Exemple #1
        protected override void Do(
            BlockCommandContext context,
            Block block)
            // Pull out some common elements we'll need.
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = block.Blocks;
            int blockIndex = blocks.IndexOf(block) + 1;

            // Because of how block keys work, the ID is unique very time so we have
            // to update our inverse operation.

            // Go through and create each block at a time, adding it to the inverse
            // command as we create them.
            for (int count = 0;
                 count < Count;
                // Create and insert a new block into the system.
                var newBlock = new Block(blocks);
                blocks.Insert(blockIndex, newBlock);

                // Keep track of the block so we can remove them later.

                // Update the position.
                if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Do))
                    context.Position = new BlockPosition(newBlock.BlockKey, 0);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the environment to load the plugin manager and verify we
        /// have access to the ImmediateCorrectionPlugin.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupPlugin(
            out ProjectBlockCollection blocks,
            out BlockCommandSupervisor commands,
            out WordCounterProjectPlugin projectPlugin)
            // Start getting us a simple plugin manager.
            var plugin        = new WordCounterPlugin();
            var pluginManager = new PluginManager(plugin);

            PluginManager.Instance = pluginManager;

            // Create a project and pull out the useful properties we'll use to
            // make changes.
            var project = new Project();

            blocks   = project.Blocks;
            commands = project.Commands;

            // Load in the immediate correction editor.
            if (!project.Plugins.Add("Word Counter"))
                // We couldn't load it for some reason.
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot load word counter plugin.");

            // Pull out the controller for the correction and cast it (since we know
            // what type it is).
            ProjectPluginController pluginController = project.Plugins.Controllers[0];

            projectPlugin = (WordCounterProjectPlugin)pluginController.ProjectPlugin;

            // Set up logging for the controller.
            WordCounterProjectPlugin.Logger = Console.WriteLine;
Exemple #3
        public void TestUndoRedoCommand()
            // Arrange
            var project = new Project();
            var context = new BlockCommandContext(project);
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = project.Blocks;
            Block block = blocks[0];

            using (block.AcquireBlockLock(RequestLock.Write))
                block.SetText("Testing 123");
            BlockKey blockKey = block.BlockKey;

            var command = new InsertAfterBlockCommand(blockKey, 1);

            project.Commands.Do(command, context);

            // Act

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(2, blocks.Count);
                new BlockPosition(blocks[1], 0), project.Commands.LastPosition);

            int index = 0;

            Assert.AreEqual("Testing 123", blocks[index].Text);

            Assert.AreEqual("", blocks[index].Text);
        public override void Undo(BlockCommandContext context)
            // If we have a block key, we use that first.
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = context.Blocks;

            if (UseBlockKey)
                Block block;

                using (
                        RequestLock.Write, RequestLock.Write, BlockKey, out block))
                    Undo(context, block);
                Block block;

                using (
                        RequestLock.Write, RequestLock.Write, (int)Line, out block))
                    Undo(context, block);
        public static void GetBeginAndEndCharacterIndices(
            this SingleLineTextRange range,
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks,
            out int blockIndex,
            out int sourceBegin,
            out int sourceEnd,
            out string text)
            using (blocks.AcquireLock(RequestLock.Read))
                // Start by getting the block based on the index.
                Block block;

                blockIndex = range.LinePosition.GetLineIndex(blocks.Count);

                using (
                        RequestLock.Read, RequestLock.Read, blockIndex, out block))
                    // Get the text and calculate the character indicies.
                    text = block.Text;

                    range.GetBeginAndEndCharacterIndices(text, out sourceBegin, out sourceEnd);
        public void TestUndoRedoCommand()
            // Arrange
            var project = new Project();
            var context = new BlockCommandContext(project);
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = project.Blocks;
            Block    block        = blocks[0];
            int      blockVersion = block.Version;
            BlockKey blockKey     = block.BlockKey;

            var command = new SetTextCommand(blockKey, "Testing 123");

            project.Commands.Do(command, context);


            // Act

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, blocks.Count);
                new BlockPosition(blocks[0], "Testing 123".Length),

            const int index = 0;

