private async Task ProcessCalleesAsync(IEnumerable <CallInfo> calleesInfo, PropagationKind propKind)
            var tasks = new List <Task>();

            foreach (var calleeInfo in calleesInfo)
                //TODO: Need to Refactor to get rid of this ifs!
                if (calleeInfo is MethodCallInfo)
                    // TODO: This should work in any order because the technique is flow insensitive
                    // But actually for some reason the ordering is affecting the result
                    // I think the problem is the conservative treatment when types(receiver).Count = 0
                    // (FIXED??)

                    var task = this.DispatchCallMessageForMethodCallAsync(calleeInfo as MethodCallInfo, propKind);
                    //await task;
                else if (calleeInfo is DelegateCallInfo)
                    var task = this.DispatchCallMessageForDelegateCallAsync(calleeInfo as DelegateCallInfo, propKind);
                    //await task;

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
        public async Task <PropagationEffects> PropagateAsync(PropagationKind propKind)
            await StatsHelper.RegisterMsg("MethodEntityGrain::Propagate", this.GrainFactory);

            //if (status.Equals(EntityGrainStatus.Busy))
            //	await Task.Delay(WAIT_TIME);
            //	if (status.Equals(EntityGrainStatus.Busy))
            //	{
            //		return new PropagationEffects();
            //	}

            Logger.LogVerbose(this.GetLogger(), "MethodEntityGrain", "Propagate", "Propagation for {0} ", this.methodEntity.MethodDescriptor);

            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            var propagationEffects = await this.methodEntityPropagator.PropagateAsync(propKind);

            propagationEffects.SiloAddress = StatsHelper.GetMyIPAddr();

            Logger.LogInfo(this.GetLogger(), "MethodEntityGrain", "Propagate", "End Propagation for {0}. Time elapsed {1} Effects size: {2}", this.methodEntity.MethodDescriptor, sw.Elapsed, propagationEffects.CalleesInfo.Count);
            await StatsHelper.RegisterPropagationUpdates(propagationEffects.NumberOfUpdates, propagationEffects.WorkListInitialSize, this.GrainFactory);

Exemple #3
 public ReturnMessageInfo(MethodDescriptor caller, MethodDescriptor callee, ISet <TypeDescriptor> resultPossibleTypes,
                          AnalysisCallNode callNode, VariableNode lhs, PropagationKind propKind)
     this.Caller = caller;
     this.Callee = callee;
     this.LHS    = lhs;
     this.ResultPossibleTypes = resultPossibleTypes;
     this.PropagationKind     = propKind;
     this.CallNode            = callNode;
Exemple #4
        private Task CreateAndSendReturnMessageAsync(ReturnInfo returnInfo, PropagationKind propKind)
            var returnMessageInfo = new ReturnMessageInfo(returnInfo.CallerContext.Caller, returnInfo.Callee, returnInfo.ResultPossibleTypes,
                                                          returnInfo.CallerContext.CallNode, returnInfo.CallerContext.LHS, propKind);

            var source        = new MethodEntityDescriptor(returnInfo.Callee);
            var calleeMessage = new CalleeMessage(source, returnMessageInfo);

            return(this.AnalyzeReturnAsync(returnMessageInfo.Caller, calleeMessage, propKind));
        public async Task PropagateAndProcessAsync(PropagationKind propKind, IEnumerable <PropGraphNodeDescriptor> reWorkSet)
            await StatsHelper.RegisterMsg("MethodEntityGrain::PropagateAndProcess", this.GrainFactory);

            var effects = await this.methodEntityPropagator.PropagateAsync(propKind, reWorkSet);             // await this.PropagateAsync(propKind, reWorkSet);

            await StatsHelper.RegisterPropagationUpdates(effects.NumberOfUpdates, effects.WorkListInitialSize, this.GrainFactory);

            await ProcessEffectsAsync(effects);
Exemple #6
        private async Task <PropagationEffects> InternalPropagateAsync(PropagationKind propKind)
            //Logger.LogS("MethodEntityProp", "PropagateAsync", "Propagation for {0} ", this.methodEntity.MethodDescriptor);
            //Logger.Log("Propagating {0} to {1}", this.methodEntity.MethodDescriptor, propKind);

