public static void Main() { var undoServiceFactory = new UndoServiceFactory(); var undoService = undoServiceFactory.Create(); var clientStateService = new ClientIdLookup(); var undoManagerCache = new UndoManagerCache(undoService); var projectManagerService = new ProjectManagerService(); var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory(undoService); var connectorFactory = new ConnectorFactory(undoService, connectionFactory); connectionFactory.ConnectorFactory = connectorFactory; //Make sure to inject the connectorFactory. var blockSymbolFactory = new BlockSymbolFactory(undoService, connectorFactory); var sheetFactory = new SheetFactory(undoService, connectionFactory, blockSymbolFactory, connectorFactory); connectionFactory.SheetFactory = sheetFactory; blockSymbolFactory.SheetFactory = sheetFactory; connectorFactory.SheetFactory = sheetFactory; var projectManager = new ProjectManagerFactory(projectManagerService, undoService, undoManagerCache, connectorFactory, connectionFactory, blockSymbolFactory, sheetFactory); var server = new APlayServer(Int32.Parse(Properties.Settings.Default.ServerPort), projectManager, clientStateService); }
public void ConvertToAndFromJson(string packageUrl, string expectedToFind) { PackageURL purl = new(packageUrl); if (purl.Name is not null && purl.Type is not null) { BaseProjectManager?manager = ProjectManagerFactory.ConstructPackageManager(purl, null); if (manager is not null) { foreach ((string mutationPurlString, IList <Mutation> mutations) in manager.EnumerateSquatCandidates(purl) !) { PackageURL mutationPurl = new(mutationPurlString); FindPackageSquatResult result = new(mutationPurl.GetFullName(), mutationPurl, purl, mutations); string jsonResult = result.ToJson(); if (jsonResult.Contains(expectedToFind, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { FindPackageSquatResult fromJson = FindPackageSquatResult.FromJsonString(jsonResult); if (fromJson.OriginalPackageUrl.ToString().Equals(purl.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && fromJson.MutatedPackageUrl.ToString().Equals(expectedToFind, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return; } } } } } Assert.Fail($"Did not find expected mutation {expectedToFind}"); }
/// <summary> /// Constuctor - creates a class object for downloading packages /// </summary> /// <param name="purl"> package to download </param> /// <param name="destinationDir"> the directory where the package needs to be placed </param> /// <param name="doCaching"> check and use the cache if it exists - create if not </param> public PackageDownloader(PackageURL?purl, string?destinationDir = null, bool doCaching = false) { if (purl == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("PackageURL cannot be null"); } this.doCache = doCaching; // if we are told to use caching, and it exists, believe that caching is still doable this.actualCaching = (doCaching && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(destinationDir) && Directory.Exists(destinationDir)); // if no destination specified, dump the package in the temp directory this.destinationDirectory = string.IsNullOrEmpty(destinationDir) ? Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName()) : destinationDir; this.packageManager = ProjectManagerFactory.CreateProjectManager(purl, this.destinationDirectory); if (this.packageManager == null) { // Cannot continue without package manager throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Package URL type: {0}", purl.Type); } this.PackageVersions = new List <PackageURL>(); if (purl.Version == null || purl.Version.Equals("*")) { // figure out which version(s) we need to process this.PackageVersions = this.GetPackageVersionsToProcess(purl).Result; } else { this.PackageVersions.Add(purl); } }
public async Task MetadataToFromJsonSucceeds(string packageUrlString) { PackageURL packageUrl = new(packageUrlString); BaseProjectManager?projectManager = ProjectManagerFactory.ConstructPackageManager(packageUrl); if (projectManager == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("The project manager is null."); } PackageMetadata metadata = await projectManager.GetPackageMetadataAsync(packageUrl, useCache : false); Assert.AreEqual("lodash", metadata.Name); Assert.AreEqual("Lodash modular utilities.", metadata.Description); Assert.AreEqual("4.17.15", metadata.PackageVersion); string?metadataJson = metadata.ToString(); Assert.IsTrue(metadataJson.Contains("Lodash modular utilities.")); PackageMetadata metadataFromJson = PackageMetadata.FromJson(metadataJson) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't deserialize the metadata json."); Assert.AreEqual("lodash", metadataFromJson.Name); Assert.AreEqual("Lodash modular utilities.", metadataFromJson.Description); Assert.AreEqual("4.17.15", metadataFromJson.PackageVersion); }
