Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Find all files that are to be considered SDK Resolvers. Pattern will match
        ///     Root\SdkResolver\(ResolverName)\(ResolverName).dll.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rootFolder"></param>
        /// <param name="location"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal virtual IList <string> FindPotentialSdkResolvers(string rootFolder, ElementLocation location)
            var assembliesList = new List <string>();

            if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootFolder) || !FileUtilities.DirectoryExistsNoThrow(rootFolder)) && AdditionalResolversFolder == null)

            DirectoryInfo[] subfolders = GetSubfolders(rootFolder, AdditionalResolversFolder);

            foreach (var subfolder in subfolders)
                var assembly = Path.Combine(subfolder.FullName, $"{subfolder.Name}.dll");
                var manifest = Path.Combine(subfolder.FullName, $"{subfolder.Name}.xml");

                var assemblyAdded = TryAddAssembly(assembly, assembliesList);
                if (!assemblyAdded)
                    assemblyAdded = TryAddAssemblyFromManifest(manifest, subfolder.FullName, assembliesList, location);

                if (!assemblyAdded)
                    ProjectFileErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProjectFile(new BuildEventFileInfo(location), "SdkResolverNoDllOrManifest", subfolder.FullName);

Exemple #2
        protected virtual void LoadResolvers(string resolverPath, LoggingContext loggingContext, ElementLocation location, List <SdkResolver> resolvers)
            Assembly assembly;

                assembly = LoadResolverAssembly(resolverPath, loggingContext, location);
            catch (Exception e)
                ProjectFileErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProjectFile(new BuildEventFileInfo(location), e, "CouldNotLoadSdkResolverAssembly", resolverPath, e.Message);


            foreach (Type type in GetResolverTypes(assembly))
                catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                    // .NET wraps the original exception inside of a TargetInvocationException which masks the original message
                    // Attempt to get the inner exception in this case, but fall back to the top exception message
                    string message = e.InnerException?.Message ?? e.Message;

                    ProjectFileErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProjectFile(new BuildEventFileInfo(location), e.InnerException ?? e, "CouldNotLoadSdkResolver", type.Name, message);
                catch (Exception e)
                    ProjectFileErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProjectFile(new BuildEventFileInfo(location), e, "CouldNotLoadSdkResolver", type.Name, e.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines what the real tools version is.
        /// </summary>
        private string ResolveToolsVersion(BuildRequestData data, string defaultToolsVersion, Internal.Utilities.GetToolset getToolset)
            if (data.ExplicitToolsVersionSpecified)

            // None was specified by the call, fall back to the project's ToolsVersion attribute
            if (data.ProjectInstance != null)
            else if (FileUtilities.IsVCProjFilename(data.ProjectFullPath))
                ProjectFileErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProjectFile(new BuildEventFileInfo(data.ProjectFullPath), "ProjectUpgradeNeededToVcxProj", data.ProjectFullPath);
            else if (!FileUtilities.IsSolutionFilename(data.ProjectFullPath))
                // If the file does not exist, it's a failure of the host, possibly msbuild.exe; so it's an ArgumentException here
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgument(File.Exists(data.ProjectFullPath), "ProjectFileNotFound", data.ProjectFullPath);

                string toolsVersionFromFile = null;

                // We use an XmlTextReader to sniff, rather than simply loading a ProjectRootElement into the cache, because
                // quite likely this won't be the node on which the request will be built, so we'd be loading the ProjectRootElement
                // on this node unnecessarily.
                toolsVersionFromFile = XmlUtilities.SniffAttributeValueFromXmlFile(ProjectFullPath, XMakeAttributes.project, XMakeAttributes.toolsVersion);

                // Instead of just using the ToolsVersion from the file, though, ask our "source of truth" what the ToolsVersion
                // we should use is.  This takes into account the various environment variables that can affect ToolsVersion, etc.,
                // to make it more likely that the ToolsVersion we come up with is going to be the one actually being used by the
                // project at build time.
                string toolsVersionToUse = Utilities.GenerateToolsVersionToUse


            // Couldn't find out the right ToolsVersion any other way, so just return the default.
Exemple #4
        private bool TryAddAssemblyFromManifest(string pathToManifest, string manifestFolder, List <string> assembliesList, ElementLocation location)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathToManifest) && !FileUtilities.FileExistsNoThrow(pathToManifest))

            string path = null;

                // <SdkResolver>
                //   <Path>...</Path>
                // </SdkResolver>
                var manifest = SdkResolverManifest.Load(pathToManifest);

                if (manifest == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(manifest.Path))
                    ProjectFileErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProjectFile(new BuildEventFileInfo(location), "SdkResolverDllInManifestMissing", pathToManifest, string.Empty);

                path = FileUtilities.FixFilePath(manifest.Path);
            catch (XmlException e)
                // Note: Not logging e.ToString() as most of the information is not useful, the Message will contain what is wrong with the XML file.
                ProjectFileErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProjectFile(new BuildEventFileInfo(location), e, "SdkResolverManifestInvalid", pathToManifest, e.Message);

            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(path))
                path = Path.Combine(manifestFolder, path);
                path = Path.GetFullPath(path);

            if (!TryAddAssembly(path, assembliesList))
                ProjectFileErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProjectFile(new BuildEventFileInfo(location), "SdkResolverDllInManifestMissing", pathToManifest, path);

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines what the real tools version is.
        /// </summary>
        private string ResolveToolsVersion(BuildRequestData data, string defaultToolsVersion)
            if (data.ExplicitToolsVersionSpecified)

            // None was specified by the call, fall back to the project's ToolsVersion attribute
            if (data.ProjectInstance != null)
            if (FileUtilities.IsVCProjFilename(data.ProjectFullPath))
                ProjectFileErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProjectFile(new BuildEventFileInfo(data.ProjectFullPath), "ProjectUpgradeNeededToVcxProj", data.ProjectFullPath);

            // We used to "sniff" the tools version from the project XML by opening it and reading the attribute.
            // This was causing unnecessary overhead since the ToolsVersion is never really used.  Instead we just
            // return the default tools version