public ReportSystem(System.Drawing.Icon icon = null, StandardBrowserViewer tabViewer = null, ProgressBar.ProgressBar progressBar = null)
     if (icon != null)
         Icon = icon;
     TabViewer   = tabViewer;
     ProgressBar = progressBar;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Console.WriteLine("Simplest usage");
            //var pb = new ProgressBar(50);
            //pb.Refresh(0, "connecting to server to download 50 files sychronously.");
            //pb.Refresh(5, "downloading file 5");
            //pb.Refresh(50, "finished.");


            // demo; take the first 10 directories that have files from c:\windows, and then pretends to process (list) them.
            // processing of each directory happens on a different thread, to simulate multiple background tasks, 
            // e.g. file downloading.
            // ==============================================================================================================
            var dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(@"c:\windows").Where(d=> Directory.GetFiles(d).Count()>0).Take(7);

            var tasks = new List<Task>();
            var bars = new List<ProgressBar.ProgressBar>();
            foreach (var d in dirs)
                var dir = new DirectoryInfo(d);
                var files = dir.GetFiles().Take(50).Select(f=>f.FullName).ToArray();
                if (files.Count()==0) continue;
                var bar = new ProgressBar.ProgressBar(files.Count());
                bar.Refresh(0, d);
                tasks.Add(new Task(() => ProcessFiles(d, files, bar)));
            Console.WriteLine("ready press enter.");

            foreach (var t in tasks) t.Start();

 public ReportSystem(MiMFa_ReportLanguage mRL, StandardBrowserViewer tabViewer = null, ProgressBar.ProgressBar progressBar = null)
     MRL         = mRL;
     TabViewer   = tabViewer;
     ProgressBar = progressBar;