public async Task Wildcard_Download_Version_Succeeds(string packageUrl, string targetFilename) { PackageURL purl = new(packageUrl); BaseProjectManager? manager = new ProjectManagerFactory().CreateProjectManager(purl); IEnumerable <string> versions = await manager?.EnumerateVersionsAsync(purl) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(); await TestDownload(packageUrl, targetFilename, versions.Count()); }
public FindPackageSquats(ProjectManagerFactory projectManagerFactory, PackageURL packageUrl) : base(projectManagerFactory) { PackageUrl = packageUrl; ProjectManager = projectManagerFactory.CreateProjectManager(packageUrl); if (ProjectManager is null) { Logger.Trace($"Could not generate valid ProjectManager from { packageUrl }."); throw new InvalidProjectManagerException(packageUrl); } }
public async Task <string> DiffProjects(Options options) { var extractor = new Extractor(); var diffObjs = new List <Diff>(); var outputBuilder = OutputBuilderFactory.CreateOutputBuilder(options.Format); if (outputBuilder is null) { Logger.Error($"Format {options.Format} is not supported."); return(string.Empty); } // Map relative location in package to actual location on disk Dictionary <string, (string, string)> files = new Dictionary <string, (string, string)>(); IEnumerable <string> locations = Array.Empty <string>(); IEnumerable <string> locations2 = Array.Empty <string>(); try { PackageURL purl1 = new PackageURL(options.Targets.First()); var manager = ProjectManagerFactory.CreateProjectManager(purl1, options.DownloadDirectory ?? Path.GetTempPath()); if (manager is not null) { locations = await manager.DownloadVersion(purl1, true, options.UseCache); } } catch (Exception) { var tmpDir = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.Delete(tmpDir); try { extractor.ExtractToDirectory(tmpDir, options.Targets.First()); locations = new string[] { tmpDir }; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error($"{e.Message}:{e.StackTrace}"); Environment.Exit(-1); } } foreach (var directory in locations) { foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { files.Add(string.Join(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, file[directory.Length..].Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)[2..]), (file, string.Empty));
public async Task <IOutputBuilder> DiffProjects(Options options) { Extractor? extractor = new Extractor(); IOutputBuilder?outputBuilder = OutputBuilderFactory.CreateOutputBuilder(options.Format); if (outputBuilder is null) { Logger.Error($"Format {options.Format} is not supported."); throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("options.Format", $"Format {options.Format} is not supported."); } // Map relative location in package to actual location on disk ConcurrentDictionary <string, (string, string)> files = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, (string, string)>(); IEnumerable <string> locations = Array.Empty <string>(); IEnumerable <string> locations2 = Array.Empty <string>(); try { PackageURL purl1 = new PackageURL(options.Targets.First()); BaseProjectManager?manager = ProjectManagerFactory.CreateProjectManager(purl1, options.DownloadDirectory ?? Path.GetTempPath()); if (manager is not null) { locations = await manager.DownloadVersionAsync(purl1, true, options.UseCache); } } catch (Exception) { string?tmpDir = Path.GetTempFileName(); File.Delete(tmpDir); try { extractor.ExtractToDirectory(tmpDir, options.Targets.First()); locations = new string[] { tmpDir }; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error($"{e.Message}:{e.StackTrace}"); Environment.Exit(-1); } } foreach (string?directory in locations) { foreach (string?file in System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { files[string.Join(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, file[directory.Length..].Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)[2..])] = (file, string.Empty);
