Exemple #1
        public void CheckLoading()
            IWebElement ProdUserNameTxt = Browser.FindElement(By.Id("go_username"));
            IWebElement ProdPasswordTxt = Browser.FindElement(By.Id("go_password"));
            IWebElement ProdLoginBtn    = Browser.FindElement(By.XPath("//input[@value='Sign In']"));

            GCEPPage GP = new GCEPPage(Browser);

            InstitutionsPage     IP      = GP.ClickToAdvance(GP.InstitutionManagLnk);
            InstitutionsGCEPPage InsGcep = IP.SearchforInstitutions("Beaumont Health System (SEMCME)");
            PromotePGYPage       ProPGY  = InsGcep.ClickToAdvance(InsGcep.InstitutionPromotePgyLnk);

        public void PromotePGY()
            ///  1. Navigate to the login page and login as a Admin
            LoginPage           LP = Navigation.GoToLoginPage(browser);
            EducationCenterPage ED = LP.LoginAsUser("10013616", "password");   //10004610

            if (BrowserName == BrowserNames.Firefox)
                Browser.WaitForElement(Bys.EducationCenterPage.GcepLnk, ElementCriteria.IsEnabled);
            ///  2.click to GCEP link  navigate to Gcep page and waiting load icon disappear
            GCEPPage Gcep = ED.ClickToAdvance(ED.GcepLnk);

            ///  3. Go to the promote pgy page and then add an availavle redisent to the selected list choosing different user for each browser.
            PromotePGYPage ProPGY = Gcep.ClickToAdvance(Gcep.PromotePGYLnk);

            if (BrowserName == BrowserNames.Firefox)
                ProPGY.AddOrRemoveResidents(ProPGY.AvailableResidentsPromotePGYTbl, ProPGY.AddSelectedBtn, 1);
            if (BrowserName == BrowserNames.Chrome)
                ProPGY.AddOrRemoveResidents(ProPGY.AvailableResidentsPromotePGYTbl, ProPGY.AddSelectedBtn, 3);
            if (BrowserName == BrowserNames.InternetExplorer)
                ProPGY.AddOrRemoveResidents(ProPGY.AvailableResidentsPromotePGYTbl, ProPGY.AddSelectedBtn, 2);

            /// 4. Grab the year value from the select table, open the form, and then assert that the New Year
            /// element's value increased 1 year from the tables value
            int chosenResidentsTableYearValue = Convert.ToInt32(ProPGY.Grid_GetValueOfCell(ProPGY.ChoosenResidentsPromotePGYTbl));

            ///  5. Clicking promote button waiting to pop up appear getting name and new year what will be updated
            Browser.WaitForElement(Bys.PromotePGYPage.FormConfirmBtn, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(180), ElementCriteria.IsVisible, ElementCriteria.IsEnabled);
            int    promotePGYFormNewYearValue = Convert.ToInt32(ProPGY.GetValueOfCell(ProPGY.FormResidentsDescriptionTbl, 2));
            string Resident_FullName          = ProPGY.GetValueOfCell(ProPGY.FormResidentsDescriptionTbl, 0);

            ///  6. Verifying  new year are equals year value from choosen resident increase 1 year and clicking confirmation button
            Assert.AreEqual(chosenResidentsTableYearValue + 1, promotePGYFormNewYearValue);
            Gcep = ProPGY.ClickToAdvance(ProPGY.FormConfirmBtn);

            ///  7. After confirmation  its getting Gcep page and clicking user managment link and searching for users by name what we promoted
            GCEPUserMngPage UMP = Gcep.ClickToAdvance(Gcep.UserManageLnk);

            // Extracting the first name from the resident to then search on first name
            var    Resident_FirstAndLastName = Resident_FullName.Split(',');
            string Resident_LastName         = Resident_FirstAndLastName[0];


            //IWebElement UserLnk1 = browser.FindElement(By.LinkText(Resident_FullName));
            ///  8. Clicking on user and navigating User management page
            UserManagementPage UMPG = UMP.chooseUser(Resident_FullName);

            ///  9. Getting value as a year from user pgy and user name
            int    userManagementPageYearValue = Convert.ToInt32(UMPG.UserPgySelElem.SelectedOption.Text);
            string Resident_Fullname_Expected  = UMPG.UserNameTxt.GetAttribute("value");

            ///  10. Verifying user pgy year equals to promote new year value and the user name with last name are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(userManagementPageYearValue, promotePGYFormNewYearValue);
            Assert.AreEqual(Resident_FullName, Resident_Fullname_Expected, "Resident name from available promote pgy table are not the same with user management page");