.Response.Status == Status.Ok;
                bool canStoreDataOk = idOk && statusOk;

                byte[] objectHash1 = responseMessage.Response.ConversationResponse.CanStoreData.Hash.ToByteArray();

                string objectPath1 = client.CreateIpfsPathFromHash(objectHash1);
                log.Trace("Object path 1 is '{0}'.", objectPath1);

                string       validityString = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fffK", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                CanIpnsEntry ipnsRecord     = new CanIpnsEntry()
                    Value        = ProtocolHelper.ByteArrayToByteString(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(objectPath1)),
                    ValidityType = CanIpnsEntry.Types.ValidityType.Eol,
                    Validity     = ProtocolHelper.ByteArrayToByteString(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(validityString)),
                    Sequence     = 1,
                    Ttl          = 6000000000,
                ipnsRecord.Signature = ProtocolHelper.ByteArrayToByteString(client.CreateIpnsRecordSignature(ipnsRecord));

                requestMessage = mb.CreateCanPublishIpnsRecordRequest(ipnsRecord);
                await client.SendMessageAsync(requestMessage);

                responseMessage = await client.ReceiveMessageAsync();

                idOk     = responseMessage.Id == requestMessage.Id;
                statusOk = responseMessage.Response.Status == Status.Ok;
                bool canPublishIpnsRecordOk = idOk && statusOk;

                // Step 2 Acceptance
                bool step2Ok = canStoreDataOk && canPublishIpnsRecordOk;

                log.Trace("Step 2: {0}", step2Ok ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");

                // Step 3
                log.Trace("Step 3");
                IPEndPoint canEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ServerIp, CanPort);
                byte[]     clientCanId = client.CanPublicKeyToId(client.GetIdentityKeys().PublicKey);
                string     ipnsPath    = client.CreateIpnsPathFromHash(clientCanId);

                ProtocolClient.CanIpnsResolveResult canIpnsResolveResult = await client.CanIpnsResolve(canEndPoint, ipnsPath);

                string canObjectPath = canIpnsResolveResult.Path;
                bool   objectPathOk  = canObjectPath == objectPath1;
                bool   resolveOk     = canIpnsResolveResult.Success && objectPathOk;

                ProtocolClient.CanCatResult canCatResult = await client.CanGetObject(canEndPoint, canObjectPath);

                byte[] receivedData = canCatResult.Data;
                byte[] expectedData = identityData1.ToByteArray();
                bool   dataOk       = StructuralComparisons.StructuralComparer.Compare(receivedData, expectedData) == 0;
                bool   catOk        = canCatResult.Success && dataOk;

                // Step 3 Acceptance
                bool step3Ok = resolveOk && catOk;

                log.Trace("Step 3: {0}", step3Ok ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");

                // Step 4
                log.Trace("Step 4");

                ipnsRecord.Sequence  = 2;
                ipnsRecord.Signature = ProtocolHelper.ByteArrayToByteString(client.CreateIpnsRecordSignature(ipnsRecord));

                requestMessage = mb.CreateCanPublishIpnsRecordRequest(ipnsRecord);
                await client.SendMessageAsync(requestMessage);

                responseMessage = await client.ReceiveMessageAsync();

                idOk     = responseMessage.Id == requestMessage.Id;
                statusOk = responseMessage.Response.Status == Status.Ok;
                canPublishIpnsRecordOk = idOk && statusOk;

                canIpnsResolveResult = await client.CanIpnsResolve(canEndPoint, ipnsPath);

                canObjectPath = canIpnsResolveResult.Path;
                objectPathOk  = canObjectPath == objectPath1;
                resolveOk     = canIpnsResolveResult.Success && objectPathOk;

                // Step 4 Acceptance
                bool step4Ok = canPublishIpnsRecordOk && resolveOk;

                log.Trace("Step 4: {0}", step4Ok ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");

                // Step 5
                log.Trace("Step 5");

                byte[] valX = new byte[50000];
                for (int i = 0; i < valX.Length; i++)
                    valX[i] = 0x30;

                clientData = new List <CanKeyValue>()
                    new CanKeyValue()
                        Key = "key1", StringValue = "value 1"
                    new CanKeyValue()
                        Key = "key2", Uint32Value = 3
                    new CanKeyValue()
                        Key = "key3", BoolValue = false
                    new CanKeyValue()
                        Key = "keyX", BinaryValue = ProtocolHelper.ByteArrayToByteString(valX)