public void DontGenerateManagerSpecific(string packageUrl, Type notExpectedToFind) { PackageURL purl = new(packageUrl); if (purl.Name is not null && purl.Type is not null) { BaseProjectManager?manager = ProjectManagerFactory.ConstructPackageManager(purl, null); if (manager is not null) { foreach (IMutator mutator in manager.GetDefaultMutators()) { if (mutator.GetType().Equals(notExpectedToFind)) { Assert.Fail($"Found unexpected mutator {notExpectedToFind.FullName}"); } } } } }
public List <Result> toSarif() { BaseProjectManager?projectManager = ProjectManagerFactory.CreateProjectManager(purl, null); if (projectManager == null) { Logger.Error("Cannot determine the package type"); return(new List <Result>()); } Normalize(); List <Result> results = new List <Result>(); var properties = getHealthProperties(); foreach (var property in properties.OrderBy(s => s.Name)) { if (property.Name.EndsWith("Health")) { var textualName = Regex.Replace(property.Name, "(\\B[A-Z])", " $1"); var value = Convert.ToDouble(property.GetValue(this)); Result healthResult = new Result() { Kind = ResultKind.Review, Level = FailureLevel.None, Message = new Message() { Text = textualName }, Rank = value, Locations = SarifOutputBuilder.BuildPurlLocation(purl) }; results.Add(healthResult); } } return(results); }
public void EnsureHttpEncoded(string packageUrl) { PackageURL purl = new(packageUrl); if (purl.Name is not null && purl.Type is not null) { BaseProjectManager?manager = ProjectManagerFactory.ConstructPackageManager(purl, null); if (manager is not null) { foreach ((string mutationPurlString, _) in manager.EnumerateSquatCandidates(purl) !) { PackageURL mutatedPurl = new(mutationPurlString); if (IsUrlEncoded(mutatedPurl.Name) || (mutatedPurl.HasNamespace() && IsUrlEncoded(mutatedPurl.Namespace))) { return; } } } } Assert.Fail(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor - creates a class object for downloading packages. /// </summary> /// <param name="purl">The package to download.</param> /// <param name="projectManagerFactory">The <see cref="ProjectManagerFactory"/> to use to get the project managers.</param> /// <param name="destinationDir">The directory where the package needs to be downloaded to.</param> /// <param name="doCaching">Check and use the cache if it exists - create if not.</param> public PackageDownloader(PackageURL purl, ProjectManagerFactory projectManagerFactory, string?destinationDir = null, bool doCaching = false) { if (purl == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(purl), "PackageURL cannot be null"); } doCache = doCaching; // if we are told to use caching, and it exists, believe that caching is still doable actualCaching = (doCaching && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(destinationDir) && Directory.Exists(destinationDir)); // if no destination specified, dump the package in the temp directory if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(destinationDir)) { usingTemp = true; destinationDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName()); } else { destinationDirectory = destinationDir; } packageManager = projectManagerFactory.CreateProjectManager(purl, destinationDirectory); if (packageManager == null) { // Cannot continue without a package manager. throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Package URL type: {purl.Type}", nameof(purl.Type)); } PackageVersions = new List <PackageURL>(); if (purl.Version == null || purl.Version.Equals("*")) { // figure out which version(s) we need to process PackageVersions = GetPackageVersionsToProcess(purl).Result; } else { PackageVersions.Add(purl); } }
[DataRow("pkg:nuget/Microsoft.CST.OAT", "pkg:nuget/")] // SuffixAdded, .net public void GenerateManagerSpecific(string packageUrl, string expectedToFind) { PackageURL purl = new(packageUrl); if (purl.Name is not null && purl.Type is not null) { BaseProjectManager?manager = ProjectManagerFactory.ConstructPackageManager(purl, null); if (manager is not null) { foreach ((string _, IList <Mutation> mutations) in manager.EnumerateSquatCandidates(purl) !) { foreach (Mutation mutation in mutations) { if (mutation.Mutated.Equals(expectedToFind, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return; } } } } } Assert.Fail($"Did not find expected mutation {expectedToFind}"); }