            // var codeProvider = await ProjectGrainWrapper.CreateProjectGrainWrapperAsync(this.methodEntity.MethodDescriptor);
            PropagationEffects propagationEffects = null;

            switch (propKind)
            case PropagationKind.ADD_TYPES:
                propagationEffects = await this.methodEntity.PropGraph.PropagateAsync(codeProvider);


            case PropagationKind.REMOVE_TYPES:
                propagationEffects = await this.methodEntity.PropGraph.PropagateDeletionAsync(codeProvider);


                throw new Exception("Unsupported propagation kind");

            await this.PopulatePropagationEffectsInfo(propagationEffects, propKind);

            Logger.LogS("MethodEntityGrain", "PropagateAsync", "End Propagation for {0} ", this.methodEntity.MethodDescriptor);
            //this.methodEntity.Save(@"C:\Temp\"+this.methodEntity.MethodDescriptor.MethodName + @".dot");

            //if (propagationEffects.CalleesInfo.Count > 100)
            //	int index = 0;
            //	var count = propagationEffects.CalleesInfo.Count;
            //	var callessInfo = propagationEffects.CalleesInfo.ToList();
            //	propagationEffects.CalleesInfo = new HashSet<CallInfo>(callessInfo.GetRange(index, count > 100 ? 100 : count));
            //	propagationEffects.MoreEffectsToFetch = true;
            //	while (count > 100)
            //	{
            //		count -= 100;
            //		index += 100;
            //		var propEffect = new PropagationEffects(new HashSet<CallInfo>(callessInfo.GetRange(index, count > 100 ? 100 : count)), false);
            //		if (count > 100)
            //		{
            //			propEffect.MoreEffectsToFetch = true;
            //		}
            //		this.propagationEffectsToSend.Enqueue(propEffect);
            //	}
 internal async Task<bool> DiffPropAsync(IEnumerable<TypeDescriptor> src, PropGraphNodeDescriptor n, PropagationKind propKind)
     if (propKind == PropagationKind.REMOVE_TYPES || propKind == PropagationKind.REMOVE_ASSIGNMENT)
         return DiffDelProp(src, n);
         return await DiffPropAsync(src, n);
Exemple #8
 public CallMessageInfo(MethodDescriptor caller, MethodDescriptor callee, TypeDescriptor receiverType,
                        IList <ISet <TypeDescriptor> > argumentsPossibleTypes, AnalysisCallNode callNode, VariableNode lhs,
                        PropagationKind propKind)
     this.Caller = caller;
     this.Callee = callee;
     this.ArgumentsPossibleTypes = argumentsPossibleTypes;
     this.ReceiverType           = receiverType;
     this.LHS             = lhs;
     this.PropagationKind = propKind;
     this.CallNode        = callNode;
Exemple #9
        private async Task ProcessCalleesAsync(IEnumerable <CallInfo> calleesInfo, PropagationKind propKind)
            var tasks = new List <Task>();

            foreach (var calleeInfo in calleesInfo)
                var task = this.DispatchCallMessageAsync(calleeInfo, propKind);
                //await task;

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Exemple #10
        private async Task DispatchCallMessageAsync(CallInfo callInfo, PropagationKind propKind)
            var tasks = new List <Task>();

            foreach (var callee in callInfo.PossibleCallees)
                var task = this.CreateAndSendCallMessageAsync(callInfo, callee, propKind);
                //await task;

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Exemple #11
        private ISet <TypeDescriptor> GetTypes(PropGraphNodeDescriptor node, PropagationKind prop)
            switch (prop)
            case PropagationKind.ADD_TYPES:

            case PropagationKind.REMOVE_TYPES:

        public Task <PropagationEffects> PropagateAsync(PropagationKind propKind, IEnumerable <PropGraphNodeDescriptor> reWorkSet)
            StatsHelper.RegisterMsg("MethodEntityGrain::PropagateWithRework", this.GrainFactory);