            Assert.AreEqual("Testing 123", blocks[index].Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(blockVersion + 3, blocks[index].Version);
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes out the project file to a given directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory">The directory to save the file.</param>
        public void Save(DirectoryInfo directory)
            // Set up the project macros we'll be expanding.
            ProjectMacros macros = SetupMacros(directory);

            // Validate the state.
            string projectFilename = macros.ExpandMacros("{ProjectFilename}");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(projectFilename))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "Project filename is not defined in Settings property.");

            // We need a write lock on the blocks to avoid changes. This also prevents
            // any background tasks from modifying the blocks during the save process.
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = Project.Blocks;

            using (blocks.AcquireLock(RequestLock.Write))
                // Create a new project writer and write out the results.
                var projectWriter = new FilesystemPersistenceProjectWriter(
                    Project, Settings, macros);
                var projectFile = new FileInfo(projectFilename);

Exemple #8
        public void TestUndoRedoCommand()
            // Arrange
            var project = new Project();
            var context = new BlockCommandContext(project);
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = project.Blocks;
            Block block = blocks[0];

            using (block.AcquireBlockLock(RequestLock.Write))
            int      blockVersion = block.Version;
            BlockKey blockKey     = block.BlockKey;

            var command = new ReplaceTextCommand(
                new BlockPosition(blockKey, 2), 1, "YES");

            project.Commands.Do(command, context);

            // Act

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, blocks.Count);
                new BlockPosition(blocks[0], 5), project.Commands.LastPosition);

            const int index = 0;

            Assert.AreEqual("abYESd", blocks[index].Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(blockVersion + 6, blocks[index].Version);
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the lines.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project">The project.</param>
        /// <param name="lineCount">The line count.</param>
        private void InsertLines(
            Project project,
            int lineCount)
            // Pull out some useful variables.
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = project.Blocks;

            // Modify the first line, which is always there.
            using (blocks[0].AcquireBlockLock(RequestLock.Write))
                blocks[0].SetText("Line 1");

            // Add in the additional lines after the first one.
            for (int i = 1;
                 i < lineCount;
                var block = new Block(blocks);
                using (block.AcquireBlockLock(RequestLock.Write))
                    block.SetText("Line " + (i + 1));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a project with a set number of lines and gives them a state that
        /// can easily be tested for.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="blocks">The block collection in the project.</param>
        /// <param name="blockTypes">The block types supervisor for the project.</param>
        /// <param name="commands">The commands supervisor for the project.</param>
        /// <param name="lineCount">The number of blocks to insert into the projects.</param>
        protected void SetupMultilineTest(
            out BlockCommandContext context,
            out ProjectBlockCollection blocks,
            out BlockTypeSupervisor blockTypes,
            out BlockCommandSupervisor commands,
            int lineCount = 4)
            // Everything is based on the project.
            var project = new Project();

            context    = new BlockCommandContext(project);
            blocks     = project.Blocks;
            commands   = project.Commands;
            blockTypes = project.BlockTypes;

            // Insert the bulk of the lines.
            InsertLines(project, lineCount);

            // Go through and set up the block types for these elements.

            for (int index = 1;
                 index < project.Blocks.Count;
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the environment to load the plugin manager and verify we
        /// have access to the ImmediateCorrectionPlugin.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupCorrectionPlugin(
            out BlockCommandContext context,
            out ProjectBlockCollection blocks,
            out BlockCommandSupervisor commands,
            out ImmediateCorrectionProjectPlugin projectPlugin)
            // Start getting us a simple plugin manager.
            var plugin        = new ImmediateCorrectionPlugin();
            var pluginManager = new PluginManager(plugin);

            PluginManager.Instance = pluginManager;

            // Create a project and pull out the useful properties we'll use to
            // make changes.
            var project = new Project();

            context  = new BlockCommandContext(project);
            blocks   = project.Blocks;
            commands = project.Commands;

            // Load in the immediate correction editor.
            if (!project.Plugins.Add("Immediate Correction"))
                // We couldn't load it for some reason.
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot load immediate correction plugin");

