public override void Process(int whoAmI, byte[] readBuffer, int length, int num) { var player = Main.players[whoAmI]; player.HasClientMod = true; ProgramLog.Log(player.Name + " has logged in with the TDCM Client"); //Update Client with server data. NetMessage.SendData(Packet.CLIENT_MOD, whoAmI); }
public void Save(bool log = true) { var tmpName = propertiesPath + ".tmp" + (uint)(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks % uint.MaxValue); var writer = new StreamWriter(tmpName); try { foreach (string line in header) { if (line.Trim().Length > 0) { writer.WriteLine(HEADER + line); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <String, String> pair in propertiesMap) { if (pair.Value != null) { if (commentsMap.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) { writer.WriteLine(COMMENT + commentsMap[pair.Key]); } writer.WriteLine(pair.Key + EQUALS + pair.Value); } } } finally { writer.Close(); } try { File.Replace(tmpName, propertiesPath, null, true); if (log) { ProgramLog.Log("{1} \"{0}\".", propertiesPath, Languages.SavedFile); } } catch (IOException e) { if (log) { ProgramLog.Log("{2} \"{0}\" {3}: {1}", propertiesPath, e.Message, Languages.SavedTo, Languages.Failed); } } catch (SystemException e) { if (log) { ProgramLog.Log("{2} \"{0}\" {3}: {1}", propertiesPath, e.Message, Languages.SavedTo, Languages.Failed); } } }
//public static bool StartEclipse; //public static bool StartBloodMoon; public static void ProgramStart() { Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; ProgramLog.Log("TDSM Rebind API build {0}{1} running on {2}", Globals.Build, Globals.PhaseToSuffix(Globals.BuildPhase), Tools.RuntimePlatform.ToString() ); Console.ForegroundColor = Command.ConsoleSender.DefaultColour; Globals.Touch(); ID.Lookup.Initialise(); try { var lis = new Logging.LogTraceListener(); System.Diagnostics.Trace.Listeners.Clear(); System.Diagnostics.Trace.Listeners.Add(lis); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Listeners.Clear(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Listeners.Add(lis); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } //This will setup the assembly resolves PluginManager.Initialize(Globals.PluginPath); PluginManager.SetHookSource(typeof(HookPoints)); //Load the logs if (!ProgramLog.IsOpen) { var logFile = Globals.DataPath + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "server.log"; ProgramLog.OpenLogFile(logFile); ConsoleSender.DefaultColour = ConsoleColor.Gray; } //Load plugins PluginManager.LoadPlugins(); // if (!Permissions.PermissionsManager.IsSet) // { // var file = System.IO.Path.Combine(Globals.DataPath, "permissions.xml"); // //if (System.IO.File.Exists(file)) System.IO.File.Delete(file); // if (System.IO.File.Exists(file)) // { // var handler = new Permissions.XmlSupplier(file); // if (handler.Load()) // Permissions.PermissionsManager.SetHandler(handler); // } // } }
public static void OnServerInitialising(Entry core) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(core.Config.Rcon_BindAddress)) { _nonce = core.Config.Rcon_HashNonce; _bindAddress = core.Config.Rcon_BindAddress; ProgramLog.Log("Starting RCON Server"); Start(Path.Combine(Globals.DataPath, "")); } }
void OnPlayerDataReceived(ref HookContext ctx, ref HookArgs.PlayerDataReceived args) { ctx.SetKick("Malfunction during login process, try again."); if (!args.NameChecked) { string error; if (!args.CheckName(out error)) { ctx.SetKick(error); return; } } var player = ctx.Player; if (player == null) { ProgramLog.Error.Log("Null player passed to Restrict.OnPlayerDataReceived."); return; } var name = args.Name; var pname = NameTransform(name); var oname = OldNameTransform(name); string entry = null; lock (users) { entry = users.getValue(pname) ?? users.getValue(oname); } if (entry == null) { if (allowGuests) { ctx.SetResult(HookResult.DEFAULT); player.AuthenticatedAs = null; ctx.Connection.DesiredQueue = 0; //(int)LoginPriority.QUEUE_LOW_PRIO; ProgramLog.Log("<Restrict> Letting user {0} from {1} in as guest.", name, player.IPAddress); } else { ProgramLog.Log("<Restrict> Unregistered user {0} from {1} attempted to connect.", name, player.IPAddress); ctx.SetKick("Only registered users are allowed."); return; } return; } ProgramLog.Log("<Restrict> Expecting password for user {0} from {1}.", name, player.IPAddress); ctx.SetResult(HookResult.ASK_PASS); }