            //if (status.Equals(EntityGrainStatus.Busy))
            //	await Task.Delay(WAIT_TIME);
            //	if (status.Equals(EntityGrainStatus.Busy))
            //	{
            //		return new PropagationEffects();
            //	}

            return(this.methodEntityPropagator.PropagateAsync(propKind, reWorkSet));
        private async Task ProcessEffectsAsync(PropagationEffects effects, PropagationKind propKind = PropagationKind.ADD_TYPES)
            effects.Kind = propKind;

            var maxCallSitesCount = Math.Min(effects.CalleesInfo.Count, 8);
            var maxCallersCount   = Math.Min(effects.CallersInfo.Count, 8);

            // This is an optimization, it is not really needed
            if (maxCallSitesCount == 0 && maxCallersCount == 0)

            await this.SplitAndEnqueueEffectsAsync(effects, maxCallSitesCount, maxCallersCount, int.MaxValue);
        private Task CreateAndSendReturnMessageAsync(ReturnInfo returnInfo, PropagationKind propKind)
            var returnMessageInfo = new ReturnMessageInfo(returnInfo.CallerContext.Caller, returnInfo.Callee, returnInfo.ResultPossibleTypes,
                                                          returnInfo.CallerContext.CallNode, returnInfo.CallerContext.LHS, propKind);

            var source        = new MethodEntityDescriptor(returnInfo.Callee);
            var calleeMessage = new CalleeMessage(source, returnMessageInfo);

            //await WaitQueue(QUEUE_THRESHOLD);

            //return AnalyzeReturnAsync(returnMessageInfo.Caller, calleeMessage, propKind);
Exemple #15
        private async Task CreateAndSendReturnMessageAsync(ReturnInfo returnInfo, PropagationKind propKind)
            var returnMessageInfo = new ReturnMessageInfo(returnInfo.CallerContext.Caller, returnInfo.Callee, returnInfo.ResultPossibleTypes,
                                                          returnInfo.CallerContext.CallNode, returnInfo.CallerContext.LHS, propKind);

            var source        = new MethodEntityDescriptor(returnInfo.Callee);
            var calleeMessage = new CalleeMessage(source, returnMessageInfo);

            await this.solutionManager.UpdateCounter(1);

            //await WaitQueue(QUEUE_THRESHOLD);

            //return TaskDone.Done;
Exemple #16
        private async Task ProcessReturnAsync(IEnumerable <ReturnInfo> callersInfo, PropagationKind propKind)
            var tasks = new List <Task>();

            foreach (var callerInfo in callersInfo)
                if (callerInfo.ResultPossibleTypes.Count > 0)
                    var task = this.DispachReturnMessageAsync(callerInfo, propKind);
                    //await task;

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Exemple #17
        public Task <PropagationEffects> PropagateAsync(PropagationKind propKind, IEnumerable <PropGraphNodeDescriptor> reWorkSet)
            Contract.Requires(reWorkSet != null);

            switch (propKind)
            case PropagationKind.ADD_TYPES:

            case PropagationKind.REMOVE_TYPES:

                throw new Exception("Unsupported propagation kind");

Exemple #18
        private async Task ProcessCalleesAsync(IEnumerable <CallInfo> calleesInfo, PropagationKind propKind)
            var tasks = new List <Task>();

            foreach (var calleeInfo in calleesInfo)
                //TODO: Need to Refactor to get rid of this ifs!
                if (calleeInfo is MethodCallInfo)
                    var task = this.DispatchCallMessageForMethodCallAsync(calleeInfo as MethodCallInfo, propKind);
                    //await task;
                else if (calleeInfo is DelegateCallInfo)
                    var task = this.DispatchCallMessageForDelegateCallAsync(calleeInfo as DelegateCallInfo, propKind);
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
		public async Task EndOfPropagationEventAsync(PropagationKind propKind, bool retValueChange)
			if (this.Verbose)
				Logger.Instance.Log("MethodEntityProcessor", "EndOfPropagationEventAsync", this.MethodEntity.MethodDescriptor);