            // Pull out the controller for the correction and cast it (since we know
            // what type it is).
            ProjectPluginController pluginController = project.Plugins.Controllers[0];

            projectPlugin =
 public void Register(ProjectBlockCollection ownerCollection)
     //ownerCollection.ItemsAdded += OnItemsAdded;
     //ownerCollection.ItemsRemoved += OnItemsRemoved;
     //ownerCollection.ItemRemovedAt += OnItemRemovedAt;
     //ownerCollection.ItemInserted += OnItemInserted;
     //ownerCollection.CollectionCleared += OnCollectionCleared;
     //ownerCollection.CollectionChanged += OnCollectionChanged;
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the content file, to either the project Writer or the Structure
        /// file depending on the persistence settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectWriter">The project Writer.</param>
        public void Write(XmlWriter projectWriter)
            // Figure out which Writer we'll be using.
            bool      createdWriter;
            XmlWriter writer = GetXmlWriter(
                projectWriter, Macros, Settings.ContentDataFilename, out createdWriter);

            // Start by creating the initial element.
            writer.WriteStartElement("content-data", ProjectNamespace);
            writer.WriteElementString("version", "1");

            // Write out the project properties.
            writer.WriteStartElement("project", ProjectNamespace);
            WriteProperties(writer, Project);

            // Go through the blocks in the list.
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = Project.Blocks;

            for (int blockIndex = 0;
                 blockIndex < blocks.Count;
                // Write out this block.
                Block block = blocks[blockIndex];

                writer.WriteStartElement("block-data", ProjectNamespace);

                // Write out the text of the block so we can identify it later. It
                // normally will be in order, but this is a second verification
                // that won't change.
                writer.WriteStartElement("block-key", ProjectNamespace);
                    "block-index", blockIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    "text-hash", block.Text.GetHashCode().ToString("X8"));

                // For this pass, we write out the data generates by the plugins
                // and internal state.
                WriteProperties(writer, block);
                WriteAnalysisState(writer, block);
                WriteTextSpans(writer, block);

                // Finish up the block.

            // Finish up the blocks element.

            // If we created the Writer, close it.
            if (createdWriter)
        public static void GetBeginAndEndCharacterIndices(
            this SingleLineTextRange range,
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks,
            out int blockIndex,
            out int sourceBegin,
            out int sourceEnd)
            string text;

                range, blocks, out blockIndex, out sourceBegin, out sourceEnd, out text);
        public void TestInitialState()
            // Act
            var project = new Project();

            // Assert
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = project.Blocks;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, blocks.Count);

            Block block = blocks[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, block.Text);
        protected void SetupComplexMultilineTest(
            out ProjectBlockCollection blocks,
            out BlockTypeSupervisor blockTypes,
            out BlockCommandSupervisor commands,
            int lineCount = 10)
            // Everything is based on the project.
            var project = new Project();

            blocks     = project.Blocks;
            commands   = project.Commands;
            blockTypes = project.BlockTypes;

            // Set up the structure and insert the lines.
            SetupComplexMultilineTest(project, lineCount);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Project"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public Project(
            ProjectProcessingState initialProcessingState =
            // Set up the initial states.
            ProcessingState = initialProcessingState;

            // We need the settings set up first since it may contribute
            // to the loading of other components of the project.
            Settings   = new ProjectSettings();
            Properties = new PropertiesDictionary();
            BlockTypes = new BlockTypeSupervisor(this);
            Blocks     = new ProjectBlockCollection(this);
            Commands   = new BlockCommandSupervisor(this);
            Plugins    = new PluginSupervisor(this);
            Macros     = new ProjectMacros();
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the environment to load the plugin manager and verify we
        /// have access to our plugin and projectPlugin.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupPlugin(
            out BlockCommandContext context,
            out ProjectBlockCollection blocks,
            out BlockCommandSupervisor commands,
            out PluginSupervisor plugins,
            out SpellEngineSpellingProjectPlugin projectPlugin)
            // Start getting us a simple plugin manager.
            var spelling      = new SpellingFrameworkPlugin();
            var nhunspell     = new HunspellSpellingPlugin();
            var pluginManager = new PluginManager(spelling, nhunspell);

