public void EmbeddedTest001()
            String code =
            x = 0;
            x = x + 5;

                ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
                ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

                Obj o = mirror.GetValue("x");
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 5);

        public void EmbeddedTest002()
            String code =
        public void TestMultLanguageVariableUsage()
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();

    a = 2;
        if(a == 2 )
            b = a + 5;
            a = 20;
            b = 4;
    c = a;
"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                , core);
        public void TestClassUsageInImpeartive()
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(
class foo
	m : var;
	constructor Create(a1 : int)
		m = a1;
	p = foo.Create(16);
    x = p.m;
    p.m = 32;
    y = p.m;
                , core);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("x", 0).Payload == 16);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("y", 0).Payload == 32);
        public void AccessGlobalVariableInsideFunction()
            string code = @"
                                arr = { 1, 2, 3 };
                                factor = 10;

                                def foo : int[]()
                                    f = factor;
                                        ix = 0;
                                        for(i in arr)
                                            arr[ix] = arr[ix] * factor * f;
                                            ix = ix + 1;

                                    return = arr;

                                w = foo();
                                w0 = w[0];
                                w1 = w[1];
                                w2 = w[2];

                ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
                ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("w0").Payload == 100);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("w1").Payload == 200);
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("w2").Payload == 300);
Exemple #5
        public void TestMethodOverload4()
            string code =
                class A
	                def execute(a : A)
		                return = 1;
                class B extends A
	                def execute(b : B)
		                return = 2;
                class C extends B
                c = C.C();
                val = c.execute(c);
                "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("val").Payload == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(core.BuildStatus.WarningCount == 0);
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
    a = [Imperative]
Exemple #7
        public void GetUpcastChainTest()
            String code =
                @"class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
"                                                                       ;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ProtoCore.RuntimeCore runtimeCore             = null;
            ExecutionMirror       mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out runtimeCore);
            int        idA  = core.ClassTable.IndexOf("A");
            int        idB  = core.ClassTable.IndexOf("B");
            int        idC  = core.ClassTable.IndexOf("C");
            ClassNode  cnA  = core.ClassTable.ClassNodes[idA];
            ClassNode  cnB  = core.ClassTable.ClassNodes[idB];
            ClassNode  cnC  = core.ClassTable.ClassNodes[idC];
            List <int> idsA = ClassUtils.GetClassUpcastChain(cnA, runtimeCore);
            List <int> idsB = ClassUtils.GetClassUpcastChain(cnB, runtimeCore);
            List <int> idsC = ClassUtils.GetClassUpcastChain(cnC, runtimeCore);

            Assert.IsTrue(idsA.Count == 2);

            Assert.IsTrue(idsB.Count == 3);
            Assert.IsTrue(idsC.Count == 4);
Exemple #8
        public void LanguageBlockReturn02()
            String code =
    def DoSomthing : int(p : int)
        ret = p;       
        d = [Imperative]
            loc = 20;
            return = loc;
        return = ret * 100 + d;
    a = DoSomthing(10);   
"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("a").Payload == 1020);
        public void ArrayRetrival2D2b1()
            String code =
	foo = {{5}, {6}};
"                                                             ;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Obj o = mirror.GetValue("foo");

