Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add is used by various operations (eg: add, copy, ...), yet through different operations;
        /// This method allows code reuse yet reporting the correct operation on error
        /// </summary>
        private void Add(string path, object value, T objectToApplyTo, Operation <T> operationToReport)
            // add, in this implementation, does not just "add" properties - that's
            // technically impossible;  It can however be used to add items to arrays,
            // or to replace values.

            // first up: if the path ends in a numeric value, we're inserting in a list and
            // that value represents the position; if the path ends in "-", we're appending
            // to the list.
            var appendList           = false;
            var positionAsInteger    = -1;
            var actualPathToProperty = path;

            if (path.EndsWith("/-"))
                appendList           = true;
                actualPathToProperty = path.Substring(0, path.Length - 2);
                positionAsInteger = PropertyHelpers.GetNumericEnd(path);

                if (positionAsInteger > -1)
                    actualPathToProperty = path.Substring(0,
                                                          path.IndexOf('/' + positionAsInteger.ToString()));

            var patchProperty = PropertyHelpers
                                .FindPropertyAndParent(objectToApplyTo, actualPathToProperty, ContractResolver);

            // does property at path exist?
            CheckIfPropertyExists(patchProperty, objectToApplyTo, operationToReport, path);

            // it exists.  If it' an array, add to that array.  If it's not, we replace.
            // is the path an array (but not a string (= char[]))?  In this case,
            // the path must end with "/position" or "/-", which we already determined before.
            if (appendList || positionAsInteger > -1)
                // what if it's an array but there's no position??
                if (IsNonStringArray(patchProperty))
                    // now, get the generic type of the enumerable
                    var genericTypeOfArray = PropertyHelpers.GetEnumerableType(

                    var conversionResult = PropertyHelpers.ConvertToActualType(genericTypeOfArray, value);

                    CheckIfPropertyCanBeSet(conversionResult, objectToApplyTo, operationToReport, path);

                    // get value (it can be cast, we just checked that)
                    var array = (IList)patchProperty.Property.ValueProvider.GetValue(patchProperty.Parent);

                    if (appendList)
                        // specified index must not be greater than the amount of items in the array
                        if (positionAsInteger <= array.Count)
                            array.Insert(positionAsInteger, conversionResult.ConvertedInstance);
                            throw new JsonPatchException <T>(operationToReport,
                                                             string.Format("Patch failed: provided path is invalid for array property type at " +
                                                                           "location path: {0}: position larger than array size",
                                                                           path, 422),
                    throw new JsonPatchException <T>(operationToReport,
                                                     string.Format("Patch failed: provided path is invalid for array property type at location " +
                                                                   "path: {0}: expected array",
                                                     objectToApplyTo, 422);
                var conversionResultTuple = PropertyHelpers.ConvertToActualType(

                // Is conversion successful
                CheckIfPropertyCanBeSet(conversionResultTuple, objectToApplyTo, operationToReport, path);

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// The "test" operation tests that a value at the target location is
        /// equal to a specified value.
        /// The operation object MUST contain a "value" member that conveys the
        /// value to be compared to the target location's value.
        /// The target location MUST be equal to the "value" value for the
        /// operation to be considered successful.
        /// Here, "equal" means that the value at the target location and the
        /// value conveyed by "value" are of the same JSON type, and that they
        /// are considered equal by the following rules for that type:
        /// o  strings: are considered equal if they contain the same number of
        ///    Unicode characters and their code points are byte-by-byte equal.
        /// o  numbers: are considered equal if their values are numerically
        ///    equal.
        /// o  arrays: are considered equal if they contain the same number of
        ///    values, and if each value can be considered equal to the value at
        ///    the corresponding position in the other array, using this list of
        ///    type-specific rules.
        /// o  objects: are considered equal if they contain the same number of
        ///    members, and if each member can be considered equal to a member in
        ///    the other object, by comparing their keys (as strings) and their
        ///    values (using this list of type-specific rules).
        /// o  literals (false, true, and null): are considered equal if they are
        ///    the same.
        /// Note that the comparison that is done is a logical comparison; e.g.,
        /// whitespace between the member values of an array is not significant.
        /// Also, note that ordering of the serialization of object members is
        /// not significant.
        /// Note that we divert from the rules here - we use .NET's comparison,
        /// not the one above.  In a future version, a "strict" setting might
        /// be added (configurable), that takes into account above rules.
        /// For example:
        /// { "op": "test", "path": "/a/b/c", "value": "foo" }
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="operation">The test operation</param>
        /// <param name="objectApplyTo">Object to apply the operation to</param>
        public void Test(Operation <T> operation, T objectToApplyTo)
            // get value at path location
            object valueAtPathLocation     = null;
            var    positionInPathAsInteger = -1;
            var    actualPathProperty      = operation.path;