            PluginManager.Instance = pluginManager;

            // Create a project and pull out the useful properties we'll use to
            // make changes.
            var project = new Project();

            context  = new BlockCommandContext(project);
            blocks   = project.Blocks;
            commands = project.Commands;
            plugins  = project.Plugins;

            // Load in the immediate correction editor.
            if (!plugins.Add("Spelling Framework"))
                // We couldn't load it for some reason.
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot load 'Spelling' plugin.");

            if (!plugins.Add("NHunspell"))
                // We couldn't load it for some reason.
                throw new ApplicationException("Cannot load 'NHunspell' plugin.");

            // Pull out the projectPlugin for the correction and cast it (since we know
            // what type it is).
            ProjectPluginController pluginController = plugins.Controllers[1];

            projectPlugin =
        protected void SetupComplexMultilineTest(
            Project project,
            int lineCount)
            // Insert the bulk of the lines.
            InsertLines(project, lineCount);

            // Change the block types for the project. This basically builds up a
            // structure of one chapter with any number of scenes that have one
            // epigraph, one epigraph attribution, and two paragraphs.
            BlockTypeSupervisor    blockTypes = project.BlockTypes;
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks     = project.Blocks;


            for (int blockIndex = 1;
                 blockIndex < blocks.Count;
                Block block = blocks[blockIndex];

                if ((blockIndex - 1) % 5 == 0)
                else if ((blockIndex - 2) % 5 == 0)
                else if ((blockIndex - 3) % 5 == 0)

            // Let everything finish running.
        public void Undo(BlockCommandContext context)
            // Since we're making chanegs to the list, we need a write lock.
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = context.Blocks;

            using (blocks.AcquireLock(RequestLock.Write))
                // Go through all the blocks in the project.
                foreach (Block block in blocks)
                    if (Changes.ContainsKey(block.BlockKey))
                        // Revert the type of this block.
                        BlockType blockType = previousBlockTypes[block.BlockKey];

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the content file, to either the project Writer or the Structure
        /// file depending on the persistence settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectWriter">The project Writer.</param>
        public void Write(XmlWriter projectWriter)
            // Figure out which Writer we'll be using.
            bool      createdWriter;
            XmlWriter writer = GetXmlWriter(
                projectWriter, Macros, Settings.ContentFilename, out createdWriter);

            // Start by creating the initial element.
            writer.WriteStartElement("content", ProjectNamespace);
            writer.WriteElementString("version", "1");

            // Go through the blocks in the project.
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = Project.Blocks;

            foreach (Block block in blocks)
                // Write the beginning of the block.
                writer.WriteStartElement("block", ProjectNamespace);

                // For this pass, we only include block elements that are
                // user-entered. We'll do a second pass to include the processed
                // data including TextSpans and parsing status later.
                writer.WriteElementString("type", ProjectNamespace, block.BlockType.Name);
                writer.WriteElementString("text", ProjectNamespace, block.Text);
                    "text-hash", ProjectNamespace, block.Text.GetHashCode().ToString("X8"));

                // Finish up the block.

            // Finish up the blocks element.

            // If we created the Writer, close it.
            if (createdWriter)
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the environment to load the plugin manager and verify we
        /// have access to our plugin and projectPlugin.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupPlugin(
            out ProjectBlockCollection blocks,
            out BlockCommandSupervisor commands,
            out PluginSupervisor plugins,
            out FilesystemPersistenceProjectPlugin projectPlugin)
            // Start getting us a simple plugin manager.
            var persistencePlugin = new PersistenceFrameworkPlugin();
            var filesystemPlugin  = new FilesystemPersistencePlugin();

            var pluginManager = new PluginManager(persistencePlugin, filesystemPlugin);

            PluginManager.Instance      = pluginManager;
            PersistenceManager.Instance = new PersistenceManager(persistencePlugin);

            // Create a project and pull out the useful properties we'll use to
            // make changes.
            var project = new Project();

            blocks   = project.Blocks;
            commands = project.Commands;
            plugins  = project.Plugins;