            ProtoCore.DSASM.Mirror.DsasmArray a = (ProtoCore.DSASM.Mirror.DsasmArray)o.Payload;
            Assert.IsTrue(a.members.Length == 2);
            ProtoCore.DSASM.Mirror.DsasmArray a2 = (ProtoCore.DSASM.Mirror.DsasmArray)((a.members[0]).Payload);
            Assert.IsTrue(a2.members.Length == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)a2.members[0].Payload == 5);
            ProtoCore.DSASM.Mirror.DsasmArray a3 = (ProtoCore.DSASM.Mirror.DsasmArray)((a.members[1]).Payload);
            Assert.IsTrue(a3.members.Length == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)a3.members[0].Payload == 6);
        public void TestMethodOverlaodAndArrayInput1()
            string code =
                class A
                    def execute(a : A)
                        return = -1; 
                class B extends A
                    def execute(arr : B[])
                        return = 2;
                b = B.B();
                arr = {B.B(), B.B(), B.B()};
                val = b.execute(arr);
                "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("val").Payload == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(compileState.BuildStatus.WarningCount == 0);
Exemple #11
 protected int ExecuteAndVerify(String code, ValidationData[] data, Dictionary<string, Object> context, out int nErrors)
     ProtoCore.Core core = Setup();
     ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
     ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, context);
     int nWarnings = core.RuntimeStatus.WarningCount;
     nErrors = core.BuildStatus.ErrorCount;
     if (data == null)
         return nWarnings + nErrors;
     TestFrameWork thisTest = new TestFrameWork();
     foreach (var item in data)
         if (item.ExpectedValue == null)
             object nullOb = null;
             TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, item.ValueName, nullOb, item.BlockIndex);
             TestFrameWork.Verify(mirror, item.ValueName, item.ExpectedValue, item.BlockIndex);
     return nWarnings + nErrors;
        public void TestMethodOverlaodAndArrayInput4Min()
            string code =
                class A
                class B extends A
                    static def execute(b : B)
                        return = -1; 
                    def execute(arr : B[])
                        return = 2;
                arr = {B.B(), B.B()};
                val = B.execute(arr);
                val1 = val[0];
                val2 = val[1];
                "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("val1").Payload == -1);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("val2").Payload == -1);
            Assert.IsTrue(compileState.BuildStatus.WarningCount == 0);
        public void TestMethodResolutionOverInheritance()
            string code =
                class A
	                def execute(a : A)
		                return = 1;
                class B extends A
                class C extends B
                c = C.C();
                val = c.execute(c);
                "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("val").Payload == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(compileState.BuildStatus.WarningCount == 0);
        public void TestClassUsageInImpeartive()
            ProtoCore.Core core = new ProtoCore.Core(new ProtoCore.Options());
            core.Executives.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kAssociative, new ProtoAssociative.Executive(core));
            core.Executives.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kImperative, new ProtoImperative.Executive(core));
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(
            class foo
            m : var;
            constructor Create(a1 : int)
            m = a1;
            p = foo.Create(16);
            x = p.m;

            p.m = 32;
            y = p.m;
            , core, out compileState);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("x", 0).Payload == 16);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("y", 0).Payload == 32);
        public void TestMethodOverload1()
            string code =
                class A
	                def execute(a : A)
		                return = 1;
                class B extends A
	                def execute(b : B)
		                return = 2;
                a = A.A();
                b = B.B();
                val = b.execute(a);
                "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("val").Payload == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(compileState.BuildStatus.WarningCount == 0);
        public void SimpleCtorResolution01()
            String code =
	class f
		fx : var;
		fy : var;
		constructor f()
			fx = 123;
			fy = 345;
// Construct class 'f'
	cf = f.f();
	x = cf.fx;
	y = cf.fy;
"                                                                                                                                                                          ;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("x").Payload == 123);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("y").Payload == 345);
        public void ClassTest()
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
                                class Point
                                  mx : var;
                                  my : var;
                                  mz : var;
                                  constructor Point(xx : double, yy : double, zz : double)
                                      mz = xx;
                                      my = yy;
                                      mx = zz;
                                point = Point.Point(10,10,10);
                            ", core, out compileState);

               //Object o = mirror.GetValue("");
               //Assert.IsTrue((long)o == 10);
        public void ModifierStackWithArray()
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(
                            a =
                                    {3, 2, 1} => a@init;
                                    1 => a@first;
                        ", core, out compileState);

            Obj o = mirror.GetValue("a@init");
            List<Obj> os = mirror.GetArrayElements(o);
            Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 3);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os[0].Payload == 3);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os[1].Payload == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os[2].Payload == 1);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("a@first", 0).Payload == 1);
        public void EmbeddedTest003()
            String code =
	x = 
        0 => x@first;
        +1 => x@second;

        x = x + 5;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Obj o = mirror.GetValue("x");

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 6);
Exemple #20
        public static void TestMinFac()
            Assert.Ignore("Testing old C++ FFI. Ignored");

            String code =
               external (""factorial"") def factorial : int (num4 : int); 
               a = factorial(4); 

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ProtoCore.Core core = new ProtoCore.Core(new ProtoCore.Options());
            core.Executives.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kAssociative, new ProtoAssociative.Executive(core));
            core.Executives.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kImperative, new ProtoImperative.Executive(core));

            ProtoLanguage.CompileStateTracker compileState = null;
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Obj o = mirror.GetValue("a");