public static bool Initialise() { var npc = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Globals.DataPath, "npc.xml")); var item = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Globals.DataPath, "item.xml")); //Always keep these in the data path, as we may use the update mechanism to update these definitions periodically var intNPC = LoadDefinition <NPCInfo>("npc.xml"); var intItem = LoadDefinition <ItemInfo>("item.xml"); //If they already exist we must compare with the internal versions. Use the latest. if (npc.Exists) { var current = LoadDefinition <NPCInfo>(npc); if (current.Version < intNPC.Version) { //Save new Save <NPCInfo>(npc, intNPC); ProgramLog.Log("NPC definitions were updated to v{0}", intNPC.Version); _npc = intNPC; } else { _npc = current; } } else { Save <NPCInfo>(npc, intNPC); _npc = intNPC; } if (item.Exists) { var current = LoadDefinition <ItemInfo>(item); if (current.Version < intItem.Version) { //Save new Save <ItemInfo>(item, intItem); ProgramLog.Log("Item definitions were updated to v{0}", intItem.Version); _item = intItem; } else { _item = current; } } else { Save <ItemInfo>(item, intItem); _item = intItem; } return(true); }
internal bool Initialize(object state = null) { if (initialized) { ProgramLog.Error.Log("Double initialize of plugin {0}.", Name); return(true); } try { Initialized(state); } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log(e, "Exception in initialization handler of plugin " + Name); return(false); } if (!NotifyWorldLoaded()) { return(false); } var methods = this.GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach (var method in methods) { var attr = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HookAttribute), true); if (attr.Length > 0) { var ha = attr[0] as HookAttribute; var hpName = method.GetParameters()[1].ParameterType.GetElementType().Name; var hookPoint = typeof(HookPoints).GetField(hpName).GetValue(null) as HookPoint; Delegate callback; if (method.IsStatic) // TODO: exception handling { callback = Delegate.CreateDelegate(hookPoint.DelegateType, method); } else { callback = Delegate.CreateDelegate(hookPoint.DelegateType, this, method); } HookBase(hookPoint, ha.order, callback); } } initialized = true; return(true); }
internal object Suspend() { try { return(SuspendedAndSaved()); } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log(e, "Exception while saving plugin state of " + Name); return(null); } }
public override void Process(int whoAmI, byte[] readBuffer, int length, int num) { int start = num - 1; int playerIndex = ReadByte(readBuffer); if (playerIndex != whoAmI && Entry.EnableCheatProtection) { Terraria.Netplay.Clients[whoAmI].Kick("Cheating detected (KILL_PLAYER forgery)."); return; } var player = Main.player[whoAmI]; var ctx = new HookContext { Connection = (Terraria.Netplay.Clients[whoAmI] as ServerSlot).conn, Sender = player, Player = player, }; var args = new HookArgs.ObituaryReceived { Direction = (int)ReadByte(readBuffer) - 1, Damage = ReadInt16(readBuffer), PvpFlag = ReadByte(readBuffer) }; //string obituary; //if (!ParseString(readBuffer, num + 1, length - num - 1 + start, out obituary)) //{ // tdsm.api.Callbacks.Netplay.slots[whoAmI].Kick("Invalid characters in obituary message."); // return; //} args.Obituary = " " + ReadString(readBuffer); HookPoints.ObituaryReceived.Invoke(ref ctx, ref args); if (ctx.CheckForKick()) { return; } if (ctx.Result == HookResult.IGNORE) { return; } ProgramLog.Log("{0} @ {1}: [Death] {2}{3}", player.IPAddress, whoAmI, player.Name ?? "<null>", args.Obituary); player.KillMe(args.Damage, args.Direction, args.PvpFlag == 1, args.Obituary); NewNetMessage.SendData(44, -1, whoAmI, args.Obituary, whoAmI, args.Direction, args.Damage, args.PvpFlag); }
public void Load(string filePath) { var document = new XmlDocument(); document.Load(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(Registries.DEFINITIONS + filePath)); var nodes = document.SelectNodes("/*/*"); var ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)); foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { try { var rdr = new XmlNodeReader(node); var t = (T)ser.Deserialize(rdr); //ProgramLog.Debug.Log ("Created entity {0}, {1}", t.Type, t.Name); t.Name = String.Intern(t.Name); if (t.NetID == 0) { t.NetID = (short)t.Type; } //Networking.StringCache.Add (System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (t.Name), t.Name); Networking.StringCache.Add(t.Name); if (typeLookup.ContainsKey(t.Type)) { List <T> values; if (typeLookup.TryGetValue(t.Type, out values)) { values.Add(t); } } else { List <T> values = new List <T>(); values.Add(t); typeLookup.Add(t.Type, values); } if (!nameLookup.ContainsKey(t.Name)) { nameLookup.Add(t.Name, t); } } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log(e, "Error adding element"); ProgramLog.Error.Log("Element was:\n" + node.ToString()); } } }