            // Load in the plugins we'll be using in these tests.
            plugins.Add("Persistence Framework");
            plugins.Add("Filesystem Persistence");
            plugins.Add("Spelling Framework");
            plugins.Add("Local Words");
            plugins.Add("Immediate Correction");

            // Pull out the projectPlugin for the correction and cast it (since we know
            // what type it is).
            ProjectPluginController pluginController = plugins.Controllers[1];

            projectPlugin =
        public void Run()
            // Figure out which analyzers we need to actually run on the block.
            var neededAnalyzers = new List <IBlockAnalyzerProjectPlugin>();

            foreach (IBlockAnalyzerProjectPlugin blockAnalyzer in BlockAnalyzers)
                if (!Analysis.Contains(blockAnalyzer))

            // Loop through all the analyzers in the list and perform each one in turn.
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = Block.Project.Blocks;

            foreach (IBlockAnalyzerProjectPlugin blockAnalyzer in neededAnalyzers)
                // Check to see if the block had gone stale.
                using (blocks.AcquireBlockLock(RequestLock.Read, Block))
                    if (Block.IsStale(BlockVersion))
                        // The block is stale, so we just dump out since there will be
                        // another task to reanalyze this block.

                // Perform the analysis on the given block.
                blockAnalyzer.AnalyzeBlock(Block, BlockVersion);

                // Once we're done analyzing the block, we need to add this
                // analyzer to the list so we don't attempt to run it again.
        public void Do(BlockCommandContext context)
            // Since we're making chanegs to the list, we need a write lock.
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = context.Blocks;

            using (blocks.AcquireLock(RequestLock.Write))
                // Clear out the undo list since we'll be rebuilding it.

                // Go through all the blocks in the project.
                foreach (Block block in blocks)
                    if (Changes.ContainsKey(block.BlockKey))
                        BlockType blockType    = Changes[block.BlockKey];
                        BlockType existingType = block.BlockType;

                        previousBlockTypes[block.BlockKey] = existingType;
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the environment to load the plugin manager and verify we
        /// have access to our plugin and projectPlugin.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupPlugin(
            out ProjectBlockCollection blocks,
            out BlockCommandSupervisor commands,
            out PluginSupervisor plugins,
            out FilesystemPersistenceProjectPlugin projectPlugin)
            // Start getting us a simple plugin manager.
            var persistencePlugin         = new PersistenceFrameworkPlugin();
            var filesystemPlugin          = new FilesystemPersistencePlugin();
            var spellingPlugin            = new SpellingFrameworkPlugin();
            var nhunspellPlugin           = new HunspellSpellingPlugin();
            var localWordsPlugin          = new LocalWordsPlugin();
            var immediateCorrectionPlugin = new ImmediateCorrectionPlugin();
            var immediateBlockTypesPlugin = new ImmediateBlockTypesPlugin();
            var blockStructurePlugin      = new BlockStructurePlugin();

            var pluginManager = new PluginManager(

            PluginManager.Instance      = pluginManager;
            PersistenceManager.Instance = new PersistenceManager(persistencePlugin);

            // Create a project and pull out the useful properties we'll use to
            // make changes.
            var project = new Project();

            blocks   = project.Blocks;
            commands = project.Commands;
            plugins  = project.Plugins;

            // Load in the plugins we'll be using in these tests.
            foreach (IPlugin plugin in pluginManager.Plugins)

            // Set up the local words lookup.
            var localWordsProjectPlugin =
                (LocalWordsProjectPlugin)plugins["Local Words"];


            // Set up the immediate correction plugin.
            var immediateCorrectionProjectPlugin =
                (ImmediateCorrectionProjectPlugin)plugins["Immediate Correction"];

                "Grey", "Gray", SubstitutionOptions.WholeWord);
                "GWG", "Great Waryoni Garèo", SubstitutionOptions.None);
                "GWB", "Great Waryoni Bob", SubstitutionOptions.None);