			// Should do something more clever
			if (retValueChange)
				await ProcessReturnNodeAsync(propKind);
 /// <summary>
 /// When the method returns I should inform the computed return value to all its caller
 /// It may also propagate other info from out parameters and escaping objects (not implemented)
 /// </summary>
 private void ProcessReturnNode(PropagationKind propKind)
     if (this.MethodEntity.ReturnVariable != null)
         // Should do the same with out and escaping info
         foreach (var callerContex in this.MethodEntity.Callers)
             DispachReturnMessage(callerContex, this.MethodEntity.ReturnVariable, propKind);
        private async Task PropagateFromCallersAsync(IEnumerable <ReturnInfo> callersInfo, PropagationKind propKind = PropagationKind.ADD_TYPES)
            var tasks = new List <Task>();

            foreach (var callerInfo in callersInfo)
                var reworkSet   = new HashSet <PropGraphNodeDescriptor>();
                var callContext = callerInfo.CallerContext;
                var task = this.AnalyzeAsync(callContext.Caller, reworkSet, propKind);
                //await task;

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Exemple #22
        private async Task AnalyzeCalleeAsync(MethodDescriptor callee, CallerMessage callerMessage, PropagationKind propKind)
            Logger.LogS("EffectsDispatcherManager", "AnalyzeCallee", "Analyzing: {0}", callee);

            //var methodEntityProc = await this.solutionManager.GetMethodEntityAsync(callee);
            var methodEntityProc = await this.GetMethodEntityGrainAndActivateInProject(callee);

            await methodEntityProc.PropagateAndProcessAsync(callerMessage.CallMessageInfo);

            Logger.LogS("EffectsDispatcherManager", "AnalyzeCallee", "End Analyzing call to {0} ", callee);
 internal ISet<TypeDescriptor> GetTypes(PropGraphNodeDescriptor node, PropagationKind prop)
     switch (prop)
         case PropagationKind.ADD_TYPES:
             return GetTypes(node);
         case PropagationKind.REMOVE_TYPES:
             return GetDeletedTypes(node);
             return GetTypes(node);
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an invocations this method dispatch a message to every potential callee to propagate the info in the arguments
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="callInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="propKind"></param>
        private void DispatchCallMessage(CallInfo callInfo, PropagationKind propKind)
            if (!callInfo.IsStatic && callInfo.Receiver != null)
                // I need to computes all the calless
                // In case of a deletion we can discar the deleted callee
                //var types = GetTypes(callNode.Receiver, propKind);
                var types = GetTypes(callInfo.Receiver);

                /// If types=={} it means that some info ins missing => we should be conservative and use the instantiated types (RTA)
                if (types.Count() == 0 && propKind != PropagationKind.REMOVE_TYPES)
                    var instantiatedTypes = new HashSet<TypeDescriptor>();
                    /// We get the instantiated type that are compatible with the receiver type
                            .Where(type => codeProvider.IsSubtype(type,callInfo.Receiver.Type)));
                        // .Where(type => type.IsSubtype(callInfo.Receiver.Type)));
                    foreach (var type in instantiatedTypes)
                    // TO-DO: SHould I fix the node in the receiver to show that is not loaded? Ideally I should use the declared type.
                    // Here I will use the already instantiated types
                    this.MethodEntity.PropGraph.Add(callInfo.Receiver, types);
                    //var declaredType = callInfo.Receiver.AType;
                    //this.PropGraph.Add(callInfo.Receiver, declaredType);
                // Now we compute the potential callees we are going to send the messsages
                // I need to propagate the change to all potential callees, in particular the change in arguments
                if (types.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var receiverType in types)
                        // Given a method m and T find the most accurate implementation wrt to T
                        // it can be T.m or the first super class implementing m
                        //var realCallee = callInfo.Callee.FindMethodImplementation(receiverType);
                        var realCallee = codeProvider.FindMethodImplementation(callInfo.Callee,receiverType);
                            callInfo, realCallee, receiverType, propKind);
                // This is not good: One reason is that loads like b = this.f are not working
                // in a meth m a after  call r.m() because only the value of r is passed and not all its structure
                    CreateAndSendCallMessage(callInfo, callInfo.Callee, callInfo.Callee.ContainerType, propKind);
                    callInfo.Callee.ContainerType, propKind);
 private void DispatchCallMessageForDelegate(DelegateCallInfo delegateCallInfo, PropagationKind propKind)
     foreach (var callee in GetDelegateCallees(delegateCallInfo.CalleeDelegate))
         CreateAndSendCallMessage(delegateCallInfo, callee, callee.ContainerType, propKind);
		private async Task ProcessCalleesAffectedByPropagationAsync(IEnumerable<AnalysisInvocationExpession> callInvocationInfoForCalls, PropagationKind propKind)
			/// Diego: I did this for the demo because I query directly the entities instead of querying the callgraph 
            //if (callInvocationInfoForCalls.Count() > 0)
            //    this.InvalidateCaches();
			// I made a new list to avoid a concurrent modification exception we received in some tests
			var invocationsToProcess = new List<AnalysisInvocationExpession>(callInvocationInfoForCalls);
			var continuations = new List<Task>();