internal bool Resume(object state) { try { Resumed(state); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log(e, "Exception while saving plugin state of " + Name); return(false); } }
internal void ProcessLine(string line) { ProgramLog.Admin.Log("Remote command from {0} ({1}): \"{2}\"", Name, remoteAddress, line); try { Program.commandParser.ParseConsoleCommand(line, this.sender); } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log(e, "Issue parsing remote command from " + Id); } }
public override void Process(ClientConnection conn, byte[] readBuffer, int length, int pos) { var slot = conn.SlotIndex; if (slot >= 0) { Process(slot, readBuffer, length, pos); } else { ProgramLog.Log("Attempt to process packet {0} before slot assignment.", GetPacket()); } }
public void Save(bool log = true) { var tmpName = propertiesPath + ".tmp" + (uint)(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks % uint.MaxValue); var writer = new StreamWriter(tmpName); try { foreach (string line in header) { if (line.Trim().Length > 0) { writer.WriteLine(HEADER + line); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <String, String> pair in propertiesMap) { if (pair.Value != null) { writer.WriteLine(pair.Key + EQUALS + pair.Value); } } } finally { writer.Close(); } try { File.Replace(tmpName, propertiesPath, null, true); if (log) { ProgramLog.Log("Saved file \"{0}\".", propertiesPath); } } catch (IOException e) { if (log) { ProgramLog.Log("Save to \"{0}\" failed: {1}", propertiesPath, e.Message); } } catch (SystemException e) { if (log) { ProgramLog.Log("Save to \"{0}\" failed: {1}", propertiesPath, e.Message); } } }
void OnServerStateChange(ref HookContext ctx, ref HookArgs.ServerStateChange args) { ProgramLog.Log("Server state changed to: " + args.ServerChangeState.ToString()); if (args.ServerChangeState == ServerState.Initialising) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(RConBindAddress)) { ProgramLog.Log("Starting RCON Server"); RemoteConsole.RConServer.Start(Path.Combine(Globals.DataPath, "")); } } if (args.ServerChangeState == ServerState.Stopping) { RemoteConsole.RConServer.Stop(); } //if (args.ServerChangeState == ServerState.Initialising) #if TDSMServer if (!Server.IsInitialised) { Server.Init(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(RConBindAddress)) { ProgramLog.Log("Starting RCON Server"); RemoteConsole.RConServer.Start(Path.Combine(Globals.DataPath, "")); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_webServerAddress)) { ProgramLog.Log("Starting Web Server"); WebInterface.WebServer.Begin(_webServerAddress, _webServerProvider); AddCommand("webauth") .WithAccessLevel(AccessLevel.OP) .Calls(WebInterface.WebServer.WebAuthCommand); } } if (args.ServerChangeState == ServerState.Stopping) { RemoteConsole.RConServer.Stop(); WebInterface.WebServer.End(); //if (properties != null && File.Exists(properties.PIDFile.Trim())) //File.Delete(properties.PIDFile.Trim()); } ctx.SetResult(HookResult.IGNORE); //Don't continue on with vanilla code #endif }
void OnDefaultServerStart(ref HookContext ctx, ref HookArgs.StartDefaultServer args) { if (RunServerCore) { ProgramLog.Log("Starting TDSM's slot server..."); ctx.SetResult(HookResult.IGNORE); ServerCore.Server.StartServer(); } else { ProgramLog.Log("Vanilla only specified, continuing on with Re-Logic code..."); } }