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 24);
        public void NestedBlockInFunction04()
            String code =
def foo  ()
    t = [Associative]
          t1 = [Imperative]
                t2 = 6;    
                return = t2;  
       return = t1;                 
    return = t;    
p = foo();
"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("p").Payload == 6);
        public void AccessGlobalVariableInsideFunction()
            string code = @"
                                arr = { 1, 2, 3 };
                                factor = 10;
                                def foo : int[]()
	                                f = factor;
		                                ix = 0;
		                                for(i in arr)
			                                arr[ix] = arr[ix] * factor * f;
			                                ix = ix + 1;
	                                return = arr;
                                w = foo();
                                w0 = w[0];
                                w1 = w[1];
                                w2 = w[2];
"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("w0").Payload == 100);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("w1").Payload == 200);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("w2").Payload == 300);
        public void NestedBlockInFunction02()
            String code =

def clampRange : int(i : int, rangeMin : int, rangeMax : int)
    result = [Imperative]
	    clampedValue = i;
	    if(i < rangeMin) 
		    clampedValue = rangeMin;
	    elseif( i > rangeMax ) 
		    clampedValue = rangeMax; 
        return = clampedValue;
	return = result;
a = clampRange(101, 10, 100);

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("a").Payload == 100);
        public void LanguageBlockReturn02()
            String code =
    def DoSomthing : int(p : int)
        ret = p;       
        d = [Imperative]
            core = new ProtoCore.Core(new ProtoCore.Options());
            core.Executives.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kAssociative, new ProtoAssociative.Executive(core));
            core.Executives.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kImperative, new ProtoImperative.Executive(core));
        return = ret * 100 + d;
    a = DoSomthing(10);   

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("a").Payload == 1020);
        public void LanguageBlockReturn01()
            String code =
    a = 4;
    b = a*2;
    x = [Imperative]
        return = i; 
    a = x;
    temp = 5;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("a").Payload == 0);
        public void TestOverridenMethod()
            string code = @"
                            class A
	                            def foo(x : double)
                                { return = 1; }
                            class B extends A
                                def foo(x : double)
                                { return = 2; }
                          //  a = A.A();
                          //  val1 =;
                          b = B.B();
                            "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            //Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("val1").Payload == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("val2").Payload == 2);
Exemple #27
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(
                            a = 
Exemple #28
            public void ExternCallTest()

               //String code =
/*@"external (""ffi_library"") def sum_all : double (arr : double[], numElems : int);

def sum_all_2 : double (arr : double[], numElems : int)
{ return = 42;


arr = {1.0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

sum_1_to_10 = sum_all_2(arr, 10);";

                String code =
@"external (""ffi_library"") def sum_all : double (arr : double[], numElems : int);

arr = {1.0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

sum_1_to_10 = sum_all(arr, 10);";

                ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
                ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core);

                Obj o = mirror.GetValue("sum_1_to_10");
                Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 55);
        public void SimpleCtorResolution01()
            String code =
            class f
            fx : var;
            fy : var;
            constructor f()
            fx = 123;
            fy = 345;

            // Construct class 'f'
            cf = f.f();
            x = cf.fx;
            y = cf.fy;


            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("x").Payload == 123);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("y").Payload == 345);
Exemple #30
        public void ModifierStackWithArray()
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(
                            a = 
                                    {3, 2, 1} => a@init;
                                    1 => a@first;
                        ", core, out runtimeCore);

            Obj        o  = mirror.GetValue("a@init");
            List <Obj> os = mirror.GetArrayElements(o);

            Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 3);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os[0].Payload == 3);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os[1].Payload == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os[2].Payload == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("a@first", 0).Payload == 1);
Exemple #31
        public void ModifierStackWithArrayAndFunction()
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(
	                         def foo : int(x : int)
		                        a = x+2;
		                        return = a;
                             b = 
                                     {3, 2, 1} => a@init;
                                     foo(7) => a@first;
                        ", core, out runtimeCore);
            Obj        o  = mirror.GetValue("a@init");
            List <Obj> os = mirror.GetArrayElements(o);

            Assert.IsTrue(os.Count == 3);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os[0].Payload == 3);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os[1].Payload == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)os[2].Payload == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("a@first", 0).Payload == 9);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("b", 0).Payload == 9);
Exemple #32
        public void TestDepthCountOnJaggedArray()
            String code =
a = {1,{{1},{3.1415}},null,1.0,12.3};
b = {1,2,{3}};
x = {{1},{3.1415}};

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core);
            StackValue      a      = mirror.GetRawFirstValue("a");
            StackValue      b      = mirror.GetRawFirstValue("b");
            StackValue      x      = mirror.GetRawFirstValue("x");
            int             rankA  = ArrayUtils.GetMaxRankForArray(a, core);