			foreach (var invocationInfo in invocationsToProcess)
				//  Add instanciated types! 
				/// Diego: Ben. This may not work well in parallel... 
				/// We need a different way to update this info
				invocationInfo.InstatiatedTypes = this.MethodEntity.InstantiatedTypes;
				// I hate to do this. Need to Refactor!
				if (invocationInfo is CallInfo)
					var t = DispatchCallMessageAsync(invocationInfo as CallInfo, propKind);
					await t;
				if (invocationInfo is DelegateCallInfo)
					var t = DispatchCallMessageForDelegateAsync(invocationInfo as DelegateCallInfo, propKind);
					await t;
			Contract.Assert(invocationsToProcess.Count == invocationsToProcess.Count);
			await Task.WhenAll(continuations);
 public Task PropagateAndProcessAsync(PropagationKind propKind)
 public Task <PropagationEffects> PropagateAsync(PropagationKind propKind)
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is executed when a method finishes its analysis
 /// If some output info was generated it will generate return messahe
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="propKind"></param>
 private void EndOfPropagationEvent(PropagationKind propKind, bool retValueChange)
     // Should do something more clever
 private void ProcessCalleesAffectedByPropagation(IEnumerable<AnalysisInvocationExpession> callInvocationInfoForCalls, PropagationKind propKind)
     /// This to to remove any information about calls that we cached
     /// This is for the incremental reasoning
     /// Diego: I did this for the demo because I query directly the entities instead of querying the callgraph
     if (callInvocationInfoForCalls.Count() > 0)
     /// I made a new list to avoid a concurrent modification exception we received in some tests
     var invocationsToProcess = new List<AnalysisInvocationExpession>(callInvocationInfoForCalls);
     /// Every invocation that was "touched" by a propagation is signaled to propagate the new data
     foreach (var invocationInfo in invocationsToProcess)
         ///  Add instanciated types
         invocationInfo.InstatiatedTypes = this.MethodEntity.InstantiatedTypes;
         // I hate to do this. Need to Refactor!
         if (invocationInfo is CallInfo)
             DispatchCallMessage(invocationInfo as CallInfo, propKind);
         if (invocationInfo is DelegateCallInfo)
             DispatchCallMessageForDelegate(invocationInfo as DelegateCallInfo, propKind);
        //public bool DiffProp(IEnumerable<T> src, N n)
        //    var ts = GetTypes(n);
        //    int c = ts.Count;
        //    ts.UnionWith(src.Where(t => !ts.Contains(t)));
        //    if (ts.Count > c)
        //    {
        //        this.workList.Add(n);
        //        return true;
        //    }
        //    return false;

        internal bool DiffProp(IEnumerable <TypeDescriptor> src, PropGraphNodeDescriptor n, PropagationKind propKind)
            if (propKind == PropagationKind.REMOVE_TYPES || propKind == PropagationKind.REMOVE_ASSIGNMENT)
                return(DiffDelProp(src, n));
                return(DiffProp(src, n));
Exemple #32
 public Task <PropagationEffects> PropagateAsync(PropagationKind propKind)
Exemple #33
        internal async Task <bool> DiffPropAsync(IEnumerable <TypeDescriptor> src, PropGraphNodeDescriptor n, PropagationKind propKind)
            Logger.LogS("PropagationGraph", "DiffPropAsync", "Diff({0},{1})", src, n);

            if (propKind == PropagationKind.REMOVE_TYPES || propKind == PropagationKind.REMOVE_ASSIGNMENT)
                return(DiffDelProp(src, n));
                return(await DiffPropAsync(src, n));
        /// <summary>
        /// This method "replaces" the send + dispatch + processReturnMessage for calless that used the methodProcessor and dispatcher
        /// The idea is trying to avoid reentrant calls to grains
        /// We wil need to improve the code / design but this is a first approach to solve that problem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="caller"></param>
        /// <param name="calleeMessage"></param>
        /// <param name="propKind"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task AnalyzeReturnAsync(MethodDescriptor caller, CalleeMessage calleeMessage, PropagationKind propKind)
            Logger.LogS("AnalysisOrchestator", "AnalyzeReturnAsync", "Analyzing return to {0} ", caller);