public async Task DetectSquats(string packageUrl, bool generateSquats, bool expectedToHaveSquats) { PackageURL purl = new(packageUrl); IEnumerable <string>?validSquats = null; // Only populate validSquats if we want to generate squats. if (generateSquats) { validSquats = ProjectManagerFactory.GetDefaultManagers()[purl.Type].Invoke()?.EnumerateSquatCandidates(purl)?.Keys; } // Construct the mocked IHttpClientFactory IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory = FindSquatsHelper.SetupHttpCalls(purl: purl, validSquats: validSquats); // Construct the manager overrides with the mocked IHttpClientFactory. Dictionary <string, ProjectManagerFactory.ConstructProjectManager> managerOverrides = ProjectManagerFactory.GetDefaultManagers(httpClientFactory); IManagerPackageActions <NuGetPackageVersionMetadata>?nugetPackageActions = PackageActionsHelper <NuGetPackageVersionMetadata> .SetupPackageActions( purl); // Override the NuGet constructor to add the mocked NuGetPackageActions. managerOverrides[NuGetProjectManager.Type] = _ => new NuGetProjectManager(".", nugetPackageActions, httpClientFactory); ProjectManagerFactory projectManagerFactory = new(managerOverrides); FindSquatsTool fst = new(projectManagerFactory); FindSquatsTool.Options options = new() { Quiet = true, Targets = new string[] { packageUrl } }; (string output, int numSquats)result = await fst.RunAsync(options); Assert.IsTrue(expectedToHaveSquats ? result.numSquats > 0 : result.numSquats == 0); }
public async Task <HealthMetrics?> CheckHealth(PackageURL purl) { BaseProjectManager?packageManager = ProjectManagerFactory.CreateProjectManager(purl); if (packageManager != null) { string?content = await packageManager.GetMetadataAsync(purl); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content)) { RepoSearch repoSearcher = new RepoSearch(ProjectManagerFactory); foreach ((PackageURL githubPurl, double _) in await repoSearcher.ResolvePackageLibraryAsync(purl)) { try { GitHubHealthAlgorithm?healthAlgorithm = new GitHubHealthAlgorithm(githubPurl); HealthMetrics? health = await healthAlgorithm.GetHealth(); return(health); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn(ex, "Unable to calculate health for {0}: {1}", githubPurl, ex.Message); } } } else { Logger.Warn("No metadata found for {0}", purl.ToString()); } } else { throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid Package URL type: {purl.Type}"); } return(null); }
public HealthTool(ProjectManagerFactory projectManagerFactory) : base(projectManagerFactory) { }
public async Task NewtonsoftMutations_Succeeds_Async() { // arrange PackageURL newtonsoft = new("pkg:nuget/[email protected]"); string[] squattingPackages = new[] { "pkg:nuget/newtons0ft.json", // ["AsciiHomoglyph","CloseLetters"] "pkg:nuget/newtousoft.json", // ["AsciiHomoglyph"] "pkg:nuget/newtonsoft.jsan", // ["AsciiHomoglyph","VowelSwap"] "pkg:nuget/mewtonsoft.json", // ["AsciiHomoglyph","BitFlip","CloseLetters"] "pkg:nuget/bewtonsoft.json", // ["CloseLetters"] "pkg:nuget/newtohsoft.json", // ["CloseLetters"] }; IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory = FindSquatsHelper.SetupHttpCalls(purl: newtonsoft, validSquats: squattingPackages); IManagerPackageActions <NuGetPackageVersionMetadata> packageActions = PackageActionsHelper <NuGetPackageVersionMetadata> .SetupPackageActions(newtonsoft, validSquats : squattingPackages) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(); Dictionary <string, ProjectManagerFactory.ConstructProjectManager> overrideDict = ProjectManagerFactory.GetDefaultManagers(httpClientFactory); overrideDict[NuGetProjectManager.Type] = directory => new NuGetProjectManager(directory, packageActions, httpClientFactory); FindPackageSquats findPackageSquats = new(new ProjectManagerFactory(overrideDict), newtonsoft); // act IDictionary <string, IList <Mutation> >?squatCandidates = findPackageSquats.GenerateSquatCandidates(); List <FindPackageSquatResult> existingMutations = await findPackageSquats.FindExistingSquatsAsync(squatCandidates, new MutateOptions() { UseCache = false }).ToListAsync(); Assert.IsNotNull(existingMutations); Assert.IsTrue(existingMutations.Any()); string[] resultingMutationNames = existingMutations.Select(m => m.MutatedPackageUrl.ToString()).ToArray(); CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(squattingPackages, resultingMutationNames); }