            positionInPathAsInteger = PropertyHelpers.GetNumericEnd(operation.path);

            if (positionInPathAsInteger > -1)
                actualPathProperty = operation.path.Substring(0,
                                                              operation.path.IndexOf('/' + positionInPathAsInteger.ToString()));

            var patchProperty = PropertyHelpers
                                .FindPropertyAndParent(objectToApplyTo, actualPathProperty, ContractResolver);

            // does property at path exist?
            CheckIfPropertyExists(patchProperty, objectToApplyTo, operation, operation.path);

            // get the property path
            Type typeOfFinalPropertyAtPathLocation;

            // is the path an array (but not a string (= char[]))?  In this case,
            // the path must end with "/position" or "/-", which we already determined before.
            if (positionInPathAsInteger > -1)
                if (IsNonStringArray(patchProperty))
                    // now, get the generic type of the enumerable
                    typeOfFinalPropertyAtPathLocation = PropertyHelpers

                    // get value (it can be cast, we just checked that)
                    var array = (IList)patchProperty.Property.ValueProvider.GetValue(patchProperty.Parent);

                    if (array.Count <= positionInPathAsInteger)
                        throw new JsonPatchException <T>(operation,
                                                         string.Format("Patch failed: provided from path is invalid for array property type at " +
                                                                       "location path: {0}: invalid position",
                                                         objectToApplyTo, 422);

                    valueAtPathLocation = array[positionInPathAsInteger];
                    throw new JsonPatchException <T>(operation,
                                                     string.Format("Patch failed: provided from path is invalid for array property type at " +
                                                                   "location path: {0}: expected array",
                                                     objectToApplyTo, 422);
                // no list, just get the value
                valueAtPathLocation = patchProperty.Property.ValueProvider.GetValue(patchProperty.Parent);
                typeOfFinalPropertyAtPathLocation = patchProperty.Property.PropertyType;

            var conversionResultTuple = PropertyHelpers.ConvertToActualType(

            // Is conversion successful
            CheckIfPropertyCanBeSet(conversionResultTuple, objectToApplyTo, operation, operation.path);

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        ///  The "copy" operation copies the value at a specified location to the
        ///  target location.
        ///  The operation object MUST contain a "from" member, which is a string
        ///  containing a JSON Pointer value that references the location in the
        ///  target document to copy the value from.
        ///  The "from" location MUST exist for the operation to be successful.
        ///  For example:
        ///  { "op": "copy", "from": "/a/b/c", "path": "/a/b/e" }
        ///  This operation is functionally identical to an "add" operation at the
        ///  target location using the value specified in the "from" member.
        ///  Note: even though it's the same functionally, we do not call add with
        ///  the value specified in from for performance reasons (multiple checks of same requirements).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="operation">The copy operation</param>
        /// <param name="objectApplyTo">Object to apply the operation to</param>
        public void Copy(Operation <T> operation, T objectToApplyTo)
            // get value at from location
            object valueAtFromLocation = null;
            var    positionAsInteger   = -1;
            var    actualFromProperty  = operation.from;

            positionAsInteger = PropertyHelpers.GetNumericEnd(operation.from);

            if (positionAsInteger > -1)
                actualFromProperty = operation.from.Substring(0,
                                                              operation.from.IndexOf('/' + positionAsInteger.ToString()));

            var patchProperty = PropertyHelpers
                                .FindPropertyAndParent(objectToApplyTo, actualFromProperty, ContractResolver);