            //var methodEntityProc = await this.solutionManager.GetMethodEntityAsync(caller);
            var methodEntityProc = await GetMethodEntityGrainAndActivateInProject(caller);

            //PropagationEffects propagationEffects = null;
            //var ready = true;
            //	propagationEffects = await methodEntityProc.PropagateAsync(calleeMessage.ReturnMessageInfo);
            //	ready = await WaitForReady(propagationEffects, caller);
            //while (!ready);
            //await this.PropagateEffectsAsync(propagationEffects, propKind, methodEntityProc);

            var exit = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3 && !exit; i++)
                    exit = true;
                    var propagationEffects = await methodEntityProc.PropagateAsync(calleeMessage.ReturnMessageInfo);

                    await this.PropagateEffectsAsync(propagationEffects, propKind, methodEntityProc);
                catch                 //(Exception e)
                    exit = false;

            //var propagationEffects = await methodEntityProc.PropagateAsync(calleeMessage.ReturnMessageInfo);
            //await this.PropagateEffectsAsync(propagationEffects, propKind, methodEntityProc);

            Logger.LogS("AnalysisOrchestator", "AnalyzeReturnAsync", "End Analyzing return to {0} ", caller);
Exemple #35
 private Task DispachReturnMessageAsync(ReturnInfo returnInfo, PropagationKind propKind)
     return(this.CreateAndSendReturnMessageAsync(returnInfo, propKind));
		private async Task CreateAndSendCallMessageAsync(AnalysisInvocationExpession callInfo, 
                            MethodDescriptor realCallee, TypeDescriptor receiverType, PropagationKind propKind)
			var callMessage = await CreateCallMessageAsync(callInfo, realCallee, receiverType, propKind);
			var callerMessage = new CallerMessage(this.EntityDescriptor, callMessage);
			var destination = EntityFactory.Create(realCallee, this.dispatcher);

			await this.SendMessageAsync(destination, callerMessage);
        private void CreateAndSendCallMessage(AnalysisInvocationExpession callInfo, MethodDescriptor realCallee, 
            TypeDescriptor receiverType, PropagationKind propKind)
            /// Here I have all the necessary info to update the callgraph
            var callMessage = CreateCallMessage(callInfo, realCallee, receiverType, propKind);
            var callerMessage = new CallerMessage(this.EntityDescriptor, callMessage);
            var destination = EntityFactory.Create(realCallee, this.dispatcher);

            this.SendMessage(destination, callerMessage);
		private async Task DispatchCallMessageForDelegateAsync(DelegateCallInfo delegateCallInfo, PropagationKind propKind)
			var continuations = new List<Task>();
			foreach (var callee in await GetDelegateCalleesAsync(delegateCallInfo.CalleeDelegate))
				var continuation = CreateAndSendCallMessageAsync(delegateCallInfo, 
					callee, callee.ContainerType, propKind);
                await continuation;
			await Task.WhenAll(continuations);
Exemple #39
        private Task CreateAndSendCallMessageAsync(CallInfo callInfo, ResolvedCallee callee, PropagationKind propKind)
            var callMessageInfo = new CallMessageInfo(callInfo.Caller, callee.Method, callee.ReceiverType,
                                                      callInfo.ArgumentsPossibleTypes, callInfo.CallNode, callInfo.LHS, propKind);

            var source        = new MethodEntityDescriptor(callInfo.Caller);
            var callerMessage = new CallerMessage(source, callMessageInfo);