                CanIdentityData identityData2 = new CanIdentityData()
                    HostingServerId = ProtocolHelper.ByteArrayToByteString(serverId)

                requestMessage = mb.CreateCanStoreDataRequest(identityData2);
                await client.SendMessageAsync(requestMessage);

                responseMessage = await client.ReceiveMessageAsync();

                idOk           = responseMessage.Id == requestMessage.Id;
                statusOk       = responseMessage.Response.Status == Status.Ok;
                canStoreDataOk = idOk && statusOk;

                byte[] objectHash2 = responseMessage.Response.ConversationResponse.CanStoreData.Hash.ToByteArray();

                string objectPath2 = client.CreateIpfsPathFromHash(objectHash2);
                log.Trace("Object path 2 is '{0}'.", objectPath2);

                ipnsRecord.Sequence  = 3;
                ipnsRecord.Value     = ProtocolHelper.ByteArrayToByteString(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(objectPath2));
                ipnsRecord.Signature = ProtocolHelper.ByteArrayToByteString(client.CreateIpnsRecordSignature(ipnsRecord));

                requestMessage = mb.CreateCanPublishIpnsRecordRequest(ipnsRecord);
                await client.SendMessageAsync(requestMessage);

                responseMessage = await client.ReceiveMessageAsync();

                idOk     = responseMessage.Id == requestMessage.Id;
                statusOk = responseMessage.Response.Status == Status.Ok;
                canPublishIpnsRecordOk = idOk && statusOk;

                // Step 5 Acceptance
                bool step5Ok = canStoreDataOk && canPublishIpnsRecordOk;

                log.Trace("Step 5: {0}", step5Ok ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");

                // Step 6
                log.Trace("Step 6");

                await Task.Delay(10000);

                canIpnsResolveResult = await client.CanIpnsResolve(canEndPoint, ipnsPath);

                canObjectPath = canIpnsResolveResult.Path;
                objectPathOk  = canObjectPath == objectPath2;
                resolveOk     = canIpnsResolveResult.Success && objectPathOk;

                canCatResult = await client.CanGetObject(canEndPoint, canObjectPath);

                receivedData = canCatResult.Data;
                expectedData = identityData2.ToByteArray();
                dataOk       = StructuralComparisons.StructuralComparer.Compare(receivedData, expectedData) == 0;
                catOk        = canCatResult.Success && dataOk;

                // Step 6 Acceptance
                bool step6Ok = resolveOk && catOk;

                log.Trace("Step 6: {0}", step6Ok ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");

                // Step 7
                log.Trace("Step 7");

                requestMessage = mb.CreateCanStoreDataRequest(null);
                await client.SendMessageAsync(requestMessage);

                responseMessage = await client.ReceiveMessageAsync();

                idOk           = responseMessage.Id == requestMessage.Id;
                statusOk       = responseMessage.Response.Status == Status.Ok;
                canStoreDataOk = idOk && statusOk;

                ProtocolClient.CanDeleteResult canDeleteResult = await client.CanDeleteObject(canEndPoint, canObjectPath);

                bool pinsOk   = (canDeleteResult.Pins == null) || (canDeleteResult.Pins.Length == 0);
                bool deleteOk = canDeleteResult.Success && pinsOk;

                // Step 7 Acceptance
                bool step7Ok = canStoreDataOk && deleteOk;

                log.Trace("Step 7: {0}", step7Ok ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");

                // Step 8
                log.Trace("Step 8");

                canDeleteResult = await client.CanDeleteObject(canEndPoint, objectPath1);

                pinsOk   = (canDeleteResult.Pins == null) || (canDeleteResult.Pins.Length == 0);
                deleteOk = canDeleteResult.Success && pinsOk;

                // Step 8 Acceptance
                bool step8Ok = deleteOk;

                log.Trace("Step 8: {0}", step8Ok ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");

                Passed = step1Ok && step2Ok && step3Ok && step4Ok && step5Ok && step6Ok && step7Ok && step8Ok;

                res = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error("Exception occurred: {0}", e.ToString());

            log.Trace("(-):{0}", res);