            // does property at from exist?
            CheckIfPropertyExists(patchProperty, objectToApplyTo, operation, operation.from);

            // get the property path
            // is the path an array (but not a string (= char[]))?  In this case,
            // the path must end with "/position" or "/-", which we already determined before.
            if (positionAsInteger > -1)
                if (IsNonStringArray(patchProperty))
                    // now, get the generic type of the enumerable
                    var genericTypeOfArray = PropertyHelpers.GetEnumerableType(patchProperty.Property.PropertyType);

                    // get value (it can be cast, we just checked that)
                    var array = (IList)patchProperty.Property.ValueProvider.GetValue(patchProperty.Parent);

                    if (array.Count <= positionAsInteger)
                        throw new JsonPatchException <T>(operation,
                                                         string.Format("Patch failed: provided from path is invalid for array property type at " +
                                                                       "location from: {0}: invalid position",
                                                         objectToApplyTo, 422);

                    valueAtFromLocation = array[positionAsInteger];
                    throw new JsonPatchException <T>(operation,
                                                     string.Format("Patch failed: provided from path is invalid for array property type at " +
                                                                   "location from: {0}: expected array",
                                                     objectToApplyTo, 422);
                // no list, just get the value
                // set the new value
                valueAtFromLocation = patchProperty.Property.ValueProvider.GetValue(patchProperty.Parent);

            // add operation to target location with that value.
            Add(operation.path, valueAtFromLocation, objectToApplyTo, operation);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove is used by various operations (eg: remove, move, ...), yet through different operations;
        /// This method allows code reuse yet reporting the correct operation on error
        /// </summary>
        private void Remove(string path, T objectToApplyTo, Operation <T> operationToReport)
            var removeFromList       = false;
            var positionAsInteger    = -1;
            var actualPathToProperty = path;

            if (path.EndsWith("/-"))
                removeFromList       = true;
                actualPathToProperty = path.Substring(0, path.Length - 2);
                positionAsInteger = PropertyHelpers.GetNumericEnd(path);

                if (positionAsInteger > -1)
                    actualPathToProperty = path.Substring(0,
                                                          path.IndexOf('/' + positionAsInteger.ToString()));

            var patchProperty = PropertyHelpers
                                .FindPropertyAndParent(objectToApplyTo, actualPathToProperty, ContractResolver);

            // does the target location exist?
            CheckIfPropertyExists(patchProperty, objectToApplyTo, operationToReport, path);

            // get the property, and remove it - in this case, for DTO's, that means setting
            // it to null or its default value; in case of an array, remove at provided index
            // or at the end.
            if (removeFromList || positionAsInteger > -1)
                // what if it's an array but there's no position??
                if (IsNonStringArray(patchProperty))
                    // now, get the generic type of the enumerable
                    var genericTypeOfArray = PropertyHelpers.GetEnumerableType(patchProperty.Property.PropertyType);

                    // get value (it can be cast, we just checked that)
                    var array = (IList)patchProperty.Property.ValueProvider.GetValue(patchProperty.Parent);

                    if (removeFromList)
                        array.RemoveAt(array.Count - 1);
                        if (positionAsInteger < array.Count)
                            throw new JsonPatchException <T>(operationToReport,
                                                             string.Format("Patch failed: provided path is invalid for array property type at " +
                                                                           "location path: {0}: position larger than array size",
                                                             objectToApplyTo, 422);
                    throw new JsonPatchException <T>(operationToReport,
                                                     string.Format("Patch failed: provided path is invalid for array property type at " +
                                                                   "location path: {0}: expected array",
                                                     objectToApplyTo, 422);
                // setting the value to "null" will use the default value in case of value types, and
                // null in case of reference types
                object value = null;

                if (patchProperty.Property.PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType &&
                    Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(patchProperty.Property.PropertyType) == null)
                    value = Activator.CreateInstance(patchProperty.Property.PropertyType);

                patchProperty.Property.ValueProvider.SetValue(patchProperty.Parent, value);