            // Set up the immediate block types.
            var immediateBlockTypesProjectPlugin =
                (ImmediateBlockTypesProjectPlugin)plugins["Immediate Block Types"];

            foreach (BlockType blockType in project.BlockTypes.BlockTypes.Values)
                string prefix = string.Format("{0}: ", blockType.Name);

                immediateBlockTypesProjectPlugin.Settings.Replacements[prefix] =

            // Pull out the projectPlugin for the correction and cast it (since we know
            // what type it is).
            ProjectPluginController pluginController = plugins.Controllers[1];

            projectPlugin =
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the content file, either from the project reader or the Structure
        /// file depending on the persistence settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectReader">The project reader.</param>
        public void Read(XmlReader projectReader)
            // Figure out which reader we'll be using.
            bool      createdReader;
            XmlReader reader = GetXmlReader(
                projectReader, Settings.ContentFilename, out createdReader);

            // Loop through the resulting file until we get to the end of the
            // XML element we care about.
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = Project.Blocks;
            bool reachedContents          = reader.NamespaceURI == XmlConstants.ProjectNamespace &&
                                            reader.LocalName == "content";
            string    text       = null;
            BlockType blockType  = null;
            bool      firstBlock = true;

            while (reader.Read())
                // Ignore anything outside of our namespace.
                if (reader.NamespaceURI != XmlConstants.ProjectNamespace)

                // Check to see if we're done reading.
                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                    switch (reader.LocalName)
                    case "content":

                    case "block":
                        // Create the block and insert it into the list.
                        var block = new Block(blocks, blockType, text);

                        if (firstBlock)
                            // Because we have a rule that the collection may
                            // not have less than one block, the first block is
                            // a replacement instead of adding to the list.
                            blocks[0]  = block;
                            firstBlock = false;


                // For the rest of this loop, we only deal with begin elements.
                if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                // If we haven't reached the Structure, we just cycle through the XML.
                if (!reachedContents)
                    // Flip the flag if we are starting to read the Structure.
                    if (reader.NamespaceURI == XmlConstants.ProjectNamespace &&
                        reader.LocalName == "content")
                        reachedContents = true;

                    // Continue on since we're done with this if clause.

                // We process the remaining elements based on their local name.
                switch (reader.LocalName)
                case "type":
                    string blockTypeName = reader.ReadString();
                    blockType = Project.BlockTypes[blockTypeName];

                case "text":
                    text = reader.ReadString();

            // If we created the reader, close it.
            if (createdReader)
Exemple #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SplitBlockCommand"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position">The position to break the paragraph.</param>
 public SplitBlockCommand(
     ProjectBlockCollection blocks,
     BlockPosition position)
     : base(position, "\n")
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the content file, either from the project reader or the Structure
        /// file depending on the persistence settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectReader">The project reader.</param>
        public void Read(XmlReader projectReader)
            // Figure out which reader we'll be using.
            bool      createdReader;
            XmlReader reader = GetXmlReader(
                projectReader, Settings.ContentDataFilename, out createdReader);

            // Loop through the resulting file until we get to the end of the
            // XML element we care about.
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = Project.Blocks;
            bool reachedData = reader.NamespaceURI == XmlConstants.ProjectNamespace &&
                               reader.LocalName == "content-data";
            int blockIndex     = 0;
            int startTextIndex = 0;
            int stopTextIndex  = 0;
            ITextControllerProjectPlugin plugin = null;
            object pluginData = null;
            bool   inProject  = false;
            bool   inBlocks   = false;

            while (reader.Read())
                // Ignore anything outside of our namespace.
                if (reader.NamespaceURI != XmlConstants.ProjectNamespace)

                // Check to see if we're done reading.
                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                    switch (reader.LocalName)
                    case "content-data":

                    case "text-span":
                        // Construct a text span from the gathered properties.
                        var textSpan = new TextSpan(
                            startTextIndex, stopTextIndex, plugin, pluginData);

                        // Clear out the data to catch any additional errors.
                        plugin     = null;
                        pluginData = null;

                    case "block-data":
                        inBlocks = false;

                    case "project":
                        inProject = false;

                // For the rest of this loop, we only deal with begin elements.
                if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                // If we haven't reached the Structure, we just cycle through the XML.
                if (!reachedData)
                    // Flip the flag if we are starting to read the Structure.
                    if (reader.NamespaceURI == XmlConstants.ProjectNamespace &&
                        reader.LocalName == "content-data")
                        reachedData = true;

                    // Continue on since we're done with this if clause.

