public void UpdateProgressDetailsForStoreAspProgressV2_updates_correct_fields_on_progress_record() { using var transaction = new TransactionScope(); // Given const int progressId = 261317; const int customisationVersion = 1; var submittedTime = new DateTime(2022, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); const string progressText = "Test progress text"; const int diagnosticScore = 100; var expectedProgressDetails = new ProgressDetails( customisationVersion, submittedTime, progressText, diagnosticScore ); // When progressDataService.UpdateProgressDetailsForStoreAspProgressV2( progressId, customisationVersion, submittedTime, progressText ); // Then var progressDetails = progressTestHelper.GetProgressDetailsByProgressId(progressId); progressDetails.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expectedProgressDetails); }
private IEnumerator GetCropProgress() { //Get users progress to display appropriate stage of crop string url = "" + PlayerPrefs.GetString("userID"); using (UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(url)) { yield return(webRequest.SendWebRequest()); studentProgress = JsonUtility.FromJson <ProgressDetails>(webRequest.downloadHandler.text); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { crops[i].GetComponent <Crop>().topicID = studentProgress.topics[i].id - 1; cropsText[i].text = studentProgress.topics[i].name; if (studentProgress.topics[i].completed_lessons == 0) { crops[i].GetComponent <Image>().sprite = crops[i].GetComponent <Crop>().zeroImage; } else if (studentProgress.topics[i].completed_lessons == 1) { crops[i].GetComponent <Image>().sprite = crops[i].GetComponent <Crop>().firstImage; } else if (studentProgress.topics[i].completed_lessons == 2) { crops[i].GetComponent <Image>().sprite = crops[i].GetComponent <Crop>().secondImage; } else if (studentProgress.topics[i].completed_lessons == 3) { crops[i].GetComponent <Image>().sprite = crops[i].GetComponent <Crop>().thirdImage; } } } }
public void ReportDetail(string detailMessage) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._currentMessage)) { throw new Exception("Current message not set. Call Report() first."); } var rep = new ProgressDetails { Percentage = this._currentPercentage, Message = $"{this._currentMessage} [{detailMessage}]", Caption = this._caption }; this.OnReport(rep); this.OnReportEmited(rep); }
public void Report(string message = null) { if (message != null) { this._currentMessage = message; } var rep = new ProgressDetails { Percentage = this._currentPercentage, Message = message, Caption = this._caption }; this.OnReport(rep); this.OnReportEmited(rep); }
/// <summary> /// Sends a progress update event to the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceId">The source ID of the progress event.</param> /// <param name="progressDetails">The details of the activity's current progress.</param> protected override void UpdateProgress( long sourceId, ProgressDetails progressDetails) { }
protected virtual void OnReportEmited(ProgressDetails progress) => this.ReportEmited?.Invoke(this, new ProgressDetailsEventArgs(progress));
void IConsoleHost.UpdateProgress(long sourceId, ProgressDetails progressDetails) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
void UpdateProgress( long sourceId, ProgressDetails progressDetails) { // TODO: Log progress }
public async Task Execute( Func <CancellationToken, Task> function, string progressMessage = "", string successMessage = "", string failMessage = "", bool showProgress = true, bool rethrowUnhandledException = true, bool isCancellationSupported = true, CancellationToken?customCancellationToken = null) { try { if (showProgress) { IsBusy = true; ProgressMessage = progressMessage; } ProgressDetails.Clear(); IsCancellationSupported = isCancellationSupported; if (CancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { CancellationTokenSource?.Dispose(); CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); } CancellationToken cancellationToken = customCancellationToken ?? CancellationTokenSource.Token; await function(cancellationToken); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(successMessage)) { MessageQueue.Enqueue(successMessage); } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { } catch (Exception exception) { Logger.LogError(exception, exception.Message); MessageQueue.Enqueue( string.IsNullOrEmpty(failMessage) ? exception.Message : failMessage, "Open Logs", () => EventAggregator.PublishOnUIThreadAsync(new OpenLogsEvent())); if (rethrowUnhandledException) { throw; } } finally { if (showProgress) { IsBusy = false; } } }
void IConsoleHost.UpdateProgress( long sourceId, ProgressDetails progressDetails) { // TODO: Implement message for this }