public ActionResult ProfitAndLoss(string date1, string date2)
                ProfitAndLossRepository pRepo = new ProfitAndLossRepository();
                var entries = pRepo.GetEntries();
                ViewBag.TableTitle = "as at " + new ConfigurationRepository().GetFirst().FinancialDate.ToString("D");
                if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(date1) || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(date2))))
                    entries            = pRepo.GetEntries(Convert.ToDateTime(date1), Convert.ToDateTime(date2));
                    ViewBag.TableTitle = "Between " + Convert.ToDateTime(date1).ToString("D") + " and " + Convert.ToDateTime(date2).ToString("D");
                //entries = entries.OrderBy(e => e.EntryType).ToList();
                var sortedEntries = new List <ExpenseIncomeEntry>();
                foreach (var entry in entries)
                    var item = sortedEntries.FirstOrDefault(s => s.AccountName.ToUpper().Equals(entry.AccountName.ToUpper()));
                    if (item == null)
                        item = entry;
                    else                             //for item(s) that occur(s) twice, amt spent or earned = difference of the balances for the two occurences (days)
                        item.Amount -= entry.Amount; //getting the difference in the account balances within the specified dates
                ViewBag.SumOfIncome  = sortedEntries.Where(en => en.EntryType == PandLType.Income).Sum(e => e.Amount);
                ViewBag.SumOfExpense = sortedEntries.Where(en => en.EntryType == PandLType.Expenses).Sum(e => e.Amount);
                ViewBag.Profit       = (decimal)ViewBag.SumOfIncome - (decimal)ViewBag.SumOfExpense;

            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLogger.Log("Message= " + ex.Message + "\nInner Exception= " + ex.InnerException + "\n");