public override void SetUp()
     touchedFiles = new List<TouchedFile>();
     logStub.Stub(x => x.TouchedFiles)
     scmData.Stub(x => x.Log("10"))
     mapper = new ProjectFileMapper(scmData);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the incoming events
        /// </summary>
        public void HandleEvent(object sender, NotifyEvent e, HandlingPriority priority)
            TextEvent       te       = e as TextEvent;
            DataEvent       de       = e as DataEvent;
            ITabbedDocument document = PluginBase.MainForm.CurrentDocument;

            //BxmlDesigner designer = document != null && designers.ContainsKey(document) ? designers[document] : null;

            // TODO: we need to handle these too:
            if (e.Type == EventType.Command && de.Action == ProjectManagerEvents.FileMapping)

            // our first priority is getting a non-null Project, otherwise
            // we can't do anything

            if (e.Type == EventType.Command && de.Action == ProjectManagerEvents.Project)
                // the projectexplorer plugin is telling us what project we're working with
                this.asproject = de.Data as ProjectManager.Projects.Project;
                Console.WriteLine("We found a project " + this.asproject + " : " + de.Data + " : " + (de.Data is ProjectManager.Projects.Project));

            // we need a project and context to handle these events
            if (e.Type == EventType.FileOpen)
                if (this.IsNfxMxml(document))
                    Console.WriteLine("MXML file opened");
                    PluginBase.MainForm.CallCommand("ChangeSyntax", "xml");

                    //    var timer = new Timer { Interval = 1, Enabled = true };
                    //    timer.Tick += (o, evt) =>
                    //    {
                    //        timer.Enabled = false;

                    // create the design surface
                    //if (GetProjectAndContext())
                    //    if (project.AbsoluteClasspaths.GetClosestParent(document.FileName) != null)
                    //    {
                    //        designer = new BxmlDesigner(document, project, GetDesignerSwfPath());
                    //        designers.Add(document, designer);
                    //        //Compile(document, designer);
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //        SendErrorToResults(document.FileName, "Cannot design this file because the classpath could not be determined.");
                    //else SendErrorToResults(document.FileName, "Could not start up the Bent Designer - no project loaded or AS3 completion plugin not loaded.");
                    //    };
            else if (e.Type == EventType.FileClose)
                Console.WriteLine("MXML file closed");
                // TODO: Recompile code behind here
                //if (designers.ContainsKey(document))
                //    designers.Remove(document);
            else if (e.Type == EventType.Command)
                switch (de.Action)
                case ProjectManagerEvents.BuildComplete:

                    // TODO: Not sure we need this
                    //if (!GetProjectAndContext()) return;
                    //if (!File.Exists(project.OutputPathAbsolute)) return;
                    //if (!CheckIsBentApplication()) return;


                    //foreach (BxmlDesigner d in designers.Values)
                    //    d.SwfOutdated = true;

                    //if (designer != null)
                    //    designer.ReloadSwf();


                case "XMLCompletion.Element":

                    // TODO: Not yet...
                    //if (!IsBxml(document) || !GetProjectAndContext()) return;
                    //if (designer == null) return;

                    ////DateTime started = DateTime.Now;
                    //completion.HandleElement(designer, (XMLContextTag)de.Data);
                    //TraceManager.Add("Took " + (DateTime.Now - started).TotalMilliseconds + "ms.");
                    //e.Handled = true;

                case "XMLCompletion.CloseElement":

                    // TODO: We would try to rely on FD own autocompletion better...
                    //if (!IsBxml(document) || !GetProjectAndContext()) return;
                    //if (designer == null) return;

                    //string ending = completion.HandleCloseElement(designer, (XMLContextTag)de.Data);
                    //if (ending != null)
                    //    if (ending != ">")
                    //    {
                    //        ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl sci = document.SciControl;
                    //        int position = sci.CurrentPos;
                    //        sci.SetSel(position - 1, position);
                    //        sci.ReplaceSel(ending);
                    //        sci.SetSel(position + 1, position + 1);
                    //    }
                    //    e.Handled = true;


                case "XMLCompletion.Attribute":