//private static int _textTimeout = 0; public static void OnStatusTextChange() { try { /* Check tolled tasks - OnStatusTextChanged is called without clients connected */ Tasks.CheckTasks(); //This still may not be the best place for this. #if Full_API if (Terraria.Main.oldStatusText != Terraria.Main.statusText) { if (StatusTextChange != null) { StatusTextChange(); } else { Terraria.Main.oldStatusText = Terraria.Main.statusText; Tools.WriteLine(Terraria.Main.statusText); } /*var ctx = new HookContext() * { * Sender = HookContext.ConsoleSender * }; * var args = new HookArgs.StatusTextChanged() { }; * HookPoints.StatusTextChanged.Invoke(ref ctx, ref args); * * if (ctx.Result == HookResult.DEFAULT) * { * Terraria.Main.oldStatusText = Terraria.Main.statusText; * Tools.WriteLine(Terraria.Main.statusText); * }*/ //_textTimeout = 0; } //else if (Terraria.Main.oldStatusText == String.Empty && Terraria.Main.statusText == String.Empty) //{ // if (_textTimeout++ > 1000) // { // _textTimeout = 0; // Terraria.Main.statusText = String.Empty; // } //} #endif } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log(e, "OnStatusTextChange error"); } }
public static void Initialize(int maxSlots, int overlimitSlots = 0) { if (maxSlots < 1) { maxSlots = 1; } else if (maxSlots > MAX_SLOTS) { maxSlots = MAX_SLOTS; } if (overlimitSlots < 0) { overlimitSlots = 0; } else if (overlimitSlots > maxSlots) { overlimitSlots = maxSlots; } ProgramLog.Log("{2} {0}+{1} {3}.", maxSlots, overlimitSlots, "Initialising slot server for", "players"); lock (syncRoot) { freeSlots.Clear(); for (int i = maxSlots - 1; i >= 0; i--) { isPrivileged[i] = false; freeSlots.Push(i); } privFreeSlots.Clear(); for (int i = MAX_SLOTS; i >= maxSlots; i--) { isPrivileged[i] = true; privFreeSlots.Push(i); } for (int q = 0; q < 4; q++) { queues[q] = new Queue(); } privSlotsInUse = 0; SlotManager.maxSlots = maxSlots; SlotManager.overlimitSlots = overlimitSlots; } }
// public void ProcessSideBuffer () // { // DecodeMessages (sideBuffer, ref sideBytes, ref sideLength); // sideBuffer = null; // sideBytes = 0; // sideLength = 0; // } protected override void ProcessRead() { //ProgramLog.Log ("Read (total={0}).", recvBytes); try { DecodeMessages(recvBuffer, ref recvBytes, ref messageLength); } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log("Error processing read from client {0} @ {1}\n{2}", RemoteAddress, assignedSlot, e); Kick("Server malfunction, please reconnect."); } //ProgramLog.Log ("After read (total={0}).", recvBytes); }
static NewNetMessage TakeSectionBuffer() { lock (sectionPool) { if (sectionPool.Count > 0) { return(sectionPool.Pop()); } sectionPoolCount += 1; } ProgramLog.Log("Section pool capacity: {0}", sectionPoolCount); return(new NewNetMessage(272250)); }
/// <summary> /// Notifies all ops. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">Message.</param> /// <param name="writeToConsole">If set to <c>true</c> write to console.</param> public static void NotifyAllOps(string message, bool writeToConsole = true) //, SendingLogger Logger = SendingLogger.CONSOLE) { foreach (var player in Main.player) { if (player != null && && player.IsOp()) { NetMessage.SendData((int)Packet.PLAYER_CHAT, player.whoAmI, -1, message, 255 /* PlayerId */, 176f, 196, 222f); } } if (writeToConsole) { ProgramLog.Log(message); } }
void ProcessPIDFile(string pidPath) { var PIDFile = pidPath.Trim(); if (PIDFile.Length > 0) { string ProcessUID = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString(); bool fail = false; if (File.Exists(PIDFile)) { try { File.Delete(PIDFile); } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log(e); ProgramLog.Console.Print("Issue deleting PID file, Continue? [Y/n]: "); if (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "n") { ProgramLog.Console.Print("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(true); return; } fail = true; } } if (!fail) { try { File.WriteAllText(PIDFile, ProcessUID); } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log(e); ProgramLog.Console.Print("Issue writing PID file, Continue? [Y/n]: "); if (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "n") { ProgramLog.Console.Print("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(true); return; } } ProgramLog.Log("PID file successfully created with: " + ProcessUID); } } }
protected override void OutputThread() { thread.IsBackground = true; try { int timeout = 20; while (state != State.ONLINE) { Thread.Sleep(1000); timeout -= 1; if (timeout == 0) { writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("\x1b[1;37mTimed out."); //socket.SafeShutdown (); Thread.Sleep(250); Close(); } } base.OutputThread(); } catch (IOException e) { ProgramLog.Debug.Log("{0}: exception while sending ({1})", Id, e.Message); } catch (SocketException e) { ProgramLog.Debug.Log("{0}: exception while sending ({1})", Id, e.Message); } catch (ObjectDisposedException e) { ProgramLog.Debug.Log("{0}: exception while sending ({1})", Id, e.Message); } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log(e, "Exception within WriteThread of remote console " + Id); } lock (RConServer.deadClients) RConServer.deadClients.Enqueue(this); ProgramLog.RemoveTarget(this); //socket.SafeShutdown (); socket.SafeClose(); }