            return(this.AnalyzeCalleeAsync(callMessageInfo.Callee, callerMessage, propKind));
		/// <summary>
		/// When the method returns I should inform the computed return value to all its caller
		/// It may also propagate other info from out parameters and escaping objects (not implemented)
		/// </summary>
		private async Task ProcessReturnNodeAsync(PropagationKind propKind)
                Logger.Instance.Log("MethodEntityProcessor", "ProcessReturnNodeAsync", this.MethodEntity.MethodDescriptor);
			if (this.MethodEntity.ReturnVariable != null)
				// A test to try to force only one simultaneous entity 
				// We should use a Queue instead
				//while (this.MethodEntity.CurrentContext == null)
				//    Logger.Instance.Log(string.Format("Waiting: {0} to start before return...", this.Method));
				//    Thread.Sleep(10);
				//CallConext<M, E> callContext=null;
				//    callContext = this.MethodEntity.CurrentContext;
				//    this.MethodEntity.CurrentContext = null;
				//var ret = this.MethodEntity.ReturnVariable;
				//if (callContext.Invocation != null)
				//    var task = DispachReturnMessageAsync(callContext, ret, propKind);
				//    if (task != null) task.RunSynchronously();

				var continuations = new List<Task>();
				foreach (var callerContex in this.MethodEntity.Callers)
					var ret = this.MethodEntity.ReturnVariable;
					var t = DispachReturnMessageAsync(callerContex, ret, propKind);
                    await t;

				await Task.WhenAll(continuations);

Exemple #41
        private async Task PopulatePropagationEffectsInfo(PropagationEffects propagationEffects, PropagationKind propKind)
            await this.PopulateCalleesInfo(propagationEffects.CalleesInfo);

            if (this.methodEntity.ReturnVariable != null || propKind == PropagationKind.REMOVE_TYPES)
        /// <summary>
        /// Async versions of DispachReturnMessage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="returnVariable"></param>
        /// <param name="propKind"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal async Task DispachReturnMessageAsync(CallContext context, VariableNode returnVariable, PropagationKind propKind)
			var caller = context.Caller;
			var lhs = context.CallLHS;
			var types = returnVariable != null ?
				GetTypes(returnVariable, propKind) : 
				new HashSet<TypeDescriptor>();

			// Diego TO-DO, different treatment for adding and removal
			if (propKind == PropagationKind.ADD_TYPES && types.Count() == 0 && returnVariable != null)
				var instTypes = new HashSet<TypeDescriptor>();

				foreach (var iType in this.MethodEntity.InstantiatedTypes)
					var isSubtype = await codeProvider.IsSubtypeAsync(iType,returnVariable.Type);
					if (isSubtype)

				//	this.MethodEntity.InstantiatedTypes
				//		.Where(iType => codeProvider.IsSubtypeAsync(iType,returnVariable.Type).Result));
                ////    .Where(iType => iType.IsSubtype(returnVariable.Type)));
				foreach (var t in instTypes)

			// Jump to caller
			var destination = EntityFactory.Create(caller,this.dispatcher);
			var retMessageInfo = new ReturnMessageInfo(
				propKind, this.MethodEntity.InstantiatedTypes,
			var returnMessage = new ReturnMessage(this.MethodEntity.EntityDescriptor, retMessageInfo);
			//if (lhs != null)
				await this.SendMessageAsync(destination, returnMessage);
			//    return new Task(() => { });
		/// <summary>
		/// Async veprsion
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="callInfo"></param>
		/// <param name="propKind"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private async Task DispatchCallMessageAsync(CallInfo callInfo, PropagationKind propKind)
			if (!callInfo.IsStatic && callInfo.Receiver != null)
				// I need to computes all the calless
				// In case of a deletion we can discar the deleted callee
				//var types = GetTypes(callNode.Receiver, propKind); 
				var types = GetTypes(callInfo.Receiver);

				// If types=={} it means that some info ins missing => we should be conservative and use the instantiated types (RTA) 
				if (types.Count() == 0 && propKind != PropagationKind.REMOVE_TYPES)	//  && propKind==PropagationKind.ADD_TYPES) 
					var instTypes = new HashSet<TypeDescriptor>();
                    foreach (var candidateTypeDescriptor in this.MethodEntity.InstantiatedTypes)
                        var isSubType = await codeProvider.IsSubtypeAsync(candidateTypeDescriptor, callInfo.Receiver.Type);