                    // TODO: We would try to rely on FD own autocompletion better...
                    //if (!IsBxml(document) || !GetProjectAndContext()) return;
                    //if (designer == null) return;

                    //object[] o = de.Data as object[];
                    ////started = DateTime.Now;
                    //completion.HandleAttribute(designer, (XMLContextTag)o[0], o[1] as string);
                    ////TraceManager.Add("Took " + (DateTime.Now - started).TotalMilliseconds + "ms.");
                    //e.Handled = true;
            else if (e.Type == EventType.FileSave && this.IsNfxMxml(document))
                Console.WriteLine("MXML file saved " + document.FileName);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.preprocessorLocation))
                    OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
                    dialog.CheckFileExists = true;
                    dialog.Filter          = "JAR files (*.jar)|*.jar";
                    DialogResult dr = dialog.ShowDialog();
                    if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
                        this.preprocessorLocation         =
                            this.settingObject.ParserPath = dialog.FileNames[0];

                this.context = ASCompletion.Context.ASContext.GetLanguageContext("as3");
                string classpath = this.asproject.AbsoluteClasspaths.GetClosestParent(document.FileName);
                Console.WriteLine("Our classpath: " + classpath);
                ASCompletion.Model.PathModel pathModel =
                    context.Classpath.Find(pm => pm.Path == classpath);
                Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
                ht.Add("-source", document.FileName);
                ht.Add("-source-dir", classpath);
                NotifyEvent ne = new NotifyEvent(EventType.ProcessStart);
                EventManager.DispatchEvent(this, ne);
                    this, new DataEvent(EventType.Command, "ResultsPanel.ClearResults", null));

                // TEST: trying to remove sci from our generated AS file so we won't get an update message
                ITabbedDocument[] documents    = FlashDevelop.Globals.MainForm.Documents;
                ITabbedDocument   current      = FlashDevelop.Globals.MainForm.CurrentDocument;
                Boolean           designerOpen = false;
                Char[]            splitter     = new Char[] { '.' };
                foreach (ITabbedDocument doc in documents)
                    Console.WriteLine("doc.FileName " + doc.FileName + " document " + document.FileName);
                    if (doc.FileName.Split(splitter)[0] ==
                        // Our designer AS file is open now
                        designerOpen = true;
                        this.lastDesignerFileName = doc.FileName;
                        this.tempRemovedSci       = doc.SciControl;
                if (designerOpen)
                    if (this.restoreDesigner == null)
                        this.restoreDesigner          = new Timer();
                        this.restoreDesigner.Interval = 50;
                        this.restoreDesigner.Tick    += new EventHandler(restoreDesigner_Tick);
                    this.restoreDesigner.Enabled = true;
                NFXShell.Run(new FileInfo(document.FileName), this.preprocessorLocation, null, ht);
                // TODO: we should only handle our projects
                // TODO: not really sure this will be needed as those files should be picked up by ASCompletion anyway.
                //string classpath = this.project.AbsoluteClasspaths.GetClosestParent(document.FileName);

                this.TellASCompletionAbout(document.FileName, pathModel);
            else if (e.Type == EventType.FileSwitch)
                // TODO: think we don't need this
                //if (!GetProjectAndContext()) return;

                //// if this flash is marked as "dirty" we'll need to reload it
                //if (designer != null && designer.SwfOutdated)
                //    designer.ReloadSwf();
            else if (e.Type == EventType.UIStarted)
                // TODO: Not sure what this does... we'll see later
                this.projectManager =
                //ProjectManager.Controls.TreeView.FileNode.FileAssociations.Add(".nxml", NFXNode.Create);
                //Timer timer = new Timer();
                //timer.Interval = 100;
                //timer.Tick += delegate { GetProjectAndContext(); timer.Stop(); };