internal void ProcessLine(string line) { ProgramLog.Admin.Log("Remote command from {0} ({1}): \"{2}\"", Name, remoteAddress, line); try { TDSM.API.Callbacks.UserInput.CommandParser.ParseConsoleCommand(line, this.sender); } catch (TDSM.API.Misc.ExitException) { } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log(e, "Issue parsing remote command from " + Id); } }
public static void LoadForAuthenticated(Player player, bool createIfNone = true) { var ssc = LoadPlayerData(player, createIfNone); if (ssc != null) { //Check to make sure the player is the same player (ie skin, clothes) //Add hooks for pre and post apply ssc.ApplyToPlayer(player); } else { ProgramLog.Log("No SSC data"); } }
internal bool Disable() { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.enabled, 0, 1) == 1) { try { Disabled(); } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log(e, "Exception while disabling plugin " + Name); return(false); } } return(true); }
internal void ProcessLine(string line) { ProgramLog.Admin.Log("Remote command from {0} ({1}): \"{2}\"", Name, remoteAddress, line); try { OTA.Commands.CommandManager.Parser.ParseAndProcess(this.sender, line); } catch (OTA.Misc.ExitException) { } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log(e, "Issue parsing remote command from " + Id); } }
/*public static BackupResult LoadWorld(string Name) * { * WorldIO.LoadWorld(null, null, Statics.WorldPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Name); * * if (WorldModify.loadFailed && !WorldModify.loadSuccess) * { * return BackupResult.LOAD_FAIL; * } * * return BackupResult.SUCCESS; * }*/ public static BackupResult Compress(string worldPath) { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); ProgramLog.Log("Compressing backup..."); if (!File.Exists(worldPath)) { ProgramLog.Error.Log("File not Found: " + worldPath); return(BackupResult.LOAD_FAIL); } FileInfo world = new FileInfo(worldPath); String archivePath = String.Concat(worldPath, ".zip"); using (FileStream inStream = world.OpenRead()) { using (FileStream outStream = File.Create(archivePath)) { using (GZipStream alg = new GZipStream(outStream, CompressionMode.Compress)) { // copy the input file // into the compression stream inStream.CopyTo(alg); } } } if (File.Exists(archivePath)) { if (File.Exists(worldPath)) { File.Delete(worldPath); } stopwatch.Stop(); ProgramLog.Log("Compression duration: " + stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds + " Second(s)"); return(BackupResult.SUCCESS); } else { stopwatch.Stop(); ProgramLog.Error.Log("Compression Failed!"); return(BackupResult.SAVE_FAIL); } }
public static BackupResult Decompress(string archivePath) { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); ProgramLog.Log("Decompressing backup..."); if (!File.Exists(archivePath)) { ProgramLog.Error.Log("File not Found: " + archivePath); return(BackupResult.LOAD_FAIL); } FileInfo archive = new FileInfo(archivePath); string worldPath = archivePath.Remove(archivePath.Length - archive.Extension.Length); using (FileStream inStream = archive.OpenRead()) { using (FileStream outStream = File.Create(worldPath)) { using (GZipStream alg = new GZipStream(inStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { // copy the decompressions stream // into the output file alg.CopyTo(outStream); } } } if (File.Exists(worldPath)) { if (File.Exists(archivePath)) { File.Delete(archivePath); } stopwatch.Stop(); ProgramLog.Log("Decompression duration: " + stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds + " Second(s)"); return(BackupResult.SUCCESS); } else { stopwatch.Stop(); ProgramLog.Error.Log("Decompression Failed!"); return(BackupResult.SAVE_FAIL); } }
internal static void OnUpdate() { if (BackupsEnabled && (DateTime.Now - _lastBackup).TotalMinutes >= BackupIntervalMinutes) { _lastBackup = DateTime.Now; try { BackupManager.AutoPurge(); BackupManager.PerformBackup(); } catch (Exception e) { ProgramLog.Log(e, "Error during the backup process"); } } }