private void EnterKeyPressedInPromoCode(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyData == Keys.Enter) { if (PromoCodeText2.TextLength == 0 && AddToCartButton.Text == "Add to Cart") { DialogResult quick_question = MessageBox.Show("Did you mean to not apply a promocode?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); if (quick_question == DialogResult.Yes) { AddToCartButton.PerformClick(); } else { PromoCodeText2.Focus(); } } else { AddToCartButton.PerformClick(); } } }
protected override bool ProcessTabKey(bool forward) { if (Game[1].Focused || Game[3].Focused || AddToCartButton.Focused) { if (forward) { if (Game[1].Focused) { return(base.ProcessTabKey(forward)); } if (Game3.Focused && SubscriptionsGrouping.Visible) { Game[1].Focus(); } if (Game[3].Focused) { PromoCodeText2.Focus(); } if (AddToCartButton.Focused) { Game[1].Focus(); } } else { if (Game[1].Focused || Game[3].Focused) { PromoCodeText2.Focus(); } else { return(base.ProcessTabKey(forward)); } } return(true); } if (SubscriptionChoicesForGame[1].Focused || SubscriptionChoicesForGame[2].Focused || SubscriptionChoicesForGame[3].Focused) { if (forward) { int key = 0; foreach (ComboBox ComboBox in SubscriptionChoicesForGame.Values) { if (ComboBox.Focused) { key = SubscriptionChoicesForGame.Where(x => x.Value.Name == ComboBox.Name).First().Key; } } if (key >= 3) { key = 0; } for (int i = key; i <= key; i++) { Game[i + 1].Focus(); } } else { PromoCodeText2.Focus(); } return(true); } return(base.ProcessTabKey(forward)); }