                // We process the remaining elements based on their local name.
                switch (reader.LocalName)
                case "block-data":
                    inBlocks = true;

                case "project":
                    inProject = true;

                case "analyzer":
                    // Grab the analyzer name and find the associated plugin.
                    string key = reader.ReadInnerXml();

                    if (Project.Plugins.Contains(key))
                        var analyzer = Project.Plugins[key] as IBlockAnalyzerProjectPlugin;

                        if (analyzer != null)


                case "block-key":
                    // Grab the information to identify the block. We can't use
                    // block key directly so we have an index into the original
                    // block data and a hash of the text.
                    blockIndex = Convert.ToInt32(reader["block-index"]);
                    int textHash = Convert.ToInt32(reader["text-hash"], 16);

                    // Figure out if we are asking for an index that doesn't exist
                    // or if the hash doesn't work. If they don't, then stop
                    // processing entirely.
                    if (blockIndex >= blocks.Count ||
                        blocks[blockIndex].Text.GetHashCode() != textHash)


                case "property":
                    var    path  = new HierarchicalPath(reader["path"]);
                    string value = reader.ReadString();

                    if (inBlocks)
                        blocks[blockIndex].Properties[path] = value;

                    if (inProject)
                        Project.Properties[path] = value;


                case "index":
                    startTextIndex = Convert.ToInt32(reader["start"]);
                    stopTextIndex  = Convert.ToInt32(reader["stop"]);

                case "plugin":
                    string projectKey = reader.ReadString();
                    plugin = (ITextControllerProjectPlugin)Project.Plugins[projectKey];

            // If we created the reader, close it.
            if (createdReader)
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the blocks in the project and assign them to block types that fit
        /// the document structure. This will attempt to keep the current block type
        /// of a given block if it can fit into the structure.
        /// </summary>
        public void Update()
            // If we are inside interactive processing, we need to skip updates
            // since this can be an expensive operation.
            if (Project.ProcessingState == ProjectProcessingState.Batch)

            // We need to get a write lock on the block since we'll be making changes
            // to all the blocks and their relationships. This will, in effect, also
            // ensure no block is being modified.
            using (Project.Blocks.AcquireLock(RequestLock.Write))
                // Go through all the blocks in the list.
                ProjectBlockCollection blocks = Project.Blocks;

                for (int blockIndex = 0;
                     blockIndex < Project.Blocks.Count;
                    // Grab the block we're currently looking at.
                    Block     block     = blocks[blockIndex];
                    BlockType blockType = block.BlockType;

                    // To figure out the block type, we go backwards until we find the
                    // first block's structure that contains this block type. If we
                    // can't find one, we will just use the first block in the list
                    // regardless of type.
                    BlockStructure newBlockStructure = null;
                    Block          newParentBlock    = null;

                    for (int searchIndex = blockIndex - 1;
                         searchIndex >= 0;
                        // Grab this block and structure.
                        Block          searchBlock     = blocks[searchIndex];
                        BlockStructure searchStructure = searchBlock.BlockStructure;

                        // If the search structure includes the current block type,
                        // then we'll use that and stop looking through the rest of the list.
                        if (searchStructure.ContainsChildStructure(blockType))
                            newBlockStructure = searchStructure.GetChildStructure(blockType);
                            newParentBlock    = searchBlock;

                    // Look to see if we assigned the parent block and structure. If we
                    // haven't, then assign the parent to the first one (obvious not if
                    // we are modifying the first one).
                    if (newParentBlock == null &&
                        blockIndex > 0)
                        newParentBlock = Project.Blocks[0];

                    if (newBlockStructure == null)
                        newBlockStructure = RootBlockStructure;

                    // Assign the new block structure and parent.