public DiffTool(ProjectManagerFactory projectManagerFactory) : base(projectManagerFactory) { }
public DetectBackdoorTool(ProjectManagerFactory projectManagerFactory) : base(projectManagerFactory) { RULE_DIRECTORY = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Resources", "BackdoorRules"); }
public async Task <(string output, int numSquats)> RunAsync(Options options) { IOutputBuilder outputBuilder = SelectFormat(options.Format); var foundSquats = 0; foreach (var target in options.Targets ?? Array.Empty <string>()) { var purl = new PackageURL(target); if (purl.Name is not null && purl.Type is not null) { var manager = ProjectManagerFactory.CreateProjectManager(purl, null); if (manager is not null) { var mutationsDict = gen.Mutate(purl.Name); foreach ((var candidate, var rules) in mutationsDict) { if (options.SleepDelay > 0) { Thread.Sleep(options.SleepDelay); } // Nuget will match "microsoft.cst.oat." against "Microsoft.CST.OAT" but these are the same package // For nuget in particular we filter out this case if (manager is NuGetProjectManager) { if (candidate.EndsWith('.')) { if (candidate.Equals($"{purl.Name}.", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { continue; } } } var candidatePurl = new PackageURL(purl.Type, candidate); try { var versions = await manager.EnumerateVersions(candidatePurl); if (versions.Any()) { foundSquats++; if (!options.Quiet) { Logger.Info($"{candidate} package exists. Potential squat. {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rules)}"); } if (outputBuilder is SarifOutputBuilder sarob) { SarifResult sarifResult = new SarifResult() { Message = new Message() { Text = $"Potential Squat candidate { candidate }.", Id = "oss-find-squats" }, Kind = ResultKind.Review, Level = FailureLevel.None, Locations = SarifOutputBuilder.BuildPurlLocation(candidatePurl), }; foreach (var tag in rules) { sarifResult.Tags.Add(tag); } sarob.AppendOutput(new SarifResult[] { sarifResult }); } else if (outputBuilder is StringOutputBuilder strob) { var rulesString = string.Join(',', rules); strob.AppendOutput(new string[] { $"Potential Squat candidate '{ candidate }' detected. Generated by { rulesString }.{Environment.NewLine}" }); } else { var rulesString = string.Join(',', rules); if (!options.Quiet) { Logger.Info($"Potential Squat candidate '{ candidate }' detected. Generated by { rulesString }."); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Trace($"Could not enumerate versions. Package {candidate} likely doesn't exist. {e.Message}:{e.StackTrace}"); } } } } } return(outputBuilder.GetOutput(), foundSquats); }
public CharacteristicTool(ProjectManagerFactory projectManagerFactory) : base(projectManagerFactory) { }
/// <summary> /// Main entrypoint for the download program. /// </summary> /// <param name="args"> parameters passed in from the user </param> private static async Task Main(string[] args) { DetectCryptographyTool detectCryptographyTool = new DetectCryptographyTool(); Logger.Info($"Microsoft OSS Gadget - {TOOL_NAME} {VERSION}"); detectCryptographyTool.ParseOptions(args); // select output destination and format detectCryptographyTool.SelectOutput((string?)detectCryptographyTool.Options["output-file"] ?? ""); IOutputBuilder outputBuilder = detectCryptographyTool.SelectFormat((string?)detectCryptographyTool.Options["format"] ?? "text"); if (detectCryptographyTool.Options["target"] is IList <string> targetList && targetList.Count > 0) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var target in targetList) { sb.Clear(); try { List <IssueRecord>?results = null; if (target.StartsWith("pkg:", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) { var purl = new PackageURL(target); results = await(detectCryptographyTool.AnalyzePackage(purl, (string?)detectCryptographyTool.Options["download-directory"] ?? string.Empty, (bool?)detectCryptographyTool.Options["use-cache"] == true) ?? Task.FromResult(new List <IssueRecord>())); } else if (Directory.Exists(target)) { results = await(detectCryptographyTool.AnalyzeDirectory(target) ?? Task.FromResult(new List <IssueRecord>())); } else if (File.Exists(target)) { string?targetDirectoryName = null; while (targetDirectoryName == null || Directory.Exists(targetDirectoryName)) { targetDirectoryName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName()); } var projectManager = ProjectManagerFactory.CreateBaseProjectManager(targetDirectoryName); #pragma warning disable SCS0018 // Path traversal: injection possible in {1} argument passed to '{0}' var path = await projectManager.ExtractArchive("temp", File.ReadAllBytes(target)); #pragma warning restore SCS0018 // Path traversal: injection possible in {1} argument passed to '{0}' results = await(detectCryptographyTool.AnalyzeDirectory(path) ?? Task.FromResult(new List <IssueRecord>()));; // Clean up after ourselves try { if (targetDirectoryName != null) { Directory.Delete(targetDirectoryName, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn("Unable to delete {0}: {1}", targetDirectoryName, ex.Message); } } if (results == null) { Logger.Warn("Error generating results, was null."); } else if (!results.Any()) { sb.AppendLine($"[ ] {target} - This software package does NOT appear to implement cryptography."); } else { var shortTags = results.SelectMany(r => r.Issue.Rule.Tags ?? Array.Empty <string>()) .Distinct() .Where(t => t.StartsWith("Cryptography.Implementation.")) .Select(t => t.Replace("Cryptography.Implementation.", "")); var otherTags = results.SelectMany(r => r.Issue.Rule.Tags ?? Array.Empty <string>()) .Distinct() .Where(t => !t.StartsWith("Cryptography.Implementation.")); if (shortTags.Any()) { sb.AppendLine($"[X] {target} - This software package appears to implement {string.Join(", ", shortTags)}."); } if (otherTags.Contains("Cryptography.GenericImplementation.HighDensityOperators")) { sb.AppendLine($"[X] {target} - This software package has a high-density of cryptographic operators."); } else { sb.AppendLine($"[ ] {target} - This software package does NOT have a high-density of cryptographic operators."); } if (otherTags.Contains("Cryptography.GenericImplementation.CryptographicWords")) { sb.AppendLine($"[X] {target} - This software package contains words that suggest cryptography."); } else { sb.AppendLine($"[ ] {target} - This software package does NOT contains words that suggest cryptography."); } if ((bool?)detectCryptographyTool.Options["verbose"] == true) { var items = results.GroupBy(k => k.Issue.Rule.Name).OrderByDescending(k => k.Count()); foreach (var item in items) { sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine($"There were {item.Count()} finding(s) of type [{item.Key}]."); foreach (var result in results) { if (result.Issue.Rule.Name == item.Key) { sb.AppendLine($" {result.Filename}:"); if (result.Issue.Rule.Id == "_CRYPTO_DENSITY") { // No excerpt for cryptogrpahic density // TODO: We stuffed the density in the unused 'Description' field. This is code smell. sb.AppendLine($" | The maximum cryptographic density is {result.Issue.Rule.Description}."); } else { // Show the excerpt foreach (var line in result.TextSample.Split(new char[] { '\n', '\r' })) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { sb.AppendLine($" | {line.Trim()}"); } } } sb.AppendLine(); } } } } if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled) { foreach (var result in results) { Logger.Debug($"Result: {result.Filename} {result.Issue.Rule.Name} {result.TextSample}"); } } } Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn(ex, "Error processing {0}: {1}", target, ex.Message); Logger.Warn(ex.StackTrace); } } } else { Logger.Warn("No target provided; nothing to analyze."); DetectCryptographyTool.ShowUsage(); Environment.Exit(1); } }
public FindSquatsTool(ProjectManagerFactory projectManagerFactory) : base(projectManagerFactory) { }
public DownloadTool(ProjectManagerFactory projectManagerFactory) : base(projectManagerFactory) { }
protected OssGadgetLib(ProjectManagerFactory projectManagerFactory, string directory = ".") { ProjectManagerFactory = Check.NotNull(nameof(projectManagerFactory), projectManagerFactory); Directory = directory; }
public ReproducibleTool(ProjectManagerFactory projectManagerFactory) : base(projectManagerFactory) { }
public DetectCryptographyTool(ProjectManagerFactory projectManagerFactory) : base(projectManagerFactory) { }
public RiskCalculatorTool(ProjectManagerFactory projectManagerFactory) : base(projectManagerFactory) { }