            Assert.IsTrue(rankA == 3);
            int rankB = ArrayUtils.GetMaxRankForArray(b, core);

            Assert.IsTrue(rankB == 2);
            int rankX = ArrayUtils.GetMaxRankForArray(x, core);

            Assert.IsTrue(rankX == 2);            /*
Exemple #33
        public void StackValueDiffTestProperty01()
            String code =
class A
    x : var;
    constructor A()
        x = 20;
	a = A.A();
    b = 1.0;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core);
            StackValue      svA    = mirror.GetRawFirstValue("a");
            StackValue      svB    = mirror.GetRawFirstValue("b");

            Assert.IsTrue(svA.metaData.type != svB.metaData.type);
Exemple #34
        public void GetUpcastChainTest()
            String code =
@"class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core);
            int idA = core.ClassTable.IndexOf("A");
            int idB = core.ClassTable.IndexOf("B");
            int idC = core.ClassTable.IndexOf("C");
            ClassNode cnA = core.ClassTable.ClassNodes[idA];
            ClassNode cnB = core.ClassTable.ClassNodes[idB];
            ClassNode cnC = core.ClassTable.ClassNodes[idC];
            List<int> idsA = ClassUtils.GetClassUpcastChain(cnA, core);
            List<int> idsB = ClassUtils.GetClassUpcastChain(cnB, core);
            List<int> idsC = ClassUtils.GetClassUpcastChain(cnC, core);
            Assert.IsTrue(idsA.Count == 2);

            Assert.IsTrue(idsB.Count == 3);
            Assert.IsTrue(idsC.Count == 4);
Exemple #35
        public void TestArrayLayerStatsSimple()
            String code =
	a = {1,2,3};
    b = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0};
    c = {1.0, 2.0, 9};

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core);
            StackValue      svA    = mirror.GetRawFirstValue("a");
            var             dict   = ProtoCore.Utils.ArrayUtils.GetTypeStatisticsForLayer(svA, core);

            Assert.IsTrue(dict[dict.Keys.First()] == 3);
            StackValue svB   = mirror.GetRawFirstValue("b");
            var        dict2 = ProtoCore.Utils.ArrayUtils.GetTypeStatisticsForLayer(svB, core);

            Assert.IsTrue(dict2[dict2.Keys.First()] == 4);
            StackValue svC   = mirror.GetRawFirstValue("c");
            var        dict3 = ProtoCore.Utils.ArrayUtils.GetTypeStatisticsForLayer(svC, core);

            Assert.IsTrue(dict3[dict3.Keys.First()] == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(dict3[dict3.Keys.Last()] == 1);

            // Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 5);
Exemple #36
        public void TestGetRunId03()
            String code =
def f(i : int)
	return = i + 1;

x = 0;
y = f(x);
x = {1,2,3}; // Replicated call to 'f' should still yield runId of 1


            ProtoCore.Core core = SetupTestCore("TestGetRunId03");
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner runner = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();

            ExecutionMirror mirror = runner.Execute(code, core);

            // Verify entries in the callsite map
            ProtoCore.CallsiteExecutionState csState = core.csExecutionState;
            int entries = csState.GetCSStateCount();

            Assert.IsTrue(entries == 1);

            // Verify run id of each callsite
            Assert.IsTrue(core.csExecutionState.CallsiteDataMap[0].RunID == 1);

Exemple #37
        public void StackValueDiffTestProperty01()
            String code =
class A
    x : var;
    constructor A()
        x = 20;
	a = A.A();
    b = 1.0;
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ProtoCore.RuntimeCore runtimeCore = null;
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out runtimeCore);
            StackValue svA = mirror.GetRawFirstValue("a");
            StackValue svB = mirror.GetRawFirstValue("b");
            Assert.IsTrue(svA.metaData.type != svB.metaData.type);
Exemple #38
        public void TestClassUsageInImpeartive()
            ProtoCore.Core core = new ProtoCore.Core(new ProtoCore.Options());
            core.Executives.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kAssociative, new ProtoAssociative.Executive(core));
            core.Executives.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kImperative, new ProtoImperative.Executive(core));
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(
class foo
	m : var;
	constructor Create(a1 : int)
		m = a1;
	p = foo.Create(16);
    x = p.m;

