protected virtual string MergeFromStagingSql()
            string whenNotMatchedStatement = $@"WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN 
                    INSERT ({string.Join(", ", PropertiesToInsert.Select(i => i.SqlServer().ColumnName))})
                    VALUES ({string.Join(", ", PropertiesToInsert.Select(i => $"S.{i.SqlServer().ColumnName}"))})";
            string whenMatchedStatement    = PropertiesToUpdate.Count == 0 ? "" : $@"WHEN MATCHED THEN 
                    UPDATE SET {string.Join(", ", PropertiesToUpdate.Select(i => $"T.{i.SqlServer().ColumnName} = S.{i.SqlServer().ColumnName}"))}";

            return($@"MERGE {SqlTargetTable} WITH (HOLDLOCK) AS T 
                    USING {SqlStagingTableName} AS S 
                    ON {string.Join(" AND ", PropertiesForPivot.Select(i => CreateEqualityConditionSql("T", "S", i)))}
                    OUTPUT INSERTED.*, S.{TempColumnNumOrderName}
                    INTO {SqlOutputStagingTableName};");
        => $@"sp_executesql N'set nocount on; select * from {SqlOutputStagingTableName} order by {TempColumnNumOrderName}';";     //the sp_execute is to prevent EF core to wrap the query into another subquery that will involve a different sorting depending in the situtation (not too proud of this solution, but I really didn't find better)

        protected virtual string GetOutputStagingForComputedColumnsSql()
        => $@"sp_executesql N'set nocount on; select T.* from {SqlStagingTableName} as S left join {SqlTargetTable} as T on {string.Join(" AND ", PropertiesForPivot.Select(i => CreateEqualityConditionSql("T", "S", i)))} order by S.{TempColumnNumOrderName}';";