                        if (isSubType)
                    //    .Where(candidateTypeDescriptor => codeProvider.IsSubtype(candidateTypeDescriptor,callInfo.Receiver.Type)));
					foreach (var t in instTypes)
					// TO-DO: SHould I fix the node in the receiver to show that is not loaded. Ideally I should use the declared type. 
					// Here I will use the already instantiated types
					this.MethodEntity.PropGraph.Add(callInfo.Receiver, types);
					//var declaredType = callInfo.Receiver.AType;
					//this.PropGraph.Add(callInfo.Receiver, declaredType);
				if (types.Count() > 0)
					var continuations = new List<Task>();
				    // Hack
					// Parallel.ForEach(types, async (receiverType) =>
					foreach(var receiverType in types)
						// Given a method m and T find the most accurate implementation wrt to T
						// it can be T.m or the first super class implementing m
						//var realCallee = callInfo.Callee.FindMethodImplementation(receiverType);
						var realCallee = await codeProvider.FindMethodImplementationAsync(callInfo.Callee, receiverType);
						var task = CreateAndSendCallMessageAsync(callInfo, realCallee, receiverType, propKind);
                        await task;
						//CreateAndSendCallMessage(callInfo, realCallee, receiverType, propKind);
					await Task.WhenAll(continuations);
				// This is not good: One reason is that loads like b = this.f are not working
				// in a meth m a after  call r.m() because only the value of r is passed and not all its structure
					await CreateAndSendCallMessageAsync(callInfo, 
						callInfo.Callee, callInfo.Callee.ContainerType, propKind);
				await CreateAndSendCallMessageAsync(callInfo, callInfo.Callee, callInfo.Callee.ContainerType, propKind);
        private Task CreateAndSendCallMessageAsync(CallInfo callInfo, ResolvedCallee callee, PropagationKind propKind)
            var callMessageInfo = new CallMessageInfo(callInfo.Caller, callee.Method, callee.ReceiverType,
                                                      callInfo.ArgumentsPossibleTypes, callInfo.CallNode, callInfo.LHS, propKind);

            var source        = new MethodEntityDescriptor(callInfo.Caller);
            var callerMessage = new CallerMessage(source, callMessageInfo);

            //Logger.LogWarning(GrainClient.Logger, "Orchestrator", "CreateAndSendCallMsg", "Enqueuing: {0}", callee);

            //await WaitQueue(QUEUE_THRESHOLD);

            //return AnalyzeCalleeAsync(callMessageInfo.Callee, callerMessage, propKind);
 public Task PropagateAndProcessAsync(PropagationKind propKind, IEnumerable <PropGraphNodeDescriptor> reWorkSet)
     return(methodEntityGrain.PropagateAndProcessAsync(propKind, reWorkSet));
        private async Task<CallMessageInfo> CreateCallMessageAsync(AnalysisInvocationExpession callInfo,
                                                            MethodDescriptor actuallCallee,
                                                            TypeDescriptor computedReceiverType,
                                                            PropagationKind propKind)
            // var calleType = (TypeDescriptor)actuallCallee.ContainerType;
            var calleType = computedReceiverType;
            ISet<TypeDescriptor> potentialReceivers = new HashSet<TypeDescriptor>();

            if (callInfo.Receiver != null)
                // BUG!!!! I should use simply computedReceiverType
                // Instead of copying all types with use the type we use to compute the callee
                foreach (var type in GetTypes(callInfo.Receiver, propKind))
                    var isSubType = await codeProvider.IsSubtypeAsync(type, calleType);

                //        GetTypes(callInfo.Receiver, propKind)
                //        .Where(t => codeProvider.IsSubtype(t, calleType)));
                //.Where(t => t.IsSubtype(calleType)));

                // potentialReceivers.Add((AnalysisType)calleType);

            var argumentValues = callInfo.Arguments
                .Select(a => a != null ?
                GetTypes(a, propKind) :
                new HashSet<TypeDescriptor>());

            Contract.Assert(argumentValues.Count() == callInfo.Arguments.Count());

            return new CallMessageInfo(callInfo.Caller, actuallCallee, callInfo.CallNode,
                                                potentialReceivers, new List<ISet<TypeDescriptor>>(argumentValues),
                                                callInfo.LHS, callInfo.InstatiatedTypes, propKind);