Exemple #1
        public void Property_NameExists_CorrectDictionary()
            PropertyTree tree = new PropertyTree();

            // Add properties to the tree

            tree.properties.Add("label", new Dictionary <int, dynamic>());
            tree.properties.Add("length", new Dictionary <int, dynamic>());
            tree.properties["label"].Add(1, "hello");
            tree.properties["length"].Add(12, 12.5);
            tree.properties["length"].Add(10, 7.5);
            tree.properties["length"].Add(15, 12);

            // Compare expected data and the result of the function for field "length"

            Dictionary <int, dynamic> expectedResult = new Dictionary <int, dynamic>();

            expectedResult.Add(12, 12.5);
            expectedResult.Add(10, 7.5);
            expectedResult.Add(15, 12);

            Dictionary <int, dynamic> listOfProperties = tree.Property("length");

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(listOfProperties, expectedResult);

            // Compare expected data and the result of the function for field "label"

            Dictionary <int, dynamic> listOfProperties2 = tree.Property("label");
            Dictionary <int, dynamic> expectedResult2   = new Dictionary <int, dynamic>();

            expectedResult2.Add(1, "hello");

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(listOfProperties2, expectedResult2);
Exemple #2
        public void Property_InvalidName_EmptyDictionary()
            PropertyTree tree = new PropertyTree();

            Dictionary <int, dynamic> expectedList = new Dictionary <int, dynamic>()

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(tree.Property("width"), expectedList);