internal static string GetConnectionName(int guid)
            // Connection identifier is constructed in the PlayerConnection::ConstructWhoamiString()
            // in a form "{platform name}(host name or ip)[:port]
            var name = ProfilerDriver.GetConnectionIdentifier(guid);

            // Ignore Editor connections which named explicitly after project name.
            var portSpacerIndex = name.LastIndexOf(')');

            if (portSpacerIndex == -1)

            // Port already specified
            if (name.Length > (portSpacerIndex + 1) && name[portSpacerIndex + 1] == ':')

            // If port hasn't been specified in the connection identifier, we place it with "host name or ip" segment.
            var port = ProfilerDriver.GetConnectionPort(guid);

            return(string.Format("{0}:{1})", name.Substring(0, portSpacerIndex), port));