    p.m = 32;
    y = p.m;
                , core, out compileState);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("x", 0).Payload == 16);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("y", 0).Payload == 32);
Exemple #39
        public void TestMultLanguageVariableUsage()
            ProtoCore.Core core = new ProtoCore.Core(new ProtoCore.Options());
            core.Executives.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kAssociative, new ProtoAssociative.Executive(core));
            core.Executives.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kImperative, new ProtoImperative.Executive(core));
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();

    a = 2;
        if(a == 2 )
            b = a + 5;
            a = 20;
            b = 4;
    c = a;
", core, out compileState);
Exemple #40
        public void RedefineWithFunctions03()
            String code =
class C
    mx : var;
    constructor C()
        mx = 10;
    def f(a : int)
        mx = a + 1;
        return = mx;
x = 10;
p = C.C();
x = p.f(x);
"                                                                                                                                                                                                     ;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out runtimeCore);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("x").Payload == 11);
        public void EmbeddedTest005()
            Assert.Fail("This code should fail as x@second should be read only, however it doesn't");

            String code =
	x = {
        0 => x@first;
        +1 => x@second;
        x@second = x + 5;

            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out compileState);

            Obj o = mirror.GetValue("x");

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 6);
Exemple #42
        public void ClassTest()
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
                                class Point
                                  mx : var;
                                  my : var;
                                  mz : var;
                                  constructor Point(xx : double, yy : double, zz : double)
                                      mz = xx;
                                      my = yy;
                                      mx = zz;
                                point = Point.Point(10,10,10);
                            ", core, out compileState);

            //Object o = mirror.GetValue("");
            //Assert.IsTrue((long)o == 10);
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("x").Payload == 1001);

        public void RedefineWithFunctions02()
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core);
            Obj o = mirror.GetValue("x");
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 6);

p = 10;
p = DummyPoint.ByCoordinates(11.0, 20.0, 30.0);
x = p.X;
            thisTest.Verify("x", 11);
        public void RedefineWithFunctions03()
            String code =
class C
    mx : var;
    constructor C()
    def f(a : int)
        mx = a + 1;
        return = mx;
x = 10;
Exemple #48
                        ", core);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("a", 0).Payload == 10);

        public void TwoSimpleExprInModifierStack()
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
Exemple #49
 public void TestScript(string scriptCode)
     ProtoCore.Core core = new ProtoCore.Core(new ProtoCore.Options());
     core.Executives.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kAssociative, new ProtoAssociative.Executive(core));
     core.Executives.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kImperative, new ProtoImperative.Executive(core));
     ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
     fsr.Execute(scriptCode, core);
Exemple #50
 ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(code);
 thisTest.Verify("f0", false);
 thisTest.Verify("f1", false);
 thisTest.Verify("f2", false);
 thisTest.Verify("f3", false);
 thisTest.Verify("t0", true);
 thisTest.Verify("t1", true);
 thisTest.Verify("t2", true);
        public void RedefineWithFunctions01()
            String code =
def f(i : int)
    return = i + 1;
Exemple #52
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out runtimeCore);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("x").Payload == 123);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("y").Payload == 345);

        public void SimpleMethodOverload2()
Exemple #53
        return = 0;
	x = 10;
    y = 40;
	n = scale();
	n = scale(10);
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out runtimeCore);
Exemple #54
            ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = fsr.Execute(code, core, out runtimeCore);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("x").Payload == 123);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("y").Payload == 345);

        public void SimpleMethodOverload1()
Exemple #55
	def f()
		return = 123;
    def f(a : int)
        return = a;
    x = f();
Exemple #56
        public void SimpleAssignment()
            String code =
	fx : var;
	fy : var;
	fx = 123;
	fy = 345;
        public void PreClarifyPreParseBracket001()
            String code =
 a = {1001,1002};    
 // This is failing the pre-parse. 
 // Probably has somthing to do with convertingthe language blocks into binary exprs
Exemple #58
    a = 3;
    b = 4;
", core);
        public void TestSingleLanguageAssociative()
            ProtoCore.Core core = new ProtoCore.Core(new ProtoCore.Options());
Exemple #59
        public void TestDS()
            String code =
	size = 5;
Exemple #60
 public void TestMultLanguageAssociativeImperative()
     ProtoCore.Core core = new ProtoCore.Core(new ProtoCore.Options());
     core.Executives.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kAssociative, new ProtoAssociative.Executive(core));
     core.Executives.Add(ProtoCore.Language.kImperative, new ProtoImperative.Executive(core));
     ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner fsr = new ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptTestRunner();